View Full Version : Wow, I can hardly believe this!

10-11-2005, 01:13 AM
To understand this, you must know that nor my girlfrend, nor anyone else knows that I'm a CD. Long story, but stick with it!

As I was getting out of the shower the other morning, I asked my girlfriend to go and get me some underwear. She goes over to my drawer and notices that I don't have any left that are clean. So, then I say to her "Oh, so what the hell am I supposed to do now?" and she says "Don't worry, I'll lend you a pair of mine."

So, I get out of the shower and put on her panties.(Little black ones with flowers around the top.)Anyways, as soon as I put them on she notices that I'm having one hell of an erection and asks me what's going on. I told her something like "Well wearing your panties makes me think of you, and thnkng of you excites me so..." And she was like "Ok, cool".

Later, at the end of the day, when it was time to go to bed, I take off the panties to put on my new cleaned ones and my grlfriend notices there's a hole in the front(Looks like girl's panties aren't made for the male anatomy eh?) and tells me I'm going to have to buy her a new pair the following day.

The next day, we go shopping for some new panties and while we were choosing her panties, I joke and say "I was pretty comfy in your panties yesterday, maybe I should get me some." My girlfriend says "Yeah, let's check some out". WHAT?! Did my girlfriend actually told me I could buy some girl's underwear for myself?! Without asking any questions?! I seriously thought this was a dream come true! But the dream was only starting...

After we chose like 7 or 8 pairs of panties(for me of course) My girlfriend says to me "Wanna get some bras and pantyhose with that miss?" I didn't know what to say. Was she joking or was she serious? At that point I could either go forward and say yes, or say no and never be able to come out to her again. After thinking for like 5 seconds, I said "Yeah, why not, while we're at it." Next shop:The bras

We then arrive at the bras counter and I pck myself some bras--myself! I couldn't believe this! I was choosing BRAS for ME with my GRLFRIEND!!I felt like a child on chrstmas morning! Well, I chose about 5 pairs of bras of different colors and styles(No sports stuff though only sexy stuff) Of course I didn't try them on but I took the smallest.

We then went through the pantyhose section and buy some pantyhose. I tell my girlfriend I love the smoot silky feeling on my legs and she even recommends me some. I end up with garters corsets and other wondeful stuff.

Finally I get home, with a bill wth over 500$ just in women's dressing. I put the bags on the bed and my girlfriend tells me to "Get in it". I get dressed up, as sexy as I possibly can, we both end up in bed(insert imagination part here) and have one of the greatest times of our lives.

Later, my girlfriend tells me a CD turns her on and that she loves to do it wth me as a CD. Now that she knows it all, I couldn't feel better! I can wear it whenever I want, don't have to hide it anymore and she loves it! Oh, and she discovered my fake breasts and actually forces me to put them on when I'm at home--What a girlfriend and what a hell of a way to come out! Hope you all have the same success as me!

Sweet Susan
10-11-2005, 01:24 AM
I couldn't hardly believe it either. How is it that you and your girlfriend went through all of those purchases and you had no conversation to report? Your only discussion happened after you got home? So, you just walked around the department store and didn't say anything except, "oh, I need a bra, too"? Are you pulling our leg?

10-11-2005, 01:48 AM
sounds like a dream come true!if we only had that luck!


Marlena Dahlstrom
10-11-2005, 01:57 AM
Sorry to be skeptical, hon, but your account sounds just like something out of http://www.fictionmania.com...

Gale R
10-11-2005, 02:05 AM
And posting twice doesn't make this more plausible either.;)

Julie York
10-11-2005, 04:11 AM
At least you made half an effort to make it partially believable but......give us a break!

It was an amusing story though. If you hadn't got so carried away (5 bras first shopping trip....yeah sure!) you might have strung a few gullibles along for a while.

Stephanie Kay
10-11-2005, 04:27 AM
We then arrive at the bras counter and I pck myself some bras--myself! I couldn't believe this! I was choosing BRAS for ME with my GRLFRIEND!!I felt like a child on chrstmas morning! Well, I chose about 5 pairs of bras of different colors and styles(No sports stuff though only sexy stuff) Of course I didn't try them on but I took the smallest.

I can hardly believe it either. Sorry! Dead giveaway? Pairs of bras????:eek:

Wendy me
10-11-2005, 06:13 AM
realy it could be true ...i mean from running out of "him" underwear to borowing the girlfreinds underwear ...i mean it makes sence that you would go out and just happen to pick up say $500.00 worth of femy undies.......
oh just one thing next time please start with "ONCE APONE A TIME" .....

Lisa Golightly
10-11-2005, 06:28 AM
Hmmmmm.... I think if I tried to put on a pair of my ex's I'd do damage to myself... she was teeny :)

10-11-2005, 07:00 AM
Well it may be hard to believe for some that have not had that type of an experience. But when I told my wife that I liked to wear panties, It was not to long afterwards that we went on a shopping trip to the local mall, with the intent on getting me my own items. After visiting all the stores in the mall that had lingerie and even a walmart. The purchases totaled over $600.00 and I also got her a $500.00 braclet. The most fun I ever had shopping. Believe it or not!

10-11-2005, 09:02 AM
It is so sad that there are so many skeptics in the world.


So sad.

So very, very sad.

C'mon Open, what happened next? There must be another adventure to share with us.

Jenny Beth
10-11-2005, 10:50 AM
I wish I had $500.00 to blow at the drop of a hat. Oh and by the way, can we have a Tall Tales thread? :naughty

10-11-2005, 11:31 AM
That reminds me, I need a new bra. I have'nt bought one in almost 2 years !!

10-11-2005, 12:08 PM
it might be hard to think that it could happen but it can.i know it was almost that way with my frist wife . (after 23yrs.she passed away from the big C in 98) we were dating at the time and talking over coffee and she said she had something to tell me and ask me . i said ok. she wanted to know how i felt about the genders of people , and i said i don,t care. why? ok then i must tell you i am bi. i said well since it has come up so am i.and that was all that was said about it at that moment. and she said she needed to go shopping for some things and said she wanted me to go along .as we were going to the mall we were talking about frist one thing and another.as we get out of the car she ask me if she could get me some things that she wanted to see me in and i ask like what and she looked at me and said ladies things . i said realy (in shock) and she got real close to me and kissed me on the cheek and said remember the word gender and i said yes. she said weeelll ,,,,and then stoped me right out side of the mall door and got up in my face with a kiss and said it is a turn on for me ,,,i want to dress you up like a woman ,,,,is that ok.and i told her HELL YES. so it can happen.:)

10-11-2005, 01:02 PM
Later, at the end of the day, when it was time to go to bed, I take off the panties to put on my new cleaned ones and my grlfriend notices there's a hole in the front(Looks like girl's panties aren't made for the male anatomy eh?) and tells me I'm going to have to buy her a new pair the following day.

Mighty poor quality in them there panties.:rolleyes:

10-11-2005, 01:51 PM
You just gave me one more reason to dream about my secret, for a while, I was walking in your shoes while I was reading your story, true or not, thanks for the dream.

Love Ericka

10-11-2005, 03:38 PM
I would suggest that you marry her as soon as possible. :p

10-11-2005, 07:55 PM
I've always heard, its better to be lucky than rich. I guess I'll have to put up with um....niether! We can all dream though, right?

Jenny Beth
10-11-2005, 08:24 PM
Mighty poor quality in them there panties.:rolleyes:

Either that or King Kong just joined. :D

Jamie M
10-11-2005, 08:27 PM
I've always heard, its better to be lucky than rich. I guess I'll have to put up with um....niether! We can all dream though, right?

surely if you're that lucky you can always play the lottery and get rich quick :D

10-11-2005, 08:40 PM
Wow, I can hardly believe this!

What a coincidence, neither can we!

10-11-2005, 08:52 PM
my wife first suggested I wear her thong, first suggested we each wear thigh hi's, gave me my first garter belt, thought it was a good idea to buy stockings and platforms to go with the garter belt, and with those thought I could/should wear a dress, immediately went online to find one, then gave me one of hers!

Reading that paragraph is unbelievable, but it all happened that way! She's suggested wig designs and colors, bra type, nails, and we're now starting to work on makeup.

Stranger things have happened!

10-11-2005, 09:08 PM
Wow, I can hardly believe this!

What a coincidence, neither can we!

You know i thought along the same lines when i first saw it. But you know what? You never know...it just may happen to the lucky few.:D

Phoebe Reece
10-11-2005, 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by DonnaT
Mighty poor quality in them there panties.

Either that or King Kong just joined.

Maybe Openheaven's real name is Clark Kent.....

Or is this perhaps a reincarnation of Hot Chelsea (who worked at Victoria's Secret and lived in France) or of Michelle739/High Heel Boots (who lives as a full time girl at home).....

10-11-2005, 10:38 PM
She probably found your stach and wanted to help you out. That was a nice way of telling you it was alright.

10-11-2005, 10:43 PM
If it happened that way, Your GF knew about you long before. I could believe that she might buy you the panties and even hosiery but the bra, stretches it a bit. It is not easy to just go buy a bra without know how they fit. The story itself is just too much. Having a gf or wife that is supportive is not. Having you GF lend you her panties is not unrealistic, it happened to me. On our honeymoon she even loaned me her babydoll nightgown.