View Full Version : Just...do...it

07-30-2011, 08:09 AM
"JUST pull the wool over his eyes..."(D. Sylvian)
"Who to choose...How to feel...What to DO..." (R. Smith)
"IT is chicken, IT is eggs...IT is in-between your legs..." (P. Gabriel)

Yeah, just DO it, whatever “it” may be, but in this case I’m referring to MtF crossdressing, when males become females or boys become girls. Just do IT, because it’s doable, justifiable, and fun...

Let’s begin with “just,” shall we? As far as I’m concerned, the idea of wearing the “wrong” clothes is a JUST cause, meaning it’s proper, correct, and true. I’m sure you know by now that many others don’t share this sentiment, in fact non-believers fail to see justification for any form of crossdressing. To them, it’s JUST plain wrong, but to you and I it’s JUST beautiful. You justify your love of female clothing, or feminine wiles, by trying on and wearing something more comfortable, colorful, and appropriate – something that is more befitting the persona you wish to adopt or embellish. Nothing less will do, and you are no more that what you already are, so why can’t you be true (and JUST) to yourself and validate your existence via a change of clothes? It seems reasonable to me. Your stance is well-founded, and I support your urge to demonstrate exactly what is on your mind, or in your closet. I am an advocate for your freedom, which is JUST...

DO tell! If you “do” it, you are bringing about something, making it (or causing it) to happen. You are investing in yourself – this will “do” you very well, I feel! You DO your best to express your “self,” and DO yourself proud in the process. The role you are playing suits you, in fact you “did” the problem, namely cross over from male to female – you did yourself over, redecorating that old drab persona you’ve been dragging around. It was capable of being done, so you did it. You did yourself up, and you did your “self” well – aren’t you glad you DID something? What are you going to DO with yourself now? Are you finished, are you done with dreaming? Are you done in, exhausted from the transformation you have brought about, or is there more to DO? I am, therefore I DO, and my “performance” is never ending – DO not tell me it’s over, because I can always DO more. You can DO anything, so DO go gentle into that good night...

You’re IT! Isn’t it strange that the word “it” represents anything regarded as having no sex, and is used in situations where no sex is specified, while your (and my) own personal “it” is all about gender? Whatever IT is for you, I mean. In my case, “it” is the essence of MtF crossdressing – I make time to do IT, I enjoy writing about IT, and I revel in the “act” itself. IT’s all right, as far as I’m concerned, and “it” is worth all the time and effort. IT makes me happy, so I take care of “it.” Don’t let anyone else use or abuse IT. I mean, IT’s only crossdressing, but I like IT – I still believe in IT, and IT makes for a wonderful life. Oh, IT’s so deep! IT gets the job done. You know, IT takes a village to make a boy want to be a girl. IT’s the truth! For crying out loud, Freddy, are you finished with IT? Oh, one more thing - IT just occurred to me...

Recently I saw that Nike commercial for the X-Games that (oddly enough) concludes with the famous phrase “Just Do It,” and, after watching the participants engage in various thrill-seeking challenges, or briefly conquering gravity for a few seconds, I began to wonder about things. Why is such mindless activity championed, while genuine thrill seeking like MtF crossdressing gets the societal brush off? IT’s not right, if you ask me! Dressing up to boldly step out of one’s gender, essentially crossing the boundaries that are put in place by society, is thrill-seeking to the Nth degree, and it’s doubly challenging because you’re doing something you’re not supposed to do. I’d like to see the X-Game crowd try that one on for size, even though it would never occur to them in fifty lifetimes, since it requires suppression of the “ego.” Rather than a few seconds of fleeting glory (or a fractured pelvis), I simply dress contrary to my birth gender and enter the world at large seeking to “pass.” If that isn’t a thrill, I don’t know what is, and get this – I don’t need anyone but myself for encouragement (or sponsorship). Challenging society’s mores, or my own innate sense of “self,” is way COOLER than trying to navigate a metal railing with a skateboard, IMHO...

Thinking about crossdressing? JUST DO IT!!! Ita est (it is so)...

07-30-2011, 08:26 AM
what a great little essay. I had two weeks of abstinence from crossdressing and came back with an overwheming desire to "do it". And to do more than I had before, in terms of being out there in the world, acknowledging who I am. It was a thrill, but more important it was a self affirmation.

07-30-2011, 01:03 PM
I do not know the source but someone once said "The only things that you will regret are the things that you did not do".

Cynthia Anne
07-30-2011, 03:47 PM
I do it everyday! JUST because it's me and that's what me does!