View Full Version : Mostache and Beard!!!

09-19-2011, 01:03 PM
Okay.. I'm not sure if this post belongs here but I need help! :heehee:

I always clean shave of course but there's this dreaded little hint of "Mostache was hereTM"!!! I try to cover it with concealer or foundation but it doesn't do a good job!

I was wondering if you Ladies and Girls know some tricks to help poor Nesreen? :o

09-19-2011, 01:08 PM
I shave with the grain and then against the grain there until smooth. I don't cut myself, but I do bleed from it sometimes. Be careful near the lips since that area seems the one most likely to snag, even on a brand new razor. Once you've done that, hit it with some lotion or cortizone.

After that, concealer and foundation.
If it still looks 'blue', you can try colored concealers for specific conditions. You'll see plenty of tips in the beauty section for covering beard shadow.

Miss Maxine
09-19-2011, 01:11 PM
I have really thick, coarse, dark, and resiliant facial hair. It can be a crossdresser's worst nightmare. I have found a decent solution that works for me, however. First, I shave with a 5-blade razor, as close as I can get it. Then I apply some liquid foundation all over my face. Let it set, for a moment, and then apply some cream foundation onto the areas with hair. Don't be afraid to lay this on thick. I apply no less than four layers. Make sure to blend this in with your fingers, as much as possible. Afterwards, I brush on some loose powder. This completely hides the hair and will last all day, provided you don't touch your face too much or let sweat get out of control.

I hope this helps. ^_^

09-19-2011, 01:12 PM
I shave with the grain and then against the grain there until smooth. I don't cut myself, but I do bleed from it sometimes. Be careful near the lips since that area seems the one most likely to snag, even on a brand new razor. Once you've done that, hit it with some lotion or cortizone.

After that, concealer and foundation.
If it still looks 'blue', you can try colored concealers for specific conditions. You'll see plenty of tips in the beauty section for covering beard shadow.

Thank you Mikaela, very kind of you :)

09-19-2011, 01:14 PM
I have really thick, coarse, dark, and resiliant facial hair. It can be a crossdresser's worst nightmare. I have found a decent solution that works for me, however. First, I shave with a 5-blade razor, as close as I can get it. Then I apply some liquid foundation all over my face. Let it set, for a moment, and then apply some cream foundation onto the areas with hair. Don't be afraid to lay this on thick. I apply no less than four layers. Make sure to blend this in with your fingers, as much as possible. Afterwards, I brush on some loose powder. This completely hides the hair and will last all day, provided you don't touch your face too much or let sweat get out of control.

I hope this helps. ^_^

Thank you Maxine for the tip!

Much appreciated :)

09-19-2011, 01:19 PM
Check out this thread (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?79909-All-Our-Favorite-Beard-Cover-Tips)in the beauty section