View Full Version : A fun day today?

Barbra P
06-28-2011, 01:20 PM
I dressed today, walked the dog up to the next corner and back. Two doors up my neighbor's adult son was out having a smoke and he saw me before I saw him. He said "Hi" and I said "Hi" and I went on up the street. On my return he was still out so I stopped and we talked for a couple of minutes. He recently moved here from Louisiana and moved in with his mom. He is a chef and he got a job on of islands off the coast - the Navy has a base on the island - and the Navy flies him out to the island and he spends a week there. My being enfemme didn't come up, we just talked, mostly about his job on the island.

In a little while my Daughter and I are going shopping at Avenue. This Avenue is very TG friendly and I love going there enfemme. They are having a big sale and I hope to buy a couple of items. I plan on trying on even more, the manager has told me that I can use the dressing rooms and try on anything in the store.

I've never had, or worn a Tank top so I plan on seeing how I look in one; they have on sale for as low as $5. Picked up a split-V Tee the other day for $5; I didn't need to try it on because I have an identical one only in a different color.

06-28-2011, 01:49 PM
I'm glad you got such a relaxed response from your neighbor's son. Sounds like he's quite mature. Hope you have a great time shopping with your Daughter. What a great relationship you must have!

Barbra P
06-28-2011, 02:15 PM
Still waiting on my Daughter to get ready to go shopping, in the meantime I walked our dog around the Circle (block). The lady six house up was just getting home and out of her car so we, the dog and I stopped and chatted. She knows I dress but has only seen before today from her house when I was out in my own yard, quite a distance but she knows it is me and she waves. She thought my outfit looked good and especially liked my wig, she thought the colors were really good. Then we walked the rest of the way around the block. The only people I saw were some friends in there garage but I have refrained from going over when dressed because they have young children and I don't to cause a problem because I'm dressed. The little boy, he'll be five in July, is already fascinated with my painted toes, no need to throw more fuel on the fire. The adults have seen me dressed on several occasions, once before when I walked the dog, and a couple times when they walked past my house and I was outside.

06-28-2011, 02:31 PM
sounds like you are having a fun day Babs! lucky gurl !!

Cynthia Anne
06-28-2011, 03:56 PM
Sounds like you are having a very nice day! With neighbors like that, who needs friends!

Barbra P
06-28-2011, 05:47 PM
Tried on several dresses, a skirt, a couple tops, and a couple pair of capris. Bought a pair of the capris and a top both came to less than $30. I'm wearing the capris and wondering if maybe I should take them back and get a one size smaller. Well I can do that tomorrrow right now I'm going to have a glass of wine.

Barbra P
06-28-2011, 07:31 PM
Hi baby4love

I tried to send you a PM, but either you have chosen NOT accept PM's or for some reason you can't send/receive them on this forum. Let me think awhile about using regular Email - I'm a bit shy about using Email until I get to know someone.

06-28-2011, 09:25 PM
HI Babs
Sounds like your getting better and better at accepting yourself and to hell with the neighbors Good for you. I am kind of jealous. I can accept myself but getting out in the neighborhood can be tough and I know they don't care
You go girls sounds like your just enjoying yourself bunches