View Full Version : Individuals

07-10-2011, 03:25 PM
I am going to rant for a moment, I was going through old threads, came across a comment that just absolutely has me infuriated.

I don’t want to start an argument or dredge up an old thread, so I am just going to rant for a moment.

Unless you were cloned from someone else in some laboratory somewhere, we are all Unique Individuals, each with our own likes, dislikes, beliefs and habits.

There are some of us that only wear underclothing of the opposite sex, and those that only dress up in private, some that only occasionally venture out into public, and some that live full time in clothing of the opposite sex.

There are those of us that try to emulate or pass as the opposite sex, and still others that mix or blend the fashion of both sexes.

What is right for one person, may not be right for the next.

There are things society deems appropriate, and things that society does not. Now remember, we are part of this society, we have a say in what is, and isn’t appropriate, unfortunately we don’t have a large voice at this time. But if we don’t open our mouths and speak up, we have no chance of being heard or being recognized as part of this society.

07-10-2011, 04:13 PM
I will second that!!


07-10-2011, 04:43 PM
There are things society deems appropriate, and things that society does not. Now remember, we are part of this society, we have a say in what is, and isn’t appropriate, unfortunately we don’t have a large voice at this time. But if we don’t open our mouths and speak up, we have no chance of being heard or being recognized as part of this society.

TBPO I don't wish to be "recognized" I just want to live a peaceful life without being some kind of curiosity. been there,got the t-shirt. :2c:

07-10-2011, 05:03 PM
There are things society deems appropriate, and things that society does not. Now remember, we are part of this society, we have a say in what is, and isn’t appropriate, unfortunately we don’t have a large voice at this time. But if we don’t open our mouths and speak up, we have no chance of being heard or being recognized as part of this society.

What if you do not wish to be part of a society that excludes others based on their individualism? I would rather be like THIS, and use society as a counterweight – I need something to bounce off of, and I need something to be against. I’ve already written at length about conformity, preferring to be an unabashed nonconformist for personal reasons, so how can I entertain the idea of being “part” of something I’m consistently at odds with?

As far as “speaking up” is concerned, I won’t be doing that anytime soon – why lecture to a nation of blinkered deaf, blind mutes, when I can be enjoying the brief time I have left on this orbital train-wreck? We have a say in what is appropriate? Really? You expect people to listen to us, the people who exist on the fringe of society, put there by a majority that believes they are RIGHT? You’re living in a fool’s paradise, which happens to a good description of this community. I like being a “fool,” I like it here, and I like it just as it is – if we somehow were absorbed into society as equals, riding a wave of reform (regarding what is “appropriate”), it would be a brief, pyrrhic victory, and soon a new wave of conformity would sweep away any gains. Alas, evolution is still a controversial idea...

Society pays lip service to individuals, but we are not wanted – just look around, and you’ll see what I mean. If an individual gets up to “speak,” he or she will be ignored, until there are enough "individuals" to exhibit a show of strength. The thing is, once you join a group, which implies thinking alike, or acting alike, or compromising your beliefs for the good of the group (because you want something), you cease to be an individual, and you’re no better than those you oppose. I would rather be a true individual, keep to myself, and not bother ANYONE...

07-10-2011, 07:07 PM
TBPO I don't wish to be "recognized" I just want to live a peaceful life without being some kind of curiosity. been there,got the t-shirt. :2c: Amen!

What if you do not wish to be part of a society that excludes others based on their individualism? I would rather be like THIS, and use society as a counterweight – I need something to bounce off of, and I need something to be against. I’ve already written at length about conformity, preferring to be an unabashed nonconformist for personal reasons, so how can I entertain the idea of being “part” of something I’m consistently at odds with?
:idontknow: You don't need to be part of THAT society, but you need to be a part of some society. Regardless of how beautiful, fragrant or SPECIAL a flower is, you close that flower in a box, and that flower will die.

As far as “speaking up” is concerned, I won’t be doing that anytime soon – why lecture to a nation of blinkered deaf, blind mutes, when I can be enjoying the brief time I have left on this orbital train-wreck? We have a say in what is appropriate? Really? You expect people to listen to us, the people who exist on the fringe of society, put there by a majority that believes they are RIGHT? You’re living in a fool’s paradise, which happens to a good description of this community. I like being a “fool,” I like it here, and I like it just as it is – if we somehow were absorbed into society as equals, riding a wave of reform (regarding what is “appropriate”), it would be a brief, pyrrhic victory, and soon a new wave of conformity would sweep away any gains. Alas, evolution is still a controversial idea...
You don't need to lecture to society, but, you shouldn't half to hide from it either. Just because someone believes something is right, dosn't make it so. "Thought would destroy their paradise. No more; where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise"

Society pays lip service to individuals, but we are not wanted – just look around, and you’ll see what I mean. If an individual gets up to “speak,” he or she will be ignored, until there are enough "individuals" to exhibit a show of strength. The thing is, once you join a group, which implies thinking alike, or acting alike, or compromising your beliefs for the good of the group (because you want something), you cease to be an individual, and you’re no better than those you oppose. I would rather be a true individual, keep to myself, and not bother ANYONE...

You said it yourself "I like it here" your a part of this group/community/society, what ever you want to call us, have you compromised your beliefs? have you ceased being an individual? I hope not