View Full Version : First time out other than Halloween and does Crossdressing have consequences?

07-17-2011, 07:59 AM
Well, I finally did it.
I was invited to a pageant here in the Madison area at a local club. My wife was out of town so I thought, why not, have some fun.
I did not go fully dressed, first time at the club, and I wanted to check it out.
But I had on a nice woman's denim shorts, panties, unisex sandals and a regular man's top. I met the friend who invited me, sat down with her, a table right in front, of course, and watched the show. I only had a beer, so alcohol was not an influence.
I was really nervous, because I am not out as a CD in general, only to a few friends, and I was scared I would meet someone I would know. Anyway,
The show and pageant were really good. The performers had a variety of great outfits, and were quite talented. I was having a really good time.
I then told my friend I had an outfit in my car and if it would be ok if I went out and changed into it. She said Go for it. So I said, what the hell, I will and I did.
Well, the top I thought I brought, to go with a denim skirt I did bring, was not there. I found out later it fell out of the bag and was laying on the floor at home.
Darn, it was really cute.
Anyway, does a gurl go anywhere with just one outfit?
My next outfit was a pretty floral, just about the knee, skirt, one of my favorites, I have two, and a very pretty sheer white lace top. So, again nervous as hell, I changed in the car. It is difficult to do since I am almost 6 feet tall. It was dark. It was hot too, so I avoided all the foundation wear. I pulled on a pair of pantyhose, my skirt, and then realized my breast forms and wig were in the trunk. Well, there weren't too many people around, and I was parked in a secluded spot, not going to do park right out in front of the club now, would I?
So I went to the trunk and grabbed what I needed. I went back in the car, put on my bra and forms, the top and wig. Buy this time I was shaking like crazy. The thought of putting on make-up, with the way my hands were shaking, was not even a remote possibility. Imagine; mascara, eye liner, lipstick, eye brow pencil, etc, with a shaking hand, I can't even apply them decently when my hands aren't shaking.
I then put on a pair of very sexy, strappy 4 inch heels, I had sandals, but these shoes are great, fit extremely well, are comfortable and don't cramp up my legs or feet later in the night. The only problem is I don't walk well in them, not experienced enough, I tend to walk like I had a few too many drinks. I got up the nerve to go in, a lot of new people came in when I was changing. I managed to walk up the entrance ramp without falling, and I was trying to remember to not walk like a man.
I made it to the table without too many looks, there were quite a few others dressed so it wasn't like I was the only one. My friend complimented me and made me blush. I sat there and watched the show and then socialized for awhile afterwards. Wish I had make-up on though, had to hide behind my wig, but, of course, that didn't work well.
Also, at the club, they were having a fashion show for Le Dame Footwear. And they were filming it for possible use in promotional advertising, and there I was, sitting right up front.
So much for being quietly in the closet!!! No make-up!! Dressed, though I did think the way I was dressed was attractive.
So, now I'm thinking: What are the ramifications of what I did. I still prefer to be quietly in the closet, with only a few people knowing I CD. I did not see anyone I knew, but that doesn't mean there may not have been someone there that knew me. Cameras were going off like crazy, there were professional photographers there along with the film crew. The performers friends were taking hundreds of pictures. How many of them will I show up on? And I wasn't being shy. Will I be out on the internet and all of a sudden see a picture of me? Will a friend or relative be out on the internet and see a picture of me? etc. All these thoughts.
Well, I know that if that happens I will just have to deal with it and I am prepared for that, mostly.
I have no idea what got into me, it was like an uncontrollabe urge that I could not deny. I had to do it, and the part of me that kept saying: What if? What if? What if, was completely shut down and ignored.
Well, as someone said recently, 'Crossdressing has consequences'.
Sorry for the length, I did have a very good time. My forms got lot of compliments, I didn't realize to later, when I finally got around to looking in a mirror, that with the top I was wearing, the nipples and shape of the forms were obvious. They looked very natural.
Oh well, live and learn.
p.s. the shoes I was wearing was a pair of Le Dame Dominatrix 4 inch heels. No adverse after affects at all after wearing them for a couple of hours.

Cynthia Anne
07-17-2011, 10:12 AM
Oh! What a great story! Once the nerves are settled any thing is possible! The best side affect is it's very habit forming! Glad you had such a great time! Hugs!

Samantha W
07-17-2011, 11:52 AM
Wow! That is awsome! The first time is such a huge rush. I hope you will have many more. "Buy this time I was shaking like crazy" I know how you felt. I was so nervous and scared. But you over came your fears, made the best out of the things that did'nt go as planed and most of all, you had FUN!

BTW I looked up your shoes. Very sexy. Just the chance to wear them would be good justification for a night out.

Fab Karen
07-17-2011, 05:46 PM
They'd be filming the models. Legally if your face appeared & they wanted to use it they'd have to clear it with you.