View Full Version : Why so much made of cd'ing? It's only clothing!

10-06-2005, 09:47 PM
Why do so many people have such misconceptions? Cd'ers don't hurt anybody. They only wear clothes that are more their style. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Especially if you only do it at home.

Why do so many women feel offended or betrayed. Men don't get upset if women wear Levi jeans and cowboy shirts.


10-06-2005, 10:52 PM
It's human nature to fear things you don't understand.

10-06-2005, 10:52 PM
Because people get in their own little comfort zone of what should and shouldn't be, and they have to push it on everybody else. What I do or wear is nobodys business but my own, whether I'm home or out in public, but if you don't conform to their idea of normal, then you are weird. Since they don't take the time or effort to understand, then you are a pervert to them. It's a vicious cycle of ignorance and stupidity.


10-06-2005, 11:08 PM
Speaking about my Wife. A GG.

What if I got like real pisssy? Then told her off when She had on Men's clothing? Or when She put on a male underarm deodorant, or any product that did say for men. Or what if I got really hysterical when She walked like a Man! Or she did go out with her female friends, and they all had pants on! Should I sit home ready to pounce on her, and tell her she is sick? Should I tell her she is in sin? Heck, does any of this sound familiar?

I mean as of late, my own Wife has told me I'm sick, for wearing panties etc. Don't she wear mine sometimes, when she has none clean etc? When you turn it around it really sounds petty, and like a kids thing. Like " I'm going to tell Mommy your wearing this or that". Give me a break! So what? Who really cares?

I'd rather go out, and have someone snicker, than to never go out of my house ever. Ok it's like at work. If things are not going to change your pay, or cause you or anyone else harm. Then don't worry over it.

Oh, and again, about my wife and yours, if you have one.
Give Her a pair of coveralls and they will thank you for them,
HUH? LOL Mine would! She does lots of Boy things.
If there are such things. LOL!


Marlena Dahlstrom
10-06-2005, 11:21 PM
Emmi, let's be honest here. For most of us (aside from folks like Skirtman) it's more than just about wearing a dress. Women wear mens-styled clothes and normally don't strap and pack -- and guess what, when they do, it's crossdressing.

So there's a big difference in intent. I think the "it's just about clothes" line causes more harm than good, since it's readily apparent that it's generally not true.

Secondly, as Marla pointed out, the problems SOs have are often less about the cross-dressing than the fact that their man hid this from them. We may claim to be in touch with our feminine side, but I think most of us don't fully understand how important the sharing of intimate secrets is to most GGs.

As far as why society has problems, I think Roberta summed it up pretty aptly.

10-06-2005, 11:37 PM
i agree with all of you .i am 63 yrs young and have been asking this same thing for years and saying the same things also for years and it still gets me up set that most people have such a closed way of thinking when it comes to others wanting to wear any kind of clothes or footware that thay want to. i will say i have changed a few minds over the years . michellejean(mrs.highheels) ps. to hell with them and a lot of other things i can say but i do not want to be kicked out of the forum.:( :mad: :)

kathy gg
10-07-2005, 12:07 PM
I think Darla hit the nail on the head. When I wear pants or even something bought in the mens clothing section, it is for fashion reasons, not because I am trying to pass as a male. Right now I have a really really short haircut, once again, it is not so I can look like a boy. It is because I just wanted to experiemnt with a new hair style.

YOU wrote:
Why do so many people have such misconceptions? Cd'ers don't hurt anybody. They only wear clothes that are more their style. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Especially if you only do it at home.

Why do so many women feel offended or betrayed. Men don't get upset if women wear Levi jeans and cowboy shirts.

People have misconceptions because most have never been given proper information on the subject. I mean crossdressing or even transgender education is not part of health class. Most gg's know so little because it just does not fit in the scope of their world, espically if they don't know someone who falls in those groups. It is not part of the human condition that people talk about.

And as for all those who feel 'betrayed' that usually has to do with someone marrying another and not disclosing this from the get go.

I can't ever feel betrayed because I knew what I was getting into from the get go and I made a point to educate myself about transgender/crossdressing issues prior to involving myself with a cd. As did other gg's on this list who wanted to know more about this community and the people in it. WOmen who dont' find this interesting or even a subject of interest can't know about something that has nothing to do with them.

It is a shame, but I can bet learning about tg issues will not be in any health class anytime soon because the sad truth is for some people this goes against their religious beliefs. And those wonderful (note sarcasm) zealots are in power at this time and want to abolish anything that shows equality for the lgbt movement.

THe thing we can all do is make sure our children are aware of all the wonderful varities of familes and gender and sexual forms of expression and note that everyone being different is a great thing. I could never have married any guy who would not want to raise our child knowing all the varities of people that there are in this world. Our difference makes us special and that is the message we should all be teaching our youth, even if the school systems fail to do so.