View Full Version : Does Your Wife or SO Claim Your Shopping Purchases

06-22-2011, 10:04 AM
Do any of you have this happen to you as well? I went on one of my shopping escapades the other day. Went to Avenue because they had a storewide sale going on and I had a coupon for more savings. They had so many cute items on sale. Ended up getting a little sundress reg price $25 for $12, and 3 pair of ear rings reg $7.95 ea. for $2 ea. Then went to Off Broadway Shoes and found some sandals that were $39 on clearance for $10. I love shopping. When I got home I showed my purchases to my wife and she admired the dress and sandals, but when I pulled out the ear rings she went nuts and grabbed them and said "these will look great with my new outfits and I will keep them in my jewelery armoire. Oh well at least I can use them when I want as well, unless she goes on a trip and takes them with her. At least she doesnt wear my size clothing because she loves the things that I buy for Renee. Guess that is one of the benefits of having a cd for a husband.

06-22-2011, 10:14 AM
Me and my SO shop together and by ourselves. I do come upon the closet and see that my SO has taken an item I wish to wear for that day. But I look at it another way. There are plenty of clothes to wear besides what I wanted to. Whenever I buy something, my SO always says she is stealing it. I just laugh and tell myself I will steal hers also :P

Cynthia Anne
06-22-2011, 10:15 AM
Do any of you have this happen to you as well? I went on one of my shopping escapades the other day. Went to Avenue , but when I pulled out the ear rings she went nuts and grabbed them and said "these will look great with my new outfits and I will keep them in my jewelery armoire. Oh well at least I can use them when I want as well, unless she goes on a trip and takes them with her. At least she doesnt wear my size clothing because she loves the things that I buy for Renee. Guess that is one of the benefits of having a cd for a husband.
Just proves that having cd's around is a good thing! Hugs!

Michelle 2
06-22-2011, 10:38 AM
I recently purchased a double row pearl necklace and my SO borrowed it to go with her new LBD one evening. When we were driving home from the fundraiser we attended she said you should really give it to me as a gift. It was the first time my So ever borrowed one of my accessories and I thought it was fantastic. Now I have to borrow it back from her, I guess that is what love is all about sharing and caring.


06-22-2011, 10:55 AM
She has taken my underwear, tops and now a cute bikeing top from Terry Bikes, She's killing me!

Michelle James
06-22-2011, 10:58 AM
My SO and I are different sizes so she doesn't claim mine, but within a couple of days we wind up shopping for one for her. If we shop together the "rule" seems to be Whatever I spend she gets to spend. Small price to pay indeed. Usually LOL

06-22-2011, 11:04 AM
I bought a nice pair of jean capris a couple of weeks ago. Guess who wore them to work last Friday?

She did ask the night before though. I was like, "but... but... I want to wear them!" She was only working half a day, and then going out of town. It was "crazy shoe" day at work, and she wanted to make sure everyone could see the shoes she was wearing. She said she would just wear them to work, and change when she got home. So it all worked out. And while she was gone, I wore her leather skirt and one of her blouses. :heehee:

06-22-2011, 04:02 PM
Tina LOVES sharing with her girlfriend!

(girlfriend = my wife)


06-22-2011, 04:06 PM
Not married any more so I don't have that problem. Only downside is my wardrobe got considerably smaller after the divorce.

06-22-2011, 04:17 PM
Anything I buy my wife is welcome to use! She's been very generous with me in this regard and I don't see much point in keeping things separate.

06-24-2011, 10:38 AM
We share some already. I usually shop with my wife and sometimes one of my daughters. When I see something that I like and they might too, it becomes how I present it. Was going through an American Eagle clearance rack recently and saw a top I liked but I figured it was my daughter's style too. I held it up and asked her what she thought. When she said she loved it, I handed it to her and said "I thought you might" and continued looking. Can't be greedy sometimes and they sure find things for me too.

I just noticed that the top in my avatar is one my daughter had in her hands, but found something else. She handed me that top and said "I can only afford one, so you get it and then I can borrow it".

06-24-2011, 01:16 PM
We don't wear the same size but she has bought matching blouses in the approperiate sizes. I can't wait until we go shopping or lunch, it's going to be so much fun.

06-24-2011, 04:29 PM
I once bought a shirt/dress it was called from Lane Bryant. I thought it would be just rite to
do house work in, and just hang out in. It was a simple shift type dress, and had side pockets
for the cell phone, great. Well when IT arrived, I opened the package, and my wife saw it.
O' She said, let me see that, thanks, just what I wanted, now, where is yours. So back on line
and I bought 4 more, all different colors. That was a year ago, and have yet to try one on.
O' Well, I do not mine, she does allow me to dress anytime I want.

06-28-2011, 01:59 AM
Yeah my wife always falls for some Item or other that has been purchased for me,and I couldn't be happier just shows she approves of Sophie's style :)
