View Full Version : I find it quite funny that women struggle in heels!

09-28-2011, 05:48 AM
Whilst out this afternoon i noticed a fairly nicely dressed woman crossing the road in front of me.. What really caught my attention was that she couldn't walk properly in the shoes she ahd on.

They were strappy cork wedge would have been about 4 inches high. She was in fact "clip clopping' in them, sort of like a show horse prancing!!

I thought it was quite funny because i know that i can walk in 5 inch heels and do it comfortably.

09-28-2011, 05:51 AM
Been there seen that! LOL I posted a thread in the shopping category http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?160457-How-do-they-walk-in-those-heels where I was showing off MY ability in ultra high heels!

09-28-2011, 06:19 AM
Way back, about half a century a go, girls used to go to "charm school" or dance classes, or similar formal training in how to learn the skills of being, not just a woman, but a proper lady. They would learn to walk, talk, sit, and dress properly. They would often have parties and other social events. Eventually, they would have their debutante ball. In later years, many of these schools became modelling schools or modelling agencies, since women's lib had made being a "proper lady" a bad thing.

These days, you often find shorter women wearing heels and walking very well in them. But medium to tall women wear heels much less often, and have little or no formal training in how to walk in heels.

Transsexuals and Cross-Dressers often WANT to be trained in what it takes to be a beautiful and "proper" lady. Ironically, if you're at a party and you see a woman who is unusually beautiful, sexy, seductive, graceful, and polite - all at the same time, she's probably a he under the frock, or was at one time.

Female executives or candidates who are likely to become executives often take the same type of training. This is where they learn how to use that skirt-suit to get 20% more profit on a deal, or how to dress powerfully - weakening men and intimidating women, without being so seductive that they are not taken seriously. My daughter got that training in her sorority, and uses it very effectively at work, at church, and even on her husband.

Unfortunately, most women today just don't care that much. They put on a pair of heels thinking they are cute and maybe even sexy, then walk duck-footed because they are used to wearing flats and athletic shoes all the time. 90% of the time they dress for comfort, and as a result, the 10% of the time they dress to impress, they don't have the experience to carry it off.

Ironically, I always walked like a duck in men's shoes. I had severe curvature of the spine, which meant by butt stuck out in back, my rib cage was about 4 inches in front of my tail-bone. I walked with my feet pointed out to help me with balance.

The first time I ever wore heels was back in about 1974, when disco had just come out. John Trivolta had worn shoes with a bit of a heel so he could dance well with his slightly tall partners in several scenes. The look caught on and for about a year, men could get shoes with a 2 inch heel.

The strange thing is that when I wore the heels, my posture improved because I had to balance differently. My butt tightened, which made it easier to rock my hips (a popular disco move which led to better posture).

Even today, Debbie and Rex have radically different walks. I've often gotten within 10 feet of someone without them knowing who I was, even though they were close friends of mine who knew me as both Debbie and Rex. They could see Rex coming from a mile away, from the "Duck Walk". But Debbie was so graceful and poised that they were still thinking "wow hot babe" until I was practically in their faces.

09-28-2011, 07:39 AM
4 inch heels are different depending on the size of the shoe. I wear a 4 and a half inch heel, but my shoes are a size 16. On a size 7 or 8 woman's, it would be like my wearing say, I guess a 7 inch heel. Which would make it very difficult for me to walk too.
Then again, some are simply better at doing physically difficult things than others, whether it be male or female. Women who seldom wear high heels will simply usually not be as good at it as someone who wears them often. The poor girl you saw was probably one who doesn't wear high heels very often, or perhaps had worn them too long that day. Lots of possibilities.

Karren H
09-28-2011, 08:35 AM
Yeah... I think it's funny when we think were "better" than women... Or better at doing something that women are supposed to be better at just because they are women? Walking in heels is not a genetic thing!! They weren't popped out of the womb with the ability to walk in them... Lol. No one is.... Be like saying that NHL ice hockey players were born knowing how to skate.... I don't make fun of people who can't ice skate when I'm out on the ice.... So I really don't think its nice making fun of someone who is having problems wearing something that society expects them to wear.... Rant over....

09-28-2011, 09:14 AM
I don't find it so funny so much as understanding todays women just do not wear heels often enough to be comfortable in them. I wear heels daily but rest assured, there are times when I prefer low or flat footwear. I even sometimes wear gladiatior sandals during the summer months because I think they look sexy with the right outfit, so seeing a gg in heels, particularly todays' young ladies/girls that just can't walk in heels tells me they probably spend 18 hours a day in flip flops. Anyone can walk in heels; it's just practice, practice, practice. I must say though, I admire any woman who attempts the art of walking in heels. Heels make the outfit in my eyes.

09-28-2011, 09:27 AM
Ginger Rogers danced with Fred Astaire and she did everything he did and did it backwards on 4" heels. I have seen women run wearing heels and do it well. As has been said "practice" if I got

up on a pair of heels I would probably break my fool neck.


Stephenie S
09-28-2011, 09:30 AM
I think it's called "mansplaining" and it's kinda impolite, kinda sexist, and kinda paternalistic.


09-28-2011, 10:43 AM
Some months ago, I attended a wedding of two 20 something couple. All of the bride maids, 5 in total, where
wearing at least 4" heals. 3 of the girls could not walk down the isle with out stumbling in them. The other 2
walked around as if they where wearing flats. Much later, those girls took the heals off, and where barefooted
the entire evening. the others kept their shoes on. Talking with an uncle of the bride, he said that the two girls
that kept their shoes on worked in an office, and a bank teller; they wore heals all the time at work.
Most of the "Grandma's wore low heals or flats.
Just goes to show that it takes practice to wear heals, and most GG's just do not wear heals that often.

Miss Maxine
09-28-2011, 10:48 AM
Yeah... I think it's funny when we think were "better" than women... Or better at doing something that women are supposed to be better at just because they are women? Walking in heels is not a genetic thing!! They weren't popped out of the womb with the ability to walk in them... Lol. No one is.... Be like saying that NHL ice hockey players were born knowing how to skate.... I don't make fun of people who can't ice skate when I'm out on the ice.... So I really don't think its nice making fun of someone who is having problems wearing something that society expects them to wear.... Rant over....

Let's face it: Trannies do it better. We were born for this! I am fairly certain I was born a natural ungulate. With that in mind, I'm gonna make fun of others. If you can't laugh at yourself; someone else will. ^_~

Sara Jessica
09-28-2011, 11:00 AM
Did it ever occur to you that women might find it funny that you even wear heels???

There could be a zillion legitimate reasons for your protagonist's struggles, none of which are deserving of your laughter, ridicule and such a misogynistic statement.

09-28-2011, 11:01 AM
Yeah... I think it's funny when we think were "better" than women... Or better at doing something that women are supposed to be better at just because they are women? Walking in heels is not a genetic thing!! They weren't popped out of the womb with the ability to walk in them... Lol. No one is.... Be like saying that NHL ice hockey players were born knowing how to skate.... I don't make fun of people who can't ice skate when I'm out on the ice.... So I really don't think its nice making fun of someone who is having problems wearing something that society expects them to wear.... Rant over....

Actually, the irony is that we WERE "born" to walk on toe, like wearing heels. Look at most toddlers when they first learn to work. Once they get their legs under them, they start walking "on toe".

To get kids to walk flat-footed, we have to put them in shoes with firm soles and stiff ankles, making it more difficult for the toddler to get up on toe.

High heels were originally used by MEN - several French kings and other royalty wore heels to make themselves look taller.

We actually have to be taught NOT to walk on our toes or the balls of our feet.

Miss Maxine
09-28-2011, 11:02 AM
Did it ever occur to you that women might find it funny that you even wear heels???

There could be a zillion legitimate reasons for your protagonist's struggles, none of which are deserving of your laughter, ridicule and such a misogynistic statement.

Any day I can make someone laugh is a good day.

09-28-2011, 11:08 AM
I can walk in 5" heels but it,'s not comfortable at all I like my Mary Jane’s with the 2” heel But I have to say that most of the women I see. Can walk circle around me in heels I've saw a lot of young girls wearing 6” heels! with there toes almost straight down and that was at the fair! I couldn’t do it But they did look very sexy I love heels

09-28-2011, 11:25 AM
Shoe size was mentioned as a factor earlier. Here is a technical explanation.

Actual heel lift is the heel size minus the platform size. Obviously, the higher the lift, the harder it is to perform a good stride. Those with larger feet have an easier time with higher lifts because their feet are longer. Not to get mathematical, but think of a 45 degree triangle under your feet. The longer the hypotenuse (length of foot) the higher your heel will go.

Also, Debbie makes a good point. As TG's we spend a lot of time trying to perfect out lady like grace.

Does anyone watch Pheneus and Pherb (a cartoon in the US)? Candice had asked her English cousin to teach her to be a lady to impress her boyfriend. They were pretty much spoofing on the whole concept.

I have kids, so I see a lot of cartoons. If I didn't have kids, I still would probably see a lot of cartoons. After all, I'm still a kid.

Leslie Langford
09-28-2011, 12:51 PM

Loved your post, and I can relate 100% to pretty much everything that you said in it. Yes, with the advent of feminism back in the late '60's, being considered "girly" became a dirty word, and a much maligned state of being to be avoided at all costs. And few of the younger women these days have a clue as to what differentiates dressing in an elegant, sophisticated and classy manner a la Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve, or Grace Kelly, as opposed to adopting the ubiquitous "****ty" look to try to come across as looking sexy, because that's what the current crop of porn and near-porn stars who have become their role models have taught them. And the ultimate irony of this whole downward spiral is when GG's turn to drag queens to teach them how to dress in a feminine manner or to walk in heels, as I have seen on more than one occasion on shows such as RuPaul's Drag Race or What Not to Wear.

But more to your point, here is a link to Canadian jobs search website "Workopolis", where a recent article aimed at women job applicants entitled "Why skirts are good for your career" attracted some heated controversy in the comments section (and admittedly, I added my $0.02 worth as well just to stir the pot a bit :heehee::D ).


But the sad part here is that so many women either refuse to "get" it, or else tenaciously dig in their heels (or should I say "flats" ;)) in their refusal to either admit to or accept such blatantly obvious truisms. Men are highly visual creatures and for most of them, their brains reside in their penises. So like it or not, heterosexual males are typically turned on by sexy images of a woman in a skirt, dress, pantyhose, stockings, and heels (and bonus points for showing lots of boobage). In other words, 50 years of feminists railing against the unfairness of it all is simply not going to negate this biological fact of life that draws upon tens of thousands of years of human evolution.


Not so sure I agree... I remember reading somewhere that the curvature of women's spines and their pelvic bone structure differs subtly from men's in certain ways, which makes it intrinsically easier for them to adapt to wearing high heels - although not so you'd know it the way most women act...:eek: :heehee: :thumbsdn:

Toni Citara
09-28-2011, 01:01 PM
Always loved high heels and until recently never bought a pair. Its taken me about a month but I went from 2" heels to rocking a pair of very sexy 4" heels. Not sure I want to go higher, but sure love the look of the CMFM heels.

09-28-2011, 02:36 PM
I think there is a word for that: "practice!

Kate Simmons
09-28-2011, 03:35 PM
Interesting. If you think that's something, you should see me on the dance floor in 4 inchers. I'm usually okay unless they waxed it.:heehee::)

Genifer Teal
09-28-2011, 04:47 PM
I think the answer might have more to do with exercise than practice but probably a mix of both is required. I'm not certain but based on having larger calves it would seem men start with stronger muscles. This initially might make us more stable in heels or quicker to adapt. A woman might take more heel time to exercise the muscles necessary to have greater ankle stability and stamina. Those who wear heels regularly or practice often are building the muscles needed to walk better in heels.

Then it becomes a cart before the horse situation, If you don't like heels cause you can't walk in them you never wear them enough to build the muscles to be able to walk in them. If you did, you might not mind heels once you can handle them.

09-28-2011, 05:02 PM
I don't ever remember having a hard time walking in heels.


09-28-2011, 05:19 PM
I agree with the original poster......It's funny, ...a lot of opinions here, and some people are just too serious?? :doh: I get what they (op) were saying.
Its not so much funny, (I think) as it is weird to us , we practice all the time,wishing to get to wear something, we find so appealing. They find 'em a nuisance. (the ones who can't walk in 'em.) :straightface:
So therein lies the humor?? We can't believe they don't find them sexy, ....or wanna be sexy?? :eek: Let alone having never walked in them.... I would like to give ladies 5 min, in the average (?) guys brain, or to see like a man, so that they knew what it does for some of us.,...and what it does for most of them.
It would be hard to argue, that any cute dress, or even outfit isn't always hotter with heels on...... or at least boots with a heel!!!!!!!!
Many outfits can triple in "heat factor" simply wearing the right heels with just enough sex in 'em!!!! All you gotta do is look at some of my pictures, it';s ALL ABOUT THE SHOES!! Every pair of tights, dress, skirt and whatever, all starts with ...HMMMM what shoes should I wear, ????
So apparently, they don't wear heels?? Don't start their outfits with heels??? How do they dress themselves...LOL!!!

09-28-2011, 07:23 PM
... I thought it was quite funny because i know that i can walk in 5 inch heels and do it comfortably.

As Karren says, it's likely asking for trouble to show your amusement or show her your skills in this situation. There are better ways to gain general acceptance of us. This isn't one of them.

Sara Jessica
09-28-2011, 07:41 PM
I agree with the original poster......It's funny, ...(and then some)

OK, now I get it. A barrel of monkeys, ha ha ha. :wall:

09-28-2011, 10:15 PM
Whilst out this afternoon i noticed a fairly nicely dressed woman crossing the road in front of me.. What really caught my attention was that she couldn't walk properly in the shoes she ahd on....I thought it was quite funny because i know that i can walk in 5 inch heels and do it comfortably.

Remember, not all women are as motivated to wear heels as some CDers. You might have been observing the first time she walked in heels in a very long time.

Ginger Rogers danced with Fred Astaire and she did everything he did and did it backwards on 4" heels.

Well, maybe 2-1/2" or 3" heels. Back then ladies were expected to wear heels as a matter of course and didn't go for the extreme heights seen today.

Shoe size was mentioned as a factor earlier. Here is a technical explanation.

Actual heel lift is the heel size minus the platform size. Obviously, the higher the lift, the harder it is to perform a good stride. Those with larger feet have an easier time with higher lifts because their feet are longer. Not to get mathematical, but think of a 45 degree triangle under your feet. The longer the hypotenuse (length of foot) the higher your heel will go.

Somehow I can't imagine this explanation in a GG discussion. :)

I bet there is a website somewhere where some GGs are having a right good laugh at men who can't weld.

ROFL! Time to clean the keyboard! :)

09-29-2011, 03:08 AM
Whilst out this afternoon i noticed a fairly nicely dressed woman crossing the road in front of me.. What really caught my attention was that she couldn't walk properly in the shoes she ahd on.

They were strappy cork wedge would have been about 4 inches high. She was in fact "clip clopping' in them, sort of like a show horse prancing!!

I thought it was quite funny because i know that i can walk in 5 inch heels and do it comfortably.

I think we are being unfair to the fairer sex.

The fact is, there are more women than crossdressers out on the street in heels, so it stands to reason that you are likely to see a fair few women struggling or "clip clopping" in their heels.

Perhaps we could arrange a trial of 100 GGs and 100 CDs in 4" heels and see what proportion of each group can walk elegantly.

I have two different pairs of wedges with 4.5" heels and a similar 1.25" platform, one pair I find easier to walk in than the other and I put it down to the the different styles. The pair I find more difficult to walk in have a single crossover strap with buckles which are fastened above the ankle and perhaps feel less secure. I wore them on a recent night out with some girls and had to excuse myself after a few hours to change into 5" stilettos with a minimal platform which were far easier to move about in.

Actually, the irony is that we WERE "born" to walk on toe, like wearing heels. Look at most toddlers when they first learn to work. Once they get their legs under them, they start walking "on toe".

To get kids to walk flat-footed, we have to put them in shoes with firm soles and stiff ankles, making it more difficult for the toddler to get up on toe.

We actually have to be taught NOT to walk on our toes or the balls of our feet.

Is this really so? I watched my daughter learn to walk. They were only on tip toes when walking around the furniture, but once they got their balance they walked flat with their toes bent under to grip. The struggle then came when put in their first firm soled shoes only after they been walking barefoot for a month or two, they had to straighten their toes.

09-29-2011, 05:09 AM
I think i've been taken out of context... Aussie humor here,

Funny can mean lots of things, I didn't roll my window down and activly laugh at her, I actually thought in that it might have been the surface of the road she was crossing, Did i once state that i laughed? No i didn't.

You sit there and wait for the light to change, you notice people walking in front of you.... Like i said, It looked like she wasn't handling the shoes she was wearing but by the way she was walking did attract at least my attention.

09-29-2011, 04:22 PM
Yes, some of the "humor" here from the Aussie girls does go right over my head! Must be a hemisphere thing......:D