View Full Version : Shaving Legs!

09-28-2011, 10:05 PM
I was curious about something. I have ALWAYS wanted to try to see what it would be like with shaved legs...especially under a wedding gown. Up until know, I couldn't because my wife would not go for it. Now that its no longer an issue (we are getting divorced...see my other thread) I want to try it.

My question is...if I do it the first time, how quick does it grow back? Lets say I do not dicide to keep up with it? Will it itch like crazy under my daily jeans? Now that winter's comming and shorts are put away, I think if I like it, I COULD see myself keeping up with it...thaughts??


09-28-2011, 10:15 PM
I've never shaved my legs or worn a wedding gown but would like too. But since it's going to be winter time go for it, and i believe it varies from person to person on how fast it grows back

09-28-2011, 10:22 PM
I user nair on my legs and it doesnt grow back as fast and seems to be thiner when it does grow back

09-28-2011, 11:03 PM
I love having smooth skin and would never go back and shave my whole body daily when I take my morning shower, with practice you become very fast. I prefer a blade versus electric razor and than slather on a good body lotion morning and evening to not only keep my skin soft but to reduce the incidence of ingrown hairs. My girlfriend loves it, what she hates is that I look better in heels than she does.

Staci G
09-28-2011, 11:07 PM
I have been shaving daily for months now, Yeah the wife is not happy but it is my legs. Anyway it could take weeks and weeks to grow back and no it really don't itch just in the first few days it is a little prickly

09-28-2011, 11:12 PM
I love having smooth skin and would never go back and shave my whole body daily when I take my morning shower, with practice you become very fast. I prefer a blade versus electric razor and than slather on a good body lotion morning and evening to not only keep my skin soft but to reduce the incidence of ingrown hairs. My girlfriend loves it, what she hates is that I look better in heels than she does.

09-28-2011, 11:13 PM
Everyones hair is going to grow back at a slightly different pace. When I shave my legs I typically need to shave them every other day.
I could do it daily if I want to keep them really smooth. As for the itching, for me it usually starts on day 3 and is gone by days 5-6, so not long.
As for keeping it up I think it is totally worth it! Down here in the south we still have a few warm days ahead of us so I may still wear shorts. But soon I will be shaving my legs for a decent portion of the winter. Right now I just trim the hair with an electric razor with a spacer. Thus my leg hair is much shorter than normal, but still looks like I have it. That is a lot better than normal length leg hair.

I also recently decided to shave my underarms. I will say that they are a pain in the butt to shave! And at first it felt really awkward, but now I love it. I think I might keep the under arms shaved for a while this winter as well.

I say go for it! It is one of the best feelings ever!

Cynthia Anne
09-28-2011, 11:41 PM
I've never had an itch problem in the 40 years that I have been shaving my legs! As far as how fast it grows back will depend on the person! With me, if I don't shave them weekly they look like a jungle! Hugs!

09-29-2011, 07:21 AM
Shaved, waxed, creamed, done 'em all. Waxing lasts longest and did I mention ( OUCH!!! in the groin area), cream lasts better than shaving and is the messiest, and shaving is the easiest(use sharp razors only). Assuming shaving, expect to feel nubs the next day, prickly the following day. If you have just shaved and go exercise, you may feel a slight stinging as the perspiration reacts with the newly shaved skin. I am clean shaven 24/7 with some electrolysis. The only itching I ever feel is in the groin area a few days after shaving the scrottum.

09-29-2011, 11:21 AM
if I do it the first time, how quick does it grow back? Lets say I do not dicide to keep up with it?

Rule of thumb... after two weeks growing back you will have enough hair not to stand out. After six weeks only somebody who knows your legs really well (like a wife or maybe mother) would notice anything.

Alice B
09-29-2011, 12:27 PM
I keep my legs shaved all the time and once you do it it becomes difficule, if not impossible to stop. How fast the hair grows back is depended upon the type hair you have, both thickness and color. Over time the hair grows back kess frequently, at least for me. The bottom line is that the feeling is wonderful.

09-29-2011, 03:46 PM
It sure makes a massage a better experience. I recently started shaving my leggs and love it.

09-29-2011, 03:46 PM
Have to agree with Alice...once you do it, it is very difficult to stop! Maybe my willpower is lacking but I just can't stop....:D

I would say 6 weeks or so would bring them back to their previous condition but can't say for sure as I've never gotten that far!....:battingeyelashes:

09-29-2011, 05:44 PM
You have to shave your legs! Once you feel how great it is you probably will keep them shaved forever.I have been shaving mine for two years now.at first my wife hated it,now I think she likes how they feel.I cannot even think how awful it would be to have ugly hairy legs again.I shave my underarms as well and love it,wife doesn't want me to shave my chest so I keep the hair trimmed short.I just had to quit wearing shorts around the kids and friends,don't want to deal with their comments......I can go a few days without shaving,but I prefer to shave in the shower daily,only takes a few minutes.I use hair conditioner instead of shaving cream,then apply baby oil right after the shower but before I dry off,makes my legs sooo soft and smooth..........Shave and enjoy! xoxoxoxox Jamie

09-29-2011, 05:49 PM
24/7, 365 for years and SHALL NEVER go back...Once ya do DON'T look back...and if anyone asks say yes you do....AND ?!! The feeling is...
well you'll see for youself....Good Luck and Enjoy ! ...XO's Natie

09-29-2011, 05:54 PM
Oh, you'll like it. Liking it is a given. It feels very different than when you have hair on them. And it will take about six weeks to fully grow back, should you decide you want to or need to.

09-29-2011, 05:58 PM
I started shaving my legs and chest something like a decade or more ago....granted, I'm a natural blonde and not all the hairy, but I have never let it grow back. It feels and looks soooooooooooooo much better.

09-29-2011, 06:53 PM
Be careful . . . . Because once you do it, you'll never want to go back! Especially if you regularly moisturize your legs thereafter. The feeling and look is amazing! When I first began shaving mine, my wife wasn't too pleased about it. She knew I really wanted to shave, so she ultimately gave me the green light. The funny thing is it did not take her too long before she began to enjoy my legs, too. Soft and smooth is soft and smooth regardless of gender! Much, much better than hairy! I have just recently started using an epilator on them, too. Epilating has worked quite well for me, and I recommend it to anyone thinking about purchasing one . . . .

09-29-2011, 06:56 PM
the dude on TOSH.O is nearly hairless. he even jokes about.. shaves his arms.. and said on air.. It's called Manscaping WE are human beings and we are allowed to monitor our own hair.. but.. you know.. some girls are attracted to hairyness so thats the trade off..

09-29-2011, 07:09 PM
How fast it grows back depends on the person, i shave every 2 or 3 days depending on if i am going out.. i have not noticed any itch from the hair as it grows back but then i don't let it get that long.

I shave my legs, chest, groin and stomach but I use nair on my back, little harder to shave back there... i do my back about once a week... to keep it looking clean.. now for the most part my hair seems to grow back pretty fast as i can't skip a day shaving my face without it showning up pretty easy.

If you haven't shaved before becareful on your upper thighs and lower stomach... below the waist line.. best is to shave down going in the same direction the hair grows.... you may be temped to go the other way but it is more like to give you bumps or in grown hair... i have found that after years of shaving those areas the bumps stop developing but i still never shave against the hair..


Maria 60
09-29-2011, 07:16 PM
I shaved my legs for the first time last year and WOW! I was hooked right away. My problem is i like to travel in the winter and love wearing shorts in the summer. So i shaved my legs last week and i usually go on holiday around January and when i get back i shave again and my hair is back for the summer. Just hope that there's no unexpected doctors appointments.

09-29-2011, 07:19 PM
Having hairless legs is a joy, I don't know how I ever lived with the " gunk " on my legs. Smooth legs is " dabomb "! :hugs:

Cheryl T
09-29-2011, 07:43 PM
I couldn't even begin to offer a time frame for it to grow back. I began shaving 8 years ago and now I epilate instead and I can't even imagine letting it grow back. I just love being smooth and hairless all over, especially in the cooler weather when I can wear stockings all the time.

09-29-2011, 07:55 PM
interesting that you say you want to experience how they feel "under a wedding gown". for me, the most radical feeling was how they felt under pants! jeans or trousers that once felt tight seemed to float away from my skin once i got back in to shaving them.

i started shaving my legs as a child athlete. my then girlfriend and my parents were quite perplexed but never questioned my dedication to my sport, so let it be. once i got back in to shaving, i couldn't believe the lifetime i'd missed! nowadays, i prefer a waxing, about every 2 1/2 weeks, with a shave (in summer) to keep respectable. i find the waxing lasts longer (as observed in this thread) and moisturizer helps keep my legs feeling supple and soft. the main problem i have is on the backs of my thighs. about four days after a waxing, they get really blotchy. but now i'm doing this regularly, i don't think it'll be an issue for long. the same with shaving. keep it regular and it will soon become a non issue.

and no, this isn't the Seinfeld episode where Jerry exposes his chest hair to Kramer who then freaks out. that, in my experience, is a fallacy

09-29-2011, 11:21 PM
I've been shaving my legs every other day or so for about a year now. I've kept my underarms shaved for a couple of years now. Chest and arms have been shaved for a shorter time.

Here is what I've learned:

Sharp razors are your best friend. Heed the label on the hair removal cream jar when it says 'leave on no longer than eight minutes". Best to shave in the shower with a nice body soap and lots of lather. I like to do a second whole-body scrub after shaving to reduce the incidence of ingrowns. With shaved armpits, you may not need as much deodorant as before shaving, and what is applied tends to last much longer. Use a good hand & body lotion when you get out of the shower.

Your kids and friends will notice you're shaved, most will not even comment on it. If pressed, and you feel the need to address an inquisitive person, say simply that you like it better this way. I took a new girlfriend out for a pedicure a few weeks back, we were talking and laughing and having a great time when the nail tech rolled my pant leg up revealing my shaved leg. My charming girlfriend, a bit surprised, asked, "Do you shave your legs?" I simply turned to her with a big smile and said, "Yup!!"

I've just installed a pool in my yard, so virtually everyone in my social circles now knows I'm shaved....my toenails get more attention though. For me, I've chosen to embrace that I like my body better this way and it's fun too, and I try to express these attitudes to the people in my life. For instance, when someone asks about, or points out my toenails, I'll respond by engaging as many people around at that moment by saying, "You've gotta ask me what the name of this color is"...I got a lot of good laughs from a deck full of people one time this Summer when I proudly announced the name of the color was "I'm not really a waitress"!! Anyway, I've fallen off subject here...sorry. I found that shaving is not the issue I thought it would be. For instance, I've begun shaving my arms for the first time and have been doing this now for only a month or two. I work in an industrial place, in close proximity to the other guys, and have had not one mention of my arms..heck, no one may have even noticed!

Do the shaving, follow the advice that has been shared throughout this whole thread, and I feel that you'll find that not only do you like it, you'll discover not too many people will notice or even care that you do.

09-30-2011, 12:06 AM
the dude on TOSH.O is nearly hairless. he even jokes about.. shaves his arms.. and said on air.. It's called Manscaping WE are human beings and we are allowed to monitor our own hair.. but.. you know.. some girls are attracted to hairyness so thats the trade off..

Yes, some girls are definitely attracted to hair on guys. However, when i was dating my ex I shaved my legs once or twice and she REALLY liked the smooth skin. Too bad she HATED even the thought of crossdressing.

But I also agree with what some others have said, once you start you'll never want to stop. Right now I only have my thighs shaved. Another few weeks and i will be shaving my whole legs since they will be under jeans at work.

09-30-2011, 05:08 AM
Rule of thumb... after two weeks growing back you will have enough hair not to stand out. After six weeks only somebody who knows your legs really well (like a wife or maybe mother) would notice anything.

Well, I think it's different in everyone...

I get visible stubble the first or second day after shaving. After three weeks, I already have long hairs in the legs, but you can tell that I shaved. The reason is that although hair is long, it looks like too "straight" an unnatural. I also have some patches, because I guess that the growing cycle of some hairs is different.

Only after 2 months, the leg is 100% back to normal again.

So, my conclusion is: if you are not going to remain shaved all time, it's not worth it. You will get 2-3 days of nice smooth look, and 2 months of stupid looking stubble.

09-30-2011, 07:15 PM
Well, I think it's different in everyone...

Yes... Like I said, it's just a rule of thumb.

I have let my hair grow all summer ... since around April. I do notice a def difference between two months growth and now. But Id be surprised if anybody else does...

09-30-2011, 10:53 PM
Sounds to me that you want to shave your legs and want support. Well...hear from me. Go girl!!! The only thing I don't shave is my head.

Word of advice: Nobody notices but you

Leslie Iz
09-30-2011, 11:04 PM
I detest body hair other than maybe a thin landing strip. I first started shaving my entire body over two decades ago and simply love the feeling. Other posters are right, you can't stop once you start!

10-01-2011, 01:11 AM
I started shaving about 3 years ago, and I just love it. I started with my pits, because hairy ones look just awful on ANYONE, but that's my opinion. Everyone that knows me knows that I shave'em, and no one has ever said anything to me about it. Too bad, 'cause I formulated the perfect answer to those who would ask. The rest of my body, was when my wife started to complain. Now, when summer comes, I stop. (because of the normal questions) Then when it grows back, I develop a new problem. I swear that a bug is walking up my leg, everytime the hair moves. And, now I get no complaints anymore. I was handed that solution about a month ago. And I agree with the general concensus, once you start, you won't want to stop!

Rebecca W.
10-01-2011, 06:10 AM
Before you shave for the first time, I would suggest that you use baby oil on your legs the day before. Use a gell lotion and a very good 4 or 5 blade razor when shaving and then apply baby oil everyday after your shower. Nothing beats a smooth pair of legs.:battingeyelashes: I work outside a lot and it helps to keep away the ticks! When you put on your stockings for the first time with your smooth lotioned legs, trust me you will learn to live with your shaved legs.

sally silverfox
10-01-2011, 06:23 AM
Went for a massage this summer.Was worried what the female massage therapist would think about me being shaved-every thing but my arms and back-She never batted an eye and the maasage was great.This was done with 2 therapists ,my wife received a massage in the same room at the same time.Always wondered if they talked about us after.My legs are my greatest girl asset so keeping them shaved is a priority.Nothing like the feeling of a slip under a skirt on freshly shaved legs.

10-01-2011, 06:28 AM
I can't wait to try it...under satin sheets!

10-01-2011, 06:51 AM
My question is...if I do it the first time, how quick does it grow back? Lets say I do not dicide to keep up with it? Will it itch like crazy under my daily jeans? Now that winter's comming and shorts are put away, I think if I like it, I COULD see myself keeping up with it...thaughts??

You'll have to try it to get a good idea of how your skin reacts to shaving and how fast your hair grows back. Six weeks for full growth sounds about right, but mine are pretty hairy after just a week. Moisturizing and exfoliating will help with the itchiness. I use a body scrub that's made for men.

If you get brave and decide to keep them shaved through the summer, I think what you'll find is that few people, if any, will even notice. I got into it slowly by trimming the leg hair successively smaller over a period of a few months until I finally decided to go all the way. I got a few questions from family members once I started shaving, and I just told them that that's the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) I like it. That seemed to exhaust their curiosity. I haven't heard anything else about it since then.

As for wives, some like bare and some like bear. Mine has decided she prefers bare. The only thing she complains about is my chest, because if there's any stubble it scratches her cheek when we snuggle at night. :/

10-08-2011, 05:30 PM
I have an aversion to body hair on myself and on anyone else. Fortunately I am not very hairy naturally, but I prefer to be smooth and hair-free whether dressed or not.

10-08-2011, 10:06 PM
Ok, I DID it! Spent about 3 hours (lotsa hair!) I must say my legs LOOK fantastic, but now that Im all moisterized and dry, I can still feel pricklies. I was was thinking of getting some NAIR in the morning...would that help? They feel great too... I did all my leg, all the way up to my crotch. The toughest part was the back! Im sure I missed lots, especially on my thighs. I haven't sliped on my lingerie yet, still drying, but I can't wait. I even put the satin sheets on the bed!

While I was working on it, I figured I might as well go and clean up the privates. Well, that feels real nice, can't wait to slip panties on! I am also into AB and diapers, so that should be nice too! Can you use NAIR like products on those parts? How do you keep it nice? I think I went through like 4 razors! Ill update later....

Oh, I was trying to think of how to pass this off if I got caught...half way through I remembered it was going to be nice tomorrow and I wanted to ride my bike. Oh crap, I thaught...SHORTS. But then it hit me, LANCE ARMSTRONG does it! Sweet (and I ride alot)


10-09-2011, 12:01 AM
DO NOT GET NAIR ON YOUR PRIVTES !!!! It will burn like shit. All you need to do is wait a day and share again with good shaving cream while sitting in the tub with warm to hot water. This time you will be to get a closer shave and take your time. Enjoy the event. If you want to clean up your privates you can shave them too but be careful and use very light presure. Pull your skin tight with one hand and shave with the other. Your right about regular men shaving. That's what I tell my wife (she doesn't know about Susan) but she thinks I'm a little crazy.

10-09-2011, 01:40 AM
I've shaved down several times in my life. For me leg hair comes completely back in 8 weeks. Chest hair is a bit longer to come back but nobody can notice after 6 weeks of growth. I found that the first time I did it there was stubble that same day that I couldn't get rid of and I had the little red bumps from not enough cream on while pulling the razor. However over the next couple weeks I was able to get it real close so you couldn't feel 1 prickle. I used body butter on the legs right after the shave and that helps moisturize. 2-3 weeks later I then went for a mani pedi at a high end salon and they got me to change into a robe and then they bring you into the room to do it, put me up in the chair with the other women and did the nails. I didn't care who was looking over my way at the time it felt like nothing else in the world as I was wearing panties and a camisole underneath the robe. They give the feet and calves a bit of a massage and rub cream on them once the nails are done. It was an unbelievable feeling. I have let the hair grow back though. My wife says she likes hair so I don't want to push the whole envelope if you know what I mean. I would love to do it again. Don't worry about going to the doctor or anything. They've seen it all before. Just make sure you do get to the salon like I did.

10-09-2011, 02:48 AM
Yeah my wife thinks I'm crazy too! I don't understand why they are that way? Looks like they would like us shaved,they do. She love's me though, yesterday she bought me a pair of silkies pantyhose at a yardsale, an expensive pair to order but at .25 cents you can't beet em!

10-09-2011, 02:53 AM
Hey cutie! Nair is the best thing since icecream! I have to leave it on for 15 min. or longer not much longer. as far as shorts, Ihave been shaving and wearing shorts for two years and no one cares not even my wife! try it and let me know what you think. ITS A RUSH.

10-09-2011, 03:01 AM
Dove has a lotion you use in the shower I like to shave with.It's a soap and a moisturizer iin one, there is several companies who hve these prducts.

10-09-2011, 03:02 AM
A-men, sister!!!!!!!

Rebecca W.
10-09-2011, 06:38 AM
My suggestion is to purchase an eplilator. It is so much safer than nair products and since you have shaved all of your hair it will not be too painful with short stubble, it still hurts some! Any private area should be done only with a 4 or 5 blade razor and lots of shaving cream. I hope that you enjoyed the new feeling of the freedom from the hair and once you slip on your first pair of stockings you will never go back.
I have been cycling with shaved legs and it feels great, do not worry about the reactions from others as most professional riders shave. Be daring and ride with nude pantyhose, it is a really nice feeling.:battingeyelashes:

10-09-2011, 07:44 AM
Nice job people....you gave me a new hobby! Seriously though. I did a quick once-over today. Still some prickles. Although, last night in my satin sheets was devine! I went to the store this morning and even my jeans felt differnt, in a good way! I went and picked up some Nair lotion. The directions say I should "test" an area and wait 24 hours (you ever do that?) And, I picked up some baby oil. You have all been great in the advice area! is there a reason to use conditioner? I noticed that it does make the skin slippery and unlike shaving cream, you can actually SEE what you are doing...is that the reason?

The toughest thing to deal with is the back of my legs/thighs and I am hoping the Nair will solve this problem. Now that Im single again (went through a divorce, she moved out BUT we are still conversing) and I have the house to myself, I will be getting up a little earlier in the morning to allow time for a daily maintaince shower :-)

Question. I know we as cross-dressers LOVE shaved legs and smooth privates, but I was wondering how non-CD gay/bi males look at it? If I were to ever "hook up", do you think he would be impressed, or would it turn him off?

Again, thanks for the help!

Rebecca W.
10-09-2011, 08:04 AM
If you want to shave the back of your legs, prepare a hot bath and then you can shave everything in a soothing bath. Even better, purchase some bath products to make the water more soothing. I tried Nair and the shaving and the eplilator are so much better. When you apply the baby oil, slip your pantyhose over the oil covered legs and it will keep them moist all day. Good Luck and enjoy your new look. Your first time riding with shaved legs will feel great!

10-10-2011, 07:00 AM
Once you shave your legs you will not go back to hair legs. I know i wont

10-10-2011, 07:10 AM
You have to shave your legs! Once you feel how great it is you probably will keep them shaved forever.

I'm with Jamie - once you feel the rush of cool air over clean smooth legs you won't go back!

10-10-2011, 07:22 AM
Nice job people....you gave me a new hobby! Seriously though. I did a quick once-over today. Still some prickles.

Did you change out the blade? Since you're just starting, the hair may be gumming up the blade and preventing it from giving you a close shave. What type of blade are you using?

Rachel Renee
10-10-2011, 06:58 PM
Mine takes close to three months to fully grow back. I can only shave a few times at the beginning of the winter, then I have to let it start coming back so it's in "full bloom" by spring. :sad:

10-10-2011, 10:42 PM
Yesterday I posted about shaving my legs for the first time this year. I only shave the legs in the cooler months. Well tonight I'm in a bar / restuarant in mid-town Atlanta having a good meal and a few drinks. The legs are smooth and silky with a new Calvin Klein dress on above the knee. I blame bridleboy for tonight because I wouldn't have shaved yet if it wasn't for her post. It got me to thinking and I couldn't help but shave them. They sure feel awsome, thanks bridleboy. It's your fault I feel so good tonight.

10-10-2011, 10:56 PM
Nair or Neet (cheaper at Costco or Bjs!) does work, but it is time consuming and expensive. Never have had a problem, even on "sensitive areas." Mostly, I use it on areas that razors just don't get well, like my hands and fingers, but there are plenty of other areas it is useful in depiliating. I don't know what I would do without a 5 blade sharp razor, effective, fast and comfortable and you really don't even need shaving cream most of the time. But I recommend you have a small head bikini razor handy for small areas hard to reach by regular razor.
Mostly, I got hooked on shaving when a TG girl was giving me huge support for looking good, but looked at my forearms (thinned, but not shaved clean) and looked incredibly disappointed that the overall effect had been spoiled. Off it came a week later. OK, I admit it, I am now disgusted by thick hair on me and shave regularly. Hard to do without my wife noticing it in a clear glass shower. A clear gel shaving cream helps get me by, not visible easily.
Hope this helps.