View Full Version : In what ways did your mom encourage your crossdressing?

07-23-2011, 04:13 PM
She wanted a daughter, she just liked dressing you up etc... What did she make you wear?

07-23-2011, 06:08 PM
Mine didn't have any impact on my dressing. She passed away when I was 12. I began dressing at 13.

07-23-2011, 06:46 PM
She thinks it's something shameful that I should keep hidden. But she accepts that I do it I suppose.

Barbara Dugan
07-23-2011, 06:51 PM
I believe my mother influenced that I never tried dressing at early age because I've only seen her a few times in a dress or with makeup

07-23-2011, 09:36 PM
Mom dressed me in my older sisters clothes when I was a toddler; also let my hair grow longer than was appropriate for a boy at the time. She stopped with the dressy stuff, but still kept me in her play clothes when I was playing alone and no one else was around. Dad thought it inappropriate, so it then stopped quickly, but the fact that I had been wearing 'girl' clothes when I was young later influenced my self image as to what gender I really was.

Karren H
07-23-2011, 09:47 PM
Since I could remember my mother said I was supposed to have been a girl. Constantly... She even threatened to make me a dress a few times to wear at halloween. I start to crossdress at 7.... Right after she gave birth to my sister. Coincidence?

07-23-2011, 09:52 PM
Im not digging the lunch lady look ... .sorry, :( I went a different route.. Something like: H'oo'ters. :)

Suzy Parker
07-23-2011, 10:53 PM
By having such nice shapewear, lingerie, and two closets full of nice clothing. And mostly for when I was sick, but not super sick, leaving me home alone from school while she and did workded all day. If she only knew what went on in her bedroom on those days.

Diane Smith
07-24-2011, 03:20 AM
My mom always expected a girl. She said she had never, ever even considered the idea that she might have a male baby. Although she didn't dress me in girls' outer clothes, she did like to put nail polish and lipstick on me from time to time. She tolerated my excursions into her wardrobe. She let me get my ears pierced when I was nine, and bought me my first pair of heels when I was 12.

After I went off to junior high and puberty started, I think she realized she had created a crossdresser rather than a real girl, and her interest in encouraging my femme side ceased rather abruptly. We had a don't ask, don't tell policy going for the next forty years after that, although I think she knew all along that I was still doing it.

- Diane

07-24-2011, 05:20 AM
My mom told me she expected a girl. She let me try some of her clothes (best was pantyhose), when I was 4-5 I asked her nail polish like her and she accepted. I also wanted my hair curled she accepted.

When I got again interested into crossdressing (8-9), she told me I looked like a pretty girl. I told her I would have prefered beeing a girl, she told me my crossdressing could be a consolation. She offered her help giving me clothes (dresses, skirts, shoes, stockings) and some make up.

But I stopped this too soon (13), because of the pressure of school friends (about being male, etc...). My mother died a couple years after, but she knew me, and she always said me crossdressing could be my secret garden I it made me feel good, even if I couldn't assume this out.

I asked myself if I was a crossdresser because of her. That is not so simple. I wanted to please my mother, and my mother wanted to please me. Anyway now crossdressing is part of myself.

07-24-2011, 05:21 AM
My mother wanted a girl as her first child and had bought clothes for a baby girl. She got me.

That said, I was born with long hair and wore those baby clothes. Also, I remember an incident when I was seven or eight when it hurt (I mean it was painful) to comb my hair. My mother thought getting me a perm would be a good fix since she wouldn't need to comb it as much. Big mistake. I got razzed something awful at school. I think it was taken out or my hair was cut after a week.

But I remember my aunts and possibly my mother walking around the house in their foundation garments when I was young. I think the first time I raided her underwear drawer I was about nine or so.

Oh well. Whatever the causes, I am what I am and I enjoy what I enjoy.

Danielle Gee
07-24-2011, 05:44 AM
My Mother didn't "dress" me herself, but she allowed and encouraged my next older Sister to treat me like a human Barbie Doll.

She caught me snooping in her lingerie drawer on day and dressed me up in some of her party dresses. After working with me for an hour or so, downstairs we went to show Mom Dad. Surprisingly enough they went along with her and I spent the next few years being "Melissa" at least once a week.

This continued for the next few years.......I became almost her personal maid. She kept me in line by threatening to tell my friends.

I'm sure I was born with Cross-Dressing tendencies, but her treatment of me only help fuel the fire.


Foxy Lady
07-24-2011, 06:35 AM
Mom & dad both said I sdhuld have been a girl. Mom never encouraged me I started dressing around tan and she caught me wearing bra, panties,nylons and her Playtex OBG. As punisgment she made me wear the full female going out clothes including heels and makeup, after that I was hooked.

07-24-2011, 06:38 AM
none except i was her stuff

07-24-2011, 07:36 AM
In a short and simple answer, she didn't, period. The few times that I was caught dressing, there was a huge blow up over it, and both my parents at one point even considered sending my to a psychologist because they didn't feel this was "normal behavior". I think my mom still knows that i dress, however, it is most definately a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy and I won't bring up the subject unless she does. <Shrug>

07-24-2011, 07:50 AM
My mother started dressing me at a very early age, maybe aroud 4 or five years old, whenever my dad wasn't home, as she always wanted a girl. Being that I was an only child, and my dad worked alot of nights, this became a way of life for me. She continued to dress me until about my 1st year of high school, and then stopped. It had become such a way of life for me that I needed to continue this so hence came miss Joann. Although it has ruined two marriages I have to be who I was ment to be. Since I work in the construction industry I have to underdress during the day, but on weekends out comes Joann. Maybe some day I will meet that special person that understands my needs, until then life goes on

07-24-2011, 10:05 AM
My mother absolutely hates it when I wear unconventinal styles. She dislikes when I wear a belt around my waist over my shirt (aka, tunic style) even when I am wearing pants. She hates my leggings, and such. She has no idea about my skirts.

I would really love to be open to her, but her past behavior concerning my style just makes that a no go.

07-24-2011, 10:37 AM
She didn't encourage it! She bypassed anything about it that had to do with me and considered it the latest in a line of activity by me that could only be intended to cause her personal problems. I was restricted from doing so and several hundred dollars in clothes thrown in the trash by my stepfather several times, who also looked at it as a personal attack against him.

Ironically the most accepting and helpful people in my life have been two of his friends, or former friends. I think he considers it an attack on him and my mother because I "came out" to them before him. But they are a TG couple so it was obvious that I would gravitate towards them. He didn't even realize they were a TG couple and the fact that they're pretty open worried him about his reputation, as I was always his "badge of honor" when it came to being a good person. He considered it a nice thing that he let me stay around considering I wasn't his child and frequently bragged that he raised me (yea right lol).

Their behavior did have one good result, when I was 18 years old he tried to physically remove me from his house. He did not plan on just asking me to leave. He was waiting for the day I was legal for him to hurt me for real (he has a history of physical violence on his record). So I picked up an empty dumbbell and used it after he initially tackled me across the room and into some exercise equipment. I only broke his nose and knocked out some teeth. I could've hurt him or even killed him if I wanted to. We still speak and I've asked why would you attack someone in a room full of exercise equipment? His answer was that he did not think I "had it in me".

I didn't get in trouble for it legally and they gave me the strength that was needed for life I think. I left that night and haven't been back. We do still speak but they seem to dislike the idea of me being on an equal footing with them. We're not the closest of family anymore but I think the events of your life help define who you are. Whether it was nice or not it helped me more than it hurt, I'm not sure if they can say the same but they have calmed down a lot.

07-24-2011, 10:38 AM
I don't think she ever encouraged it specifically, but there are two things that probably did effect my dressing.

One was that the very first time I wore women's clothes, it was because of her. :) For halloween when I was no more than 5 years old, she dressed me as a 'little old lady'. She put me in a black dress, tights (that were so big for me I had to keep pulling them up!), grey wig and bra stuffed with something. I did my 'trick or treating' like this and then went to a kid's party.

More related to my crossdressing, I never spoke to her about it but I'm sure she knew. Mainly because of a few things that would happen. Once I had some things that were not hidden well enough (a bra, slip, a few pairs of panties). I came home from school one day to find some laundry in my room folded and ready to be put away. In that pile of laundry were the panties slip and bra, clean and folded along with everything else. She'd gone through my room earlier looking for dirty laundry and had just scooped them up along with everything else. I told myself for years that maybe she didn't notice (while washing, drying and folding them) what they were. Sure.

This happened at least once also with a cotton nightgown. I used to hide it but once in a while would just put it under my pillow if I was in a hurry. I came home to see it hanging on the line to dry with the rest of the day's laundry!! I ignored it pretending I never noticed. She didn't say anything either... but the next day it was returned to my room folded and clean.

There was something special that night about getting into a soft nightgown, smelling fresh from the was and drying line, that I knew that my mom had just washed for me. : )

I know that she 'went through' my room regularly and I was never any good at hiding anything, so I'm sure she'd found my entire stash of lingere skirts and dresses, but we both ignored it. It was one of those 'I knew she knew that I knew...' situations. I wish now that one of us had just said something. I wonder if I would have ended up with the freedom to dress while at home...

07-24-2011, 12:31 PM
I know my mother wanted her second child to be a girl. The first born was a boy. She had my name already picked out. She gave me the masculine name of her choice. I remember once crying in bed dressed in one of her nylon nightgowns that she did not like me because she wanted a girl. Somehow I think she really disliked me because I was not a girl. I don't know whether this had an effect on me or not. Sometimes I think my development into being a cross dresser somehow relates to being accepted by her-period.

Jane G
07-24-2011, 01:27 PM
In no way what so ever.

07-24-2011, 03:22 PM
Although I've told this many times before I'll tell it once again. Every once in awhile when I was young my mother would give me girl's panties and tee-shirt to wear when my boy undies were 'dirty'. That went for socks also. At three and a half I was baptized in a very lacy dress (I don't remember that but I have seen the pictures). Was used as a dress model for a girl cousin of mine. After my mother passed away we found those dresses in her attic. No one could figure out where those dresses came from but I knew. When modeling I had to wear all the girly things underneath also. Was forced to wear girl's clothes by an aunt when I got my boy clothes dirty. Was always told I looked like a girl, acted like a girl or talked like a girl. Was always called a sissy. Was reminded constantly that I would've been called Janice if I was born a girl. After dressing as a colonial girl in the 5th grade for halloween I began experimenting with dress up. After a few months I tried a combination of clothes that sent me over the edge.
When I was caught wearing my sister's things about three years later my parents went ballistic and couldn't understand why I was getting into that lifestyle.

07-24-2011, 05:24 PM
Mothers always know more than you think they do. She had to have known. I grew up with two GG cousins. When playing together on weekends, dress-up was always one of our favorites games. I always wanted to be the mother. I would dress in my cousins panties and dresses. I never tried to hid what I was doing. We often asked our mothers to pic which of us looked the best. My favorite outfit was my oldest cousin's pink satin sunday dress with bows and ribbons. I would wear her black Mary Jane shoes. I felt beautiful. I will never forget how absolutely great it felt being dressed around my mother and my annts. Later when I started growing to large for my cosin's clothes, I begged my mother to buy me my own dresses and panties. She broke down once and bought me pertty blue satin dress with crinoline, panties, slip and shoes. I was told not to wear any of my outfit when anyone other than my mother or my annts were home. I am sure my father must have known because my mother never kept secrets from him. I was never able to get my mother to buy me anymore dresses after I outgrew this one. I know she must have known that I would try on her dresses and lingerie. My mother was a very beautiful woman and loved to dress-up and go out. My parents were very good dancers and loved to party. I wish I had had the chance to talk to her about it in later years. I do miss her very much.

I feel I had a most special childhood. I feel so lucky to be a man who likes to wear a women's clothing. I feel it helps me relate to people and I think it makes me a much better person.


Claire Marie Hawkins

07-25-2011, 02:24 AM
My mother started dressing me at a very early age, maybe aroud 4 or five years old, whenever my dad wasn't home, as she always wanted a girl. Being that I was an only child, and my dad worked alot of nights, this became a way of life for me. She continued to dress me until about my 1st year of high school, and then stopped. It had become such a way of life for me that I needed to continue this so hence came miss Joann. Although it has ruined two marriages I have to be who I was ment to be. Since I work in the construction industry I have to underdress during the day, but on weekends out comes Joann. Maybe some day I will meet that special person that understands my needs, until then life goes on

Wow. What things did she make you wear?

07-27-2011, 03:41 PM
ladies any more experiences with mom?

Cynthia Anne
07-27-2011, 04:09 PM
Didn't happen! No encouragement at all! More like discouragement is what I received!

07-27-2011, 06:09 PM
Not really encouragement, although that would have been great. I used to wear my mothers pantyhose under my clothes while we both watched TV. I would secretly take my socks off and hide my pantyhosed feet under an afghan we would have on the couch. I just loved the risk of getting caught! Of course I got caught and she didn't like it at all. She told me to never wear them again. But that didn't stop me from doing it again and again. Eventually I had a talk with her and told her that I simply like to wear womens clothes, that it wouldn't stop and convinced her that I wouldn't wear them out of the house. I asked her if she could get me pantyhose. She said she would think about it. The very next day on my bed was two newly washed old pairs of hers! Every now and then I would get a couple of pairs. I was so excited to have my own pantyhose given to me by my mother. Eventually I would just wear my pantyhose around the house with a long t-shirt when it was only the two of us at home.

07-31-2011, 11:27 AM
aww cute ricci. your mom was accepting

07-31-2011, 12:32 PM
I was a latch key kid, and started dressing Mom's clothes around 8 years old. I became very good at covering my tracks but not good enough. I got caught a few times and told to stop it, called a sissy, what's the matter with you etc... By the time I reached middle and high school, she had to be aware what was gonig on. It really blew up when I ruined some of her more expensives clothes becasue I was getting so much bigger. A beating by my Dad, and a Man-up regiemine followed, a year latter she caught me again. rolled her eyes and shook her head. After that I began to notice clothes that fit me in her closet. So I naturally wore those, there were about 6 dresses, some shoes, and lingerie on a shelf in the fromt of th walk-in closet, looking back, as I grew in size so did the clothes.

When I came back from the Air Force on leave that section was empty. Mom never said anyting but I guess this was her way of dealing with it. I wonder if she was sympathtic or just wanted me out of her clothes??

07-31-2011, 12:40 PM
My mom said I was suppose to bea girl. Melissa was suppose to be my name. She used to threaten to paint my fingernails becase I wouldn't cut them and after the first time finding my stash she didn't tell dad of any of the other incidents. :)

07-31-2011, 02:19 PM
aww cute ricci. your mom was accepting

I really wouldn't call it accepting. It was more toleration. I think she only gave them to me to keep me from going out and buying them myself.
So the encouraging to wear was to stay home, wear all you want to satisfy your need, but don't leave the house.

Jenn M
07-31-2011, 04:17 PM
When I was about 14 I got caught for about the 3rd or 4th time. Mom would go out on Sat. mornings to get her hair done and that would be my time to dress. She came home early one Sat. and caught me again. She said since you like this so much I will get you some of your own things but you will not be able to stay home alone anymore. So every Sat. I would go to the hairdresser with her and she told all the ladies why I was there. At first in was just in girls jeans and a sweater but little by little I was more girley. Heard things like isen't he sweet or how cute he is etc. Was not allowed to go to the barbers has to have my hair trimed by Mom's hairdresser. It seemed like she enjoyed having me as her daughter!

08-05-2011, 03:03 PM
Mom must have noticed that any nylons she threw into her bedroom trash were "liberated" within the day. She never seemed to mind and once even threw out a perfectly good garter panty, with all the removeable garters still attached! Now any woman in the early 1960's would have saved the garters for spares, so from that point on I think she let me know!

08-05-2011, 03:03 PM
so cute. Have any other Cds been raised like a girl in addition to the clothes?

08-05-2011, 04:48 PM
When i was little and my mom was painting her nails, she would let me pick out a color and paint my own nails. I just had to take it off before my dad came home.

08-07-2011, 11:03 AM
I was dressed in my older sisters panties lacy socks and party dress with maryjanes when I was about 4 or 5 , with my sister and her little friends all laughing
My recolectionof the event was that I was at the same time both humiliated and arroused .

Then at age 14 I started growing breasts as part of puberty and a very attractive MILF whispered in my ear at a party (so close I could smell her perfume)
"you should be wearing a bra sweetie your tits are bigger than mine" .

Again I was both embarrassed and arroused , so about a week or so later .................
I was home alone and as I walked past the open door to my older sisters bedroom , there on the floor was a sexy

black lacecup underwire bra and I picked it up and I knew I would put it on right then so off with my tshirt
As I got my self adjusted into those lace cups , (it fit me like I was measured for it) , I was changed forever into a crossdresser .

Seeing the LLPG also on the floor close by, I took it also, and wore it for two days , then put them in the laundry.
Since they were missed , they were examined and showed "seminal evidense" (so to speak) and my mom made me promise not to wear my sisters things again.

She then went out and bought me my own black lace underwire brassiere 36B , a black pantygirdle with lace trim, and a slip for me to wear at home
the only instructions being "don't wear them in front of your father , and not to school .

It was many yrs before I changed to all panties all the time however.

Mrs Roads
08-07-2011, 11:15 AM
I don't think my mom ever encouraged me directly. But when I was very young she had said to me that I'm so pretty that I should have been born a girl :) A few of my aunts also said the same thing to me - that I was too pretty to be a boy - facially, if I had grew my hair long, I definitely could have passed myself off easily as a girl (all I need was some lipstick and pig tails :). Even though I pretended to get mad, deep underneath I was very happy and excited. This was also about the same time I started to experiment with cross dressing by sneaking into my mom's wardrobe and trying out the bra, panties, high heels (nearly broke my ankle that first time trying to walk in them hehehe).

PS You're lucky to have real breast IMO - I'm way to lean with like maybe 8% body fat (I'm a long distance runner and tri-athlete on my spare time - gals that do this are generally very flat chested), so unless I start taking female hormones or get surgical implants it ain't happening for this gal. As such, I ordered very costly synthetic breasts from Realbreast.com - I got myself the pair of DD:battingeyelashes:

Mrs Roads
08-07-2011, 11:25 AM
I was dressed in my older sisters panties lacy socks and party dress with maryjanes when I was about 4 or 5 , with my sister and her little friends all laughing
My recolectionof the event was that I was at the same time both humiliated and arroused .

Then at age 14 I started growing breasts as part of puberty and a very attractive MILF whispered in my ear at a party (so close I could smell her perfume)
"you should be wearing a bra sweetie your tits are bigger than mine" .

Again I was both embarrassed and arroused , so about a week or so later .................
I was home alone and as I walked past the open door to my older sisters bedroom , there on the floor was a sexy

black lacecup underwire bra and I picked it up and I knew I would put it on right then so off with my tshirt
As I got my self adjusted into those lace cups , (it fit me like I was measured for it) , I was changed forever into a crossdresser .

Seeing the LLPG also on the floor close by, I took it also, and wore it for two days , then put them in the laundry.
Since they were missed , they were examined and showed "seminal evidense" (so to speak) and my mom made me promise not to wear my sisters things again.

She then went out and bought me my own black lace underwire brassiere 36B , a black pantygirdle with lace trim, and a slip for me to wear at home
the only instructions being "don't wear them in front of your father , and not to school .

It was many yrs before I changed to all panties all the time however.
Girl - I can definitely relate to that. CD is a very sexually arousing experience for me too. I noted in one of my post that when I found my dad's Penthouse stash I was about 12 then, and my first thought was wanting to look like the woman in the centrefold, and more importantly to feel what she (appeared) to be feeling and experience sexuality from her perspective because I felt that some how, sexuality from a women's view seems so much more erotic and sensual - from that point forward a large part of me wished I was born a girl. So I found myself needing to capture that feeling and experience in a very bad way, and CD for me was the answer - putting on a sexy pink or red thong, thigh highs, skimpy bra, hot pants or short-shorts, and getting my face prettied up and placing on my long haired to transform into Ms Roads is indeed a very erotic and sensuous experience:battingeyelashes:

08-13-2011, 06:42 PM
When i was little and my mom was painting her nails, she would let me pick out a color and paint my own nails. I just had to take it off before my dad came home.

Ya I see a lot of moms doing that. so cute

08-13-2011, 07:55 PM
My mon encouraged me be kicking butt! One time my mother slapped me so hard my face went on the other side of my head! LOL!
I said, damn, I want to kick butt like mom!!!! LMAO!


08-13-2011, 08:20 PM
Well I guess it all started when I was only a couple days old when my
mom dressed me in that little white dress to bring me home from the hospital.


08-13-2011, 08:27 PM
Not really encouragement, although that would have been great.
1) I was the baby of the family and got all the hand me downs.

2) I had two big sisters. At least she was nice enough to let me wear boys underwear or I might have been demanding to wear sundresses instead of jeans once I was old enough to have a shot at all the sexy ones.

08-13-2011, 10:12 PM
Since I could remember my mother said I was supposed to have been a girl.
I don't know if it was my case but it could be. If it was mentioned I can't remember. So it wasn't something that she used to bring up often.

I start to crossdress at 7.... Right after she gave birth to my sister. Coincidence?
I can't say for sure when I started but I have very early memories of me wearing my mother panties when nobody was looking. My younger brother was born when I was 4. I wonder if that was the trigger.

By having such nice shapewear, lingerie, and two closets full of nice clothing. And mostly for when I was sick, but not super sick, leaving me home alone from school while she and did workded all day. If she only knew what went on in her bedroom on those days.
My mother did have nice lingerie too, and I spent time home alone, a lot when I was a teenage, even whole weeks after I got 15. And she stashed some of her old clothes in my room because I had a couple big drawers that I was not using. Panties, slips, a couple wonderful negligees, pantyhose...

I can't believe my mother did this to me!!!!!!! :oD

08-13-2011, 11:38 PM
I had always been attracted to tights/pantyhose. One day my mum had left a black pair on her bedroom floor. I really am not sure what happened but the next thing I remember is I was wearing them and I put my blue polyester pants and white knitted socks on over the top. I was so proud to be wearing the tights and they felt just as good as I had expected, so I went downstairs to show my mum, pulling up my pantleg. She thought it was funny and told me to go and show my dad. I don't really remember his reaction but he didn't get angry or say anything bad. That night I asked if I could sleep in the tights, and I was allowed to without any recriminations. However, in the morning they were hanging on the radiator next to my bed and I don't remember taking them off. My mum realised that some boys are interested in women's clothing (I'd mentioned previously that I wondered what it would be like to have hair curled in curlers and she said she'd do it for me but I backed out at the thoughts of going to school that way), and that if she denied me the experience of 'dressing up' she'd just be reinforcing it in me. So she gave me a big old box of her clothes to be worn only when my dad was not at home. My dad for all his sins never ever pushed me into sports or any of the overtly manly things, but I suppose that the sight of his son in a Pucci dress, pantyhose and high heels, earrings and jewelery too, was a bit much for him. He never ever put me down for my crossdressing though, and my mum was very tolerant. I would run home from school every day and get into a dress and tights. Sometimes I'd sneak out and ride my bike that way, only on the back. My neighbours must have seen but nothing was ever said. When everyone had gone to bed I would dress up again. It was a wonderful time. A couple of years later we moved to a new neighbourhood and I was told that I'd had lots of fun with it, but it was a new life and there were to be no more women's clothes for me. Of course that didn't stop me and when I was home alone I did the full thing. Except for a wig. My mum had a Cher wig, but I couldn't get it to work for me so it was everything but the hair. She knew I'm sure. Would often say that with legs like mine I should have been born a girl and that she knew I'd always wanted a female body. Mild mannered teasing and fair enough since her lingerie drawers must have constantly looked like there'd been a tornado in them. And it was true, I had always wanted a female body. When I hit puberty the tolerance was gone, but there was a lot of pressure from the church my parents were attending at the time. I refused to stop and they weren't happy but they didn't throw me out. Like so many others, it became a don't ask don't tell situation. Fast forward many more years. My dad passed away in 2005 but my mum is fine with my crossdressing and knows that I have always wanted to be female.

08-14-2011, 02:16 AM
When I was younger (Until high school) she did everything to Discourage my dressing. Whenever I would help myself to things that she had placed in the charity bag she would find them and give me lectures about how it was not proper and all that. She even went as far as calling me a fairy once. That really hurt.

But now that I am older she seems to be more accepting about my dressing. We sometimes talk about fashions and transgender issues. Hell, just last weekend she asked me if I had any experience with a certain makeup at the store and she even took my advice! I am also her go-to confidant on all matters of fashion, though that is mainly just questions about age appropriateness, but it is progress!

08-14-2011, 02:21 AM

Responses to this thread are quite interesting and the psychologists may have a field day with my take on this.

My mother never encouraged my cross dressing though she did occasionally facilitate my repeated Halloween excursions. When I was criticized for my lack of Halloween creativity - all I ever asked to "be" for Halloween was a girl - she would defend me by saying: "There is nothing wrong with Geri dressing as a girl. When I was young we were so poor that all my brother and I could do for Halloween was trade clothes. He went as a girl for years and I went as a boy." I wish I would have had the opportunity to ask my uncle about this, but sadly he died before I could.

But I think there is something deeper in my relationship with mom. I am the oldest of 4. I have three brothers and my mother tells the story that before I was born both she and my father were desperate for a boy baby. It took years for my mother to conceive and leading up to my birth my parents and extended family turned out all manner of "old school" Catholic Hocus Pocus. When I was born apparently there was great rejoicing as they believed their prayers were answered. As time went on, the story goes, all they wanted was that each subsequent pregnancy produce a girl. Sometimes, in the telling of this story there is such an air of exaltation at the beginning and so much disappointment as it comes to an end when the story of my last brother's birth is described. The story can be a long one because 14 1/2 years separate me and my youngest brother. My brothers are lucky THEY didn't develop a complex after hearing this tome repeatedly. I hated the story from the first time I can remember hearing it at around 7 or 8, after brother #2 was born and there were plans in the works for child #3. I have never felt like the golden boy that my mother says they wanted. There must have been some mistake. I should have been a girl. In fact I came to feel that somehow I was exceptionally cheated. During my religious education I used to get angry that God made such a mistake by listening to all of them - even that he was persuaded or coerced to make an "imperfect adjustment" to me before my birth.

As I cast off my religious perspective I came for a time to a place where I wondered whether my distaste for the expectations that go along with this story may have somehow affected my desire to be the girl my mother always wanted. Was it some sort of strange unintended reverse psychology that made me a transsexual? Well I might have believed this true until I started listening more closely to other stories my mother still tells about me as a very young child. She has all these stories about how I was always attached to girls and women, how I wanted girl toys, only wanted to play with girls, do girlish activities, only invite girls to my birthday parties, etc. "Oh we were so afraid he was gay, but we bought him the doll anyway." : ends one very popular story. Thing is though, events in many of these stories take place long before the desire for a girl child or the frustration was expressed about my brothers was even a reality.

So in a way these latter stories about my girlishness have come to doubly reinforce my certainty about being trans. In a way it is like "reluctant testimony and I am now grateful for it.

08-21-2011, 02:23 PM

Responses to this thread are quite interesting and the psychologists may have a field day with my take on this.

My mother never encouraged my cross dressing though she did occasionally facilitate my repeated Halloween excursions. When I was criticized for my lack of Halloween creativity - all I ever asked to "be" for Halloween was a girl - she would defend me by saying: "There is nothing wrong with Geri dressing as a girl. When I was young we were so poor that all my brother and I could do for Halloween was trade clothes. He went as a girl for years and I went as a boy." I wish I would have had the opportunity to ask my uncle about this, but sadly he died before I could.

But I think there is something deeper in my relationship with mom. I am the oldest of 4. I have three brothers and my mother tells the story that before I was born both she and my father were desperate for a boy baby. It took years for my mother to conceive and leading up to my birth my parents and extended family turned out all manner of "old school" Catholic Hocus Pocus. When I was born apparently there was great rejoicing as they believed their prayers were answered. As time went on, the story goes, all they wanted was that each subsequent pregnancy produce a girl. Sometimes, in the telling of this story there is such an air of exaltation at the beginning and so much disappointment as it comes to an end when the story of my last brother's birth is described. The story can be a long one because 14 1/2 years separate me and my youngest brother. My brothers are lucky THEY didn't develop a complex after hearing this tome repeatedly. I hated the story from the first time I can remember hearing it at around 7 or 8, after brother #2 was born and there were plans in the works for child #3. I have never felt like the golden boy that my mother says they wanted. There must have been some mistake. I should have been a girl. In fact I came to feel that somehow I was exceptionally cheated. During my religious education I used to get angry that God made such a mistake by listening to all of them - even that he was persuaded or coerced to make an "imperfect adjustment" to me before my birth.

As I cast off my religious perspective I came for a time to a place where I wondered whether my distaste for the expectations that go along with this story may have somehow affected my desire to be the girl my mother always wanted. Was it some sort of strange unintended reverse psychology that made me a transsexual? Well I might have believed this true until I started listening more closely to other stories my mother still tells about me as a very young child. She has all these stories about how I was always attached to girls and women, how I wanted girl toys, only wanted to play with girls, do girlish activities, only invite girls to my birthday parties, etc. "Oh we were so afraid he was gay, but we bought him the doll anyway." : ends one very popular story. Thing is though, events in many of these stories take place long before the desire for a girl child or the frustration was expressed about my brothers was even a reality.

So in a way these latter stories about my girlishness have come to doubly reinforce my certainty about being trans. In a way it is like "reluctant testimony and I am now grateful for it.

Aww sad but interesting story. At least your mom was honest and not hiding that she wanted a daughter. Other CDs have stories of moms role? I keep getting the feeling CDs are tied into their moms behaviors and attitudes towards them. Want to hear more.

08-21-2011, 02:49 PM
I mainly grew up with my mom, sister, and female cousin.

My sister and cousin dressed me up two or three times when I was young, but my mom never did or encourage me to.

In my teens, a few times she found various article of clothes from all three of them hidden in my dresser, and confronted me on it, which I denied and swore it was not me. One time she even asked me if this was what I wanted and offered to buy things for me. But being in the late 70's-early 80's and desperatly trying to deny my "perversion" I told her, "No, it is not me.. I'm being framed."

I wish I had or could have accepted myself earlier.

Jenny Melton
10-04-2011, 08:19 AM
My mother wanted a girl when I was born. When I was fourteen, my mom wanted to dress me as a girl. Man I wanted to do that but was afraid of having some problems (if you know what I mean). But in reality I could not imagen what I would have loved more than wearing a bra, panties, stockings, slip and a dress. But then there was the issue of shame attached to my pleasure of wearing those things. I have been in the closet until this day. And I love getting wet and baptizing myself in the tub. I do not understand my enjoyment.

10-04-2011, 09:00 AM
My mother did not encourage me or ever let on that I was raiding her closet. She must have known especially in the summer during my early teen years when I would stay home by myself and wear her clothes all the time. I could have never put everything back correctly where I found them. Mother probably knew but never said anything except for her comments on what nice legs I have and that most women would kill for legs like mine.


10-04-2011, 09:14 AM
My answer is a very confusing yes and no. As a small child, I would dress in my mom's shoes and walk around the house. For the first few years, there were no issues and she did not say anything and actually enjoyed it. However, as I got older she started telling me that a boy wearing womens shoes is wrong and began punishing me for wearing her shoes. Therein lies the confusion.
Unfortunately, I did not stop. On another post I outlined the first time I was caught wearing her clothes and the subsequent "talk". I got the usual "boys wear boy clothes, girls wear girl clothes, do you want us to dress you that way for school?" talk. I was caught and chastized several times afterwards. Mom would regularly search my room for clothes and each time would confiscate and throw away my clothes. She even went as far as searching my car for clothes on several occasions. If I owe anything to my mother in regards to my transvestism, I would have to say that she helped me learn how to hide my clothes well and how to look at all possible scenarios that would result in someone uncovering my stash. I hide my clothes very well now.
What I can also credit to mom was my fascination with womens clothing. Silk panties and bras, pantyhose, high heels, dresses, skirts, and silky blouses are all items that I still enjoy wearing to this day.

10-04-2011, 01:39 PM
I guess the best answer I have is what could be called Passive Acceptence....My mom had an innate ability to show unconditional love for her children...I don't care how badly my Brothers/Sisters or I messed up we knew Mom still loved us.

She allowed us to grow up and become individuals and make many of our own choices....now the other side to this coin is that we also learned to live with the consequences of our own decisions and actions and this was difficult for several of my siblings who have had their share of run ins with the law...for while Mom and Dad allowed us the freedom to explore...they would quickly inform you that if you got into trouble with the law and were thrown in jail for your own stupidity...don't bother calling home expecting to be bailed out..it just didn't happen.

Like all Mom's...Mine knew that I snuck her shoes out of the closet she never confronted me with this in a manner that would have perhaps embarrassed me or stifled my exploration...so I guess you could call this encouragement of a passive nature.

Jennifer in CO
10-04-2011, 07:30 PM
Mom didn't "Officially" condone it, but she didn't do anything to stop it either. It was a don't say/don't tell kinda thing. That said, a stray pair of my Sister's panties would show up in my underware drawer sometimes...on one occasion I felt guilty about wearing them I went to put them back in her drawer where they belong...and they were already there. My mother had bought me my own (half a dozen pair or so) and was "slipping" them to me. Mom had two bikinis that I would sneak out and wear in the pool every now and then. Years later I realized that if they fit me there was no way they would fit my mom...she bought them for me. I had a "stash" in my closet (couple of bras, panties, clothes etc). When they were first found she piled them on my bed... I re-hid them. Soon after, they were back on my bed...cleaned/folded. I re-hid them. She found them again and this time put them in my dresser drawers where they should belong and hung my one dress, two tops and skirt in the front of my closet (where they had to be seen everytime you opened the door). But in all this she never said a thing waiting for me to bring it up I would emagine but I never did.
She always bought my clothes till I was out of high school and to this day I'm pretty sure most of them came from one or two trendy girls clothing stores in the area. They wern't obviously "girly", just plain tops and pants. I found this out shortly after I got my license. She broke her foot and I was driving her around while she healed. We stopped for something for my sister at one of these stores. While she "shopped" I was wondering through the racks and on one of them was the top I was wearing and an adjacnt rack the same royal blue pair of cordoroy pants I had on (zipper had a 1" ring on it and pulled down instead of up...I loved those!). On another rack was a pretty pesant blouse in a baby blue satin/poly. Feeling rather brave, I found my size and went into the changing room, put it on, then went back out and showed her. Her only comment was "If I buy it, your wearing it to school". We didn't, but in all of it it was her way of saying I love you anyway...


Toni Citara
10-04-2011, 07:49 PM
Mom not only didn't encourage it or support it, she went bat-shit crazy when she found out when I was in high school and brought my dad into my room for "the talk" and the two of them made it their main focus to have me accept Jesus as my personal saviour and acknowledge crossdressing, as well as masturbation and premarital sex, was a huge sin and I would burn in hell forever if I didn't change my evil ways. Thanks to my parents, I enjoyed religious guilt for a few years of my life, but then I discovered "celebrity" and easy women, alcohol and swinging. So, thanks to my mom's freaking out, I was not turned into a religious prude, but rather an irreligious explorer of life and cognizant of a greater power than some man-made religion.

(sorry, next post will be shorter... LOL)

10-04-2011, 10:49 PM
I too was supposed to be their first girl "Amanda" lol. Guess they kind of got their wish, though despite a lot of disappointment, a therapist and me coming home to all my stuff packed and my small (hidden) wardrobe laying on top of it...I think they assume I stopped once I moved out. Guess she didn't help much haha. She always refused to support it

10-04-2011, 11:23 PM
My mother did not encourage me or ever let on that I was raiding her closet. She must have known especially in the summer during my early teen years when I would stay home by myself and wear her clothes all the time. I could have never put everything back correctly where I found them. Mother probably knew but never said anything except for her comments on what nice legs I have and that most women would kill for legs like mine.


Yes, I wasn't really good at putting the clothes back and my mother still says I have legs most women would want. I'm not sure they're *that* good though. Wish they were.

christina s
10-05-2011, 01:37 AM
Kind of sort of . When i was younger her closet was overflowing so she started putting her clothes into mine which eventually, curiosity killed the cat and i started trying them on .

10-05-2011, 04:23 AM
"How did Mum encourage my cross dressing?" I'll say "indirectly"

She never dressed me up nor put on a single item of clothing. Instead she planted her ideas of what is perfection (Feminity) and what is evil (any thing male).

She held out the feminine form out as the ultimate vision of perfection. To Whit, when introducing the sibs to her friends, she would say "here is xxx the eldest, then came Kat, finally came my success story (my sister) zzz". Even the 3YO me could figure out the equation "If new sis == success, then brothers == failure".

Yes, she introduced her sole daughter as her success story leaving the unsaid implication that her sons were her miserable failures. This assessment has been reinforced in her senior years. Her granddaughters could do no wrong, while her grandsons can go pound sand.

You may think I exaggerate, but I assure you, I am pulling my punches. I sooooo want to go on about my feelings about the woman that bore me (I won't call her "Mom" as that suggests a relationship that never existed). Understand instead the effect on an offspring desiring to please a supposed-parent. Said parent praises the female form over all other. IMHO this is the best explanation of why I CD today. The desire to please a parent I could never please due to incorrect hardware.... She's dead now [cancer] and it's no relief. I Yam what I Yam,,, And I still want to piss on her <del>grave</del> burial site

Note to self... piss on here grave while in town next.

sally silverfox
10-05-2011, 04:40 AM
I started wearing her panties and slips very young.At puberty I too left "seminal "evidence on them and while I thought I hid her things well in my room they also were found.She never mentioned it to me even though I continued to take her things and wear them until I left home after graduating from high school.I do remember when quite young she dressed me as a girl and perform on stage as part of ballet lessons I was taking.I guess in a subtle way she encouraged my cross dressing.

10-05-2011, 05:57 AM
My memories were locked away until I came to this forum. Something that I suppressed or simply had forgotten over the years.
I can now recall Mom putting nail polish on me at least once. She made me up on more than one occasion, replete with the reddest lipstick.........
I can still see her smile of approval and wish I could go back and experience it all again.

10-05-2011, 06:10 AM
she did by buying me women's cloths when i was 15 and she also supported me after i told her i was gay.. Love ya mom...

10-05-2011, 07:38 AM
I won't say she encouraged me, but she didn't discourage me either. About kindergarten/first grade she dressed me up as a witch. I remember she hand made the witches costume from a pattern, so it was a lot nicer then any regular commercial costume. There is actually a photo of me in the witches costume.

She also taught me a lot of more feminine crafts like sewing, crochet, needle point, etc. I got to point where I had actually sewn my own down coat, I wore to middle school/high school. I was easily the best in class in freshman home ec sewing. Now project runway is my favorite show on TV. I regularly discuss who should win with my wife.

Then 40 years later when I was recovering from bypass surgery, I came out to my mom about cross dressing. She didn't seem surprised at all.

10-05-2011, 08:30 AM
My mother made dresses to sell to neighbor girls when was I around four years old. When she wanted to make the hem she would put the dress on me and have me stand on a chair so she could place straight pins to make the hem even. Sometimes wore dresses out to play with the other kids. Of course was teased by those kids. My father didn't know as he was confined to a Tuberculosis ward in a hospital for three years. I don't remember if she had me put on girls panties then.

Later after divorce those memories of my childhood came back. Started wearing panties and slowly added bras, garter belts, nylon stockings, slips and full female dresses or blouses and skirts. Now retired and stay mostly in my apartment when I dress in female attire. To many other tenants don't feel it is 'normal' for a male to be out in the public view in the building wearing female clothes. Although the building is non-discriminatory, one can not control what others may judge oneself.

10-05-2011, 08:54 AM
My mother caught me wearing a dress when I was about four years old. She didn't yell at me but as she removed the dress she told me that boys don't wear dresses. When I asked her" why", she just said," because". Then one time when I was about ten she needed to know if a party dress would fit a girl in my class. I told her that Connie was my size. So, with my sister watching, my mother tried the dress on me. It fit wonderfully. But Connie got to wear it after that. Leanne

Leslie Langford
10-05-2011, 09:14 AM
My mother didn't actually encourage my crossdressing, and I never officially came out to her as a budding CDer, but I'm sure she had her suspicions as I would often try on her clothes and shoes when the opportunity arose (I was a latch key kid). I always covered my tracks as best I could, but I am sure there were the occasional slip-ups - sometimes stretching out her shoes, and in one case actually putting a (never explained) tear into one of them come to mind.

Looking back, I think she might have put out the occasional tentative feeler to see if I was inclined in that direction, but I didn't clue in at the time. Of course, I always protested at any suggestion that I might have a "girly" side to me since that was what boys were supposed to do. One incidence which comes to mind was when I was about 9 or 10 years old and she bought a party dress - ostensibly as a gift for my girl cousin who was the same age I was - and asked me to try it on to see if it would fit her as well, as we were about the same size at the time. I protested vehemently of course, but deep inside I felt pure ecstasy over the experience.

Another time was when I was a teenager, and she made a point of drawing my attention to a newspaper article on Thailand's katoeys (ladyboys), thinking that I might be interested in reading it. Needless to say, I lapped it up while feigning only a passing interest in it to keep my "secret" safe. Then again, we're talking the late '50's/early '60's here when there wasn't much information out there about transgenderism, and what little there was painted us as fetishists and deviants. In fact, people were still coming to grips with Christine Jorgensen's sex change operation, which was a huge sensation at the time.

I also distinctly remember developing a fondness for embroidery when I was a pre-teen. I don't recall how I managed to get over my hang-ups in admitting to liking such a "girly" type of activity in pursuing this hobby, but I do remember my mother being very supportive of it and constantly praising my efforts.

I've often wondered how things might have turned out had I admitted to my mother at the time that I enjoyed wearing girls' clothes. I was an only child, and she might just have enjoyed having a part-time "daughter" as much as I would have loved being one. But she has passed away now, and we will never know...

10-05-2011, 09:20 AM
My mom never forced me to wear anything, but she did dress me as a girl for Halloween a couple time, mainly when I was younger. When I was little, she gave mean old net petticoat of hers to wear when I wanted, and when I was may 9 or 10, she loaned me a pair of her sister's nylon satin pajamas to wear (we were storing some of her younger sister's stuff for a while). About that same time (I was her size at this time, so her clothes all fit me perfectly, I knew from dressing in her clothes on the sly) she wanted to totally dress me as a woman for Halloween with plucked eyebrows, full makeup, stockings, high heels and everything, but I foolishly chickened out. I've regretted that ever since


Sherry Lynn
10-05-2011, 09:03 PM
My mother made no secret of the fact she wanted a girl. I suspect she dressed me as a girl from the time I was born. I've seen pictures of myself dressed in girl's clothes when I was little. I got to wear boy's clothes when I started school but my mom was continually having me try on girl's clothes that she made. I don't know who she was making these clothes for but I now know they were for me.

When I was 8 I got a little sister and she never dressed me as a girl again. I didn't need any help after then anyway, I did it on my own

10-18-2011, 03:07 PM
I would not say she discouraged or encouraged it. I had a Shirley Temple hair do until I was 5 (that was my first hair cut). I also played with two girls across the street and we played dress-up. We also put nail polish on our nails. I didn't get any negative comments from my mother on the dress up or the nail polish. Later I discovered here underwear drawer. Anytime I was left alone I would try things on. Once I heard her saying to my father, someone as been in my drawer again. But nothing was ever said to me. I just became more careful to put everything back as I had found it.

10-18-2011, 03:20 PM
Happy you, if your parents go along, my mother can not deal with it and rejects it extremly :(

10-18-2011, 05:18 PM
Yes she was a big influence. She tossed me out so i was free to dress any way i wanted too lol

10-18-2011, 05:59 PM
My brother used to say when i was very young my mom put me in a dress for a photo. Ive seen the photo and it was probably shorts. My mom always said it was shorts. But he mentioned it many times. Ive often wondered if my embarrassment about that teasing led to interest in the subject. That is important pyschologically. Hair of the dog that bit you.

11-03-2011, 05:42 PM
You are too hot to be Cd

Rogina B
11-03-2011, 05:47 PM
There goes Kelly teasing poor Seanmuscle AGAIN..! LOL

11-03-2011, 10:31 PM
My mom, from the time my sister was born, made it very clear that my sis was wayyyyy more important than I. Then when I tried on the shapewear and pantyhose I got the "talk". When I didn't stop I was punished. Then when I moved out I wore what I wanted. Turns out I still like pantyhose/tights, shapeware, and pretty much anything feminine.

11-09-2011, 11:49 AM
She always said that she wanted a girl and once she put me in a dress, when I was about 7. She said (or pretended!) that it was a present for her friend's daughter who was about my height and she wanted to check it was the right size. I loved it - I didn't want to take it off! And I also loved trying on her very feminine clothes and underwear when she was out. I so wish I had been born a girl!

Maria Ann
11-09-2011, 11:53 AM
My parents were highly against me dressing while I was growing up, I have had to hide this side of me from everyone around me, and because of that I have been fighting depression and self esteem problems all of my life.

11-09-2011, 12:06 PM
I suppose my mother contributed somewhat to my crossdressing. I have seen pictures of me when I was about three or four in a dress with long hair. There are also memories of mine dressing in some of my mothers clothes when I was six or seven. Several years ago, I told my wife that my older sister caught me a couple of times dressed in my mothers clothes. My wife told me then, that my sister has told her a couple of times that I was dressed up. My sister doesn't know that I still dress up.

Katelyn B
11-09-2011, 12:21 PM
Directly, never, no dressing me up, or implying they wanted a girl (my sister arrived only two years after me)

But, she was tacitly supportive, every "red nose day" (UK charity thing) at school you had to do something to be sponsored for, and every year I always picked "dress as a girl for a day", and she always helped with that.

She also never mentioned the fact her shoes were never where she left them, and she must have known who moved them.

11-09-2011, 12:36 PM
As the youngest of three boys, I was told I was "supposed" to be a girl; my name would have been Mary. And since I was supposed to be a girl, I wondered at a young age what it would be like to actually be female. I remember as a very little kid my mom was sewing new fabric covers for a couple of large lampshades and the material looked just like a skirt. I put it on just to see what it was like and I loved it. Years later, I tried on mom's things until I grew too tall. She had to know but never said anything. I often saw little girls my age wearing pretty dresses and wished I could dress the same. Now I do!

Veronica Lodge
11-09-2011, 01:20 PM
My mom never encouraged or knew about my cding.. But her having boxes & boxes of old clothes in the attic sure planted the seed at an early age. Like a kid in a candy factory after closing time.

11-09-2011, 02:47 PM
same with me they had clothes picked out and my room painted pink then I showed up and surprise. Maybe it was the pink paint under the green or the thought of them mentioning it many times to me. that halped with the way I am.

11-09-2011, 03:22 PM
She bought me my first panties when I was 6 for a Christmas present. I asked for them.

Samantha B L
11-09-2011, 10:51 PM
My Mom did everything she could to discourage my dressing. My dad died when I was 10 and if he'd have known he probably wouldn't have openly acknowledged it. He wouldn't have liked it a bit but he would've acted like it didn't exist. I tried to come out to my Mom and a few other family members when I was about 19 or 20 and she just despised it although she tried to act like it didn't bug her for months and I will say she didn't kick me out of the house. But it really bugged her. After 2 or 3 years went by I was more or less forced into playing like "I quit crossdressing" which I didn't. I had no choice but to tell her this. She couldn't stand my bleached blonde hair in top knots,B-52's,boofoos and updos. I started doing wigs instead because they can be taken off for supper with the family and put away in cardboard boxes on styrofoam heads. No mess no fuss.

11-09-2011, 11:35 PM
My mom is a closed mind person never accept anything that is extraordinary, she doesn't really like woman and treat them bad, parents always treat boys better than girls in my culture, there is no way I would tell her about I'm fond of crossdressing, because she's just so closed mind, she will just regard this as gay that's it. Though, she's been taking care of me for 20+ years, I love her so much, but I have my obligation to do whatever I feel comfortable and satisfied with. Today, I bought a titanium hair straightening, and it's fun to watch the tutorial online and DIY.

11-09-2011, 11:51 PM
So my mom doesn't know about my fascination with women's clothing, well at least I don't think she does. She knew when I was a young kid that I liked pantyhose, as I called my 2nd grade teacher 'pantyhose lady.' My mom has always been one of unconditional love, but I don't think that I could ever come out to her.

11-10-2011, 01:25 AM
My mother did not encourage this at all.

11-10-2011, 01:31 AM
My mom didn't either. Her freaking out when she caught me dressing when I was a teen is what made me repress my identity until my late 20's early 30's. Her freaking out again when I outed myself as bi brought on depression. She was always the more accepting of my parents, but when I took down my walls and opened my heart to her all I did was give her something vulnerable to strike at.

Between my mom hurting me and one of the few genetic girls I was a friend with hurting me, I find it much easier to open myself up to men than to women. With guys all I need to do to see if they are accepting is talk politics and bring up gay rights. If the guy is in ANY way even slightly defensive of his sexuality he will hurt you. But if he isn't he'd be accepting. Women on the other hand can seem supportive of GLBT issues right up until you out yourself, then hurt you. Then again I only brought up my sexuality issues with guys, the gender stuff I haven't told anyone except my mom and the girl who hurt me about.

11-10-2011, 03:52 AM
Well I think my mom wanted a girl I do remember her putting mascara on me when I was about 4ish and I one day I told her I like wearing girls clothes didn't go into detail she lets me get my eyebrows waxed and loves them as girly but tells me oh you shouldn't have gotten them done that thin everyone will notice at work which I don't care it's acceptable here in Hawaii it's a trend.One day she told me to goto a gay bar or something like that and I told her I am straight and was afraid to goto a place like that and she hasn't said anything yet.Once I forgot pantyhose on my bed and left them there and the shorts I wear around the house are womens but could pass as guys kinda.We kinda have a don't ask don't tell.I feel she always knows :)

Rachel Flowers
11-10-2011, 04:48 AM
When I told mum last December, she was surprised and claims never to have realised I was borrowing her stuff back when I was 7/8. She knows it's something my wife and I share but I get the impression she's never going to want me to start talking dresses and shoes with her.

When I told her i was bi-curious she recoiled. Not talking about that bit with her again!

11-11-2011, 09:45 AM
when i was a child my mom always dressed me as a girl,she made me wear tights with a dress or go to school in tights and get bugged by the bullies cause i wore tights to school which it did,nt bother me anyways.but after a while i did,nt like wearing tights i wanted to wear pantyhose since the nylon material was smoother than the tights and more transparent but i did fall in love with the material tho.

Sarah V
11-11-2011, 01:39 PM
Sadly, only discouragement on the occasions when my mother caught a few times wearing my sisters things. Today every so often it does cross my mind if she still thinks I dress, and I have thought about asking her that, but probably best not to.

I too also wonder where I would be today had she accepted that part of me and encouraged it when she first found out. Unfortunaly, when I first began experimenting with ladies dress back in the early 70's at the age of 6-7 it was still a time that society for the most part was still very non-understanding about such things and the community we lived in was still (even to this day) socially ridiged holding on to the ideal's of the pre-WWII era in which my mother grew up in.

Bobbi McCarthy
11-11-2011, 04:26 PM
Mom helped me with CDing in such a loving way that in retrospec I think her approach speeks volumes about her character, not mine. I was nine when I started to secretly wear my sister's panties. Sue was a year younger but nearly the same size in everything! Initially I used the laundry hamper as my source of underwear, but freshly laundered panties from her lingerie drawer were better still and offered the opportunity for some choise in color or fabric, as opposed to the "panties du jour" that the hamper allowed. I would sneak on a pair of her panties whenever I found the opportunity, wear them all day and deposit them in the hamper without anyone's knowledge, or so I thought. My "skid marks" were more prominent than Sue's but not so much any one could tell.
Her underwear were mostly cotton but a few were silky nylon and especially girly, and well, in a word – wonderful. One day, my mother caught me wearing them! More to the point I think she observed the irregular "panty count" in the laundry. Some days Sue would have two dirties other days none. My pattern was strangely similar. Mom questioned me about wearing Sue.s panties shaking her head and adding a stern rebuke. She threatened to tell my father. I was of course mortified and frightened sufficiently that I did not raid Susan's panty drawer again for months. During that time her threat wore thin, but the memory of those panties remained. I attempted to be stealthier but I guess she knew, because one day I found my underwear drawer stacked with newly purchased Vanity Fair nylon panties in my size and in a variety of colors. I ran to Mom that same day and gave her a big kiss without providing a word of explanation. Not a word was offered by either one of us but she smiled knowingly.
That moment signaled for me an open door to be able to talk about my expanding desires to dress. Not just in panties but pretty from head to toe. Mom was sympathetic to a limit, and continued to add to my secret wardrobe. My father was a First Class Petty Office in the navy and at sea for much of my life. He was not a partner to, or ever knew of, this secret that I was aware of. It was a mutual conspiracy that included my sister. She was mostly supportive as long as I stayed away from her things. Soon, my mother even went so far as to be encouraging. Enough so that she also introduced me to shopping enfemme -Mom, Sue and Bobbi. I was ten and loved it so.

Melinda Lou
11-15-2011, 02:01 AM
My mother didn't consciously encourage me (in general, she was a fairly traditional Southern woman), but one incident when I was a little boy almost certainly planted the seed, or fired my active imagination...I went to play at my girl cousin's house, and the two of us went out and "explored" a muddy lot nearby until I was too filthy to be allowed back in the car without a change of clothes, which I didn't have. So Mom and her sister pressed some of my cousin's clothes into service--not a dress, mind you, but a not-too-girly pair of pants and a top, and underneath, fairly girly panties (this was the early '70s, so something modest and ruffly, from what I remember), because that's what she had. I was fascinated with the panties and insisted on talking about them and pulling them way up on my torso, which of course meant they showed. That got me a lot of teasing from my aunts and cousins, which was attention! So you can see how that would lead to something further somewhere down the road...when we got home and I changed out of my cousin's clothes into my pajamas, Mom put them in the laundry and I just assumed the panties would end up in my underwear drawer (I may have even asked Mom about it), but that never happened. She probably thought she had nipped my fascination in the bud by not mentioning it again, but of course that didn't happen. ;)

11-15-2011, 12:04 PM
My mother was a big influence. She used to make dresses and specialised in doing complete weddings. We would often have brides dresses and bridesmaid dresses in the house for weddings. When I was a young teen and the right size I was used frequently as a model. I figure in my life I have worn maybe 30 wedding dresses, and countless bridesmaid's dresses.

I remember one time trying on a dress that was a perfect fit. My mother added the veil, then we got some flowers and my father pretended to lead his "daughter" down the aisle. We all had a good laugh at that. I remember my mother said it was such a shame I wasn't born a girl, I looked better in the wedding dress than the girl who was going to get married in it.

11-15-2011, 02:42 PM
Fuzzy memories here. At times mom used me for a sewing mannequin. Mom wanted to dress me a couple of times for Halloween, but I was afraid that other kids in my school would see how girly I looked, and discover how much I liked dresses. Later mom discovered the pantyhose under my mattress. And threatened to send me to a psychologist--until I said I would never do it again. And thereafter whenever I dressed in secret--I would promise myself that this was absolutely the last time--forever.

11-17-2011, 11:41 PM
I started secretly trying on Mom's bras, panties, girdles, etc when I was about 11 or 12 years old. I know that she knew I was doing it as one time she commented that I should "please put everything back where you got it when you are done!" I took that as her tacit permission to continue my Cding - which I have done to this day (and I'm now 67 years old!)

11-18-2011, 12:39 AM
I feel like I'm in therapy answering this. :) Mom made comments about my appearance once in a while. She used to say my eyelashes were long. She also said my measurements were more like a girls because my chest was smaller than my stomach. One halloween I had no costume so mom had me wear my sister's coat. I'm pretty sure she secretly wanted me to be a girl.

My older sister had a big influence on me, but that's for a different thread.

Suzy Parker
11-18-2011, 08:30 AM
She did not know but I bet she did and just never confronted me about it. But she did encourage me to dress by having so many nice clothes.

11-18-2011, 08:40 AM
Well, my mom never did anything whatsoever to encourage me and I don't recall ever doing anything that would reveal what I only thought to myself. I did not explore dressing until I left home... that's not to mean I did not think about it... A LOT! I guess I came by this all by my lonesome.

12-17-2011, 01:38 AM
Mom and my Gran taught me how to do hair, set it and style it. I wanted curls too and they were prettty accepting of it. I do go now to salons to get perms with mom, and she seems fine with it. I am somewhat girly when I go, and no one seems to mind.


12-17-2011, 08:57 AM
Nobody encouraged me at all. Instead of encouragement it would have been counselling, psychaitrists and electric shock therapy for me if anybody in the family knew.

12-17-2011, 09:08 AM
When I was young, anywhere from say 5-15 or 16, I would of course mainly get my cloths from my mom. No way she didn't know. I had been "caught" numerous time, maybe with panties, nylons, whatever. The same old speaches as listed above, you get the picture.

Then one evening when I was about 12 or so, my parents went out for dinner leaving me home alone. My mom had this really sexy black party dress, real drapy, soft, and form fitting. And of course matching heels. So. There was I, fully dressed, heels, nylons, panties, bra, and dress (her clothes fit me perfectly at the time), makeup .... and guess who walks in the door. No hiding, nothing I could do. So, the "big idea of how to fix me" was to take me to a therapist. Exactly ONE VISIT. My answers were "mumble mumble yes, mumble mumble no" etc. Very embarrased. On the way home, mom said "well that was pretty awful, and I don't suppose this is going to help you in any way". I believe the therapist talked to her after I left the room and told her I was pretty much hooked for life. Just to be clear, there was never any violence, or anything like that. But I was certainly discouraged. I often wonder what my life would be like now if they had been encouraging then? Interesting thought.

12-17-2011, 09:41 AM
In what ways did your mom encourage your crossdressing?

By being a wonderful, loving, sensitive and strong woman. She was my role model and the one I wanted to pattern my life after.

I started cd'ing at 7 after my sister was born (like Karren) and started wearing mom's dresses I pulled out of the cloths hamper. She never knew, untill I shared with her that I was a crossdresser when I was in my 30's. I asked her if she knew I used her cloths, but she said she didn't.

So she never encouraged me or put me in dresses or put lipstick on me, but she was my influence, just by being the kind of person I so much wanted to be like.

12-17-2011, 12:07 PM
My mom never encouraged me in any way. I was into her and my sister's stuff quite often, and I've always wondered if either of them knew. Surely I couldn't have been as clever at putting things back as I thought I was. At any rate, nothing was ever said. But if my mom had known, I'm sure she'd have been shocked and would have told my dad, and it would have been curtains for me.

natalie james
12-17-2011, 04:36 PM
she encouraged me today by getting my makeup for me:)

12-17-2011, 07:56 PM
She didn't in the way of dressing me in girls clothes,but after losing my father when I was 9,she was the bread winner for myself and my 3 older sisters in the mid 60's something almost unheard of back then.More of a role model I guess,that being said being exposed to female clothing and mannerisms I guess it was only a matter of time that I would start to try on items left laying around.Only once I remember my sisters dressing me up from head to toe for halloween I think.I think thats the birth of my obsession.Is it nature or nurture?Sorry got off subject.Bye-Bye.

12-18-2011, 09:59 AM
Gone cottin choppin.

Beth Mays
12-18-2011, 12:31 PM
Mom begin dressing me when I was about 9 years old.
She would shop a 2nd hand clothing store every time we went to town, I would almost always go with her and can remember well her looking at the rack and racks of clothing.
I had ask her if I could have something but I knew they almost nothing for men and even less for a young boy. My sister that was younger than I and mom would often find cute outfits for her. and I would feel left out.
Mom came home one day with a bag and say "I found you something" I was so excited even when she brings out a blue dress and hair bow. I remember her dressing me and putting the bow in my hair and telling me how good I look. she took a picture (I still have it) with her Kodak Brownie (have that too). I was so happy that not only did I get something new, but mom was so pleased with the way I look. From then on my interest was not only in the dresses but other items as well.

Suzy Parker
12-18-2011, 12:38 PM
Mom never spoke to me about it but I know in my heart she knew. How could she not know as I probably made a mess out of her dresser and put things back were they didn't belong many times. I often wonder what it would have been like if she had confronted me about it. I wonder if she just thought I would grow out of it and better off not talking about it.


12-18-2011, 01:11 PM
I did not have any with my mom, other than my mom and dad - "jokingly" ???? used to always say I was a mistake (I was the 5th kid, and last) and that I was supposed to be Danielle and not Daniel.

12-18-2011, 07:34 PM
In no way whatsoever. :sad:

12-18-2011, 10:47 PM
My mom in no way ever condone me dressing. One day in high school we had spirit week and one day was oppsite day where the guys dressed as girls and vise versa. I dressed as a girl with some help from from two GG friends of mine. my mom knew but was not openly supportive. when ever she went out I would dress in her cloths. my brother has seen me dressed one day when we were kids. my SO is very supportive of me and we go shopping together once in a while. now I have come out to a handful of people.

12-19-2011, 08:43 PM
Can any other Cds share their experiences?