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View Full Version : Kinda goofie question,

Staci G
06-02-2011, 07:25 AM
I am sure it has been hit on before but, I just got insurance at work. Is it in my best intrest to talk to my doctor in order to get a referal to a therapst for HRT? I hate the thought of paying out of pocket for a ton of therapy and have to pay for meds as well. I will do what I have to but I would like some info on where to start for my insurance to pay for more of a share. Thanks girls, I need to do something I am not getting any younger, and I can see where the depression might kick in if I don't set myself free. It scares the crap out of me to head down that road of transition but it is just as scary to be bottled up for the next 30-40 years I may have left.

Thanks for any suggestions I can get or post a link to the proper posting for more information.

06-02-2011, 11:32 AM
Does your insurance require a referral? If so, go ahead and ask your doctor. Believe me he has heard it all before. If not, find a gender therapist with experience and make and appointment. Here is the thing. You do not have to start transition unless it is what YOU want. It does help considerably to talk it out with someone knowledgeable with the situation to help figure out your options.

06-02-2011, 01:40 PM
You stated that you can see where the depression might kick in. Therapy for depression is normally covered by most insurance policies. I would first call the insurance company and ask them what you need to do. You could say that you have been feeling a lot of anxiety recently for whatever reason (work, family, finances) and would like to talk with a professional to find out why. You do not have to go into a lot of details to clarify what is needed to get your therapist's costs covered. If the insurance company says that you need a referral, then at that point talk to your family doctor and get one. If you do not need a referral, then search your area for a therapist with gender issues experience. Local (city, county or State) health services should be able to give your references or steer you in the the correct direction to find a qualified one. Good luck.

06-02-2011, 03:13 PM
Medical insurance is such a mixed up game. Not sure it helps to tell you my experiences... but... my insurance covers some HRT drugs, not others. It covers all the needed labs and doc visits though - but not surgery. It covers therapy. For visits to either doc/therapist there is a co-pay. It even will cover my pre-surgical labs/tests, which is totally cool (easily $500 worth). Plans all vary, even within one plan, your situation may be different from another patient's - due to history or the like. Usually there is someone you can call to get an idea of what is covered. I'd ask the HR person where to contact.