View Full Version : A strange revelation

10-27-2011, 08:58 PM
I thought this was interesting and goes to show that the 1-5% are right in front of us.

I have been on a sports internet group for about 15 years. Of course there are several oldtimers, so you get used to each other and become friends of sorts.

Well our story starts with me getting on Facebook and looking up old friends. One I added was someone that we were often called each others name in high school and were in a few classes together including the ole homeroom. I liked him as he was always himself no matter what was happening around him.

Well, I look over his Facebook page and there are pictures of him and his husband (new information to me) along with a lot of large social get-togethers. He is also a founder of a square dance group in Massachusetts. Well, I am looking at some photos he posted and I see a name tagged that is probably fairly uncommon, but is a match to a long time participant in my sports group. So I click on his info page and look at his email address and sure enough, it is him. Small world stuff and all that. But the extra is that in his avatar, he standing with a floppy hat and a dress on. Even more of a small world.

And yes, I emailed him and made a Facebook connection with no other comments. Same with my friend although I did make comments on how dapper he looks in a lot of pictures as he dresses up a lot (male style - formal).

The thing that just felt good is that we have talked for a long time and when I connected on Facebook, we just kept it going with no references to his pictures. Just how it should be. That is some comfort I hope I learn from.

Toni Citara
10-27-2011, 09:01 PM
That is so awesome!! You are lucky to reconnect with somebody in life with similar experiences and history.

10-27-2011, 09:15 PM
Sue, your story sounds great!

I have about almost dozen gay & lez friends that I grew up with on my male fb, and they like this side of me but they don't get it.
Massachusetts, no one cares which side of the fence you're on or who marries who. I'm a Rhode Islander from the Mass/RI state line where my family is, and I'm there all the time even though I live in another state these days. People on the RI side are pissed that it's only civil unions that got passed in the legistature instead of full marriage.
What's weird is I've gone out en femme in many public places here in the northeast so many times, and I have never even gotten gawped at. No one cares.

Cynthia Anne
10-27-2011, 10:17 PM
A great story indeed! It's nice to read something with a happy ending! Or should I say with a happy new beginning! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

10-28-2011, 05:46 AM
Nathalie, I am not too surprised that they are laid back there. I do think it isn't that uncommon anymore. But I would like to get back out there. Who knows, maybe I could attend one of the balls that my friend organizes. They do a lot of retro type events and are currently planning one with a late 1800's - early 1900's theme.