View Full Version : A Poem

06-22-2011, 01:04 PM
I did this one up a month ago, and i keep coming back to it. Hope you enjoy.
Hugs Roberta


I am a transexual,, at times a feel alone,, some people shun me, i dont show the hurt but it is there. its a lonely life at times, we seek out others to make us feel better, special people in your lives make you giggle, and its feels so good. we proudly strut our uniqueness being bold and brave but are we just shallow. This is not a game, It is us, is it real, we seek and welcome love, our lives a mixture of emotions, as we try to live our lives the best we can. Dealing with the past hurt we have created. We push towards a new vision of happyness,, trying to be more femme, is it achiveable. I see the younger trans, jealous of their youth. i wonder, what will make me truly happy,, more breasts, changing my face,,is my happyness a condition of me being more femme,, or can i just love myself and be the best girl i can. I have ripped my life apart to do this,, now here i am. dealing with fat relatity pill called life. But i love Roberta, she is not going away,, she is special,, her cuteness, her smile, the fun of sharing my girl joy with others. The sparkle in her eye when she looks at someone with a bit of charm. The ability to let loose on the dance floor and wow a crowd. The ecstasy feeling of being girl in bed with her lover. I dream of a vision, a goddess with long black curly hair,, long sensual lithe legs, perky breasts. Aquiline nose with deep blue fall into your soul eyes, A sensual creature, alive in the world, exuding the pure essance of girl. She walks down the street and the world stops, Girls want to be her, men with her. A true erotic creature, could it be me. i want it to be me.

06-22-2011, 01:21 PM
" I am a transsexual" ............................. And as long as you "keep" coming back to it, you will I am sorry to say remain a transsexual. It's a lovely poem, but why not start it out with... I am a woman? :hugs:


06-22-2011, 01:40 PM
Gotta be careful with the labels thing.

Kelly OMG, im still getting over ,, I am a CD, then I am a transgender and now i am a transexual, give me 90 days ok?!!! need some breathing room. giggles.

06-22-2011, 11:06 PM

Ok, 90 days... but no longer :heehee: