View Full Version : Wear it, and SHE will come...

06-14-2011, 05:05 PM
“Perhaps the sun will never shine... upon my field of wheat” (Keith Reid)

The Sun IS shining on my field of wheat, in fact it’s wheat harvesting time again here in Kansas, and I’m out standing in my field, alone, trying to be outstanding in my field, namely the wonderful world of MtF crossdressing. It was 102° yesterday, and the flat landscape that surrounds me and stretches to every horizon smells like toasted wheat – I’m not kidding. At times like this, as I meander around the fields of reality, I’m reminded of Field of Dreams, and the famous line from that film, “If you build it, he will come.” Maybe it’s the relentless heat, or the conscious notion that I may the only gender-shifter in the immediate vicinity, but I cannot help but think that, for a lucky MtF crossdresser, or a fearless male, if you wear it, SHE will come...

Let’s say you’re a boy, a perceived weakling, picked upon by bullies and seriously deficient in the self-esteem department. You don’t fit in, in fact you’re NEVER picked for the team – maybe you run like a girl, or throw like a girl, or think or act like a girl, and this latent expression yearns to be set free, even though nearly everyone seeks to suppress what they cannot understand. You admire qualities in people that equate with femininity, at least “femininity” by your own personal definition. You need to look in the mirror, boy, and dream about the possibilities open to you, moving ever closer to a closet of wonders, away from what you’re supposed to be. Think the impossible, and take the first step. Soon, you will realize that if you wear it, whatever you desire, SHE will come – all you have to do is try, and don’t be afraid to be everything YOU want to be...

You’re a male, yet you appreciate beauty in all its myriad forms. Life is just something to get through for some people, and there’s no time to stop and contemplate anything beautiful about it. Boys certainly aren’t supposed to do that, and, if you’re an adult male, any love of culture puts you squarely into the queer camp, even if you exhibit other, more normal male characteristics. Art is a bona fide perversion, music needs to be as loud and obnoxious as possible, and the other fine arts are too sissified for the typical male. See you at the museum, Charlie, or maybe not, since love of beauty requires one to be alone, or at least alone with one’s thoughts. Remember that actress you saw in that movie, the one whose performance moved you to tears? You learned something about yourself, something very profound and meaningful – afterwards, you find yourself unconsciously emulating her gestures, movements, and posture, all inspired by this performance you witnessed. It can be real, and not just acting – wear it (whatever she wore in the film), and SHE will come...

Your male peers revel in all things ugly, unless they want something from a female, of course. In the great scheme of things, not caring about one’s appearance seems to have become an accepted norm, supported at nearly every turn. YOU care about your appearance, inspired by your chosen role models, female and male, and you take great pains to not look like everyone else. Of course, you stick out, not like a sore thumb, but more like a white iris among the weeds. You shave and groom yourself religiously, so you immediately come under suspicion as somehow being less male. It’s the school playground all over again, where weakness, via jealousy, is targeted for modification or elimination. Little do your peers know the full extent of your femme-scaping, since your carefully managed eyebrows, carefully manicured fingernails, and carefully chosen (soft-spoken) words only hint at a world of comportment others may never experience. Ever conscious of fleeting time, you have chosen this state of non-masculinity, preferring to live life YOUR way. You wear it, and SHE comes of her own volition...

You’re not afraid of intimacy; in fact you embrace intimacy with all the strength you can muster. You listen to others patiently, and you choose the company you keep, even though you are most comfortable with yourself. You yield, never exhibiting stubbornness, yet maintain a healthy gender incorporation just under the surface you have chosen to assume – SHE is always there, only a whisper away, protected from the non-believers through a deportment that is NOT a disguise. If only they knew, but they don’t, and even if they did they wouldn’t understand why a male would willingly side-step his own masculinity for reasons of happiness. Why even discuss this mysterious attraction to femininity, indeed why attempt to describe "femininity" at all to those who cannot, or will not, see past their own gender? Intimacy springs from this non-masculinity, and you make friends with other individuals who value trust and depth vs. distrust and shallowness. It’s more of a human, or non gender-specific quality, this lack of fear about intimacy, and femininity is only a convenient word to describe it. Better to leave the definitions to those who must define things, and get on with one’s life. You know what THEY don’t know, and you keep this precious knowledge safe from those who would do you harm – your intimate friends may not know about your magical crossdressing, but they like the qualities you project when you are among them. Wear it, and SHE will emerge...

Your crossdressing has many benefits, simply by the way you welcome these non-masculine changes to your psyche. No longer do you feel the need to dominate others, nor do you wish to “do battle” with issues or the environment. In fact, there is no conflict, inner or outer, and you can breathe freely, safe in the knowledge that you have found a path worth following. You can bend without breaking, since you understand compromise. Surrender doesn’t seem like such a bad word anymore, since meaningless conflict will surely evaporate your state of bliss in the space of a heartbeat – you have ideals worth defending, but you have no stomach for fighting. Winning at all costs is not your style, or your goal. Everything in life seems to be some sort of game, played to win, stepping on others in the process – this may have its origins in male insecurity, but you feel reassuringly secure by comparison. Remember - SHE came out, because you had the courage to wear it...

It’s all based on your own experiences, the painful losses and the small triumphs, shaped by who you were before the world began to influence or dictate your behavior. You’re certainly not perfect, but you’re an individual in the truest sense of the word, a person who has made a difference simply by being different. You’re the most interesting man in the world, because you’ve made the decision to be less male than the next fellow. You know what you want to get out of life, and, even though your blessed MtF crossdressing makes you feel vulnerable in many ways, you accept this inconvenience as a constant reminder to be true to your true self – you ARE this way, and you chose to fully embrace the reality of “me.” You wear it, whatever it may be, and SHE comes out from behind the cloud of masculinity to illuminate your life...

Well, thanks for reading – I’d better get out of this wheat field before the traveling harvesters move north out of Oklahoma and reduce my immediate surroundings to stubble. The tall wheat is tickling my pantyhose (Donna Karan, of course), and my cute shoes are not at all appropriate for agricultural meanderings, even though the blowtorch-like breeze is billowing out my dirndl skirt quite nicely. This is the perfect feminine item to wear on a day like this, a conscious decision on my part. I wore it, SHE came, and I’m overjoyed at her continuing presence...

Does SHE show up only when you dress, or is she always omnipresent to a certain extent?

Also, do you dress to consciously change your behavior? I do – I’m always tucking HIM away...:heehee:

06-14-2011, 05:30 PM
I am definitely one who want to keep both of my genders as separate as possible. There is no doubt that when that final coat of lipstick is applied (always the last step in the transformation) Tina smiles and she has arrived. On the other hand, the lipstick is being applied because her presence was desired! Simply going through the motions of the transformation without the mental process would get us nowhere.

Tina can pop up when least expected, regardless of the outer trappings. Just my wife asking, "what might Tina think about that" will bring on enough transformation to answer her question. I'm also on the alert for how Tina affects my nominally "male" life. She has a big effect, so little snippits arise a lot.

But what you've helped me to realize is that Tina always starts arriving in "male" mode. She arrives, removes the male trappings and starts the transformation ritual to purge the rest of the maleness. Then there is that smile and it's all Tina! Hmmm, what a nice thought!


06-14-2011, 09:03 PM
Frédérique this was nicely stated and you have such a lovely way with words. I think many of us feel the same way as you do knowing that we each have a "She" held safely inside ourselves letting her out only when it is safe.

Kathi Lake
06-14-2011, 09:17 PM
She is ever-present. She is always here. He is ever-present. He is always here. He is me. She is me. We are me. I am I.

No separation. No domination. No demarcation.

Just me. Boring, perhaps, but there ya go!



06-14-2011, 10:19 PM
Another beautiful post Frederique!

She has been buried for so long that the pendulum is swinging back and forth between She and He. Hoping that She, He, can just become Me.

06-15-2011, 02:23 PM
I do my best to "be" the gender which I am presenting. My natural personality is not "macho" so it is not a big change. I do not dress to "consciously change my behavior". When I am en femme my "natural behavior" is more lady-like.

06-15-2011, 03:15 PM
There is still quite a bit of separation between my male and female personae (I just posted a new thread about this, in fact), but line has begun to blur a bit. I am always the same me in either mode, but which aspects of my personality are externally expressed and which are suppressed varies depending on the outward gender expression.

06-15-2011, 09:49 PM
It’s all based on your own experiences, the painful losses and the small triumphs, shaped by who you were before the world began to influence or dictate your behavior.

The loss of innocence, wonder, and individuality as the world began to influence and dictate my behavior was indeed a painful loss. Social programming, peer pressure, and conformity were powerful, formidable, and relentless adversaries, and difficult to vanquish. What may have appeared to be seemingly small triumphs isolated in moments of time, in the face of such relentless and unyielding foes, were anything but, and paved ultimately the road to overall victory. For me, victory came in the form of self-acceptance. It was a long fought, demanding battle, composed of many seemingly small triumphs that in hindsight, were quite monumental.

You’re the most interesting man in the world, because you’ve made the decision to be less male than the next fellow.

Upon reflection, I did not make the decision to be less male than the next fellow. Instead, I made the decision to surrender the fight against myself, and yield to the essence and reality of who and what I really was. In my community, growing up, it was wrong to be different. It was wrong to be less male than the next fellow. Indeed, it was strongly encouraged to be more male than the next fellow. After all, what is more masculine than the attempt to out-masculine the next fellow? Surrender did not come easy. But through submission to the self, with the white flag flying high, some of what was previously lost was recaptured and reborn. Appreciation of beauty and magic was restored and reborn.

You know what you want to get out of life, and, even though your blessed MtF crossdressing makes you feel vulnerable in many ways, you accept this inconvenience as a constant reminder to be true to your true self – you ARE this way, and you chose to fully embrace the reality of “me.” You wear it, whatever it may be, and SHE comes out from behind the cloud of masculinity to illuminate your life...

The things I want to get out of life compose a long list. The things I need out of life compose a shorter, but more meaningful list. I need HER to come from behind the cloud of masculinity to illimunate my life. There are many inconveniences attached to this necessity. All serve as a constant reminder. All additionally serve to ensure that I will never take HER for granted, and that I will continue to fully recognize and appreciate the magnificent beauty and magic of what SHE is, when SHE comes out from behind that cloud of masculinity. The illumination is breathtaking and fulfilling in its exquisite elegance and alluring enchantment. SHE draws me deep into the wholeness of my existence, and gifts me with precious self-awareness of the same.

if you wear it, SHE will come...

Indeed she will, and indeed she does. Without fail!

There is more that I would like to add, but alas, I must plan for a trip to the museum! :)

Sarah Doepner
06-17-2011, 10:27 AM
Thank you Freddie. Your posts are mirrors I pause before and reflect on my life and where crossdressing has taken me. Or where I have taken it, which way is it any more? I have been trying to integrate male and female, the yin and yang of my personality to find a stable base from which to live. She is always there, sometimes fully in control and other times content to stay well in the background and watch, maybe with admiration and maybe with amusement.

But I have to admit that I can take your post literally as the truth. Not wanting to waste an opportunity to dress on a long planned vacation, but standing there tired and coming up with plenty of excuses to put off shaving one more time and doing the makeup and finding a pair of shoes that won't hurt my feet, I started to dress. And She came willingly, happily to the world and He was happy to surrender. He surrendered! He learned something from Her, isn't that a good sign? I think so. I look around for other indications that there is balance and that I can live life taking the best of both worlds and blend them into something good. So a new definition of blending may be not just looking like other women on the street or in the mall, but regardless of how I appear I can call on a larger range of attitudes and behaviors to make my life even more surprising and pleasant than I would have thought possible.

06-17-2011, 10:50 AM
Wonderful post Frederique!
You always make us stop to think and see. I spent many days in the cane and pineapple fields contemplating such things. Do be careful when putting him away for the day. He might get wedged in place and you will never get him out again. For some it is alright though because she is much better equiped for the world in which we live than he is.

06-17-2011, 04:48 PM
Frédérique, I so enjoy reading your posts - thoughts - pearls, strung together creating a beautiful piece of jewelry. While I may not comment, I'm always happy I stopped by. As for me, I'm a transgendered person - I agree with Kathi - all sides always present. I think it's always been that way, but I didn't admit it to myself until the day I wore it, I mean all of it, and she did come - from out of the shadows. She wasn't a hobby or a visitor. She'd always been there. I am she and she is me and we are all together. Goo, goo, g' joob

06-18-2011, 01:04 PM
just wonderful frederique. "Youre the most interesting man in the world because you've made the decision to be less male than the next fellow."This
is a line of the most pure of crossdressing prose.Existential (which is ok), the search for and then finding value in inadequacy, if we just try hard
She always comes when I summon her.Sadly it is most often thru mail order and ananomous, so no one will know.I have concluded that no one
will quite understand if I tried to explain it anyway.When I die, and whoever is left to clean out my belongings find my stash of girlies, will not
condem or make their eyes big or say "see, I told you so".But as I rot for eternity I hope they can say "damn, Dana had a wonderful life..............dana

06-18-2011, 02:44 PM
She is always there my dear......always

06-19-2011, 08:40 PM
Beauiful language Frederique! You should be a writer.... writing of TG fiction, or non-fiction.
I think certainly wearing Her clothes brings Her out..... this is very powerful with all mtf CDs......
it certainly is true for me....