View Full Version : In peace when crossdressing... Why...?

08-11-2011, 04:02 AM
Hello all (girls and boys ^^).
I´d like to comment something about my personal experience with crossdressing.
I love to crossdress more every day as well as i hate it because it makes me feel "alone" every day i do. Do not understand the why but i do it.
The more confussing fact is that lastly, i feel completely relaxed and "in peace" when i´m in girl mode. Problems dissapears, noise are gones and the world seems to be apart from me.
Truth is that i don´t know if it is a good thing.

I have no partner. I must be one of the most shy guy in the world and this is "devouring me". I´m seeing as all of my friends are getting married and making families and i´m completely stucked with my life.

It sounds funny but the last weeks when i go out with my friends, can´t stop watching every girl who pass near from me and talk about "how beautiful and hot she is", while, at the same time, i´m thinking "hey, nice dress and cool heels".
Maybe i´m beggining to go crazy...

I just wanna share my time with somenone who understands me , i guess. That´s what we call "lonelyness".^^

Thanks for "hear me". This forum is a great place where to be. :P

P.D: By the way, anyone from Spain? Maybe any GG? lol

08-11-2011, 04:11 AM
We all have our own personal experiences with dressing. In fact most of us are more relaxed when dressed but for many different reasons. For me, sometimes it's the escape from it all and mostly it's just that I feel good letting my inner self out. I watch ladies pass me by and take notice of the clothes,hairs and shoes wondering how their stuff would look on me. You are not crazy for doing that, it's what interests you. What drives me crazy is not being myself so that I am not alone.

08-11-2011, 06:46 AM
sounds like you dont like men ( whats to like ? ) are completely obsessed with women and even the air that flows off them as they walk by ,( noirmal horny guy ) and are confussed that when you get overloaded with anything associated with them everything seems right. ??? is that about it ? welcome to being a man . that rat in your brain is doing its job of atracting you to a mate and that rat /reptilian part of your head can smell her WAY more than the rest of your brain actualy is aware. and dressing up in her clothes is as the song goes" mental masterbation." you get that calm singular feeling of "ahh this is right " ..well now if we had no sociaty , no clothes and only touch ..only she could do that for you . so know they self ,have a life that is not controled by a bit of cotton or nylon. get that girl, and understand the animal that you are.

Cynthia Anne
08-11-2011, 07:13 AM
Hi Mara! I think the way you feel is the same as many of us feel! To be crazy you must do the same thing over and over expecting different results each time! Nope you don't qualify! You seem perfective normal to me! Best to you! Hugs!:)

08-11-2011, 09:41 AM
sounds like you dont like men ( whats to like ? ) are completely obsessed with women and even the air that flows off them as they walk by ,( noirmal horny guy ) and are confussed that when you get overloaded with anything associated with them everything seems right. ??? is that about it ? welcome to being a man . that rat in your brain is doing its job of atracting you to a mate and that rat /reptilian part of your head can smell her WAY more than the rest of your brain actualy is aware. and dressing up in her clothes is as the song goes" mental masterbation." you get that calm singular feeling of "ahh this is right " ..well now if we had no sociaty , no clothes and only touch ..only she could do that for you . so know they self ,have a life that is not controled by a bit of cotton or nylon. get that girl, and understand the animal that you are.

Suit, I know you've taken a lot of flack on this site for this point of view but you may be onto something. I recall reading one research paper that speculated that crossdressing could be attributed to too much testosterone rather than not enough. Anyway, I don't mean to hijack this thread and I don't want to offend anyone. I am fully aware that the reason for crossdressing is different for everyone and I'm one of those who believes gender identity is innate and that natal sex and gender identity don't always match. It's just that I think I know what you mean and I was trying to describe this very thing in a PM recently but couldn't quite articulate it.


When I used to transform my boyfriend, that was the first thing that I would see....this look of peace that would wash over. I didn't know anything about crossdressing at the time but intuitively I felt that he was getting in touch with a side of himself that he had been hiding.


08-11-2011, 06:33 PM
You are not alone. I feel the same way. Like an escape from the realities of the real world, peaceful and relaxing. I am married, but when dressed sometimes I do have a lonely feeling since my wife does not support me and does not want to participate in any form

08-11-2011, 06:40 PM
My wife even notices that I am more relaxed when I'm crossdressed and has commented on it several times. I have the type A male personality and am wound pretty tight. I can be pretty intense at times. That kind of goes away when I dress. I have found very few things in life that truly relax me, crossdressing is one of them. I believe that is one of the reasons I do it. To escape life's everyday challenges. My wife has even asked if Sam will leave and if Samantha can come over when I'm being a real jerk! Of course I always honor her request!

08-11-2011, 08:03 PM
On A Practical Note. I think you probably need to seek out other Trans-People, get acquainted, and start to "hang-out" with them. I think you will find A Spectrum of Behaviors, and will start to learn how to accept yourself. I don't know any, but I KNOW there are hundreds of thousands in Spain, just like everywhere else.

Right now, it's apparently "eating you up." Denial and trying to fight your inner-self; it only makes you crazy! That "Peace" you feel when dressed, is your mind trying to tell you something. Better start to pay attention.

A lot of us older folks could relate to the same feelings, and a lot of the same scenarios. We are trying to give you a couple of gifts: "Insight, and The Gift of Unwasted Time." Many of us had these same feelings and thoughts when we were younger. The Pity, if not addressed when younger; is that you wake up at forty-five or fifty, and are filled with regrets for "what might have been." And, your always stuck with this vague, gnawing feeling of having lost opportunities.

Think about it? You already started this thread because you probably were reaching out for validation, or some kind of answer. The Biggest Simplest One? "Accept Yourself," for better or worse. It's a Big, Old, Wonderful, World out there! We are waiting for you to join us.

Peace and Love, Joanie

08-11-2011, 10:29 PM
Your thoughts are very natural. it is strange in a good way the way we look at women and think of their clothes in addition to their beauty. You will find the right person and at the right time will let them know of your CD'ing.
The Best,

Jess Marie
08-12-2011, 12:02 AM
When I dress, I am transported away form my male problems. I can leave everything behind and pretend to be whoever I want to be, if only for that short period. I think we should all have a little escape atleast once a day, where we can leave our problems on the table and do something stress free. When I dress, my problems are gone and I am Jess. I enjoy cleaning my room and getting my laundry done. Usually things I hate doing as a guy, but I am Jess and I enjoy it. I find doing the things I don't like doing as a male to be extremely relaxing as Jess.

08-12-2011, 04:42 AM
i am in the same boat...just been up and down that rive many times. i have seen my friends get hitched, divorced, remarried. have kids...and grand kids even great grand kids...me

nothing, but a divorce.
and yes i long for those young cute girls, i want so much to get into there pants...then i want to get into there pants. ;-)

jessica renee
08-12-2011, 05:15 AM
I too feel more relaxed and at ease when dressed, it's like all of the stress of my male life just goes away. I like to compare it to a mini vacation, even though I don't usually leave the house.