View Full Version : Where did THAT picture come from !?

Stephanie Miller
07-04-2011, 10:11 AM
I didn't want to take away from Suzis thread about YouTube, so I thought I would start another. Stephanie brought up a good point that might concern a few of us that think we are flying undetected. Just how many of us have found, or had it brought to our attention about photos or video clips taken of us without our knowledge? Possibly someone else posting a picture of themselves at a bar with us in the backround. Or maybe they took a video clip from thier phone to show a friend of "the tranny walking the mall! OMG!"
I know one of mine showed up at a college in one of their newsletters after doing an Outreach at a psychology class. I did have to bring it to thier attention it was inappropriate to publish without my consent (which I would have given), but needed to bring up to protect others that may not want it done.
But Flicker, Youtube etc.? Not that I know of.

07-04-2011, 10:52 AM
Anyone who leaves their home, or allows their photos to leave loses some control of things. That is why so many remain closeted. If you look like your male self in a dress, going where you may be photographed can be a very difficult decision. With hi def smartphones everywhere there is literally no where that photos and videos can't be taken, with or without your knowledge. If not used for commercial gain there is nothing illegal about taking photos of others in public. My camcorder can even take HD video in complete darkness!

There are really only a couple of methods of defence. Of course you can keep all photos either analog or at least off the Internet. And not actually go out in public where you may be photographed. You can also try to make your female self unrecognizable to those that only know your male face. Most people, but not all, would be hard pressed to ID me thru a photo of Sally. I've appeared on television and in newspapers and have never heard from anyone that spotted me. That being said, I have had family find my MySpace page and recognize me.

For those of us that are not totally OUT there is a decision to be made each time we post a picture on Flickr or go out the front door. Once you relinquish control you have to just hope for the best.