View Full Version : All this inspiration is starting to infect me! Or is that it setting me free?

10-25-2011, 10:49 PM
Hey everyone, I don't know if it's just me, but I seem to be noticing a lot more stories of people coming out to family and friends. And it seems like the majority of these stories are having positive end results.

I don't recall ever seeing this many posts in the past.

Are we all getting brave all of a sudden? There are stories from people who love their closet and are now wanting to come out of it. Stories of wives accepting their husbands and their desire to dress in womens clothes. Stories of friends and family accepting us and encouraging and loving us.

Perhaps our society is making a change. Perhaps those crossdressers that have come out of their closets have started slowly shaping things for the better.

I am so encouraged by all the positive stories I keep reading here. I am planning on telling a close friend of mine about my dressing very soon.
Also I plan to start building a wardrobe, hopefully with said friend to go shopping with me and help me along the way.

Like I said, maybe it's just me, but things really seem to be looking up for us girls!

Thank you to everyone who has been posting their stories of telling their loved ones. Going out shopping for the first time, telling about how amazing the experiences have been. It has started to build in me, a courage that was not there even 2 a month ago.

Today I was thinking about this and Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast came to my mind. When she says, "I think there's something there that wasn't there before."

Thanks again to all you wonderful girls on this forum!

PS: OK, now I just want to wear a golden ball gown like Belle's in Beauty and the Beast... :daydreaming:

10-25-2011, 11:24 PM
I think that such things go in cycles. It only takes one or two people's exploits to produce a "bump" in our perceptions.

A few weeks ago there was a spike in GGs arriving needing help to cope with newly discovered CDing. Before that it seemed like more people than usual were talking about their recent SRS experiences.

I too am encouraged by positive stories, but I don't let them go to my head. For many of us, coming out would be an exceedingly bad move.

10-25-2011, 11:36 PM
Yes, I have been reading most of the posts about coming out as well. It is rather encouraging that some are able to find acceptance in the one person that means the most to them in their lives, their SO. And I have my story too and it's a long one. Typed it all up and considering posting it for all to read here. I think it is therapeutic in a way to get it out.

Should I? I have been closeted for so long...


10-26-2011, 12:40 AM
If you are comfortable with it you should certainly start a new thread and post your story.

You are right about the therapeutic effect. I've learned a lot about myself while participating in discussions on the forum. Having to put one's feelings in words makes a person examine herself more closely than simply thinking about it.

10-26-2011, 01:11 AM
Hey everyone, I don't know if it's just me, but I seem to be noticing a lot more stories of people coming out to family and friends. And it seems like the majority of these stories are having positive end results.

Hopefully my story will end in a positive note too. It isn't over just because I came out to my SO but it is going to be a work in progress.

PS: OK, now I just want to wear a golden ball gown like Belle's in Beauty and the Beast... :daydreaming:

Funny you should mention this. Did you check out this story on Yahoo? If Disney Princesses were REAL? An Artist's perception of what they may look like in real life... though Belle is not depicted with the ball gown here.


Cynthia Anne
10-26-2011, 01:50 PM
I understand and appreciate your thoughts on this! However I would use caution before jumping into the fire! Is this what you really want! Just because someone else did it,is it right for you! Failure comes to those who can't handle the coniquences! If you are sure it's right for you then I wish the best for you! Plus I love to read success stories! It's the unsuccessful ones that are real bummers! Hugs!

10-26-2011, 02:21 PM
I always think before a person decides to make the jump, she should be dressed in her normal male clothes. Kind of a pink fog light. :)


10-26-2011, 03:08 PM
Paula, I would let your own instincts guide you on when and who you "come out" to . Every situation is a little different (although there are the common fears, misconceptions, and prejudices ). And there's a danger that any one of us may be inadvertently projecting what we've expereinced, good or bad, into situations where it simply doesn't fit.

You know your friend and his/her attitudes. Let that be your guide. If you have confidence in him/her and are willing to accept a degree of risk (nothing is certain in this life), then go for it.

10-26-2011, 03:57 PM
There are stories from people who love their closet and are now wanting to come out of it.

What? This is really happening? :eek:

How dare a girl who loves her closet come out! :tongueout

I've learned a lot about myself while participating in discussions on the forum. Having to put one's feelings in words makes a person examine herself more closely than simply thinking about it.

I could not agree more with Eryn. However, be careful what you write! I have discovered through participation here that it is possible to learn too much about one's self, but I digress . . . . :facepalm:

Paula, I would let your own instincts guide you on when and who you "come out" to . Every situation is a little different (although there are the common fears, misconceptions, and prejudices ). And there's a danger that any one of us may be inadvertently projecting what we've expereinced, good or bad, into situations where it simply doesn't fit.

You know your friend and his/her attitudes. Let that be your guide. If you have confidence in him/her and are willing to accept a degree of risk (nothing is certain in this life), then go for it.

As alway, Kim, very well stated, and fantastic advice. When I came "out" the other day to a few friends, I did not make the decision to do so casually, randomly, or on the spot. Much thought and contemplation went into the decision. In the end, for me, the necessity of doing so outweighed the risk. Of course, had I not implicitly and completely trusted and loved these particular friends of mine, I would not have shared this part of my life with them. Fortunately, it worked out for me, and I cannot express deeply enough the sense of relief I feel over having done this . . . .

10-26-2011, 04:51 PM

Hugs J-JAY

10-26-2011, 10:18 PM
Yes J-Jay, there is much to lose, but I have to weigh that against all that there is to gain. I could gain a friend that I can talk to and be open and honest with. I hate having to keep this in my head all to myself all the time. I would say that I KNOW beyond any doubt that this friend will be totally OK with it. And I would love to have someone that I could possibly even go shopping with.

But I agree, these decisions should be made after much thought and consideration. I have been thinking about this for months.

Really this post was just me saying how encouraged I was. And how I noticed all the stories that keep popping up so often and how it seems a large percentage of them have positive results.

Thanks for everyones thoughts and continued encouragement!