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08-18-2011, 05:02 PM
Simplicity. Ah, what a soothing, easy-going, wonderful concept. Simply stated, simplicity, in its simplest form, is the absence of complication. Personally, I prefer to keep matters as simple as possible, regardless of any given issue's attendant complexity. Simple matters are easy to break down, consider, understand, and act upon. Complex matters, not so much. Although I am up for the challenge of tackling complicated issues just as much as the next girl, the problem I occasionally face is that I sometimes tend to turn simple matters into unnecessarily complex issues.

Crossdressing, in and of itself, is an inherently simple exercise and activity. If we happen to be fortunate enough to live and breathe, we, as crossdressers, proactively seek out femininity and to dress as members of the opposite gender. We seek to turn that drab frown upside down and transform it into the painted smile of a beautiful woman. Live, breathe, and dress! Such a simple philosophy embodies the epitome of simplicity itself. And yet, some of us (myself included) haphazardly confound this innocent and endearingly simple concept, and complicate the hell out of it! That we are even capable of ignominiously twisting simplicity itself, and capriciously altering it into a convoluted, unrecognizable, jumbled, chaotic mess of discombobulated complication is indeed perplexing and baffling. So why do it? Why not instead strive for simplicity of thought and action?

The practice of crossdressing is beautiful and profound on so many different levels, and the adventure is simply divine. We are fortunate to be blessed with this magical, alluring gift, of which, I, for one, readily accept and embrace with open and loving arms. My unabashed enthusiasm and unabated excitement, however, is unwittingly and grievously tarnished when I unnecessarily complicate what otherwise should be a simple, transcendental, resplendent lifestyle.

Of course, any here who know me also know that I am a closet dweller. The reasons I remain in the closet, and those reasons of my closet dwelling sisters, are strictly our own, by our choice, and of no consequence or relevance whatsoever within the scope of this "dissertation." Regardless, whether one is a closet dweller, an out-and-abouter, or an in-betweener, no matter our chosen path and crossdressing modus operandi, the simple act of crossdressing, in and of itself, can and should be simply beautiful!

Given this proposition, that simplicity may breed unadulterated gratification and happiness within certain contexts, if one takes the time to simply smell and appreciate the roses, and soak in all of its attendant simplicities born from complexity, one may very well also recognize that simple pleasures abound, and simple indulgences to be experienced encompass our surroundings and being, merely waiting in the background, or foreground, to simply be acknowledged.

As a simple crossdresser, and simply a human being, I enjoy the simplistic pleasures of life. I love to apply and wear makeup, and don feminine apparel. I seek out the female within me, and bask in its sumptuous, comfortable, warm glow. The mere act of applying makeup and enveloping myself within feminine attire is beautiful, powerful, and profound in its stark simplicity.

I am, however, very much guilty of complicating this simple pleasure of life in the past. For instance, only recently have I recognized just how simple it is too extend the boundaries of my own closet, and to experience new pleasures of simplicity that I had previously thought too complicated, and beyond the realm of my own personal reach.

For example, even though I remain steadfastly within the safe and comfortable confines of my blessed sanctuary that is my closet, I now regularly receive pro pedicures with polish, shop for my own clothes, and shop for my own makeup in department stores. Just the other day, I had an incredibly validating experience with an SA about makeup, makeup color, what makeup works for me, and how to improve my look with the makeup suggested while on such a shopping trip.

As a result, I have come to recognize certain thoughts that have been holding me hostage, whispering falsely within my inner ear that it's too complicated, too hard, and that I cannot do these things. But I can do these things, and now have done them! And in hindsight, it was such a remarkably simple exercise that I am simply astounded that it took me so long to do it!

Simply by virtue of engaging in these simple acts, I have learned that if I take simple, reasonable precautions, and am simply careful, I can limit any potentially awkward moments I may unwittingly otherwise place myself in. Understanding this very simple concept, and successfully facing and defeating my fear, the rest has become quite simple in its aggregate simplicity.

Although simple is as simple does, there are rewards aplenty to reap, and they are simply amazing! For instance, just to name a few, I have a fantastic, wonderful relationship with my nail tech; I have met an incredible SA in a department store that has gone the extra mile to help me with my makeup and make me feel like one of the girls; and I have purchased clothing in stores without being strung up or run out of town. Also, and this should bring much comfort to us all and the world’s survival, I have learned that the world will not spontaneously explode or blink out of existence if I do these simple things. Thus, the world may rest peacefully at night knowing that I will not be the cause of armageddon.

These are just but a few examples of the elegance of simplicity I now appreciate in crossdressing. The examples I have cited I very much viewed as quite complicated just not so long ago. These complications, however, were created by my own misguided and paranoid imagination. Recognizing this, I have dramatically reduced the complications I previously perceived, simplified my outlook on crossdressing, and as a result, have come to love and enjoy myself more than ever as a crossdresser. It has been a fruitful, worthwhile journey, and a journey I shall continue on. I am unsure of just exactly where this journey will take me, but I will be sure to let you know when I get there.

Of course, I fully recognize that there are very real, legitimately complicated issues out there that may affect us, but that is not what this post is about. Rather, the point of this post is simply about simplifying the simple things that can add soooooo much more to one's crossdressing experience! Whether this will be true for you, only you can make that decision (and many of you have already - btw, thanks for sharing your experiences and support for those such as I, thereby making my own journey to date possible). But for me, it has taken me a long time to learn this simple truth - keep it simple, stupid! :kiss:

08-18-2011, 05:28 PM
That was simply profound, Anne. And it struck me that you're not nearly as deep in the closet as you had lead yourself to believe. Good for you!

Kathi Lake
08-18-2011, 05:30 PM
As Thoreau said, "Simplify. Simplify." Wouldn't it have been simpler if he just said it once? :)

Aaaaanyway, I agree that sometimes we take a simple gift - and like you I do indeed believe that it is a gift, a blessing - and we complicate the puppy! We do various gyrations and calisthenics to hide our body modifications, our clothes, our very identities. We use subterfuge, misdirection, omission, and outright lies. We make various excuses for our behavior - "I was born this way, it's not a choice," "No, I'm not attracted to men at all. Ick! Oh, . . . well, when I'm dressed as a woman I am, but that's totally different!" and many more. How about we just learn to tell it - and accept it - as it is? I am a man that loves dressing up as a woman. I have a choice. I choose to do what I want to do, not what I think something compels me to do.

Anne, I am so glad that the thoughts that used to hold you hostage no longer have the power over you that they used to. I think that this alone will help you simplify your life, and allow you to enjoy this wonderful gift that you have been given.

Simply yours,


08-18-2011, 06:30 PM
Hi Anne!
After reading through your OP I was left wondering for a few minutes which aspect appeals to me most.
Is it your joy in CDing, or your delight in applying make-up, or your interaction with others?
I then thought maybe you were being naughty...
your self-descriptive "stupid" confronted me from the word go...
and your seemingly self-critical "misguided and paranoid imagination" had me feeling uncomfortable and, I dare say, a little guilty!

And then I took a deep breath.
I started thinking about this afternoon which I spent at home.
I wore a favourite light negligee while taking care of what I had to.
Every now and again I noticed me feeling pretty and relaxed.

I had been enjoying one of the simplest pleasures in life.

bobbie c
08-18-2011, 06:48 PM
anne ... being somewhat new at this...and a bit older(59)...i notice you,again, have made a point with such beauty and with such simplicity. your threads are always so well though out and thought provoking and i thank you for that.....i learn from you( and others).as i have travelled this path, a bit of age and open thinking has brought me to the same conclusion...simplicity is a key we so seldom use,for the reason that we must slow down and see the simple things for what they are....uncluttered and real....your wonderful in bringing this up.....thank you again!

08-18-2011, 07:01 PM
Life is complicated enough! Simply the act of shedding the masculine and embracing the feminine, foregoing the trappings of manhood and donning the blessed attire of sweet womanhood, can simplify even the most complex of life's little mazes through which we weave our ways every day. Life need not be some kind of quantum physics problem. Once my transformation is complete, I can take a deep breath and steep myself in an aura, a nimbus of joyful femininity, where all my regular everyday worries, my trials and tribulations of real-world responsibilities, fade to pink. And I can sit and just "be", and enjoy the simple pleasure of living and being in the shell of feminine vestige, free from the rough and hardscrabble mantle of masculine restraint and obligation.

Ah, simplicity!

08-18-2011, 07:17 PM
Oh, Anne, I love it!

One thousand one hundred and fifty three simple words to simply say "Just do it!"



Cynthia Anne
08-18-2011, 07:34 PM
I too love simplicity in my dressing! I find this to be a very complex world that we live in! So keeping 'it' simple adds to the pleasure! Thank you Anne, for a lovely complex story on keeping it simple! Yours Truley from stupid! Hugs!

08-19-2011, 07:11 AM

And it struck me that you're not nearly as deep in the closet as you had lead yourself to believe. Good for you!

I suppose you are correct - I am not quite so deep in as I had believed or once was. This may come as a surprise to some. I know it does to me! :)

I started thinking about this afternoon which I spent at home.
I wore a favourite light negligee while taking care of what I had to.
Every now and again I noticed me feeling pretty and relaxed.

I had been enjoying one of the simplest pleasures in life.


i learn from you( and others).as i have travelled this path, a bit of age and open thinking

I have learned soooo much from others here, and the forum in general, myself. But for this, I would not be doing the things I am now, or writing such posts. Keeping an open mind has been crucial, and has led to new awakenings, perceptions, and experiences. This is an amazing journey we are on, and if we can't learn a few things along the way, have some fun, grow, evolve, and mature with our femininity, then what's the point?

Simply the act of shedding the masculine and embracing the feminine, foregoing the trappings of manhood and donning the blessed attire of sweet womanhood, can simplify even the most complex of life's little mazes through which we weave our ways every day.

Very well stated!

One thousand one hundred and fifty three simple words to simply say "Just do it!"

LOL!!!! If you think this was long (it was), just wait until you see my upcoming post on "brevity!"

08-19-2011, 08:47 AM
Surprises are fun (sometimes). I find I surprise myself more often these days. I'm not nearly as timid or fearful as I was in the past. Maybe finding courage in one area helps in other areas as well!