View Full Version : Esprit 2011

Kara Connor
05-28-2011, 11:07 PM
I was at Esprit 2011 in Port Angeles, Washington for 6 days during the week of May 17th. This was my second Esprit. The first one in 2010 was the first time I had ever been out in public and I was more than a little nervous to begin with. This year I was determined to go out and around the town more during the daytime, and not just go partying at night (though that too). The people of Port Angeles were unfailingingly courteous and friendly. They were curious and asked questions which I was glad to answer, but incredibly friendly and welcoming. I would love to give that town some sort of collective hug! Not a single negative reaction - even the teenagers made us welcome.

The shops and restaurants were great - I went on a bit of a shopping binge, trying on various outfits and shoes. Most of us stayed at the Red Lion Hotel, and the staff there are superb. The local bar, Bar N9ne is also very welcoming, and the manager, Brandon, always goes out of his way to make sure we feel safe. The "Nasty Habits", a TG band played there three nights and I never missed a performance. Very talented musicians. The local GGs were beautiful and chatted and danced with us. I have to say that coming back was a bit of a jolt. Still buzzed from the experience though, and I would strongly recommend anyone on this forum to try and make next year's Esprit. You WILL have the time of your life.



Rianna Humble
05-28-2011, 11:17 PM
Glad you had a good time, thank you for sharing it with us

05-28-2011, 11:34 PM
Kara, sounds like you had a fabulous time. Now, the big question is, when will you post some pics of the event for us? Thanks for sharing.

Cynthia Anne
05-28-2011, 11:45 PM
Kara! That's what I call living life to it's fullest! It's nice that you had such a great time! Hugs!

Kara Connor
05-28-2011, 11:46 PM
Ah - I see the picture facility is back. Here goes ...
https://ajyezq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1px9KjWicXyb8srZhBjX1mmlrjxMTJIZ-urtcS-grohsMXkWYI4qtiEoI3f5ud8_jyslCPVRQYUYYXSFudPwdCnfV fH8cCuFBJ/DSCN7414.JPG?psid=1
https://ajyezq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p41JHZZmtOG0R2g_NBPnBRO2t_966tv2Ze8-35EEh0vd_0KBl52p5NBh9v55w6Giw8smB_pg3nYDO917nE0lf1 9gqgkpcZKQg/Kara_And_Alison.jpg?psid=1

Tara D. Rose
05-29-2011, 12:00 AM
congratulations on getting out of the house for the very first time as Kara. I can really realate to all that you said about your first time out like that and the nervousness of not knowing what to expect when a cd,ts,or tg goes out like that for the first time. I was exstaitic with overwhelming nervousness with my first time out of the house at SCC last year, and like you said in your thread, you can't wait to go back again next year. That's where I'm at right now, I can't wait to go back and I'm also determined to go back this year no matter what comes my way. I wish I could go to more evernts like these but they are so far away. Yes, and post us some pictures of your fun there too. We'd all love to see them. .............Tara

Kara Connor
05-29-2011, 12:02 AM
Do the two pictures I linked to in the post two above this actually show up? Doesn't look like it from my other computer. Maybe someone can enlighten me on how to get them to show up?

05-29-2011, 12:42 AM
Thanks for trying, but the pics don't show up, only a little box with a red "X" in it.

Stefia S
05-29-2011, 12:50 AM
Thanks for sharing Kara. I've wondered what the weather's been like this time and your time before? Its so rainy and cold where I am in the Pac NW that I'm curious, and would look forward to a change in weather at this time of year. I'm dreaming about next year, going to Esprit or SCC or Diva Las Vegas or...?

05-29-2011, 01:09 PM
I am really happy for you. I have been in Port Angeles several times, and, it is a wonderful town. I have considered registering for Esprit, but, I chicken out.

Too bad the pictures did not post. I know Esprit has a website and attendees do post on YouTube and Flickr.

Missy Tanya
05-29-2011, 03:56 PM
I personal heard about some of the going on's last Friday night at our GASS (http://www.SouthSoundGender.com.) Meeting (Gender Alliance of the South Sound) from Pat A. I don't know if you know her, but she had nothing but praise for everyone in Port Angeles, and the convention. Making this girl upset again that I didn't get off my butt and go. Thanks for sharing, your experiences. It just makes me want to go that much more.

Hoping to see you their, or somewhere. Tanya