View Full Version : Will learning female mannerisms affect your male mannerisms?

08-07-2011, 08:30 PM
Can you able to talk, walk etc like a female when dressed, but be able to switch back to male personality when in guy clothes?

I have recently been out of closet and am worried that I would be taking some female mannerisms to my guy side, if I learn them.

Karren H
08-07-2011, 08:56 PM
Well not really..... I tried to learn uber girlie mannerisms. And it just looked odd. Not natural. Not me So I quit trying. And just act like I normally do... Like me. Just with prettier clothes on..

08-07-2011, 09:06 PM
Try this: Look at your finger nails.

Did you turn your hand toward you with the plam in and your fingers pointed down to your wrist? A Male thing.

Or did you turn your hand away from you- palm out -with your fingers up . Female thing.

Kathi Lake
08-07-2011, 10:37 PM
Kinda. Once, when I was reeeeealy crossdressing a lot, my wife and I were at the mall (I was in drab), and she fell behind at one point. She caught up and said, "Let's calm those hips down, buster! You're walking prettier than me!"



Kate Simmons
08-08-2011, 04:48 AM
I guess it depends on if you prefer to be stiff or free flowing when interacting with others.:)

08-08-2011, 05:20 AM
In my world, I have to say that the answer to what you asked depends on how often you dress and go out. After a while somethings become normal to you no matter what you wear. Kind of like those who tweeze there eye brows. You start with very little and over time they get thinner. Do people notice. Yes they do. However most don't care. The better you pass the more feminine you are all the time. Just think, does it really matter if you are happy.

08-08-2011, 05:38 AM
One mannerism that comes out occasionally in drab is when I put my hands on my hips, my thumbs are in the forward position and my fingers are resting on the top of my bum, definitely fem, but no one has ever said anything.

08-08-2011, 06:55 AM
Oh, why worry, just succeed in what your doing. In making new threads or replies, I always try to be a lady, its fun!!!

08-08-2011, 09:09 AM
I kinda had the opposite problem. Since I was a little kid, I've been teased about the way I threw a ball, the way I walked and the way I crossed my legs.

Tina B.
08-08-2011, 10:08 AM
I have to watch out for my Pinky, when I drink a cup of tea, it wants to stick out.
Tina B.

08-08-2011, 10:19 AM
It is like being ambidextrous. If you can use either hand equally naturally, you should be able to jump between drab and enfemme without any problem. The majority of the world's population cannot do that so they must train the mind and body to do it. At first major mistakes will be made and you will more than likely out yourself. Practice, practice, practice.

Stephenie S
08-08-2011, 10:35 AM
OMG, what a total waste of time.

Nobody cares what "mannerisms" you have. Sticking out your pinky is gonna out you as a cross dresser? I think not. Come on! Get real. People always look at the total package, the whole you.

I once read a post from someone who thought that the sound of their pee would out them. Honest.

Wear a dress down to the local pub? THAT might get you outed. Stick out your pinky or throw a ball funny? Sorry. You are still in the closet.


08-08-2011, 11:03 AM
Knowledge is important. The whole point is to know which mannerisms are feminine and which are masculine, and why.

Then, it becomes a matter of choice about how you want to live your life. Personally, I like my gendered selves separated, so when I'm in male mode I accentuate the male mannerisms, and then when Tina shows up, she changes to the gender she's presenting. It's just that I like the package as complete as possible and don't like mixing genders.

Others don't feel that way, and prefer to mix their personalities and don't change much from one gender presentation to the other.

Once you know which is which, you get to make a choice! Knowledge is power!


08-08-2011, 01:11 PM
Hi Sara,

I would not worry too much about this. I spend more of my time en femme these days than I do en homme. When I first was going out en femme I did pay more attention to my mannerisms, etc. Now, I think that my actions are appropriate for which ever personna I am presenting, without really think much about them.

08-08-2011, 01:44 PM
I kinda had the opposite problem. Since I was a little kid, I've been teased about the way I threw a ball, the way I walked and the way I crossed my legs.

Me too! All my life I've spent more time learning "male" mannerisms than the other way around!

Rachel Morley
08-08-2011, 09:58 PM
In my case the answer is yes and no to having those more feminine mannerisms come over. When I first started going out in public to mainstream places I was dressing a lot and so I was practicing my feminine deportment a lot too, and as we all know, if you practice something over and over again it becomes more automatic and natural and you stop thing about and it just starts to happen naturally. Consequently, there were times when I was in boy mode where I would sit down and cross my legs or get into a car in a girly way that kinda stood out ... BUT ... it didn't happen that often and so most of the time all of that kind of thing only happened when I was dressed, which is what we all want. So what I'm saying is, if you are anything like me, it might happen occasionally, but it won't be that often.

08-08-2011, 10:02 PM
Well not really..... I tried to learn uber girlie mannerisms. And it just looked odd. Not natural. Not me So I quit trying. And just act like I normally do... Like me. Just with prettier clothes on..
Good call. I will give it a try and if i feel it too artificial, i will just chuck the idea.

Kinda. Once, when I was reeeeealy crossdressing a lot, my wife and I were at the mall (I was in drab), and she fell behind at one point. She caught up and said, "Let's calm those hips down, buster! You're walking prettier than me!"

This is what scares me. I dont want to let go of my male side.

In my world, I have to say that the answer to what you asked depends on how often you dress and go out. After a while somethings become normal to you no matter what you wear. Kind of like those who tweeze there eye brows. You start with very little and over time they get thinner. Do people notice. Yes they do. However most don't care. The better you pass the more feminine you are all the time. Just think, does it really matter if you are happy.
Point noted :)

08-08-2011, 10:13 PM
No problems at all here. Its a different state of mind.

08-08-2011, 10:17 PM
In my case the answer is yes and no to having those more feminine mannerisms come over. When I first started going out in public to mainstream places I was dressing a lot and so I was practicing my feminine deportment a lot too, and as we all know, if you practice something over and over again it becomes more automatic and natural and you stop thing about and it just starts to happen naturally. Consequently, there were times when I was in boy mode where I would sit down and cross my legs or get into a car in a girly way that kinda stood out ... BUT ... it didn't happen that often and so most of the time all of that kind of thing only happened when I was dressed, which is what we all want. So what I'm saying is, if you are anything like me, it might happen occasionally, but it won't be that often.

I hope I can be something like you..lol I spoke to a gender psychologist few days back and she said that one could do that with practice.

08-09-2011, 07:50 AM
Karren wrote: Well not really..... I tried to learn uber girlie mannerisms. And it just looked odd. Not natural. Not me So I quit trying. And just act like I normally do... Like me. Just with prettier clothes on..
Same here. Some things are determined by our anatomy, such as the way we naturally move. Sure, we can practice to move in an unnatural way, but it may, as Karren says, feel 'wrong'.

Abby wrote: Did you turn your hand toward you with the plam in and your fingers pointed down to your wrist? A Male thing. Or did you turn your hand away from you- palm out -with your fingers up . Female thing
Yeah, I've heard that a long time ago. So, I've made a habit of occasionally telling random men in social situations that it looks like they have 'some stuff' on their nails; it's easy to explain it away by just saying it's the lighting that made it look that way. And how they look at their own nails has been about 50/50. So either there are a whole lot of feminine men out there, or the concept is wrong. Yeah, girls usually do it one way so I think that's where the idea came from (although I've seen women do it both ways too, just not as often); but men do it both ways

Valerie wrote: . I put my hands on my hips, my thumbs are in the forward position and my fingers are resting on the top of my bum,
Now that's one you rarely see men do.

Mina wrote: Me too! All my life I've spent more time learning "male" mannerisms than the other way around! Yup. I'm careful, very careful, not to let any feminine behavior slip out. I kind of learned lots of it as a kid watching my sister. Then had to reverse direction and study male athletes to get the swagger, etc., correct.