View Full Version : I wonder if I will see any others..

Molly Wells
10-23-2011, 11:32 PM
My wife and I booked a cruise the other day. It was a little short notice and we were limited on the days we could take. After booking it I discovered it is the same cruise that some of the members of this forum will be on, the Dignity Cruise.
I will be totally in drab the whole cruise. My wife is not interested in sharing in this part of my life and this trip is for us to be together and we are looking forward to it.

She is not aware of the Dignity Cruise. I don't plan on telling her but I will be keeping an eye out for fellow CDers. If I see any I will just give a knowing wink and a nod...


10-24-2011, 12:49 AM
"The Unsinkable Molly _____",

I think we need a little whistle, that only CDs can hear when you blow it. Ah, another product with potential to stuff into my "IDEAS" file...

Don't forget to count the number of life boats before you board! :D

Have fun!:hugs:


Leslie Langford
10-24-2011, 01:11 AM
Molly, my sense is that your wife will be able to spot the crossdressers a mile away given both that famous women's intuition as well as her past experience with this topic due to prior exposure to your "hobby" through you. As a result, she will be doubly sensitized to anything "unusual" along these lines that she may come across. Take this as a "given", it will happen, and now focus instead on what your response will be when she confronts you as to why you chose this particular cruise when you knew that it was also going to be catering to a group of crossdressers. I know, I know, pure coincidence (or maybe another example of Murphy's Law) on your part, but try to convince her of that. It's going to be a case of guilty until proven innocent and you're going to be in for a rough ride until this thing blows over. Best of luck with this awkward situation, and above all - be prepared to deal with this eventuality by pre-empting (or addressing pro-actively) as many points as your wife is likely to raise here...

10-24-2011, 05:47 AM
I would even be sorely tempted to tell her before going. It all depends on her total outlook on what we do. If you tell her ahead of time, will she get a little upset and then get over it before vacation starts? Will finding out while on the trip ruin it for her because she thought she was getting away from it? I would think over telling her if there could be negative consequences.

10-24-2011, 06:01 AM
I'm sorry that you will not be able to participate.:sad:
I think that cruising and dressing would be great!
Jean has asked me if there are any cruises that cater to crossdressers.
That would be the ultimate cruise. Only crossdressers and their SOs.:daydreaming:

Karren H
10-24-2011, 06:08 AM
Maybe you will bumb into a member in the restroom..... Wait... Second thought.... Wear wrist band on your right hand.

alice clair
10-24-2011, 06:32 AM
This is not related to this thread but i really like your hair Karren

10-24-2011, 06:44 AM
We had talked about going on that cruise. The Halloween timing is what was interesting for the cruise.

Molly have a great time dressed or not. Are dressing in a costume for the Halloween party? That might be a good chance for your wife to meet others without it being intentional.


10-24-2011, 07:00 AM
Hope you have a blast Molly. Sad though you cannot be en femme at least part of the cruise. Oh well. I hope your s/o was the one to select the trip and ship as I have a feeling from what you posted that you might want to practice walking on pins and needles while carring a shovel wearing a suit of armour just too get the hang of it prior to the cruise. Call me crazy but, you will be under fire and digging your way out of a situation not of your doing intentionally but will be required to prove it. Hopefully if won't happen but if it looks like a rose.........

Just Elizabeth
10-24-2011, 07:20 AM
"The Unsinkable Molly _____",

I think we need a little whistle, that only CDs can hear when you blow it. Ah, another product with potential to stuff into my "IDEAS" file...


Be sure when you invent your CD whistle that you select a pitch that men can actually hear!! I am amazed that the tone that is used for alarms on watches is at the pitch it is.. Most men I know don't even hear the alarm go off.. It's usually left to a woman standing close by to alert the man that he's ringing.. :)

I never could understand that... Surely it would make more sense to pick a sound that a man can actually hear!!

Just a thought.

J'lyn GG
10-24-2011, 11:17 AM
Molly, my sense is that your wife will be able to spot the crossdressers a mile away given both that famous women's intuition as well as her past experience with this topic due to prior exposure to your "hobby" through you. As a result, she will be doubly sensitized to anything "unusual" along these lines that she may come across. Take this as a "given", it will happen, and now focus instead on what your response will be when she confronts you as to why you chose this particular cruise when you knew that it was also going to be catering to a group of crossdressers. I know, I know, pure coincidence (or maybe another example of Murphy's Law) on your part, but try to convince her of that. It's going to be a case of guilty until proven innocent and you're going to be in for a rough ride until this thing blows over. Best of luck with this awkward situation, and above all - be prepared to deal with this eventuality by pre-empting (or addressing pro-actively) as many points as your wife is likely to raise here...

Coming from a wife. You need to tell her. Her reaction will depend on her level of comfort with the cding. If she finds out on the cruise, it may ruin the cruise for both of you. If you tell her before the cruise, she may still believe that you did it unintentionally, and it will give her time to calm down and listen to why it was that cruise that was chosen. (dates and such)

Molly Wells
10-24-2011, 12:29 PM
My crossdressing is in the don't ask don't tell category. She has known about it but I keep it from her. It falls into the area of "she doesn't want to talk about it, nor have any part of it." She and I scheduled the cruise together based upon available time off. It was only later when I was on this forum I remembered reading about the Dignity cruise. I suspect with almost 3000 people on the boat it would be remote, although possible, that we would encounter any CD's. So, I have no plans to bring it up and don't expect there would be any suspicion that I was aware of it. I we see any we will just go on about our business as usual.

Barbra P
10-24-2011, 01:03 PM
Hi Molly

I haven’t been on of those cruises but I have heard from a couple of people who have and my understanding is that there may be more CD’ers on that cruise than you think and they are going to be on the decks, around the pool, at the shows, and of course in the dining areas. There may also be some special activities scheduled for the CD’ers, in other words it may be difficult if not impossible to avoid them.

It is just my opinion but I feel it would be a wise move on your part to approach your wife and tell her that you just found out that the cruise the two of you picked is one that is catering to cross dressers. You might go so far as to ask her if she would be more comfortable taking a different cruise at a later date even though you are both looking forward to this cruise. I think she will discover that there is a group of CD’ers onboard and once the ship sails you are onboard for the duration, and if your Wife is upset over the CD’ers neither one of you is going to have much fun nor look back on this cruise with fond memories. Tell her only found out after the cruise was booked and you fully understand if she wishes to reschedule at another time.

10-24-2011, 02:41 PM
I agree also. I do know there are many gender enhanced tourists on the cruise historically. We almost went just because of that fact but not caring for cruising, we declined. Look at it from this perspective; if she does not like gender enhanced people at the best of times, and has to spend 5-10 days with them possibly being in her face daily, she will not have very much fun overall so why not tell her of the possibility and let her decide if a reschedule is in hand. You do not need to offer an opinion but rather, give her the opportunity to decide so she will not regret the decision. Does she think she can dip in the pool on deck with the possibility of a dozen gender enhanced people at the same time and have a good time? I'd just hate to see you both waste the money on a trip only one may enjoy.

It is just my opinion but I feel it would be a wise move on your part to approach your wife and tell her that you just found out that the cruise the two of you picked is one that is catering to cross dressers. You might go so far as to ask her if she would be more comfortable taking a different cruise at a later date even though you are both looking forward to this cruise. I think she will discover that there is a group of CD’ers onboard and once the ship sails you are onboard for the duration, and if your Wife is upset over the CD’ers neither one of you is going to have much fun nor look back on this cruise with fond memories. Tell her only found out after the cruise was booked and you fully understand if she wishes to reschedule at another time.[/QUOTE]

10-24-2011, 05:34 PM
My crossdressing is in the don't ask don't tell category. She has known about it but I keep it from her. It falls into the area of "she doesn't want to talk about it, nor have any part of it." She and I scheduled the cruise together based upon available time off. It was only later when I was on this forum I remembered reading about the Dignity cruise. I suspect with almost 3000 people on the boat it would be remote, although possible, that we would encounter any CD's. So, I have no plans to bring it up and don't expect there would be any suspicion that I was aware of it. I we see any we will just go on about our business as usual.
Sorry, but I just don't buy that, and I suspect, neither will your wife. You know you're going to see some CD's on this cruise. That's the reason you booked this particular cruise. C'mon, who are you kidding?

10-25-2011, 09:47 AM
First, you booked this cruise because it was the timing when you both would be off work for a vacation. OK i buy that now what i don't buy is you not telling your wife. Let her know now before this developes into a ruined vacation for her.

YOU MUST LET HER KNOW. yelling intentional.

Give her the opportunity to change the timing to one where she will be more comfortable. If you don't your life for the next few years will be missrible. Or you may find yourself with alamony payments.


Stephenie S
10-25-2011, 12:59 PM
Sorry, but I just don't buy that, and I suspect, neither will your wife. You know you're going to see some CD's on this cruise. That's the reason you booked this particular cruise. C'mon, who are you kidding?

Yeah, I agree. Who do you think you're kidding?

Better say something now BEFORE the poop hits the fan.


10-25-2011, 01:09 PM
I agree with the members who say to let your wife know about the Dignity Cruise. You don't want the perception to alter (if not ruin) the truth. Better to err on the side of caution on this one.

10-25-2011, 03:12 PM
I have a feeling you won't have much "dignity" intact after this cruise.

Molly Wells
10-25-2011, 11:48 PM
While I appreciate the viewpoint of those who have replied and suggested I talk to my wife about the Dignity Cruise before we go I must admit I am a little surprised. This cruise was booked with no thought about it being the same time and boat as the Dignity cruise. Totally an honest coincidence. It was several days later as I was looking at this forum I was reminded of the Dignity cruise. I just found it somewhat ironic that as a crossdresser I would find myself on board ship with others who were there to enjoy their cd activities and while as much as I might enjoy being with them, alas it is not to be.

Now as far as my crossdressing and my relationship with my wife the crossdressing is not an issue that comes up as a topic. She has known about it for many years. she does not want to discuss it or be part of it.
I have no reason to expect that if we happen to come across a group of 12 crossdressers on a boat with nearly 3000 people on it she would have an adverse reaction that would present me or anyone else a problem. I have no reason to believe that she would be anything but cordial and respectful. Nor do I think their presence on the boat would be an issue. I do not share in the same concerns as some of you do, but I do appreciate your counsel and concern. I will make it a point to update this thread after the cruise and reveal anything that goes on.


10-25-2011, 11:57 PM
I have no reason to expect that if we happen to come across a group of 12 crossdressers on a boat with nearly 3000 people on it she would have an adverse reaction that would present me or anyone else a problem. I have no reason to believe that she would be anything but cordial and respectful. Nor do I think their presence on the boat would be an issue. I do not share in the same concerns as some of you do, but I do appreciate your counsel and concern. I will make it a point to update this thread after the cruise and reveal anything that goes on.

IMHO, you're still making a mistake by not telling her prior to the cruise.

10-26-2011, 12:30 AM
Molly, I'm going to look at it from a different angle. How are you going to feel being on a boat with a group of ladies who are doing something that you would dearly love to do and not be able to participate?

That would be very stressful for me and i probably wouldn't have a good time because of it.

Perhaps your desires are different and you'd be perfectly OK. Still, it's something to consider.

J'lyn GG
10-26-2011, 05:43 AM
IMHO, you're still making a mistake by not telling her prior to the cruise.

I am a wife. We shop together, paint toenails, but we have strong boundaries. I don't have issue with a TG, TS, lesbian or a gay person. I respect your stance, Molly, but I agree with Marcie. I would never accept/believe that hubby didn't know about it and/or didn't think it was a big deal, so he decided not to tell me.

10-26-2011, 05:47 AM
Just a thought, If thsi was an honest mistake, I suggest that you tell her just that, and then ask her if she would like to change to a differant ship, so she will no be uncomfortable. Then let her call the shots. If she is fine with it all will be good, If not then lay out the dough and change ships.

10-26-2011, 07:46 AM
Hi Molly,

Just to let you know that last year's Halloween Dignity cruise that I was fortunate enough to enjoy being on had about 80 folks attending as part of the Crossdressing group! My understanding is a like number is expected or at least hoped for on this one!

Between the comedian commenting about it in his routine, word amoungst other passengers talking about it, the whole ship seemed very aware of the presence of CD'rs being on board and even looked to be playing spot the guy in a dress game. Though I only had a couple of rude or disgusted type of looks, it was noticable. Most of the folks I think were more curious and some even chose to talk with us and find out more about the group. After a couple of days though I think most of the novelty wore off. I personally had a great time and met quite a number of folks outside the cd group that invited me to share time with them both on and off the ship enjoying the entertainment and recreational parts of the ship.

I hope you have a great trip but do believe she will be come aware of CD'rs being on board. How to handle it, well that, of course, is your decision.


10-27-2011, 06:24 AM
While I appreciate the viewpoint of those who have replied and suggested I talk to my wife about the Dignity Cruise before we go I must admit I am a little surprised. This cruise was booked with no thought about it being the same time and boat as the Dignity cruise. Totally an honest coincidence. It was several days later as I was looking at this forum I was reminded of the Dignity cruise. I just found it somewhat ironic that as a crossdresser I would find myself on board ship with others who were there to enjoy their cd activities and while as much as I might enjoy being with them, alas it is not to be.

Now as far as my crossdressing and my relationship with my wife the crossdressing is not an issue that comes up as a topic. She has known about it for many years. she does not want to discuss it or be part of it.
I have no reason to expect that if we happen to come across a group of 12 crossdressers on a boat with nearly 3000 people on it she would have an adverse reaction that would present me or anyone else a problem. I have no reason to believe that she would be anything but cordial and respectful. Nor do I think their presence on the boat would be an issue. I do not share in the same concerns as some of you do, but I do appreciate your counsel and concern. I will make it a point to update this thread after the cruise and reveal anything that goes on.


Molly, I think what we are trying to say to you is this: You may not see any issues with an unintended run-in with a group of gender enhanced people aboard the cruise, BUT, maybe, just maybe, it may cross your wifes' mind if you do cross paths with the group, that you knew about this all along and did not mention it to her intentionally. The question now is: how would she react IF she did view the occurence this way? What would be the long term effects on your relationship and what would the short term effects be while on the cruise, if any? Hope this clears up at least my worry for you both and hopefully I;m just over reacting out of concern.