View Full Version : Hiding Adam's Apple

Katie Lynne
10-03-2005, 02:30 AM
O.K. Ladies, being our cd selves at home is great & all, but the real test is out there in the public view.I've passed in the night sky, under the stars. However, I am a litte leary about going to a movie, dinner, shopping mall, ect. with the fact that the trusty ole Adam's Apple will give me away.For those of you who have experianced this, what's the hidden secret? Or am I just overly paranoid. (Asside from long sleved hot turtle neck shirts.)

10-03-2005, 04:13 AM
I have a very small adam's apple that's really not that noticeable, so I really don't know of any tricks on how to hide it.


Mx Justina
10-03-2005, 06:19 AM
O.K. Ladies, being our cd selves at home is great & all, but the real test is out there in the public view.I've passed in the night sky, under the stars. However, I am a litte leary about going to a movie, dinner, shopping mall, ect. with the fact that the trusty ole Adam's Apple will give me away.For those of you who have experianced this, what's the hidden secret? Or am I just overly paranoid. (Asside from long sleved hot turtle neck shirts.)

When I was younger my "Adam's Apple" (silly dumb name), use to worry me no end. However, youth and immaturity go hand in hand. Every CDing individual is a blend of traits. Enought femme traits + perceptive expertise = "passability" (IMO).

Actually for me, plain lack of sleep would be a bigger obstacle in public, than my "Adam's Apple" (for various reasons).


Shelly Preston
10-03-2005, 07:04 AM
Hi Katie
Have you thought of using a pearl choker or a scarf,depending on the outfit of course.

Stephanie Mancini
10-03-2005, 01:26 PM
Katie as girl who goes out a lot i have to say paranoia is your problem, there more likely to spot you than your adam's apple, if it bothers you wear a chiffon scarf loosely around the neck then put one foot in front of the other and get yourself out there


10-03-2005, 01:36 PM
i got more problems than just a big lump on my neck............. big hands, big nose, 6 feet tall, big arms,

Julie York
10-03-2005, 02:28 PM
Get bigger breasts. No-one will be looking at your Adams Apple. :D

But seriously folks.......You can get small silky scarves that can be used for decoration around your wrists etc. Use that as a choker type thingy thing.

10-03-2005, 03:26 PM
-hehehehehehe- you girls crack me up ! "Godzilla" here .. I'd breath fire on em ...hehe "K"
oh oops...scarves are good !! xx"K" (accessorize)

Sophie Haworth
10-03-2005, 04:09 PM
For many many years, I thought it was an issue and always wore polo neck jumpers when going out. I do love to video myself to view the results later, and a couple of years ago I discovered that I looked more feminine with a blouse or clothing that showed my neck, now I almost never hide it.

Strangely enough, I used to think my legs looked great, and in a 2D mirror they do, but I have never been happy seeing myself walk away on video, the calf muscles look to much like a blokes.


10-03-2005, 10:24 PM
Katie as girl who goes out a lot i have to say paranoia is your problem, there more likely to spot you than your adam's apple, if it bothers you wear a chiffon scarf loosely around the neck then put one foot in front of the other and get yourself out there


Steph is right. If they notice, it's not going to be your adams apple. If they get that close, by then they already figured it, and if they didn't, EVEN BETTER!! I have been out many atimes, with it explosed, and nobody even noticed. So go out and enjoy!

10-03-2005, 11:05 PM
My adam's apple is small as well, but you could always use a choker or a small scarf to cover it up.


Katie Lynne
10-04-2005, 03:09 AM
Thank you all for the responses. I haven't thought of or concidered a scarf. That's a great suggestion. My Adam's Apple is not a little thing to hide so I don't have that luxury of it being exposed & getting away with it. I've tried the necklace thing but thought it just drew to much attention to the all mighty lump there. Again it's probably a paranoia thing but I will do my best to deal w/ it.
Thank you all again, I appreciate all the comments. Possitive criticism is always a welcome thing.