View Full Version : Funding a transsexual passage

09-24-2011, 05:29 AM
My transition is ongoing and like so many others I am encountering major obstacles that threaten to derail my progress and limit my chances for a fulfilled future. Changing ones sex is an expensive process. There are therapist expenses, doctor and hormone costs, For male to females there is facial hair removal, and facial feminization surgeries. Finally there are the costs associated with the sexual reassignment surgeries. This of course is the shortlist of what a transsexual person must face and overcome. We can look forward to a myriad of social issues and adjustments. It becomes necessary to change nearly every aspect of our social life with no guarantees of support from anyone. The need we share is a simple one the path to goal is not.

Some are truly blessed with loving and accepting friends and families. Some enjoy the support of the companies they work for and can depend on the help that is offered. I believe that the very young are indeed advantaged just because they have time to work things out.
The most advantaged of all are the affluent who have, at the ready, all the financial resources at their disposal to negotiate the requirements of full transition. I think we all know that there is a large population of trans people who are of lesser means who carry a heavier burden and whose lives are more precarious and are subject to a greater scale of failure. Personally my heart goes out to these individuals and my own experience heightens my compassion for the less fortunate. I have my financial troubles and I am constantly searching for ways around them to salvage a life in my true gender I pray I get there and find the funding I need but I digress.

My Vision

If it were possible my dream would be to help those who need it. to gather together support from the successful trans community and make a way for those in need, especially the young. I envision safe houses that would provide a caring environment for those who find themselves homeless or put out. Places that could be set up in a way that would allow for in- house industry, training, and counseling to assist in helping the economic and social viability of each person. Support-sharing; that each would contribute to in-house community. Out-reach; to help educate the public on trans issues. Financial support; to secure funds through fund raising, grants and donations that would make possible the passage to a new life for these people. The Idea is to garner support from the trans community and the community at large. To set up non-profits with oversight committees and clear eligibility requirements.

Call me a dreamer but I've had this on my mind for a long time. I cannot think of any other thing I would rather do If and when I am able. I believe being transsexual is a wonderful gift and would love to see every trans person reach a full potential and to live a happy life.


09-24-2011, 05:44 AM
You truly are a wonderful person, very, VERY lucky beautiful person, I just wish I could as well, lots of luv for the road ahead, Peta

Melody Moore
09-24-2011, 05:49 AM
Is all I can say Kelsy is that I share in all your dreams, especially about improving services for others :hugs:

09-24-2011, 07:20 AM
You might want to check out the Jim Collins Foundation http://jimcollinsfoundation.org/ as a model. No sense rebuilding the wheel, so to speak.

09-24-2011, 07:36 AM
Sorry to bust ur bubble Jorja but from therapist and group leaders agree that http://jimcollinsfoundation.org/ is nothing but a big scam. They have not donated one dollar to the needy . Heard it from to many different sources so I didnt even bother to register.

09-24-2011, 07:43 AM

Jay Cee
09-24-2011, 08:01 AM
That is a wonderful dream and goal, Kelsy. I would happily donate to an organization like that.

I know of one individual locally who does her part - she does hair removal for half the price of any other electrolysis provider in the city.

09-24-2011, 09:55 AM
Thanks everyone!

I know there is a need out there!! There really are only two issues I can see and you can only do the best you can.
First be true to your self what ever that entails and second help others along the way even if is only a kind word.
Life is short!

Love you all

09-24-2011, 10:03 AM
I have not heard anything about this. In fact, after about an hour of research, I cannot find anything stating publicly that the Jim Collins foundation is a scam. Furthermore, I find that they have awarded their first and so far only grant in May of 2011. If you have proof of the claim this foundation is a scam I would like to see it or know where to find it.

10-04-2011, 10:49 PM
I have been thinking about something VERY similar, if perhaps a touch less ambitious. Well, honestly, my full vision is very similar to what you are thinking about, but I fear that might take a generation or more to achieve.

Drop me a note. We should talk.

10-04-2011, 11:16 PM
Wow girl, this is something my roommate Ayden and I are very passionate about ourselves. We have been doing a lot of dreaming over here in Michigan and have come up with the same ideas you have. You took the words from our mouths! We are trying to work on getting out of debt first, but once we are our transitions and setting up a foundation of some sort is one of our number one goals for our lives. We are both young and have a lot of time yet.

My last tour to Iraq and the one I was recently robbed of to afghanistan I had my life insurance which was worth 400k set to be put in a fund that would build off of interest and be used to provide a certain # of SRS surgeries a year for other transsexuals. My parents were 100% behind my choice and even had ideas of their own. The fund would have had enough money to continually provide surgeries indefinitely. One of the instances in my life where I kind of saw the ultimate sacrifice as a good thing.