View Full Version : ice breaking question

10-09-2005, 10:25 PM
I have been unable to break the ice with my S.O untill now but tonight we finally managed to talk and bring it out in the open.

I found out about him visiting a club for crossdressers and didn't know how to approach him about this, I asked some of my close friends which is how I discovered this forum and have been lurking for some time to find out more about your hobby.

I was going to go to the pictures with him to see the movie kinky boots but he declined, because he was embarressed at the time.

Over the last couple of days there has been a clip showing on E4 with 3 men singing a song and the words say
I'm in touch
I'm in touch
with my femanine side
and I don't mind saying
that I swallow ???? pride

I asked if they were saying HIS or something else and he says they were saying MY but neither of us could be certain.
However it gave us the chance to discuss being in touch with your femanine side and I ended up speaking out that I knew about him crossdressing at the same time he was blurting it out himself. After a lengthy disscusion and drawing some bounderies we have both come to an agreement I have told him about this place and in a couple of weeks will be going to the club with him.

and finally on the subject of the advert we both agreed that if it is saying HIS then it is extremely offensive of E4 to show it and assume it's typical of crossdressers in general as it can be seen as a gay referance.


Marlena Dahlstrom
10-09-2005, 10:43 PM
Congratulations Janet, I know how hard it is to have "the discussion" even if you're coming at it from the other direction. It sounds like you and your SO are on your way to making things work for the both of you.

Best of luck! And please, don't you (or your SO) be a stranger here. If either or you have questions or just want to talk, we're here.

Jamie M
10-10-2005, 06:14 AM
Good on you for taking the courage to bring this out in the open janet, it sounds like he's got one special woman in you. I hope you have fun at the club.

10-10-2005, 06:28 AM
Welcome to the Forum Janet. Note that some CDs have trouble understanding and accepting themselves, so find it hard to talk openly with their wives also.

and finally on the subject of the advert we both agreed that if it is saying HIS then it is extremely offensive of E4 to show it and assume it's typical of crossdressers in general as it can be seen as a gay referance.

I agree it is offensive and continues to add to the stereotyping of CDs. Most of us are heterosexual. A good many find they are bi or find themselves attracted to other CDs. A minority are gay, but it's not a real small minority.

urban gypsy
10-10-2005, 07:11 AM
This is unusual that its the wife that wants to talk about his dresssing first as most just try to ignore in the hope that it will go away.
But good on you for brooching the subject first and I think things are going to work out just fine for you both.

Phoebe Reece
10-10-2005, 09:44 AM
Good for you Janet. Your S.O. is very lucky indeed to have someone like you who is willing to look into the subject of crossdressing on her own. The stereotypes about crossdressers scare many GG's off before they ever have a chance to find out most CD's do not fit the stereotype.
Welcome to the forum!

10-10-2005, 02:30 PM
Janet, your S.O. is very lucky. To have someone like you who is atleast willing to try and learn. I think there is a lot to be said for that. Willing to learn means an open mind. And that is a very good thing. Welcome to the forum and I think you will find there is a great bunch of people here that are all really special. Just like the two of you.
