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View Full Version : Stiletto Sprint

amy canada
09-11-2011, 02:50 PM
One of the stores in my area is holding a Stiletto Sprint race, and if you're a guy and you win, you get a cool $1,000. I think I would enter, but the race is like 10 days away, it's 100 metres long (more than 300 feet), and I haven't done any sprinting since I played softball about 7 years ago, let alone sprinting in high heels. Maybe I'll start training and enter next year's race.

But would you guys enter? If so, check out the link for details. http://stylesensestilettosprint.ca/

By the way, the details say that women will get $10,000 if they win, since it says that we don't need as many shoes as them, but I'm sure some of us would beg to differ.

09-11-2011, 03:03 PM
No I wouldn't enter. 1,000 for me, 10,000 for them? Sounds like gender discrimination to me. Not worth the risk of injury for a man to enter.

amy canada
09-11-2011, 03:17 PM
Well, it seems like a lot more women enter this race than men, so the women have to run in qualifying heats first before they get to the main race. For the men, it's just one race.

And if you check last year's finishing times, the fastest men's time would've only been 3rd place for the women's event. But yeah, I think if men were also offered $10,000, I'm sure they'd get more entrants.

For stats purposes, there were 80 women who entered last year as opposed to only 14 men.

09-11-2011, 03:20 PM
Well, it seems like a lot more women enter this race than men, so the women have to run in qualifying heats first before they get to the main race. For the men, it's just one race.

And if you check last year's finishing times, the fastest men's time would've only been 3rd place for the women's event. But yeah, I think if men were also offered $10,000, I'm sure they'd get more entrants.

For stats purposes, there were 80 women who entered last year as opposed to only 14 men.

If they are the minority, and the slower, wouldn't it make more sense to offer them the higher cash prize? Sounds like they do not want any men entering tbh.

09-11-2011, 11:09 PM
Just checked the rules, 3 inch OR higher, if this was local, I'd do it, know I'd have a chance to win, chased one of my co-workers the other day in 5 Dorsey pumps

09-12-2011, 07:18 AM
In a similar vein, this looks kind of cool...


(Note: d'Orsay)

Leslie Langford
09-12-2011, 09:20 AM
Hi amy - thanks for the reminder, and I actually posted on the same topic last year, so evidently, this is becoming an annual event:


I'm glad to see the growing popularity of this fund-raiser and the fact that the novelty factor has now worn off, resulting in the men competing with the women on an equal footing (I know - bad pun! :doh: :heehee:) and as though it were no longer a big deal nor particularly noteworthy.

As for me, I'd be sorely tempted to sign up, but given the long commute to Mississauga from where I live and the unGodly start time of 6:00 A.M., I'd have to get up in the middle of the night to get there on time - and I'm just not a morning person. :eek: Besides which, it is still pitch dark and gloomy at that hour this time of the year. Yeah, yeah, I know the show is called "Breakfast Television", but still...) ;) :D

But I do have to say this - despite the overall acceptance (and even welcoming) of men to join in events like this, I'm still irked by the fact that the participating male regulars of that show like Frankie ("Flowers") Ferragamo still feel compelled to default to Milton Berle schtick at times - you know, stumbling, walking knock-kneed and half on the sides of their shoes - to preserve their macho image and underscore the fact that "real" men just wouldn't be caught dead wearing heels ordinarily.

09-12-2011, 01:52 PM
They have a high heel drag race (http://dc.about.com/od/specialevents/ig/DC-Drag-Queen-Race-/) every year on the Tuesday before Halloween at Dupont Circle in Washington DC. No prize money, however. Practice is a good idea.

09-12-2011, 01:56 PM
I know the amounts for winning are a bit disproportionate,but hey! a grand's a grand,you'll kick yourself if you don't give it a go.And if I went for it I would do it to the best of my ability,a Grand in my back pocket and ppl can say what they like
