View Full Version : How long will I have to wait?

karlas dream
08-12-2011, 05:16 PM
Does anyone know how long I would have to wait before I can start on HRT I am seeing a counsellor on the 22nd of this month for the first time.. also what sort of things am I going to be asked this is worrying me very much as I am not very good with people I don't know... :(

08-12-2011, 06:21 PM
Karla, a lot will depend on how the GIC you are going to works. I am under Leeds and it took me about 12 months from my initial consult with the Gender Specialist to being prescribed HRT.

Leeds GIC have a policy of up to 6 meetings with a Clinical Nurse Specialist, with a minimum of 3, before they will even consider referring you to an Endo. Each meeting is about a month apart.

As for what to say, don't worry about that, things will flow with a few gentle prods from the team assessing you. They will only ask you things that is relevant to a diagnosis, based on what you tell them.

Remember though things may be different at the GIC you will visit. Also please remember that our system is totally different to that of our counterparts around the world.

08-12-2011, 08:33 PM
After about three sessions (about 4 weeks) my therepist gave me a letter. That was the only reason I was seeing her. I think she signed off so quickly because I knew so much. As it turned out I wound up educating my GP to a degree. You need to know all of the bad before you even think about taking that first pill or shot. Because it can kill you.

08-13-2011, 04:03 AM
I can only tell my story, which may or may not be an example.

Jan 2010 I "opened up" to my Dr. and we began a search for therapists.
Mar 2010 First appt. hour long, every other week afterwards through April and May
Jun 2010 Appt with Endo
Jul 2010 Acquired script.

So, a 7 month or so time line for me. I had a hunger that would not be satisfied until I swallowed that first pill.

08-13-2011, 07:26 AM
I went through a government-run program in Canada like the ones you have in England. Their wait period was 8 months of group and individual therapy (once a week and alternating) at a cost of $90 per session for individual and $50 for group (so $280 a month) once the patient/client was accepted into their sexual reassignment evaluation program. Some people went for therapy first without being evaluated for sexual reassingment. So eight months after being admitted into the program at a cost of $280 a month, the candidate can meet the panel of psychiatrists and pyschologists to ask for HRT. Many are denied. I did not even ask for 2 years for being fear of being denied. SRS is paid for, but they make us pay for it some way or another. Rules have changed over the last year and there are now other ways of speeding up the process.

karlas dream
08-13-2011, 12:17 PM
Thanks for all the replies.. I am just getting so impatient I have been waiting 36 years and now can see a little light at the end of the tunnel for the first time, I can now be me and I am loving the feeling of being almost free of this cage I have been locked in since birth :) every day I feel a little more alive and every day I want more.. I am going to try the private route I think see if that will speed things along a bit for me.. whats money when happiness is at stake... plus I have a very rich friend who is going to help :) he owes me so I am calling it in now lol xx

Stephenie S
08-13-2011, 11:04 PM
If you are on the NH, you are gonna wait. How long? I dunno. But I do know you will wait longer than you want. In many ways it's worth it. Don't be too discouraged.


08-13-2011, 11:18 PM
I believe it was five months after starting to see a therapist about "unknown gender issues" that we decided HRT was the right thing for me to do.

Just take it easy and figure things out and you and your therapist will know when it's time to start.

08-14-2011, 04:29 AM
Hya Karlas I too go to Leeds GIC and although I know my case is not the norm as Ive gone through extremely fast Nigella is right once you get to a clinic and depending which one it can take upto twelve months to get onto hormones. They like you to take as much info of your RLE with you this helps speed things up like change of name deed utility bills bank account anything like that in your prefered name. Oh also if you arent working some proof like a chracter reference or from your employer if you are working to say youve been working or volunteering in role. They have asked a no of peeps recently for this type of evidence as part of what they need. Hope this helps if you need to know anything els please ask. Going down down the private route I know many who have done this to soeed things up and then come back into the NHS this is a viable option. They will want the same information about your RLE. The more you can provide the better. ..... Felix:-)

Sarah Ellis
08-15-2011, 02:29 PM
Hiya, if you've read any of my postings on the net then you'll know what I've been through. I'll not go into it all again though. Let's just say that after eventually admitting to my GP in 2010, I eventually got my appointment at the GIC in Sunderland in February of this year. The Psych there was in no doubt as to a diagnosis and from then I was referred to a therapist who has seen me change dramatically in only about 3 or 4 sessions. He has referred me back to the psych (while continuing to see me) with a move to starting my HRT. I also have contact with a speech therapist whom I should now arrange regular sessions.

My deed poll went through in July and around 99% of my documents are now changed over including employment, payroll, tax, bank etc etc.

So I'm kinda ready 6 months after my initial session. Trouble is, I have to wait again as my psych covers the entire North East region.