View Full Version : I Was Wearing My New Skirt, Top And Boots...

10-09-2005, 06:42 PM
It was Friday night and I had arrived at Escapades only about 1/2 hour earlier when my phone rang. Dawn, who I had planned to go out with Saturday night, called asking where I was. I told her and she asked me to stay put. She arrived with one of her friends and so began a wonderful weekend.

I did a lot of socializing at Escapades but made sure I spent time with Dawn too. When the place was closing she told me she didn't want the night to end because she was having too much fun. So I invited her back to the house. Then she talked to Sue who liked the idea. Then Laura comes up and Dawn tells her 'We're going back to Jim's" (she never calls me Julie anymore). I head for the house with Dawn & Sue following. Laura showed up later. One thing I didn't think about is female territorial wars. It didn't take long before Dawn and Laura were warring over rights to me. It was sweet and all but it was getting out of hand. I stopped it and things settled down.

Dawn and Sue stayed the whole weekend! Dawn kept saying she was having so much fun and it was such a great time she didn't want it to end. I had to agree, it was great!

All day Saturday we watched football, had some beers and enjoyed the warmth of a crackling fire. I think we raised the outside temperature with that fire! It was such a cozy time, three friends chilling out, enjoying each other's company. Simple pleasures are the best. :thumbsup:

I changed back to drab when I got home so Friday was my only dressed time. That was by choice. Lately I've been feeling phony when I'm dressed with Dawn around. She knows me too well. It just feels funny being dressed with her.

They left this morning. But while they were here this house was filled with fun, laughter and enjoyment. And one of my best friends in the world! :D

Laurie Ann
10-09-2005, 09:19 PM
I'm glad that you had a great weekend.

Stephanie Brooks
10-09-2005, 09:36 PM
Wow! Yet another account of an excellent weekend. Congratulations Julie!

Barbara Beaulieu
10-10-2005, 09:57 AM
How I would have loved to join you all. It sounds so great.

urban gypsy
10-10-2005, 10:21 AM
What a great weekend you have had I hope the next one is not far off.