View Full Version : Checkup Yesterday

09-29-2011, 05:54 AM
I went to our family gp for a checkup. My bp had been a problem but now that is under control. But I am overweight and my blood sugar is getting too high. The doctor orders me to loose 20 pounds and wonders if my T levels are too low. He has never had the lab test for that but that will be included for my next checkup.
My wife doesn't want me to tell my doctor that I am a transsexual; afraid the "secret" might get out into our small town and ruin our family name. Now, I know that my T is low because I am out to my female VA doctor who is a gynecologist. When my GP discovers my T level he will want me to raise it. Of course, I don't want more T. My question is, how do women maintain a healthy metabolism without much T? Can't I do the same thing somehow? Can some of you help me out with this? I have been walking 2 miles a day for exercise but my GP says I need to weight train. I don't want bulging arm muscles. What is a girl to do? Leanne

09-29-2011, 06:46 AM
Testosterone levels must be replaced with Estrogen for the T level to remain low. This means going on Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT ). Low T levels can cause erectile dysfunction (problems with erections), loss of libido (low sex drive), Mood disturbances, including depression, irritability and feeling tired, Loss of muscle size and strength, Osteoporosis (bone thinning), Increased body fat, Difficulty with concentration and memory loss, Sleep difficulties, and more rapid aging.

Your choice, have T leveles restored or go on HRT. You can't have it one way or the other.

09-29-2011, 10:07 AM
your wife is paranoid! just think of the law suit if a doctor or his staff leaked personal medical information that is protected by federal law.

good job on the walking everyday! no need to body build to lose weight, stick with the low impact anaerobic exercise and maybe some aerobic exercise for your heart. check with your doctor to make sure your healthy enough for exercise.

If you want to transition get on some Estrogen. if your T is that low you may not even need an anti androgen! luck you save a buck or 2.

09-30-2011, 05:37 AM
Thanks for the advice girls. Do you know what the normal E and T levels are for a man? And why do I feel an urge to phone home? Leanne

09-30-2011, 08:04 AM
Thanks for the advice girls. Do you know what the normal E and T levels are for a man? And why do I feel an urge to phone home? Leanne

Not sure what "typical' E levels are for a man pretty low I imagine. "Healthy" T range is pretty wide for a man but well above the normal for a female.

If you mean phone home to your wife I have no idea personally I always dreaded it, If you mean phone home to an extraterrestrial planet don't worry if you're transsexual you're from earth, its in between venus and mars : P