View Full Version : im such a frustrated guy lol

05-30-2011, 11:35 PM
I will say this knowing I can not change much in my life right now but WOW lol:eek:

I feel like giving up cross-dressing (like if I could) I look at some of the threads some of the girls are so passable , I am so jealous, and they have the look and all the right outfits some of the girls have supportive wife’s or gf , even sisters and just friends , right now I feel like a:" failure "as a guy that likes to dress , I should just give up, hang up the dress, let the pierced ears heal ,turn the bra in to a sling shot, find something less frustrating and more expectable to put my meager extra cash in to , training worms, or raising termites something useful, something I will not suck at, dressing brings out so many unwanted neg feelings , and yet the peace and high , and shame and hiding ,

The gurls that pass so well I wish you the best , (and hate you :devil:) , the gurls that have supportive , anything, same to you , (feel like you hit the jackpot , you did) and I hate you too:D, I know I should hang it up and find something else to bitch about , but what else can I do I have thirty years in to this ( some of my clothes may be older than that) nothing matches . And can’t teach old cd any new hobbies, it’s in our jeans, or make-up lol just wish I knew what I was doing, or doing wrong,

Hugs:love:, Erica

05-30-2011, 11:41 PM
how do i train worms? how many termites would i need eat up a old house?

05-30-2011, 11:53 PM
how do i train worms? how many termites would i need eat up a old house?

Worms are generally pretty much deaf and blind, so saying words of encouragement or presenting them with pretty trophies generally doesn't motivate them; you have to appeal to their other senses.

About those termites, it depends a lot on the size of the old house and the size and age of the termites. If the termites are pre-teen they can be very effective if you tell them that they aren't getting any dessert until they finish their 2x4's. After that age you have to find other forms of motivation.

Have you considered other, possibly more lucrative, activities? Planting and cultivating potholes for example? Out-of-power politicians from large cities will pay tons of money for mature potholes, particularly around election time.

By the way, just what is it that you feel keeps you from being passable?


Cynthia Anne
05-31-2011, 12:06 AM
Best way to train worms is to put them on a leash and beat them with a stick if they dont follow you! It only takes one termite to eat an old house! He will invite his buddys over! HUGS!

05-31-2011, 12:29 AM
growing potholes ? good money? ill look in to it, thanks, ho i have the male flat forhead uni brow , granit chizeled chin and big nose , 6ft tall 165lb on a good day stand out in a croud (dont know how not to )

side note dressing just not in the cards this summer need to be dad first

every time i raise a termite he is such a geek he has no buddys just those other two and all they do lay around on the computer all day

i tryed the leash and stick, they keep getting away theres a trail theres a trail bam no more trail dont know how there do that(will try a shock collor next time

05-31-2011, 12:36 AM
Erica, I do feel some of your pain. I perceive many opportunities and then something in me does a reality check and I realize that I'll never be one of those perfectly-passing 5' 4" thin and round-faced 20-year-olds. I just try to concentrate on doing the things I enjoy as well as I can and try to ignore the negatives. Every once in a while there comes a magical moment that makes it worthwhile.

I am very lucky to have a supportive wife. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

05-31-2011, 12:42 AM
pot holes , yep going to look in to that , pot holes

bra in to a duplex birds nest that might work

05-31-2011, 01:01 AM
pot holes , yep going to look in to that , pot holes

growing potholes ? good money? ill look in to it, thanks, ho i have the male flat forhead uni brow , granit chizeled chin and big nose , 6ft tall 165lb on a good day stand out in a croud (dont know how not to )

Yep, potholes. Years ago they were mostly grown along the Alcan Highway to Alaska, but that was before they paved the darn thing. Big business in 'em. Big city politicians will pay good money for 'em. You can sell to both sides -- one lays them down at night and fixes them a day later to show how effective they are at running things, the other plants 'em and gets the media to take pictures. The more you can sell to one side, the more you can sell to the other.

Gotta be careful though, it is possible that the gangs and Mafia have taken over the biz, like some say they've taken over grease rendering (http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=grease+rendering&cp=10&pf=p&sclient=psy&site=&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=grease+ren&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=a34f7f1872f21971&biw=1280&bih=833).

Forehead might be fixable with bangs, unibrow can be torn in half and shaped, and 6' (1.8 m) and 165 doesn't sound all that off the charts. You just gotta pluck, rip, tear, scrunch, squash, and pad and you're probably good to go. Remember, if you corset tight enough, breathing becomes optional.


05-31-2011, 01:12 AM
6'2" is 99th percentile for US females. That means that there are over 3 million females in the US taller than you are, and I'll bet that most of them wished that they only weighted 165!

Oh, and consider the "automatic launching" function you could build into that duplex birds' nest!

05-31-2011, 01:56 AM
I hear you... and share your frustration. Am 47 years into it myself.
Once I give up cross dressing and tried bee keeping but my whole hive died on me and I was devastated.
Being responsible for the deaths of 1,000's was just too much to bear so I returned to cross dressing.
No one dies when I play "dress up" and I've accepted I have to be content with imagining that I pass.
(I can wear stockings to cover the leg forest and strap up my saggy man-boobs to fill a bra).
Yours in frustration

Danni Renee
05-31-2011, 03:01 AM
165?!?!?! AND pierced ears? Oh how I wish.....

Since you are looking for a new hobby, I hear kicking dead horses remains one of the most popular activities (including here on the forum) and from my observations it is a rather popular hobby that can be practiced by anyone, anywhere, at anytime! And best of all, it is FREE!

05-31-2011, 03:05 AM
At least the uni-brow can be fixed, and fixed permanently, and it is easy and relatively inexpensive to do.

I don't know why weighing 165 at 6' would be a problem, that is well within the average range of weight for a GG nowadays at that height.

As for the rest, don't feel bad. A number of us will never pass for whatever reason, so you are not alone.

05-31-2011, 08:46 AM
lol if they dont give me at lest one worm a day (to train) boing they are out of the nest lol

you mean breathing is an option when wearing a corset ? see i did not know that. no one told me anything about that

kicking a dead horse just is not my style , ill ride the dang thing for years thou long long long long after i should have bailed ( look at cross-dressing ) lol

(side note i think its funny the side hobbies do have uses , except cd-ing once i thought it would get-make me closer to said gg's but so far it has not)

and dont take up growing potholes i did look it up and ten min later some guys showed up at the front door they encuraged me to train worms they looked goverment type to me

Emily Ann Brown
05-31-2011, 09:44 AM

It could be worse. You could be married to one of us and and talking to a divorce lawyer, and wishing you had clothes as pretty as you husband's.

What a sick thought...married to a man! HAHAHAHAHAHA


Fab Karen
05-31-2011, 06:01 PM
I'm 6'2 barefoot. Can I look femme & decent? Yes. Do I pass? Not always, at least. Doesn't stop me from going out, and for the most part I get acceptance/respect.
My suggestion would be to have a make-over done ( & tell them you want to watch & learn ), by someone who specializes in CD's if possible, or if not, by an understanding & talented person in that biz.

06-01-2011, 12:13 AM
was planning to, but then life hit and no money or time right now ,

come on this was a tongue and check thread . im going to water the lawn and use my best high heels to aireate the yard just half to walk with short steps and dig the heel in extra deep

06-01-2011, 01:43 AM
come on this was a tongue and check thread . im going to water the lawn and use my best high heels to aireate the yard just half to walk with short steps and dig the heel in extra deep

Please, no! Not your best high heels! You wear the crumbling ones for that! Which heel height to use depends upon the quality of grass that you have. If you have the best grass, then you are probably safest on low heels.

If you want the full experience, try going to a garden or lawn party in a skirt and seriously high heels. You have to spend the entire time teetering on your toes, balancing your hors d'oeuvres plate in one hand and your drink in the other.


06-01-2011, 08:54 AM
i know what to do with my ear rings , = fishing lures,

but what to do with my size 36 D forms, ? turn them in to art ? book ends ? chock blocks ? ear muffs ?

the garden party idea would be a neat idea for a fun girls ice breaker party , have tag team races for balance ,in the grass and with heels , other games like walk and put on lipstick , or kicking off heel toss , lol

06-01-2011, 01:01 PM
At most, women only do the lawn party in heels once. At best, they've already been warned by their mother or someone.

the garden party idea would be a neat idea for a fun girls ice breaker party , have tag team races for balance ,in the grass and with heels , other games like walk and put on lipstick , or kicking off heel toss , lol

Great ideas! How about lawn tennis?


Or perhaps a game of horseshoes?



06-01-2011, 01:18 PM
growing potholes ? good money? ill look in to it, thanks, ho i have the male flat forhead uni brow , granit chizeled chin and big nose , 6ft tall 165lb on a good day stand out in a croud (dont know how not to )

side note dressing just not in the cards this summer need to be dad first

every time i raise a termite he is such a geek he has no buddys just those other two and all they do lay around on the computer all day

i tryed the leash and stick, they keep getting away theres a trail theres a trail bam no more trail dont know how there do that(will try a shock collor next time

i just wish i only tiped the scales at 165. and i am a bit shorter than you are.
as for the face, your has to be better than mine, sharp chin, very heavy beard, must shave a number of times each day just to apply my makeup. and a body built like a giant sequoia redwood tree.


06-01-2011, 05:52 PM
lol that why im frustrated lol some of these girls look so good , and other have some one who supports them in some way , for some of us its just not there lol we dont look good and we dont have anyone to teach us and its up hill ever step of the way tell the fall lol

i like the horseshoe one that funny

i like the lawn party thing could do that even in guy mode just half to have heels
and a doctor on call lol

Maria Blackwood
06-01-2011, 07:50 PM
Hey, I'll never be passable without a Hollywood special effects team and CGI software running on Pixar's render farm. So what? If dressing makes you feel good, then go with it. You don't *have* to keep progressing past any level where you lose comfort. There's no rules here. I dress in the evenings and sometimes weekend mornings just to relax. It de-stresses me like nothing else I have ever tried. I have no intention of making myself passable and going out in public. It just feels nice.

06-02-2011, 02:51 PM
hey if you need that much , they can just make you a girl latex is great lol