View Full Version : Things we take for Granted

05-15-2011, 01:52 PM
I had a wonderful weekend. Things have really taken a surprising turn of sorts the last couple of weeks. I have been spending more and more of my time out as Michelle.

On Friday I went to Santa Fe Tavern for karoke. I had a really good time as usual. Sang a few songs but nothing great. Overall I would give myself a score or B- since I was doing some new songs and struggled with them a little.

Saturday was an entirely different story. I had prepared myself for going to eye doctor as Michelle for some time now. So on Saturday I went to the eye doctor. I was a little timid about doing it, but decided why not. So I did. I walked into the appt and gave them my name of Michelle Tayloe. Filled out the information as Michelle and then it hit me. I had prepared for everything that would happen except for one. At the end of the form I had to sign my name as Michelle. WOW! It is the little things that get you. I really struggled to sign my name as Michelle. It is something that I have done thousands of times in male mode, but that was the first for Michelle. The appt went great. Luckily my perscription didn't change so they just put me back in the same contacts and sent me on my way.

I got done with my eye appt early so I headed for the mall. Why is it when we have a ltitle time to kill that we head for the mall? I do have to admit that I was read more in the Springs than in Denver. I don't know if it is because seeing a cd'er out in public in Denver is more common, but I got a few stares. Nobody said anything to me so I just kept going about my business. I did get to meet a charming woman at the Dillard's Cosmetic counter by the name of Kimy. She was a doll. She showed me how to do cat eyes for the first time and gave me a lot of pointers on doing eyeliner. I don't know why but it the one thing I struggle with.

Afterwards I met Carrie Windsor and Dana Stevens and went to dinner down in Colorado Springs. From there we went to the Lipizzaner Horse show at the World Arena. It was very fascinating to see how these horses performed. I had never seen them do any of those things before. Afterwards we went to a little bar that both of them had been to before where I got beat in pool everytime. Everybody lined me up to be their punching bag as they destroyed me. I figured it out later that the last time I played pool was 1999 so I was easy picking.

Rianna Humble
05-15-2011, 03:42 PM
First few times signing your femme name can be a bit of a struggle. Now I've got it down to a fine art - I'm just as bad at signing my new name as I was at signing my old one :heehee:

I think the mall question is a gender thing - men head for the bar or the hardware store, we head for the mall and do shoe shops or clothing shops.

Pool, isn't that one of those games where you poke a ball with a long stick and hope it will make other balls do something clever? I seem to remember someone trying to teach me about 25 years ago - they had as much success as my sports teachers in school (ZERO). I think it's something to do with hand/eye co-ordination and spatial awareness (not my strong points apart from when they are used for driving).

05-15-2011, 03:52 PM
My father still being there for me,remembers the day he saw me dressed as a girl and knew I was being myself.Even with my male friends too,had a hard time with it at first and learned this was me.I still have them in my life and spend time with them dressed as Stephanie.Now understand I love getting in touch with my feminine side.

05-15-2011, 05:42 PM
Sounds to me like you are having a good time.

05-15-2011, 10:32 PM
Hey, Michelle,

I have the advantage on signatures....my given name is Kimberly. I guess Mom knew something from the get go. Anyway, not too many years ago, I submitted a job appication and based on my signature, they assumed I was a girl...despite the fact that resume identified me as male. Some things are hard to explain!

I won't break anyone's bank at pool either so don't feel bad!

