View Full Version : What are the truly feminine gestures?

09-29-2011, 08:44 AM
Cover my mouth when laughing
Up roll my eyes when thinking
Fore finger bent up when pointing
Cross legs at mid thigh when seated

....can we have a list of 100 ?

Kimberly Long
09-29-2011, 09:05 AM
My Feminine gestures? That is easy shopping and whip out the credit card.
LOL: Kimberly

09-29-2011, 09:25 AM
Crossing my legs at mid thigh? I don't think so. I could probably cross my ankles LOL.


Thinking about it a little more how about these.

Hand placed lightly against chest, palm facing chest, fingers slightly apart.

Hand lightly touching cheek.


Karren H
09-29-2011, 09:36 AM
Lol. The advantages of having a birth canal allows anyone to cross their legs high up!! I can think of some gestures women have given me that are not feminine at all!!

linda allen
09-29-2011, 10:33 AM
Talking. Talking continuously. :heehee:

My wife can take a hundred words to say what I can say in five.

09-29-2011, 11:20 AM
Walking in heels properly

Walking and standing with one toe pointed forward and one somewhat to the side

Tossing that strand of hair to the side

Generally taking less "space"

Looking at finger nails properly.

....still thinking!

Miss Maxine
09-29-2011, 11:25 AM
Wanting to talk and cuddle after sex, when she just wants to roll over and go to sleep.

Kathi Lake
09-29-2011, 02:43 PM
Ummmm, I would say - none.

What I see from women is them being honestly them. They don't 'try' to be or do anything, they just are. There is no real collection of gestures that are innately feminine or masculine. I have seen men being men and crossing their legs above the knee (guilty!). I have seen women sit with their legs apart (wearing pants, of course).

What I have seen - and it looks pretty bad - are men using gestures that they are certainly not comfortable with. Those aren't gestures, they're affectations - and they look so forced and false that that person is immediately suspect.


Kate Simmons
09-29-2011, 03:56 PM
Evidently the experts on this are CD's. I don't think women have a clue really, they just do.:)

Nicole Erin
09-29-2011, 05:37 PM
depends on the woman in question.
Take like the 21 year old lady in any apartment complex office trying to rent out places. Her feminine gestures are things like showing the tops of her tits, wearing too short a skirt, acting like she is friendly, fanning her thighs so her feminine "scent" fills the room, bending over with her knees locked, laying on her back on the desk and making her legs do a bicycle pedal motion...

I think overall as long as you can drop the bad male gesture habits you be fine.

09-29-2011, 11:52 PM
Girls like pink and boys like blue. Those are the only differences. :heehee::D:heehee:

OK, with the understanding that no particular gesture, cue or "trait" can be attributed exclusively to a specific gender or person...

Women tend to...

- nod their heads during conversation as feedback to the speaker that they “understand” what is being said. (They are not necessarily “agreeing”). Men tend to only nod when agreeing with what the speaker is saying.
(FYI...if you maintain more eye contact with women when interacting, she will like you more...)

- They maintain much more direct eye contact time with their conversational partner because their base objective is to “relate”. (Not to “resolve”, as in men)

- Hands in lap, tapping, hands and/or legs crossed at their knees, ankles crossed, (knees slightly apart)

- Less “aggressive” gestures when emphasizing (no “fists” and sweeping animations)

- Women prefer “face-to-face” alignment when conversing. (Men prefer face-to-face standing with a woman and “side-to-side” sitting with woman)

- engage in “primping” (not pimping, lol) activity when waiting or “idle”... (Adjust make-up, hair, etc.)

- When with a partner/friend(s), tend to lightly “touch” them at various times when close to them (waiting in line, etc). It is a connection confirmation gesture typical of women.

- When holding things (like a few grocery items/ coffee&roll etc...) often “cradle” them close to their breasts. (Rather than hanging them at side like a bowling ball bag)

- sit back against chair backs when seated (vs. on edge of chair with legs on floor like men). Unless they must do so to allow comfortable crossing of their legs.

- hold objects like their purse, etc. over their stomach when standing when they are feeling uncomfortable with their weight/appearance.

- tend to aggressively grab phones to make calls when child support checks are late. (Just a personal experience observation on my part, lol)

-women naturally smile much more than men (social conditioning expectation of females to “mask” aggressiveness). But they also frequently “smile” when angry, which confuses men because men typically do not.

- Sometimes will place hand on hip (like model posing) to attract attention. Will position her elbow “out” if she is trying to catch interest of somebody close by. (Hopefully, ME, lol)

- Of course the easy ones, like extended hand, palm down, fingers extended up to check nails

Many of the “gestures” are really a combination of many “micro-expressions” and subtle cues that are “personalized” by “baseline” influences on an individual basis. It is more productive to try and do this on an individual basis rather than on an “overall, generalized” format. Too many variances to arrive at any “list” that would have any realistic value. This exercise is fun, but about as “reliable” as the results obtained from the various online “gender” tests, lol.

Plus, I think any such information, even the "accurate" content is totally useless to a person that is not naturally perceptive and tuned into a genuine curiosity/interest in understanding what is going on “inside” a woman’s thoughts and feelings.

There is definitely some value in a list of female attraction/flirting behavior; “gestures” and “cues” that I believe ARE shared by women that can be readily observed if you pay attention. But that is another topic for another bar; er...ah...I mean thread forum, :battingeyelashes:

Oh, here is one more...
Women also make those little discounting “tssk” sounds under their breath while rolling their eyes when the man speaks during mandatory mediation meetings/hearings of divorce proceedings. :heehee:

Now...quit fondling that glass, flashing your brows,licking your lips,caressing your neck, swaying to the music, exposing your wrist and go out and have some fun! :D


09-30-2011, 11:35 AM
In response to Eluuzion's comprehensive reply....

Eyes roll upwards when thinking
Only roll the eyes without turning the head when wanting to look at somebody

Smile more with the eyes than with the mouth.
Hold head more erect and tilted.
Women smile far more than men in both social and business situations.

erect, straight, soft

Smile by showing all the teeth
Covering your mouth when chewing or giggling

Point at something with index finger flexed and turned upwards

Crossing legs at the thigh level when seated
Smoothing the back of skirt or dress when sitting
or keep our legs together and cross our heels, placing the hands in the lap

cover your chest
bend your knees and squat down as you bend over to pick something up.

have their knees pointing towards the other
more gesturing than in a male
tend to touch each other's forearm when we are making a point.
Gesturing with just her hands while she talks, rather than moving her arms too
Touching other people lightly on the arm or shoulder when she speaks to them
Women stand slightly closer to one another, face each other more, and often touch.

Tilting her head and shaking her hair a little to be able to get the phone next to her ear.
Sliding her finger along the bottom edge of panties/bathing suit/leotard to unbunch it.
Holding the backs of her arms or elbows when she crosses them, rather than tucking them under her biceps.
Moving her hips when she walks.
Ladies tend to play with their hair, if they are feeling good talking to a guy.
Holding a cup or a fork
Sitting like a girl, legs crossed,arms as close to body as possible and kept a straight posture.
Holding glass
shrugging and talking
holding hands and shaking hands
adjusting handbag strap
sitting down from standing position
hands holding up head

Women who want to draw attention to themselves put their hands on their hips combined with a pelvic tilt.
May also put just one hand on the hip and gesture with the other.

They center their weight on the back leg and extend the other out in front.

more likely to mirror another woman (copy her gestures or body posture).. Women also mirror men’s body language .

In stressful situations, women may cross one arm across the body to hold or touch the other arm as if she is hugging herself.
Anxious or self-conscious women use their handbags or purses to cross their arms in front of her body.
Shy and timid women will cross their legs and then wrap the foot of the top leg around behind the other so her legs are entwined.

Women laugh at men they’re attracted to, his jokes or comments.
Women tend to keep their arms more open when they are around men they find attractive.
(And are likely to fold their arms across their breasts around aggressive or unattractive men.)
A woman will place one hand on top of the other and rest her face upon it, presenting her face to a man to attract his attention and for him to admire it
Head toss and hair flick backed over the shoulders or away from the face
Wet lips and pouting mouth, slightly open
Self-touching, like stroking thigh, neck or throat
Limp wrist as submission signal
Fondles a cylindrical object, like a pen, pencil, lipstick case, etc.
Exposes wrists.
Flicks or toys with an object.
Sideways glance over raised shoulder.
Places handbag in close proximity to the man – if she likes him.
Knee point – one leg tucked under the other and pointing to the person she finds most interesting.
Shoe fondle – dangling the shoe on the end of the foot and thrusts foot in and out of it
Leg twine – one leg crossed over the other and pressed against it
Constantly cross and uncross her legs when she’s with a man she likes.
Will get up and move across room, then return & sit again (attract guys attention).
Mouth words to music and sway head to music when looking at attractive guy.
Lick their lips a lot.
“Bite down” on lower lip with top teeth slightly exposed.
Glance at a guy they like, then look away, then look again.
“Solitary dance”- in a bar, etc., will get up, move away from group and move to the music to attract attention and separate themselves (as display to be singled out and noticed)
Laugh a lot more than the others in the group in response to a guy she likes.
Will lightly touch a person she likes when given the opportunity.
Will stroke her hair frequently while looking at a guy she finds attractive.
This also exposes her neck to the guy. (submission gesture).
Will cross legs with the top leg facing the person she likes (“closing them in”).

Rolls hips when she walks.
Pelvic tilt – emphasizes waist to hip ratio (a waist that is 70% of the hip size is most attractive to men)
Take advantage of any reflection to check out their appearance (in a window, mirror).
Will erect/straighten up posture upon standing, extend chest, tighten stomach,
place one hand on upper stomach and lightly “brush” clothes “downward” with other hand.
Women tend to stand ankles together, legs touching all the way from top to bottom.
How about playing with shoes when seated?

talk softer.
talk more about feelings, relationships and people.
listen carefully and attentively for a long period without interrupting.
Men tend to give a quick "thanks" while women say "thank you" in an extended sweet manor which much inflection.
Men say "So" or "Go". Many women say "Seo" or "Geo". The "e" being pronounced like the "e" in the word "set". Men say "what" women say "wet".
Some women tend to accentuate the letter "S" every chance they can get which is where I believe the term swishy came from. They pronounce their Ts more distinctly then men. Sometimes men don't pronounce the "T" at all
Men in general have a more relaxed enunciation where as women tend enunciate every consonant and vowel.
Men's voices come from lower in the larynx than a woman's which most full timers modify to give a more realistic woman's voice.
Women tend to use pronounced inflection especially while giving a salutation.
