View Full Version : Closet, Out, or somewhere in between?

05-19-2011, 03:11 PM
I'm the kind of guy who goes out, dressed mostly as a guy, but with some obviously feminine clothing as well. I basically have no desire to pass in public, just wish to show off a bit of girliness. What do most of you do? Are there many like me, or do many dress fully, either well hidden in the house, or trying to pass in public?

Cynthia Anne
05-19-2011, 04:04 PM
I don't know if there's many like you! I can tell you, I'm out everyday, passable or not! I'm always happy to tell the world: :If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:! Hugs!

05-19-2011, 05:54 PM
Today's outit was: stonewashed flared bottom jeans, black gladiator sandals, a tight pink t-shirt, gray oversized hoodie, with an unpadded black bra and matching panties, and my padded butt/hip panty girdle underneath. For make-up, I wore light foundation, pale pink eyeshadow and mascara. My finger and toe-nails are painted electric purple.

I started out like you, just wearing a woman's t-shirt or jeans, and all other guy stuff. Then back in January, I realized I'd had enough of hiding in the closet, and just making quick jaunts out from time to time, and decided to start really living. I threw out all my guy clothes a week later and started wearing femme clothing 24/7. Everyday I wear almost exactly what I would if I were female, just without the breast forms. I'm young and fit enough, with the natural long hair, to pull off the hip androgynous look that's becoming popular again. A lot of my girlfriends have told me I'm passable, that I've got the look, walk and mannerisms of a woman. I'm still having trouble with the voice. Once I get that down, I'll start wearing my forms all the time. Except on the job, while they're very cool about me expressing my "culture", since they hired a guy, they need me at work as one.

I get a few looks everyday, some are confused, a few of revulsion. I don't let it bother me at all. I smile at everyone who makes eye contact. I finally learned that I can be me and not feel bad about myself, feel like some freak of nature or that everyone is staring at me. At the end of the day, most people care more about their job, errands and general plans for the day than whether or not it's a guy in a dress or just a homely looking woman.

Julie Denier
05-19-2011, 06:27 PM
I'm in the closet but dress fully at home whenever the opportunity presents itself. I'm happy with this as I explore this side of myself.

05-19-2011, 07:44 PM
I have never gone out fully dressed but have been out underdressed. Love the winter cause then I wear my women's jeans with guy shirts and no one notices. Also wear bras under shirts and jacket over that and I'm good to go. I have worn womens shorts out during the summer but they were kind of a guy style. I know I will never pass but I still like what I do to feel feminine.

05-19-2011, 08:44 PM
My partner is mainly in the closet (I know about his dressing), but feels the most... fulfilled? when he dresses fully rather than partially. I don't think partially dressing makes sense to him, because the sensation he goes after is the full feeling of being like a woman rather than an attraction towards a certain type of attire. I've tried a couple of times to interest him in slightly more feminine guy wear, and he always finds a way to politely decline.

I'm still having trouble with the voice. Once I get that down, I'll start wearing my forms all the time. Except on the job, while they're very cool about me expressing my "culture", since they hired a guy, they need me at work as one.
If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living? Why is it so imperative that you be 'male' there? (Sorry, the little inner feminist in me that feels like anyone can do any job they have the skills and muscles for is bristling and demanding an explanation for this!)

I finally learned that I can be me and not feel bad about myself, feel like some freak of nature or that everyone is staring at me. At the end of the day, most people care more about their job, errands and general plans for the day than whether or not it's a guy in a dress or just a homely looking woman.

YAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE this attitude. I know it's old hat to you now, AnnaMarie, but it still made me smile to see it here.

05-19-2011, 09:01 PM
Definitely somewhere in between. Though I may go out fully enfem soon. But my usual style is fem androgynous.

Leggings are a staple of my wardrobe, though I soooo want to get my skirts back into the rotation for my male garb.

05-19-2011, 09:08 PM
Definitely somewhere in between. Though I may go out fully enfem soon. But my usual style is fem androgynous.

Me too -- though I have done the second step and gone out to CD meeting (Diablo Girls) dressed...and it was exhilarating to say the least. Now, since I'm closer to home (read near my wife and she could pop in any time) it's less and less -- and missed!

Oh well, I shall again in the near future!


05-19-2011, 09:10 PM
Those of you who have many of my posts know that I dress enfemme out in public a great deal. You should also know that I do that while looking totally masculine. I wear no wig or makeup, since my dear wife who always did those things for me has passed on. Today I went to the postoffice, grocery shopping and to lunch while wearing a short skirt and tight tee over a bra and panties. Oh yes, and open toed sandals to show off my red nails.

05-19-2011, 10:30 PM
I prefer to go the whole nine yards if I am going to dress. I dress 90% of the time to go out into the real world as Allie and always have a great time. I sometimes may wear some article of femme clothing, primarily tighter jeans while in male mode. I do that because of a need at that moment to wear something feminine that tight fitting. However, I do not do that very often because feminine jeans have very small pockets for my very large wallet! I have no desire to be a gender bender and wear obvious feminine clothing with no wig, nor minimum makeup and accessories, i.e. a guy with femme clothing. It doesn't do anything for me. I want to blend in as a women.

05-20-2011, 05:21 AM
I am somewhere in between. I have gone out dressed in the more gender nuetral womens clothes. Most of the time it"s a combination of both.

05-20-2011, 05:29 AM
I guess I would belong to the tweener club. Women's jeans and athletic shoes, women.s t shirt, no makeup or forms and padding, then out the door I go.

Butterfly Bill
05-20-2011, 07:26 PM
Unmistakeably a man in a dress (I have a full beard). Natural chast, can't stand the feel of sticky goop on my face.

05-21-2011, 12:19 AM
I either look like me, or Sherry. I don't wear anything fem and Sherry wears everything fem!
When I'm, "Somewhere in between", as I have been a few times with other CDs, I'm uncomfortable!

05-21-2011, 12:50 AM
OK, you have 2 questions going here.

1st; Closet, Out, or somewhere in between.
OUT! any more out, and I woud be in orbit.

2nd; What do most of you do? (full feminine attire or somewhere in between)
Mine is always a 50/50, half masculine / half feminine.

05-21-2011, 05:47 AM
Except on a rare drive around or cycling ride en femme, I go out as a guy. Undies sure, but nothing outwardly that's girly. That said, I'm a bit metro (is that word even used anymore?), and have well groomed brows and fitted jeans/shirts, but it's still guy clothing, and I try to pull off aging hipster as best I can.

Danni Renee
05-21-2011, 06:25 AM
I am evolving every day. I am mostly in the closet but I venture out a little more every day. I always underdress now but occasionally I go outside wearing more feminine clothes. I went to the grocery store today wearing my favorite girl jeans and I add a shiny, pretty belt. Of course I had to cover it all with a shirt but it felt so good to walk to the store like that after I came home I went back out to eat. I am moving to a point to dress even more to go out but I am not there yet.

05-21-2011, 08:23 PM
My SO knows and does not approve. We're both in counseling for that. I dress for me and I really don't want anyone else to see me. It is a comfort thing and I really don't even like the way I look dressed. I do however, LOVE the way it feels and the way I feel. I started to get a little stressed out recently and went and put on a bra and my forms under my guy clothes and pretty much relaxed immediately. Wore them for a few hours and then put them away. Much chepaer than the sessions with my counselor, but there you go. :)

05-21-2011, 08:56 PM
I'm going to call it at out. Everyone I really care about knows. I go out as dressed up as I get. I am like you in that I wear what I want without having to be or appear as a woman. I have no interest in passing/blending/hiding and so don't wear forms, wigs or more makeup than lipstick and nail polish.

05-21-2011, 11:02 PM
I vacillate between out and closeted... I don't go out dressed in my home city; I'm closeted here.

05-21-2011, 11:17 PM
Well, uh.
I make it a point to not have anybody at work know about me.

That being said, I posted two pics of my on my guy FB page, which I have a few coworkers, and a few former employees on it, so already I'm dead in the water. ....don't know for sure, but no one has said anything to me directly.
I'm loving the suspense of that situation. :D

05-22-2011, 09:38 PM
I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. I either go fully female with skirt make-up wig and padding, or I go en drab. Anything in between does nothing for me. I wish I got out more but I also wish I had thousands to spend on clothes too!

Suzette Muguet de Mai
05-22-2011, 10:13 PM
I am at the door of the closet peaking out. Damn door hinges need oiling coz they squeak a lil now and afraid of annoying others.
I obviously wear panties and maybe a bra under the work clothes. Heck its obvious to me, may not be too obvious to others.

Tanya C
05-22-2011, 10:39 PM
I go out fairly frequently and when I do I always fully dress. As a m2f cder I try to come as close as I can to creating the image of a real woman, and I need all the help I can get. A wig and makeup are an absolute must, clothing must be distinctly feminine. And a padded bra does wonders as well.
I may not pass very well but I love trying.

05-22-2011, 11:03 PM
On the few occasions when I partially dressed and went out I just didn't enjoy it.
My current theory is that if I'm going to get caught dressed in public I want to look my best and leave no doubts.
If I get caught I want a good looking "mug shot" :-)
So its kinda all or nothing when I head out.

At home I often dress without doing makeup or padding and I find it relaxing.
About the only time I mix wardrobes is wearing heels to practice or break them in, while its kinda nice I don't get much out of it.

If I had to call in or out of the closet I would say in.
But I have built a very nice large closet,
I enjoy friendly events and its seems like more friends know each year however
I don't see the day when everyone knows and I'm completely open.

05-22-2011, 11:28 PM
closet, lights off,blinds down , all doors locked , sheet over closet door , cant find my key to the darn doors lol

05-22-2011, 11:40 PM
Never been out in public, always hide away in my bedroom with the doors locked. Dress all the way up makeup and all and my GF shows up for her GF to show her a good time. Works for me!

05-23-2011, 12:04 AM
I would love to go out all dressed up. But to me I still look like a man in makeup and a dress. Maybe If I had other cd gf's I would be more likely to venture out of the safety of my home. But till then Im just to much of a coward and stay behind closed doors.

05-23-2011, 12:20 AM
I am totally in the closet. Only weared bras and panties underneath my boy clothes occasionally but never had the courage to go full fem in public. But I dress full at home whenver I get the chance to.

05-23-2011, 12:24 AM
:battingeyelashes:I am in the somewhere in between. I have been out of the house dressed and have gone for drives late at night. if i passed better i think i would do it a lot more.:D

05-23-2011, 12:32 AM
I guess I'm somewhere in between. I have gone out dressed to local clubs where I'm accepted dressed. Out to some select few friends and of course my SO. But lately it's been more like all dressed up and no place to go.

Pattie O
05-23-2011, 12:37 AM
Closeted mostly,some people know and are ok ,some aren't.Underdressing less and feeling stressed that I dont get the time or privacy to fully dress as I would like.Really missing it at present !! This is some roller coaster, would love to have more acceptance and understanding

05-23-2011, 08:18 AM
I'm out of the closet 100% with my wife. However I really don't tell anyone else because I don't want to deal with their ignorance.

05-23-2011, 08:34 AM
I usually were girl pants and/or a blouse or more feminine tops. I have thought about wearing capri's ( I should). lol (:

05-23-2011, 08:50 AM
I'm fairly in. Wait, is that narnia I see!

My wife is aware and a girli know on Facebook, but no one else.

I haven't dressedin front of my wife yet as she is still coming toacceptance

05-23-2011, 03:51 PM
If you go out partially dressed in drab definately tuck and wear a pair of tight nylon bikinnis or thong, it will make wearing the tight girl jeans feel so much more feminine, you can almost imagine the package that you are consealing is non-existant and that translates to a vagina. A bra with passable forms also feels oh so good; it goes with the lower part and completes the underdressing. SO if it feels good, do it!!!

Melanie Sykes
05-23-2011, 04:43 PM
I'm mostly in. I travel a lot with work, and when away from home I underdress all the time with panties and black opaque pop socks. I wore a bra in work once, but was paranoid all day that people could see it. I do sometimes venture out - I once went to a busy shopping mall fully dressed - but it's not often because I'm such a coward! I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted sat in the car outside various supermarkets and malls, telling myself I have a right to wear what I like and that I shouldn't be worried, but this built-in sense of self-preservation is very strong! My wife knows and is a little accepting in that she lets me keep my femme clothes in my wardrobe, but she definitely doesn't want me to go out dressed. I'd like to have a go at passing one day, but at the moment I'm keeping my facial hair, as it makes me look so much better in man mode. And I'm 6'5", so when I do venture out, I'm very obviously a hairy dude in a skirt. And heels. And the rest.... It just feels fabulous! There's still so much I want to try, but I'm quite enjoying taking it slowly, and I really don't want to upset my wife with my dressing more than I already have (long story). She has agreed that one day I can shave my legs, which is fantastic, but I don't want to push it. I went out earlier tonight underdressed wearing my men's trousers and shoes but with a bra very obviously visible beneath a black girl's top. Everyone pretty much ignored me which was fine by me.

Melissa Rose
05-23-2011, 04:48 PM
I'm totally out in the mainstream and dress to fully blend in and present as a woman. I frequently go out and do almost anything by myself or with friends whether they are guys, GGs or t-girls. I keep my boy and girl lives separated for several reasons so technically I'm not out of the closet to the entire world.

05-23-2011, 05:04 PM
I'm well and truly out of the closet, most of the time I just blend in, unless someone gives a smartar**e reply, in which case I laugh it off, hold my chin up and just keep walking.

The problem that I have sometimes is that although female clothing is wonderful to wear, it isn't practical for 70% of the situations I find myself in, mostly urbex, I need pockets for lens caps and memory cards, batteries.. ect, to reduce the need for carrying baggage, which I hate anyway.


05-23-2011, 09:45 PM
First off, if I go out, I dress fully and never partially.

But being out has variable meanings for all of us. I have people I tell. I have others that if they find out, fine. But I am not advertising it to them. Then there is work where I prefer they don't know just because work should be work and that is it. Somewhere in between those last two are some people I would rather not find out, but I pretty much suspect they will know some day. So I accept it as inevitable. Clear enough? :D

05-23-2011, 11:00 PM
80% closeted. I have been out once for a meeting of like-minded people, and again with a friend, but just to her house. Otherwise, I am tucked away nicely in the closet.

linda allen
05-24-2011, 08:12 AM
I don't go out dressed, but I have gone out "underdressed" a few times, a couple times with small forms under a heavy shirt.

If I were to go out dressed, it would be all the way in an attempt to pass. I have no desire to shock people or even have them notice me.

A few years ago, I was driving in the country with a bra and larger "normal" forms under a "boy" shirt when I noticed a state police car pull onto the highway behind me. I reached in and pulled out the forms.

Later I realized that that was probably the worst thing I could have done because if the trooper saw me do that, he would have been suspicious and had a reason to stop me.

05-24-2011, 03:11 PM
I love underdressing especially for work but I am always worried someone can tell. Frilly panty lines etc

05-24-2011, 04:47 PM
I've been increasingly "in-between" but as someone recently pointed out, at some point I am probably presenting a more confusing apperance than if I went out fully dressed. So, that's a bit of a challenge for me.