View Full Version : On your recorded voice

Kathryn Philips
05-22-2011, 07:20 PM
I find my voice on a recording quite uncorfontable to listen to. I understand this happens to most people. This does not bother me because when I hear the recorded voice of people I know, they sound exactly the same, so the same must apply to them with my voice.

However, when I record my femme voice, I really enjoy the experience. Is this common amongst the members of our community?

In my case, I have been told that my femme voice sounds quite "passable".

Suzette Muguet de Mai
05-22-2011, 07:54 PM
I agree fully. I cannot stand my nasal twang of my own voice it is so pitiful. When I speak and record in a female voice I also enjoy it because I do somehow suppress the nasal and find I speak clearer. When I get the pitch right, its great.

S. Lisa Smith
05-22-2011, 08:03 PM
Agreed, I think my voice doesn't sound like I would like it to. That being said, I've been told that my femme voice sounds great.. Go figure. My voice teacher, who has a wonderful voice, hates it when she hears her recorded voice.

05-22-2011, 08:16 PM
Very few people like their recorded voice. It doesn't sound like them!

There is a very real reason for this! When you hear a recording, you are listening with your ears with the sound coming only from the outside. When listening to oneself, the sound is heard through the internal canals of the ear. While similar, it is not quite the same.

If you need to hear what other people hear, then a recording is the best way to go.

05-22-2011, 08:25 PM
My recorded voice annoys me so much. I just can't stand the sound of it in any type of recording. My femme voice is the one thing I really need to work on.

Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial or something on how to lighten up my voice?

Cynthia Anne
05-22-2011, 09:00 PM
Yes I feel the same way! Hate my male voice! Trying hard to use my female all the time!

Kathryn Philips
05-24-2011, 01:47 PM
A similar thing occurrs with videos. Watching myself on video makes me cringe. But watching Kathryn is like watching another person, fascinating, thoroughly enjoyable.

And its me!

05-24-2011, 02:22 PM
You "hear" your own voice when you speak, differently than others hear it because you are hearing it through bone & jaw vibrations in your head as well as through air. Others hear it only through the air. So your own recorded voice always sounds "different" when you hear it, since it lacks the bone/jaw vibration elements you are used to "hearing" when you speak.

There are some visual differences too. You are always looking at a mirror image of yourself (in mirror), when others see you in real reference. Your right side is on their left when they face you...not on their right side as you appear to yourself in the mirror. There are companies that manufacture "true image mirrors" that reflect a true image of yourself when you look into it.Pretty weird, eh? :doh:

Kathryn Philips
05-24-2011, 04:50 PM
Thanks girls for your comments.

Yes, I know why my voice sounds different when played back from a recording than when I speak. But what I wanted to share with everyone here is the fact that I really like hearing my recorded female voice and that I hate hearing my recorded male voice.

Cynthia Anne
05-24-2011, 06:08 PM
The first time I heard my recorded voice I was so ashamed I didn't speak for ten years! I guess thats why I can't shut the ---- up now!Hugs!