View Full Version : called my old therapist

09-08-2011, 04:14 PM
In an earlier post, I expressed my concern over seeing my therapist because i had reason to believe she had called my work over a screwed up insurance problem. But, I felt I was being helped when I was seeing her. I quit suddenly due to frustration overall with how my early attempts at transitioning were going. It wasnt directly due to her, but I did here that she had asked about billing. Now, I finally have fully realized that if she had really said anything about me to them, I would know, since I work in a homeless ministry. I am now at the point that I am stuck where I was when I quit seeing her, maybe Ive gone backwards a bit. Anyway, I called and made an apointment with her. I have to say, even with the question about work, I am still glad I did.