View Full Version : Bathroom When Dressed & Out

Cindy M
10-28-2011, 09:27 AM
Haven't got to this point, yet. If you are at the mall and nature calls... which bathroom? I wouldn't want any trouble if I went in the women's bathroom and some lady was in there, and looks at me strangely... I'd feel awefully uncomfortable.

Someone please enlighten me on how to handle this when it arises.

Thanks! Cindy Jean

Karren H
10-28-2011, 09:33 AM
I use a unisex/family restroom if available otherwise its the one that matches how ever I'm dressed. Typically. I have used the men's room enfemme and the women's room in drab... But both were emergencys. Lol.

10-28-2011, 10:11 AM
Hmmm, what happened to that sticky?

Cheryl T
10-28-2011, 11:05 AM
Same as Karren...unisex/family if it's available otherwise I use the restroom that matches my appearance.
Sort of "When in Rome" attitude. If I'm out somewhere dressed I certainly use the ladies room if a unisex is not available. I would rather deal with the wrath of a woman than the ire of some testosterone filled homophobe.

10-28-2011, 11:58 AM



5150 Girl
10-28-2011, 12:40 PM
When I'm out among strangers, it would be terrably odd if I didn't go to the laidie's room.
Waht comfuses me is, when I'm among those who know me both ways (like at school) waht I should do?

Helen Grandeis
10-28-2011, 01:19 PM
Avoid being in any out the hall lines. Unisex-if available. Gas stations usually have single use bathrooms with locking doors. Otherwise go in the ladies room, do your business and get out.

10-28-2011, 03:19 PM
When ever you are out and about, use the facilities as to how you are presenting yourself. If you are "kind of in between", use the restroom that you would be more comfortable in. Sometimes when you are "underdressed" go in the stall, lock the door, do your business, wash your hands, and leave. DO NOT bring more attention to yourself!

10-28-2011, 04:01 PM
Remember that if you are using the ladies facilities, pull up your skirt, drop your panties and pantyhose, and pee like a woman. It might shock the person in the stall next to you to see a pair of shoes pointed the wrong direction, and to hear the unmistakably masculine gurgling sounds of a stream of urine hitting the water in the bowl. There's a reason why when women pee it's called a 'tinkle.'

10-28-2011, 04:33 PM
When I'm out among strangers, it would be terrably odd if I didn't go to the laidie's room.
Waht comfuses me is, when I'm among those who know me both ways (like at school) waht I should do?

I am currently debating whether to go to school dressed up (Monday, Halloween), and I am also confronted with the same delemma... Delima... Dellem-- Whatever...

While the links provided by an earlier poster are educational to a degree, they talk more about businesses and their employees. My college does not have unisex bathrooms, and definitely nothing for a TG person of any degree. I'm honestly thinking of buying a huge bag of pretzels, and eating them all day, getting a load of salt in my body to prevent the need to hit the bathroom.

10-28-2011, 06:12 PM
This is something that I agonized about before I did it, but found that it is a non-issue in real life. Go into stall, do business, wash hands, leave.

If you are reasonably passable you will have no problem. Imagine the embarrassment a woman would experience if she challenged a "man" who actually turned out to be a masculine-featured GG! That fear will keep folks in line even if they suspect that you are male.

10-28-2011, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the link eluuzion. I asked the same question myself.
I'm so glad I found this site! You ladies are always so helpful.

Phoebe Reece
10-28-2011, 10:46 PM
All the girls I know in the Atlanta area usually look for a unisex or "family" restroom first (a lot of the malls have them now). But if that type is not available they will just go ahead and use the ladies room. There are a few I know who, when in a hurry and not wanting to wait in a line for the ladies room, have simply gone to the men's room - much to the confusion of the regular men there - and to the great amusement of some of us watching the guys coming and going from there. The one situation you really want to avoid is going into the ladies room when it is frequented by very young girls (with or without their mothers). As others have said, it is very important to sit and do your business when in the ladies room. Also don't be surprised if while you are in the ladies room some woman strikes up a conversation with you. Unlike the mens room, which is usually conversation free (especially between strangers), the ladies room can often have a lot of little conversations going on between total strangers.

10-29-2011, 03:54 AM
GBJoker, you might want to check into your school's policy about trans folks in general, or barring that, check your local and state laws regarding restrooms (if you can possibly find them.)

10-29-2011, 04:29 AM
Wow! I've never been to the ladies room before, although I've always wanted to, Oh, Not to peer, or be nosey, I mean, I've always felt that's where I should be, and then I turn the other way, realize, hey I'm male, someone might get the wrong idea. So anyway, like so many have said here, I feel no matter where you go, you should just get your business done and get the heck out. I normally sit when going to the bathroom anyway, so that would never be a problem. Drab or Enfemme I don't stand. Urinals are disgusting. I've seen this type of post before, and I keep thinking about it, and I think if I was dressed enfemme, it would be ackward to go into the men's room, I know there I would be stared and gawked at, and that would just make me feel more weird, so I think follow the advice you've seen here, and you will be better off. As for school, I would check into that, as to not get caught from a teacher or administrator, and it being a problem.


10-29-2011, 04:39 AM
tend to use only the womans,get funny looks and coments when using the mens

10-29-2011, 09:25 AM
had a talk with my SO last night about this very same thing. she thought i could be arrested if i used the ladies room. but definitely, DEFINITELY use the ladies room. i seriously believe you are asking for trouble if you use the men's bathroom.

as eryn said. "If you are reasonably passable you will have no problem. Imagine the embarrassment a woman would experience if she challenged a "man" who actually turned out to be a masculine-featured GG! That fear will keep folks in line even if they suspect that you are male."

like i told my SO, if you go in there, do your business, don't draw attention to yourself, don't try to pick up on any ladies or accost them you should be fine. and remember if you are going out in public and you have questions about whether or not you are passable, you should realize this or find it out long before you need to use the facilities.