View Full Version : I need help with pronouns

10-04-2011, 08:13 AM
Being on HRT and obviously looking like a woman, what pronouns are exceptable for US and OUR family to use when introducing US to the general public. Granted you are moving towards some kind of assemblance of stealth mode but are clearly years from achieving that. Also what pronouns would be good within the family. We don't look like "your dad" or "father" , but unexceptable to be called mom.

1. To children of the TG. ________
2. To the wife or spouce._________, clearly the Natal Female isn't a Leasbion.
3. To the family outside the home._________. aunts. uncles, cousin an extra.
4. To the general public.__________.

Its simple in some cases that when meeting people for the first time, your are the chosen name that you have picked out for yourself.
Please. Yes I do an we need help here. Thank you.

10-04-2011, 10:25 AM
What do YOU feel comfortable with? Kids will be fine. Wife will learn. Family will adjust. The general public can suck it.

10-04-2011, 10:48 AM
I wish I better answers for this question too.
Still get and will always be Dad to my kids, but they are getting better at using feminine pronouns.
My extended family just calls me 'D', and avoids using gendered pronouns. Except my parents, who are the holdouts on using male pronouns and descriptors whenever possible it seems. Ugh. What's funny is since they insist on calling me 'Uncle D' in front of my sister's kids (who are all still young, 9 and under), the boys now call my brother-in-law's sister 'Uncle T' lol! She gets a laugh out of it, and I get to chuckle under my breath too haha. :)

10-04-2011, 01:08 PM
"I need help with pronouns"

I, you, he, she, it, we, they, That should get you started. OH look at that I already used one already!

I want people to use feminine pronouns when referring to me. My 5 year old calls me dad (he's 5 what can you do?) my 13 year old calls me April and I hope my 1 year old will call me Maddy or April. My ex refers to me as Maddy to the kids. MY EX is my EX no gender specification required! to everyone else I'm April.

10-04-2011, 01:44 PM
Sigh, my spouce outed me infront of my daughter's boy friend's male friend. Reguardless of the fact that he might already know it was irreprehensible that after 2 1/2 years that she still does this on occasion. The pronouns you are suggesting are in fact worthless to this particular situation and most others at this time and further occasion relevant to my transition. My daughter is 19 an son is 16 and both are very supportive so is there mother.

10-04-2011, 02:03 PM
I guess that I don't understand why you are getting so caught up in the labels Hun....? I know that some persons feel this is an absoulte necessity for them but it really hasn't been for me at this stage.....Instead for me it seems that every time I encounter a strange female she refers to me as either Honey, Sweetie or Sugar...Guys tend to stick to the Dude, Mistres or Sir label.....My children still refer to me as Dad and the wife to me as her Husband....I don't forsee this ever changing and have come to accept this as a fact.

The reason the former suggestions are in your exact words " in fact worthless to this particular situation and most others at this time." is because you may not as of now have any idea where you feel that you fit in....No one else can tell you what is correct for pronouns to describe yourself to others....I bet if you look deeply enough inside yourself you already know this to be the truth.

Take another look inside and ask yourself how you want to be addressed or described by others and then assert yourself enough to make these wishes known. I'm not trying to be the know it all type here as the fact is that I am far from it and am in a smiliar situation myself...Some people I correct when they address me in the male vernacular...some...especially the ones I really care about...I don't. Instead I hope the day will come when they respect and accept me enough to address me as they see best fit.

10-04-2011, 02:25 PM
Breena, how do you think you should be refered to? Him, her, he, she? Being on HRT I would think you would perfer she,her. Simply ask your family to call you that.