View Full Version : Semi-First Time in Public Tomorrow, advice

06-02-2011, 12:13 AM
When I say semi, I mean I am only going to be wearing panties (I will be wearing other clothes of course). I am the type of person that needs to ease into things. I can never just immediately jump into the water. The other thing, I am too paranoid for my own good and need advice on helping conceal it. I don't have to go work tomorrow (my last day off for a while), but still have to go to my short course class and run various errands. Basically tomorrow is the best day to do it. I've been trying to convince myself to do this for a while. Any advice?

p.s. Don't suggest tucking my shirt. I only tuck in shirts when I have to, so my friends would guess that something is up, and am not ready to tell anyone that I am transgender yet.

06-02-2011, 12:26 AM
Take a deep breath and pull up your panties and walk proud. Noone knows what you are wearing under your "other clothes." If you do decide to go out en femme, keep your head up and smile. You only draw unwanted attention to yourself by looking like a victim so when you look like you belong, people typically won't bother you. Also, there are a lot of tg folks in Texas...I suggest you try to find some and hang out with them for a while until you get more comfortable. I know one of the hardest things to do is go hang out with people like us when we aren't sure we are supposed to be like us but the truth is we belong and we can find comfort in numbers.

Besides, if someone does notice (which is very unlikely) then just say you lost a bet with your (SO, sister, coworker, etc) and that was the cost. I am sure there are a lot of other stories that can be developed form others here. We tend to be very good at making stuff up to hide who we are. :) In any case, good luck and enjoy the exhileration and freedom.

Staci G
06-02-2011, 06:19 AM
Panties are a great start. I think you should just go about your day just as if you had on tidy whities. I agree with Christy, hang out with other ladies and soon you will see its all good and we are normal everybody else is out of adjustment.

Elsa Larson
06-02-2011, 06:51 AM
FIRST, you must give yourself PERMISSION, Marissa ! Underdressing is a great start.

Here are some other simple things you can do to prepare for your debut: Pluck strays from between and beneath your brows. Trim nose & ear hairs. Use a bit of moisturizer on face, hands, wherever. Try a dot of concealer on any facial area that needs it. Keep cuticles pushed back and nails neatly trimmed.

linda allen
06-02-2011, 06:56 AM
You're just wearing panties and you will be wearing pants over them so who will notice?

If it bothers you when you go to the bathroom, either pick a single user bathroom or use a stall. I've done it, no problem.

06-02-2011, 07:00 AM
Panties are nothing. Nobody will see them and there's not even a need to extra hide them because they wont be seen at all. Heck, wear girl jeans and show off your butt too!

06-02-2011, 07:12 AM
I agree, panties are very hard to detect under shorts, et al. However, you did mention going to class.

Since you won't tuck your shirt, just make sure your shorts don't expose your panties when you sit. Wearing a belt helps. Wearing a long shirt helps even more. Sit in a chair at home and see for yourself. If all is good, then head on out and put it out of your mind. You'll need to concentrate in class ;)

I can't think of anything else that will help.

06-02-2011, 07:45 AM
soon you will discover the biggest problem is to remember you are wearing panties.