View Full Version : can you ever

lori m crawford
05-21-2011, 07:54 PM
can you ever be a man or women as being cd-ts an not being one or the other as a lot of us i know we go back an fort but being you i think about all the time who am i a women or a man i am like a lot of you i wish i cood be a women but i like being a man some times but this day an age women are as much a man as we wont to be a women i thank

Cynthia Anne
05-22-2011, 01:09 AM
Interesting! I guess you better make a choice before it's too late! I got tired of going back and forth! So we got into an argrument that ended in a fight! Guess what! She won!

Joanne f
05-22-2011, 03:23 AM
You have two states of being , one a physical state and the other a mental state, the problem is that some have a dual mental state , half male half female, you already have the male physical side so there is no problem with the match of these two when it happens .
Now the female side of your mental state is a bit different and it all depends on to what degree this runs to as when that kicks in you can do a lot to satisfy a lot of the needs like the dressing, wig, makeup and trying to make parts of your body look like a female and you can have all the feelings that go with it but this can only take you so far and it can leave you with a need that you cannot fulfill , the need to be a physical woman .
Now as i have said before it complicates things a bit for a few as if you are a dual identity how much is this real need to be something else influenced by the fact that you already have the other , maybe the answer to that is how often you dwell on each one .
So can you live as both , yes and there are a lot that do and are quite happy with it as there are a lot that need to make that choice and end up being happy with that , in the end you have to find out what is the best for you .

Karren H
05-22-2011, 04:37 AM
Being caught between two genders can be a curse if you let it be. Life would be so much simpler if you could pick one or the other. But you can't... So I do what I have to do and make it fun.... No mater what clothes I'm wearing. .