View Full Version : Anticipation...

Molly Wells
05-30-2011, 10:54 AM
My wife is going to see family in another state in July. I will be home by myself for a week. I will be off work all week as well and am looking forward to some Molly time.
I find myself waking up during the night and in the mornings thinking about what I want to do, what I might wear, where I might go... on and on...
I am really filled with anticipation and excitement about the upcoming time... and its still over a month away!!!
Can anybody relate?


05-30-2011, 11:12 AM
I can relate, but only rarely. Twice during my years married to my wife, she has taken a vacation with her sisters or her friends. Each time, I got to engage in what I call "Dressfest". I even got to go out to a local LGBT meeting and hit a restaurant afterwards. It certainly was girl-time for the whole week.

Julie Denier
05-30-2011, 11:16 AM
Absolutely! Whevever I know I'm going to have some time to myself, I think about little else in the days leading up to it, planning my outfits and all the details.

Emily Ann Brown
05-30-2011, 11:31 AM
Went you live alone all that excitement isn't there. Funny...I honestly don't miss it controlling my every waking thought.

But...please enjoy all the planning and waiting excitement. I am happy for you.


05-30-2011, 11:38 AM
Sounds like you are going to have a blast. It most definitely will be hard to keep it out of your head. One word of warning. If you have any boundaries with your wife (if she knows), I would be hesitant to break them just because she isn't in town.

But plan it out. Find some friends and enjoy some time with them. And don't worry about sleep, you can get some of that the following week. :heehee:

05-30-2011, 11:43 AM
For those of us who thrive on going back and forth from one gender to the other, the anticipation is constant! This bi-genderedness can have it's problems, but it really is pretty wonderful most of the time!


05-30-2011, 12:07 PM
Molly, I can relate. For the last four years my wife has taken seven to ten day trips. I have enjoyed being able to dress 24/7 during those times. I get to hang all my dresses on the closet clothes rack along with my favorite slips. I toss my male underwear into a box and replace them with my bras, panties and stockings. The shoes go under the foot of the bed. Nice. This year will be especially nice because she is taking two trips. And, I agree with Sue. Don't break any established boundaries you may have wife your wife.

05-30-2011, 02:47 PM
It's good for all couples to spend time apart and I do understand a CDer who feels he cannot dress freely and who looks forward to some time alone. But, still it is sad, especially if it is taking over your thoughts more than a full month before the event.

I also was in a marriage where for different reasons I couldn't wait to be alone. Over time I got to the point where my heart sank when he came home. I also see now that looking forward to my husband's time away seriously prevented me from being fully present in our relationship when he was there. Needless to say this did nothing for our marriage and eventually it fell apart.

Maybe it's not the same thing for closeted CDers, but it just raises all kinds of red flags for me when spouses are more excited to be alone than with their partners. :sad:

Molly Wells
05-30-2011, 03:11 PM
Reine, thanks for your reply and expression of concerns. I will assure you that my anticipation is not in my wife being away and to be alone. I love my wife beyond imagining and we enjoy each other tremendously. In fact we will be spending several days together in a quiet resort celebrating our 30th anniversary just prior to her trip.

My anticipation and excitement is from having having the opportunity, not in the fact that the wife is away.



05-30-2011, 03:36 PM
I can totally relate to your feelings Mollly. We try our hardest to not burden our wives with the issues of a crossdressing husband. Certainly our wives are very special people. And there is nothing more important then the relationship between the 2 people in a marriage. As Reine has voiced so well.

But the other side of the coin is that we as crossdressers do certainly value the special time that we do get to dress. Sure it would be great if we could just dress anytime, But some of our wives and family and not totally ready for that.

Enjoy your time when it does come.

05-30-2011, 03:48 PM
Molly (and Stephanie too),

I am in exactly the same situation. My SO leaves to visit family for 5-day trips several times a year and I love the time alone. I think and live femme 24/7 when she's gone. The buildup to these events is fun too - so much anticipation deciding what to do, what to wear. I plan several shopping trips before each event to purchase new clothing and accessories. During each period, I also arrange all my things in closets and drawers, coordinating outfits and styles. These are fun times for me and I know you'll have a good time too. Just remember to be careful . . .


05-30-2011, 04:02 PM
I just had a weekend all to myself! And I'd found out about it a month ago so I know exactly how you feel. Big online shopping spree that month...