View Full Version : My first small step outdoors

05-27-2011, 03:21 AM
This isn't much, but I have to share! I went outside for my first time today, just for a short 5 minute walk around my apartment sidewalks to the trash and my car. I didn't want to change to drab, and I like to try new things.

It was nighttime but the complex is well-lit. I wore a modest black flowered skirt, a black shortsleeve tshirt (with small padded bra), and flip flops. (It's the outfit in my profile picture!) I didn't have long hair or makeup. I tried to walk naturally. I hoped nobody would be out, but a couple was sitting on their porch talking. They went quiet as I walked by. I felt both nervous and reckless; what if they knew, but it was too late anyway and why should I care? I made it beyond a fence without losing my poise, dropped off my stuff, adjusted my skirt which was scrunching upward a bit, took a deep breath, and walked back past them.

Then I discovered that I have no idea how to walk up stairs like a woman :heehee:

05-27-2011, 03:30 AM
Nice job!

You know, that's one of the overlooked benefits of cross-dressing: it can make something as mundane as taking out the trash an exciting adventure!

joannemarie barker
05-27-2011, 03:50 AM
well done abbykins :) that wasnt such a small step :)

Maria in heels
05-27-2011, 04:55 AM
Congratulations Abby ! way to go !

linda allen
05-27-2011, 07:40 AM
Then I discovered that I have no idea how to walk up stairs like a woman :heehee:

Why is is that no one teaches us to walk like a man or a woman, yet men and women do it differently? Same with standing, sitting, throwing a ball, and so many other things.

Cynthia Anne
05-27-2011, 08:25 AM
Thatis a pertty BIG step for a first small step! It gets easier eacy time! Great job!

05-27-2011, 09:24 AM
:Party2: Way to go abbykins :Party2:

At least the couple on the porch didn't activate the TRANNY ALERT warning system. It bites when thoes 62" televisions pop out with TRANNY ALERT flashing on and off and all the flashing red and blue strobe lights going with sirens blaring and that darn spotlight just won't miss you. :eek::eek: :D

05-27-2011, 12:51 PM
You're right about the adventurousness Vi :) I think that's something women experience when dressing up; the adventure of choosing a style and displaying her body. Even walking down a street can be adventurous for her. Here's my favorite quote about it from Atlas Shrugged:

In an age of casual, cynical, indifferent routine, among people who held themselves as if they were not flesh, but metal - Dagny's bearing seemed almost indecent, because this was the way a woman would have faced a ballroom centuries ago, when the act of displaying one's half-naked body for the admiration of men was an act of daring, when it had meaning, and but one meaning, acknowledged by all as a high adventure.

Thanks Joanne, Maria, Cynthia, Jorja :o

Linda, I have a guess. When I'm wearing a tight skirt it encourages hip movement. When I have long nails it completely changes how I move my hands. I wonder if we learn gender habits based on subtle things like clothing shape, decoration, purpose, cultural modesty...

05-28-2011, 10:55 PM
I wonder if we learn gender habits based on subtle things like clothing shape, decoration, purpose, cultural modesty...

That may be part of it but we also learn from watching the pros, women.

Rachel Morley
05-29-2011, 11:14 AM
When I'm wearing a tight skirt it encourages hip movement. When I have long nails it completely changes how I move my hands.
Awesome! Well done to you. You got out there and did it .... and with an audience it would seem. Excellent! On the comment about clothing and nails and whatnot changing how we move etc. I agree. If my heels are high, it kinda forces me to walk differently. Same goes with a shorter skirt, my movements are different as I keep my knees together as much as possible. Body movement and the way women sit and generally carry themselves is something I watch and try to copy.

05-29-2011, 11:30 AM
Yay Abby! That is terrific! Isn't it amazing how great it feels to just step out while dressed?

Then I discovered that I have no idea how to walk up stairs like a woman :heehee:

If my heels are high, it kinda forces me to walk differently.

Having just gone out for the first time myself, I really get this. All my "practice" has been in high heels which tend to make you walk in a feminine manner. I wore flats out as they seemed more appropriate and was really struggling to try and walk the "right" way! :o