View Full Version : Riden high in the pink fog!

Cynthia Anne
05-21-2011, 08:45 AM
:):D[battingeyelashes:As some of you know I had to purchase a new computer! But I didn't even know that my Two-day shopping trip would be so enjoyable! First, I dressed completly as a female! Now please note I have never passed in public before! But this time I did something different! I did NOT wear a wig! I have long hair, but am bald on top!:eek:I wore my cowboy hat! That's right cowBOY hat! All I heard for two days were! Do you need help mamn! Can you help her! She needs help with the computers! Yes mamn it does! Thank you mamn! Any thing else mamn! Could you carry that out for her! This went on and on for two days every where I went! Even in the grocery stores! I haven't wore a wig since! I am totally lost in the pink fog! My ole hoss and I hope we never find our way out!This old Cowgirl is riden' high in the pink fog! Thank you and comments of all types are always welcome!:)

Nikki A.
05-21-2011, 09:54 AM
Good for you, glad you enjoyed it.
My hair isn't that long but when I last had it trimmed I asked my stylist for some ideas. I tried it last Sunday and it felt so good not having a hot wig on my head. After church, we went for brunch, then I went to Kmart and Payless by myself. No problems or stares at all. I even had to answer the call of nature and used the ladies room in K-Mart (quite nervously), all was okay.

05-21-2011, 10:03 AM
Hi Cynthia Anne! It sounds like some good came from your computer going down after all! :) What a wonderful experience you had! Very well done! After your experience, I bet this will not be the last time you wear your cowboy hat, huh? :)

Deanna B
05-21-2011, 10:46 AM
hi honey . that is a lovely story . i'am so glad for you that you had a lovely time . take care love deanna b xx

Cynthia Anne
05-21-2011, 10:49 AM
Hi Cynthia Anne! It sounds like some good came from your computer going down after all! :) What a wonderful experience you had! Very well done! After your experience, I bet this will not be the last time you wear your cowboy hat, huh? :) For sure, for sure! I've been to the grocerey store since, (yesterday) with the same responce! I'm thinking of getting some ladies hats! Who knows! Thank you! Hugs!

Thank you Deanna! Love you too! Hugs!

05-21-2011, 10:54 AM
all I can say is yee Haw! sounds like you had a good time....?

05-21-2011, 04:15 PM
Iv'e never been a hat person, but I may have to try. Much cheaper than a wig.

05-21-2011, 04:27 PM
Where is that "This thread is useless without pictures!" smiley? We want to see what this cowgirl looks like!

05-21-2011, 04:47 PM
I remember my first "Maam" what a glorious feeling, congrats babe, and I would love to see your pics :) with the cowgirl hat on, of course!:cowdance:

Cynthia Anne
05-21-2011, 11:59 PM
Where is that "This thread is useless without pictures!" smiley? We want to see what this cowgirl looks like! Howdy! This OLE COWGIRL has a very limited income! I be working on purchasing a pickture taker but after the comperter trouble the picture machine is on hold! It be on the list! HUGS!

05-22-2011, 01:20 AM
OK dear, didn't know that there was a financial issue involved!

BTW, you can buy some pretty decent digital cameras in the $25 range on Overstock.com

Not the fanciest cameras, but perfectly capable of producing the resolution needed for forum posts!

Cynthia Anne
05-22-2011, 01:28 AM
Thank you Dear, Eryn! I will check that out! Hugs!

Danni Renee
05-22-2011, 05:11 AM
Sounds like a great weekend! I cannot wait for my first "ma'am"!

Deana ♥ Danni
05-23-2011, 10:31 AM
Hi Cynthia Anne,

I am soooo happy for you :) I love reading posts like this one!! All of your posts that I have read are so sweet, you are so kind to everyone, I am so glad this happened to you!! :)


05-23-2011, 10:47 AM
If I had only know a cowboy hat was all it took to get ma'am all day, this girl would have invested in hat finery a lone time agro. I have been getting a lot of hon's lately, is this along the same line, does it mean the same thing. Cynthia Anne, I knew cowboy boots were good training wheels for wearing heels out in public but hats, this is too much.