View Full Version : Oh goody. My first stalker. Oh, and the boots win.

Kathi Lake
10-28-2011, 07:18 PM
Wow. Busy, busy week. I've spent the last four days drinking from a firehose as someone in my company left, and I will be taking on most of his duties. On the plus side, I now know more about UL, C-Tick, BSMI, CE, Gost, and other regulatory issues than I ever did. On the minus side, I now know more about UL, C-Tick, BSMI, CE, . . . :)

Anyway, since he was off today, and my brain resembled tepid tapioca, I decided late last night that it was time for a quick girly day today. I told my daughter, and she said, "You're having a girly day without me? Rude!" I assured her that it wouldn't be the same without her, and she could hopefully go next time.

So, I got up a little early. Well, 7:15, but hey - that's early for me! Showered, shaved, attached my forms, and got my outfit for the day on. I made sure that my son had left (you can always tell. That kid does not know how to close a door softly!), and went upstairs to make sure my daughter was up. She was finishing getting dressed. I asked her what she thought of my outfit. She said it looked cute, and she loved my sweater (1).

I went downstairs and did my makeup while she was eating and making her lunch. For my eyes, I went with some pretty Fall golds and browns. Once my makeup was done, I brushed out my wig, put it on, and marveled again how much fun this was. I put on my jewelry, added a squirt or three of my favorite perfume, put the essentials in my purse, and sat down to put on my boots. Can I say just how much I love Fall and boot season? :)

I went out to get my daughter ready and she squealed and said I looked pretty. I thanked her, and told her that she was beautiful. We grabbed her backpack, lunch, and change of clothes, and were on our way. Now, here's where I was glad that today was the Friday before Halloween. I now had plausible deniability why I was dressed this way. You see, my daughter goes to a private Christian school, and I was about to drop her off there. :eek:

I pulled in, and drove towards the Junior High wing - constantly looking around for moms I knew. I didn't seem to see any. I guess time will tell if I suddenly get a question who the woman was driving my car this morning. I dropped her off, and went back home as I realized I had forgotten to put my driver's license into my purse's wallet. While I was home, I thought I may as well take a few pictures of my outfit. Hey, I even used a tripod this time instead of my toothpaste-splattered mirror in my bathroom. You're welcome! :)

Once that was done, I went off to a little boutique that opened near here recently. Their clothes looked cute from the window, and I thought they were worth a try. I walked in the door, and was greeted by the SA. We chatted for a bit while I looked around. I saw a really cute burnt orange dress on the wall. She said that it looked totally cute on, and offered to find a size. I told her my size. She said, "Wow, you're a tiny little thing, aren't you? You and my mom could be twinners! She has your same body. Me, I just look at a doughnut and it goes right here (as she slapped her behind). Well, she didn't have the dress in my size, but encouraged me to look around. I did, but nothing really called out to me except a scarf that I will definitely be back for.

I left there and went on to Ulta. My friend there had her baby three weeks ago, and was back at work. I had dropped off a baby gift (a cute teddy wearing pajamas) a week or so ago, and wanted to see if she had gotten it. The fact that she enveloped me in a huge hug before I could even get more than a "Hello" in tells me she had. She held my shoulders, turned me side to side, and said, "Girl! If I didn't have all these calming mothering hormones running through me, I would smack you! You look incredible! Damn, I love those boots! (2) And look at that little sweater dress. (2) What size is it? Triple 0?" I laughed and told her that is was just an XS. She said, "You know, here's some more info on how we girls do things. If a woman is pregnant or has just given birth, she knows she is a cow. Lie to her. Tell me that you are wearing a size 10 or something. That has a zero in it, so it's right up your alley, but it makes me feel better." I laughed, and she hugged me again. We chatted with a couple of other girls working the store. She told me that Emily (the Smashbox rep) was coming December 3rd, and that she would love to see me and do my makeup, and that she was going to make an appointment for me. I said I would look at my calendar, and see what I could do.

We chatted for a bit, she told me again how wonderful my skin was looking due to laser, complimented me on my makeup (she loved my eyes today), and I told her that I was off to have some quick fun. She again said how bad she felt that she had't gone shopping with me yet. I told her that I was open whenever she had time, but with a new baby, she had other priorities. We hugged again, and I left.

Next time, I'l try to get to the stalker part. For now, I get to go pick up about 8 senior high school boys as they'll be staying at my house for the next two nights for a retreat. My updates may be a bit sporadic (it's me - would you expect anything less? :)).


Niya W
10-28-2011, 07:21 PM
Foul foul. you just can't leave us hanging like that . I call foul.

10-28-2011, 07:25 PM
Foul foul. you just can't leave us hanging like that . I call foul.

Yeah, what is this!!!! Ya big teaser! :heehee:

10-28-2011, 07:44 PM
And the moral of the story is .................

Sara Jessica
10-28-2011, 08:04 PM
Just like her daughter said..."rude"!!! :)

Maybe we should all write a "stalker" ending while we wait.

10-28-2011, 09:03 PM
Just like her daughter said..."rude"!!! :)

Maybe we should all write a "stalker" ending while we wait.

... or become e-stalkers ourselves :-D

Christina Horton
10-28-2011, 10:08 PM
Ya well with this RUDE hitch she always does this. Now I normallyjust wait a week to read one of.her new threads but this time I did not so I'm going to have to wait. Shit!

10-28-2011, 10:16 PM
Next time, I'l try to get to the stalker part. For now, I get to go pick up about 8 senior high school boys as they'll be staying at my house for the next two nights for a retreat. My updates may be a bit sporadic (it's me - would you expect anything less? :)).


That's the part I don't get.
overall, it sounds like a fun time though. I'm doing laser too.

Cynthia Anne
10-28-2011, 10:27 PM
How dare you Kathi! Keep me waiting long and you will find out what a starker can do!!!! Hugs!

10-28-2011, 10:55 PM
Waiting to hear the stalker part also and maybe see the picture, they always look so nice. Its great that your daughter accepts you so well.


Kathi Lake
10-29-2011, 12:03 AM
OK, I'm back for a bit. Sorry about the 'tease' part. Wasn't intentional. I just lost track of time until I realized that I needed to be on the road soon.

So, let's see, I left Ulta to go to, . . . another Ulta. See, a new one was built recently, and many of the people that I used to chat with are now at this new store. So, I drove up, parked, and enjoyed the sound of my clicking heels on the blacktop. It was a bit windy, so I had to walk with a hand on one side of my head so I could see where I was going. Sigh, all that nice work on my wig, too.

I walked in and soon was met by 'Red' - the girl I met last time. I told her that I loved her hair. I'm not quite sure how to explain what she had done with it. Let's call it pinned in place in multiple places, with a cute, large feather on one side. She thanked me and said she was going for kind of a 'flapper' look. I told her I wish I could do fun things with my hair. She said that my hair was always lovely, and she didn't know it was a wig the first time she saw me (Ah, don;t you just love those little lies? :)). She asked me where my daughter was. I told her that she was in school, but had wanted to come on my 'girly day.' She said with a smile, "Well, who wouldn't? Shopping, makeup, fun with your dad. What's not to love?" She again told me how adorable my daughter was. I agreed, but added the word, "sometimes." I explained that unfortunately she had inherited my rather fully-developed sense of sarcasm. She said that she really appreciated sarcasm. I agreed, but said that my daughter needed to learn not to use it on her mother (a lesson that I painfully - and finally - learned). I told her that I was raising a princess that would never need to be rescued, but Lord help the poor guy that wants to date her. She laughed, and said that she could tell that my daughter was happy and loved - and adorable. I said, "Well, she gets that from her mother." She said, Oh, I don't know, you're pretty adorable too. I think your daughter is a lucky girl, and she is going to be an incredible woman.

Sigh. After that nice, hearwarming chat, the 'bat-signal' went off - apparently, the store manager and a district manager were on their way in. I hurriedly said my goodbyes, and said I would come back later.

Yeah, I know - no stalker yet. Soon. It's right after my next stop.

I then drove to White House | Black Market (WHBM), hoping to see my friend Michelle. Sigh. No pixie this time, either. Ah well, Kim was there, and did her usual thorough job of stuffing my room with prettiness. When I walked in, she was with a customer, so I kind of kept my back to her while browsing the racks. I heard the customer leave, and she came up to me and said, "Hello beautiful! Long time no see!" I asked her how she recognized me. She said, Oh, come on - that body, those legs, your hair - you're hard to miss." "Yeah" I said, "Unless I turn sideways." She asked me what I was was looking for. I told her, "The usual - pretty things that I can't live without." I also mentioned wanting to look over their sale stuff. She brought me over to the new dresses, complimenting me on my boots on the way. (3) If you haven't checked out the new holiday stuff, do it! Lots of gorgeous garnet-red accent pieces. She showed me a few dresses, including one that was essentially a ribbed top bonded to a cute herringbone skirt. I told her that I wanted to try one on, so she grabbed two (I trusted her on the sizes - I've learned my lesson!) and took them back to the room. I saw my favorite silk cropped shrug that I wear with absolutely everything - but in the gorgeous and versatile red. I added it to the pile. She said she had the perfect skirt for me, and brought me to the long black skirt I tried on a few weeks ago. I said I already had way too many black skirts, but she said "This one is different." I found my size and added it to the pile. I realized that the shrug and the skirt was almost an outfit in and of itself, so went looking for a camisole to wear under it. I found a black one with some nice lace, added a belt, and went back to the room, after finding a cute pair of heels to try on everything with.

Since I can't post more just right now, I'll at least leave you with some pictures of my shopping outfit. Not sure what happened with the color. Odd. Ah well, until next time!


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OK, that was a quick break. Now back to the story in progress:

I first tried on the black and herringbone dress. I tried the smaller one first. It was . . . OK. I walked outside and Kim came back. She thought it was very cute, loved my legs, and said it was very versatile. I walked on over to the big mirror and had a look. It was cute. I loved how the skirt fell, and how it gave me some much-needed shape. Still, I wasn't in love with it. See for yourself:


I guess it wasn't quite what I was looking for today, because as I made my way back to the dressing room, I knew I wasn't going to be putting it into my "Get it" pile. So, I changed into the next outfit; the black skirt and a top that was supposed to go with it. This top was suggested by the manager, so I tried it on to humor her, but I knew it wasn't 'me.'

First off, I have to say that I loved the skirt. It is a stretchy material, and felt wonderful. Being a longer skirt (at least longer for 'normal' people) I knew that it at least would hit me at or even below the knee. Imagine that! :)

I zipped up the skirt, tucked, smoothed, and arranged everything, and then left the room. The manager immediately said she loved it. Kim, who knows my taste knew I didn't like this one either. She did say it looked cute on, but knew that it wasn't going home with me either. See for yourself:


Kim told the manager, "I know what she likes" and told me to put on the next outfit, telling the manager that I would love the next outfit. I changed out of the white and black top and into the lace camisole and shrug. I brushed my hair out a bit as I could tell all of this tugging and flipping while trying on clothes was making a mess of things. I stepped out of the room and, . . .

Continued next post (as I'm out of pictures)



10-29-2011, 05:44 AM
Kathi, kathi, kathi this is just not fair, i have read all this and still waiting for the "stalker" part!!!!! You just gotta finish this!!!!!!


Cynthia Anne
10-29-2011, 05:56 AM
Beautiful! I kill ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maria in heels
10-29-2011, 06:14 AM
You know Kathi...you are just "horrible".... leaving us hanging like this....waiting for the next word...the door opened and you stepped outside and..... aaaggghhhhh

Sara Jessica
10-29-2011, 07:23 AM
There ya go again, doing the cliffhanger thing!!! :) I guess it keeps us coming back for more.

As for the shopping outfit, gorgeous!!! You have it coordinated perfectly.

10-29-2011, 07:57 AM
Bait and Switch ending you little trollup. I was looking for the suspense, intrigue, abduction... but no.

I had a wonderfully similar day yesterday too, hour and a half at Ulta with my stylist who did three wigs , and gave me recommendations, then quickly from there to another Salon Spa where a girl I knew from work years ago gave me my first 1 hour facial. One of the guy stylist cutting hair in a room I had to pass by asked her who the cute new chick customer was and asked if I was married.She said "don't even go there."
If there is a moral or connection to yours its this- going out public is So-o-o-o-o-o- much easier and FUN when you can can go to any shop,salon, store and an SA there really knows you well and you are treated as one of them. It truly does make for a girly day. Hope more of our sisters can enjoy it.

10-29-2011, 08:44 AM
Kathi Kathi.... I love reading about your adventures, you know we all do. And here you are chuckling to yourself! I know you are enjoying yourself immensely, you nasty nasty girl!!!!

And yes, you know we will all be checking back here to see the rest! Often!!!

I think I'll go pout :(



Tina B.
10-29-2011, 08:49 AM
I haven't enjoyed a cliffhanger like this since I was a kid, at the Saturday matinee! And Then, and then, what happens next, get on with the story girl!
Tina B.

10-29-2011, 09:33 AM
All this reading and . . . at least thanks for the wonderful pictures.

10-29-2011, 09:57 AM
OMG, who needs reality TV with Kathi telling this story?

Paitently waiting...... NOT! Heehee!


10-29-2011, 10:07 AM
Next week on the Perils of Penelope... Penelope meets with a Stalker! Be sure to tune in, kids!

10-29-2011, 10:44 AM
kathi, kathi--- love the shopping stories..and your pictures...you are drop ead gorgoues...even in jeans and the boots...the other pics were awesome too...you are better looking than , i would say 95% of the women out there....are you sure you are a genetic male?? lol


10-29-2011, 11:40 AM
This is turning into the world's longest shaggy dog story; please drop the other shoe!

10-29-2011, 01:38 PM
I thought for sure that by the time I reached this point in the thread that we would have heard more from Kathi. But, alas, such is not the case. I will have to come back to this forum for the expressed purpose of finding out what happens, what outfit Kathi chooses, whether her daughter approves of it, etc.

10-29-2011, 02:49 PM
The stalker must have struck; abducted and had his way with her. Goodbye Kathi... you were such a sweetheart we will remember you... but try to escape

10-29-2011, 05:04 PM
I love the black and herringbone skirt on you! Oh, and you are a tease. We need more pics and.... "the rest of the story"!

10-29-2011, 05:17 PM
I didn't mean for you to think I was a stalker! :heehee:

It is a shame that you didn't see Michelle again. Time to call her and remind her that she is suppose to work Fridays.

I finally swung by the new Ulta. First the salon manager swept in and when I mentioned your name, he paused and then remembered you. But then Yvette came around the corner and we talked for a while. So that is one familiar face.

Can't say I like their layout compared to the other store. I browsed make-up for a while not finding some shadow I wanted. When I went to the other side of the store to get to the registers, I found it facing the registers.

Okay, so out with the rest now!

10-29-2011, 11:28 PM
The stalker must have struck; abducted and had his way with her. Goodbye Kathi... you were such a sweetheart we will remember you... but try to escape

Yes, I have her, and if you ever want to see her again, you will deliver one million dollars in Victoria's Secret gift cards to PO Box 1234, Hooterville, FL.

Kathi Lake
10-29-2011, 11:43 PM
That's the part I don't get.If you're talking about the retreat part that you don't get, I have a group of youth from my church staying at my house for the weekend for a three-day retreat. That's why I have had so little time. Last night, we were up to 3 a.m. playing X-Box and watching Thor. I made them breakfast (I went through 4 pounds of sausage alone!), we had activities like a video scavenger hunt, a service project, etc. I'm bushed! Still, people seem to be demanding the rest of the story, so here goes:

. . . gave me my first 1 hour facial.Oh, megan - that must have felt soooo wonderful! Jealous!

...you are better looking than , I would say 95% of the women out there....are you sure you are a genetic male??Wendy, wendy, Wendy. I have a link for you, my dear: http://tinyurl.com/6yfwvcu

And yes, I'm pretty darn sure that I'm a genetic male. As to just how manly I am, well, . . . no comment. :)

It is a shame that you didn't see Michelle again. Time to call her and remind her that she is supposed to work Fridays.I know! Right? Go figure; last time I was there, she was at a wedding. This time she was looking after her baby. Where are this girl's priorities, eh? :)

. . . the salon manager swept in and when I mentioned your name, he paused and then remembered you. But then Yvette came around the corner and we talked for a while. So that is one familiar face.I only met him once during the grand opening and was in drab, so probably didn't make much of an impression. To my knowledge, there are four to five employees there that used to be at the Riverdale store.

Now, where were we? Oh yeah! I remember!

I walked out the door of the dressing room, and Kim's jaw dropped. She told me to turn around. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the full-length mirror, while calling for the other girl to come out of the back. "Look at this" she said. "This is how that skirt is supposed to look." The woman's eyes registered both surprise and approval. She must have the same condition as Wendy, above, because she asked me, "Are you sure you're a guy? I have never seen a body like that on a man - and damn few women. You really, really look fantastic." Kim agreed, saying, "I told you - whenever he comes in, you feel like not eating for a week." Gee, I guess it's nice to know they talk about me when I'm not there. I've never seen it, but apparently that have some interesting reactions to me when I can't see them. Sue was there. She can elaborate, I guess. :)

I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but I did admire myself in the mirror. I felt satisfaction, contentment, happiness, and a bit of validation, I guess. I do this for fun, but I go about it quite seriously. When I can see a result in the mirror that makes me happy (instead of losing my lunch), I feel good.

Anyway, a lace camisole may not be the first top I would choose under the shrug, but it at least gave me an idea of how the outfit might look. They gave me some more ideas, and we talked for awhile out in the front of the store. I saw two women walking around the store. They did a very comical double-take at the same time. It was very cool - like they were doing some synchronized swimming routine or something. The younger one told me she loved the sweater, and I told her where it was in the store, and that I had it in black and wore it everywhere. The older one (her mother?) seemed a bit standoffish, but the younger one had no problem with me whatsoever.

We walked back towards the back, and the tryon rooms. Kim asked me what I thought. I told her that although I already had a gazillion black skirts, this one fit so well, and was such a great length that I had to get it. She winked to the other SA and said, "See, I told you I knew what she liked!" I agreed, saying that I loved classy clothes, and classy women's clothes even more. I said, "Why can't men's clothes be this fun? It's not fair!" She agreed, but said it wasn't fair that I could look so good as a woman, and that she couldn't look that good if she tried. I told her that was a bunch of baloney, and that she was always beautiful and incredibly well-dressed whenever I came in. She thanked me, and walked me to the back. She asked me if she could show me anything else. I said that what I had on were definitely keepers, except the camisole as I already had a black cami.

Here are two pictures of the outfit. As I told them, I was usually a grinch around Christmas, but this outfit made me feel pretty, and in a Holiday mood. They said I could show up to any Christmas party dressed as I was, and that I would make all the other women in the room insanely jealous. The new SA, not knowing my history, and that I was married (and straight) said, "You should also make sure to stay away from any mistletoe, or every guy in the room would be waiting for a turn.

The first pictures are in the dressing room. The second one makes me look like I have a bubble butt or something. :)

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The next picture is outside the dressing room. I love this place, and have many happy memories of clicking around its beautiful tile floor feeling like a princess.


I went back into the dressing room, a little disappointed that I couldn't spend more time, but changed my clothes back into my shopping outfit. I took my skirt and shrug up to the register and paid. Kim and I talked about our families for a bit. She asked how my oldest son was doing in college. I told her that he reported for Basic training two days ago. She said, "Hasn't he already done two or three years?" I agreed, saying he had done three years of college, but wanted a little more excitement that pre-med could give him. She agreed, saying that they needed to learn their own lessons. I agreed, and she wished me good things for him, and a pleasant rest of my day. I said, "I just got done trying on pretty clothes, made some great purchases, am dressed up nicely and feel pretty - my day was pretty spectacular so far, and the rest of it was shaping up as more of the same. "That's why we love you here. You're always so positive!" I thanked her and left.

On the way out, my phone buzzed (it was on silent). I reached into my purse while opening the door. In retrospect, I shouldn't have done that. The door opened into a large man (and when I say large, I mean block-the-sun large). I unconsciously put my hand on his arm and said, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!!!" He looked at me, smiled broadly and said, "No problem, sweetness. You can smash into me any day of the week." I hurriedly clicked my way across the parking lot to my car feeling his eyes on my backside, seemingly, got in and started on my way with my heart hammering. Then, things got really interesting.

I noticed a large black Cadillac Escalade in my rear view mirror as I pulled out of the shopping center. It pulled up to me on the passenger side and when I glanced to my side, I saw it was him. Now, before I go on, I should tell you that where I was shopping was in a very nice area of town. It is near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and there are multiple million-dollar-plus homes nearby. Some call it Jazz Alley, as many players on the Utah Jazz have homes there. Now, I don't follow sports much. Heck, my wife says I embarrass her when I try to talk about sports, and that I should just hush, usually after me saying something stupid, and her saying something like, "No dear, there aren't any 'goals' in basketball." Well, I may not be bright about sports, but I can put two and two together, and usually get something close to four. I thought about it - A large man. A large man, in a tricked out Cadillac Escalade with custom rims. A large man, in a tricked out Cadillac Escalade with custom rims, near Jazz Alley. Great. I'm being stalked by a Utah Jazz player. :)

So, he rolls down the passenger window, smiles at me, starts to say something and the light turns green. I take off. He matches speed, still smiling at me. I pull back and get into the other lane. He drops speed and pulls up on my driver's side. He rolls down his window, smiles and says, "Hey, I just wanna talk to you!" I smiled and pulled back a bit and got behind him. He turned on his right turn signal and kept it on - slowing each time a street intersected us or a parking lot opened up and steered towards it, hoping that I would follow him. Wrong! I'm not that kind of girl. Not only am I not that kind of girl, I'm not that kind of girl. :)

After about three miles of this, the pullout for the freeway was coming up. I think he finally got the point, because when I got into the lane leading to it, he slowed, but then sped up and went the other way. Phew! For a minute there, I had visions of him following me. Ladies, is this what it's like? It felt so weird knowing that someone was following me, and actually fearing for your own safety. I'm not saying that I felt like a meek and helpless woman or anything, but it was just kind of . . . unsettling.

So, did he know I was a guy? I'm pretty sure of it. Although my body is admittedly a bit on the feminine side, my face, as I've mentioned, is kind of a two-bagger. So, I'm guessing that he was pulling a Eddy Murphy/Hugh Grant, and out to 'bag himself a tranny' or something. I laughingly thought of the story it might make on the evening news, "Jazz player caught with a woman with 'something extra' - film at 10!" :)

Well, I have to get ready to get these guys to sleep. For some odd reason, they love playing X-Box here. Might be the huge flat screen. Might be the surround-sound setup with the 16-inch sub. Who knows?

More maybe tomorrow. I still have lots to this tale, though the 'stalker' part is done. If you tuned in solely for that, you can now go onto other threads. Enjoy!



10-30-2011, 03:47 AM
Ladies, is this what it's like? It felt so weird knowing that someone was following me, and actually fearing for your own safety. I'm not saying that I felt like a meek and helpless woman or anything, but it was just kind of . . . unsettling.

Hi Kathi!

Yep, welcome to the dark side of the magic. You are definitely pretty enough to have the power to attract like a magnet and that means that sometimes you will attract the lead as well as the gold*

I've been "stalked" too, but I get the little old men and you get the big boy athletes with the Escalades and the $$$. Drat!

And even if you aren't hungry for the fish, isn't it nice to know that you are such powerful bait?


P.S. - Saw the pictures. You look awesome!!!

*Yes, hon, I know that neither lead nor gold is magnetic; it is intended as an alegorical concept.

Princess Chantal
10-30-2011, 04:34 AM
Perhaps your "stalker" wanted to know where to get size 17 high heels?
During my wandering arounds I have had several very masculine men approach me seeking crossdressing advice. People are funny, what you assume their motive is could be totally opposite of what it really is. I am the "Master of my Domain", so I have no issues in finding what people want.

10-30-2011, 04:45 AM
See I told you before she would escape and she did.. large man, Escalade, custom rims... makes for a clean getaway. You go girl,you gorgeous size zero BITCH! We hate you.

Sara Jessica
10-30-2011, 07:58 AM
That is quite the stalker story. Odds are that he was harmless, just hormonally fixated on your beauty. But that doesn't take away from the fact that as a woman, you had every reason in the world to be nervous, to be scared...regardless of how he perceived you. This is an experience you file away as a reminder of the importance of safety, and a lesson in the same manner for the rest of us.

Now on a more frivolous subject (ok, style is never frivolous but in context with above...), I love the outfit!!! The opaque tights kind of adds a chic element to the entire look. Yes, red shrug = Christmas party time, black shrug and you're hitting the town!!! Gorgeous & beautiful Kathi, thanks for sharing!!!

Jillian Faith
10-30-2011, 09:03 AM

Thanks for sharing your outing details, the stalker story and of course all of the pictures. I absolutely love the outfit you picked for shopping....wish I could pull off that look! The pictures of the black skirt and red shrug at WH/BM rock. My wife and I both love their clothes, although that is one place I haven't shopped enfemme.

Waiting patiently for the rest of the story.:daydreaming:


10-30-2011, 10:04 AM
There are so many things that I want to say here.
First lets get this out of the way - I think I hate you you skinny little wench! I'd do anything to have your figure . . . well, anything short of diet and exercise that is.
Ok - next comment! The outfits are flawless. The black outfit with the red shrug is just perfect!
Last comment - good for you! You are showing people that YOU are a neat person, and by extension, that cross dressers can be decent and neat people, and NOT the freaks that Jerry Springer has convinced everyone that we are.
I've been up to your neck of the woods a few times. I'd like to meet you someday and dont care if it's drab or pretty. On the other hand, maybe it should be drab so that I dont spend the entire time feeling fat next to a skinny B*%$h. ;)

10-30-2011, 10:59 AM
I'd like to meet you someday and dont care if it's drab or pretty. On the other hand, maybe it should be drab so that I dont spend the entire time feeling fat next to a skinny B*%$h. ;)

And then you would go to dinner with her and you would order the salad and she would order the six course meal. :laughing: Okay, so I am not laughing. :sad:

10-30-2011, 11:09 AM
Kathi it just ain't fair girl. I mean damn it all i've been skinny all my life until just a few years ago and here you come along you b!#ch and show off your pretty stuff. I hate you for this.

Okay truth: I don't blame the BIG guy for following you, i'd like to meet you too, you being so pretty. Me thinks Kim is going to see you sooner than i ever will. HUGGS sweetie you deserve it.


10-30-2011, 11:39 AM
loving the outfits. absolutely. i wish i had the courage to go out in public...but you seriously look great girl!

10-30-2011, 02:54 PM
Kathi -- I got shivers reading that stalking story. And he didn't give up for three miles? Wow. That is definitely a reminder that we have to be aware of our surroundings at all times. Thanks for sharing.
Now, on the lighter side, love your outfit!

10-30-2011, 06:42 PM
Kathi, I'm very surprised! What's the matter with Utah guys?

After looking at how hot u look in your pics, and THIS was your FIRST STALKER? If u lived in SoCal, you'd probably have guys following u home after EVERY trip u made out dressed!

Kathi Lake
10-30-2011, 06:55 PM
Well, back to my adventure:

I was on the freeway, and my heart was still kind of hammering - not really for what might have happened (though there was a fair bit of that), but more for his persistence. I was thinking while he was trying to turn off the road multiple times, "Dude, you want me to follow you. I get it. Do you get it that I really don't want to talk to you?" It was kind of scary. I mean, he was probably about 6' 10" or so and near 300 pounds, and then here's me about a foot shorter, and 150 pounds or so lighter, wearing 4-inch heels. I was not exactly in a position to 'man up' and defend myself. Yeesh! It almost makes me shiver now two days later.

Anyway, at that point I thought of just going home. I knew I had to get home by 2:00 at the latest as my son would be home from school, and I needed to 'de-Kathify' before that, obviously. I also had to pick my daughter up from school and deliver her to a birthday party given by the woman I seem to be out to at church. It was at that time about 12:30 or so. I had wanted to go to The Gateway, an outdoor mall, and check out Ann Taylor again, but just wasn't in the mood, for some odd reason. :)

So, I headed on home to get an early start. As I was on the freeway, I saw the Costco on the right, I remembered all of the high school boys I would have at my house for the weekend. I screeched through the four lanes of traffic and made the exit. I pulled up to the place and, of course, the only parking spot was about seven miles from the door, it seemed. Ah well. I grabbed my purse and headed out, thinking that it would be some great walking practice, at least. With the heels, it seemed easy to get into the rhythm and sway of a feminine walk. I retrieved my card from my purse, showed it to the man at the door, and grabbed a basket. I was right behind another woman wearing almost the same outfit, it seemed - dark leggings, a sweater dress, and some killer boots. I watched her walk, parroting her motions (well, as much as my physiology would allow. If I had one wish, I would wish for a female pelvis. I wish I had the graceful sway that it gives women. Sigh. Mesmerizing! :)). We both stopped to look at these cute tops with ruffles in the front (I know! Cute tops in Costco!?). I excused myself to pick one up, and she said she loved my boots. (4) I gushingly told her that I adored her cute boots. They were a natural suede mid-heel with burnished copper accents. Just really, really incredible boots. She thanked me and asked if I was in costume or something. I feigned innocence, saying, "Costume? Whatever do you mean?" and laughed. I told her that I wasn't in costume, but was just out shopping. She said that if I had said I was in costume, that she was gonna call BS, as I was just way too good at the whole 'woman thing' as she fluttered her hand in a circle around me. She said, "I bet you even did your own makeup, didn't you?" I said, "Why, does it look that bad?" She laughed, and said, "No! It looks great! Can you give me some pointers?" I laughed and she asked how long I had been dressing up. I told her, and she said she has a cousin that has been dressing up most of his life as well. She said, "I used to dress him up - a lot! It started out on Halloween, he would come over and I would do his makeup and let him borrow my costume from the previous year. Well, after about four Halloweens in a row, I knew something was up. One year when I was 20 and he was 15, he came over with his brows done totally girly and even acrylic nails. He had let his hair grow over the Summer, and looked incredible. We talked, and he said he totally liked girls, but he also liked dressing up. I showed her my wedding set, and said the story sounded familiar, but my cousin was younger than me. She agin said that I looked incredible, and that it took her awhile before she knew I was a guy. She said, "If you hadn't said 'excuse me' in such a low voice, I might still be wondering. :)

Well, she excused herself, said it was nice meeting me, and we went on our way. I headed to the jumbo muffin and apple-juice section, loaded up my cart, and went to the checkout line. While walking through, I was amazed at how few did the double-take. Most would just smile and go on with their shopping. Must've been the date - i.e. since it was so close to Halloween, they had no trouble processing a man dressed up as a woman in Costco. I absolutely loved the sounds of my heels clicking on the concrete floor, although I found that they were definitely attention-getting.

While in line, I was behind a pair of young moms with their babies. One had her baby on her shoulder so his head could see me. He looked at me, smiled and laughed. A lot. The moms looked back to see what he was laughing at. I smiled at them and said, "Oh, don't worry. I'm used to being laughed at." One laughed and said, "He must really like you. He usually doesn't laugh like that at strangers. You must be really good with kids. Babies just know." I told them that I had three myself, and that I definitely missed the baby stage. The other one said that her husband was looking forward to the day when it ended. I said, "Oh, not me! I love babies! I love their little toes, their little chubby hands, their smiles, and oh - the way they smell!" The first one laughed and said, "Wow, are you sure you're a guy? You sure don't look it, and you sure don't sound like one. I agreed, saying that I was maybe a tiny little bit less guyish than most, and that I really loved the clothes - they were so fun and cute! The first one said, "I know! We do get the fun stuff, of course you can have the heels. I hate 'em. By the way, I love your sweater!" (3) I thanked her and told her it was from Express. She said, I wish I could wear stuff like that, but this little guy has done a number on me, haven't you? You've destroyed mommy's body, didn't you?" At that, he smiled and laughed. They started putting their stuff on the belt, and said to have a great day. I said it was nice to meet them both, and wished them a great weekend.

I got up to the register, and the cashier said, "Well, aren't you pretty today!? Did you find everything you needed?" I said I found everything I needed, and then some. She said that she knew the feeling, and that working in a place like that had its drawbacks, like still having 15 pounds of caramel corn. :)

I pushed my cart away, after getting a "Have a nice day, ma'am" from the cart guy, and went to my car. After loading my car, I noticed an older lady looking for the cart stand. Knowing it was a ways away, I walked over to her and said I would take her cart for her. She said, "Oh, what a dear. Thank you so much!" On the way back from the cart stand, she passed me in her car, and gave me a smile and a wave.

I then went on to the Farmington Ulta, to see if my friend had come in. Sadly, she had not. Red (OK, her name is Jill) and I talked for awhile. She again said that she was totally going to steal my boots. I said, "Oh, honey - you'd need like 20 pairs of socks. Your feet are so little, and I have snowshoes for feet. We chatted some more, and I said that it was time for me to head home. She said it was lovely seeing me (in her beautiful British accent) again, and that I was always welcome.

I headed home, but stopped at one of my normal places to refill my mug with that nectar of the gods - Coke. Oh yeah, I forgot. I had also stopped at my normal morning place before I had gone to the boutique. I'm sure they know that something is up, because they said, "Wow, third year in a row, eh? Is this really a costume or do you just like dressing up as a woman?" I said, "I'm not lying, it does feel a bit odd, but I am having a blast! Being a woman rocks!" :)

Anyway, I headed into a local large convenience store about two miles from my home. I come in there multiple times a day to fill up my mug. I walked in and filled it up, and walked to the cashier. She looked at me for a few seconds, and then blurted out, "My gosh, you look great! Damn, you make a great-looking woman." I thanked her, saying that I was sure she meant it as a compliment, right? She said "Oh, definitely! Man, you look smokin' hot!" I said, "Hey, with my freaky little body, it unfortunately is pretty easy." She laughed and I left, after thanking the nice man who held the door for me.

I was almost home when I remembered; I had to get with our realtor about a question on our escrow account. Her office is right around the corner in a model home, and a block away from her house. We have become friends through many chats. Well, I saw her car at the house, and walked up the stairs. I walked in the door and said, "Trick or Treat!" She looked puzzled for a minute, and then I saw recognition. "Oh, wow!" she said, "Someone did a great job on you! You look great. Oh, wow, ask her where she got those boots. I want a pair!" (5)

She then asked if my wife had done my makeup. I told her that no, she was traveling again, and then changed the subject. I asked her my question. She answered it, and we chatted some more. She never brought up why I was dressed as I was, and I didn't offer it. I let her assume I was dressed for Halloween. Well, we talked for about 15 minutes or so, and we were talking about how my son had just left for basic training a few days prior. She said, "Oh, that must've been so hard. Moms take it the hardest, don't we?" Then she laughed, and said, "Oh, this is so weird! I have to tell you - I feel totally comfortable relating to you as a woman! And I have to say that that you seem totally comfortable as a woman - in a woman's skin." I smiled in an "Oh, shucks!" kind of way, and said, "Wow, I guess clothes do make the man! I'd better go home and change before I have the sudden urge to go shoe-shopping." :)

She again told me how beautiful I was, and that she hoped I had fun being a woman for a day. I told her that although I probably should have been embarrassed all day, that instead, I was having a blast, and even felt pretty while doing a dramatic hair flip. She laughed, and said that I should be careful as this may be habit-forming. I said with a laugh "You know, there are worse habits" and left.

I think I have one more post after this, but it's time for me to go upstairs and make our annual Halloween curry - extra curry powder, extra potatoes!



10-30-2011, 07:42 PM
dam if i could look that good i may actually leave the house dressed. but i have a severe alergy to excercise and look like a fat out of work truck driver.. oh i am a fat out of work truck driver, oh well . And the way you seem to have a knack of chatting up the women..... soooooo not fair lol
keep up the good work and hope you keep having fun and enjoying life :)

Kathi Lake
10-30-2011, 08:16 PM
And the way you seem to have a knack of chatting up the women..... soooooo not fairCat, if only this gift would have been mine in my High School years! Seriously, I seem to be able to talk to anyone as if we had been friends for years. I'm amazed at the many times people have said in mid-conversation, "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm telling you this!" :)

I guess the key is to be genuinely interested in what they're saying, to listen, and just be there for them. Of course, me being dressed as a woman does tend to 'lower their shields' as we're not exactly seen as a predator/threat.



10-30-2011, 08:30 PM
Kathi, thanks for the wonderful long story of your day of adventures which is also not yet complete. Anyway, I just wanted to relate to your gift that would have been nice to have in high school. I know exactly what you are talking about. I am from the Mid-West and have no problem talking with others, except in the past with women. Over the years that has changed some for the better, but since I discovered this side of me and started dressing almost 5 years ago, that has all changed completely. Just like you, I have developed that special, whatever we can call it, ability?, to talk with any stranger and after awhile get them to talk about intimate and personal things. It happens almost every time I go out. I just wish that I had that talent many, many years ago. That's life.

10-30-2011, 11:20 PM
Kathi, I love reading your stories. Reading of your adventures bring a thrill to me, must be so good for you. Perhaps you should collect them in a book someday, you never know what might happen. Oh, by the way you look good in all those outfits.


10-31-2011, 01:52 PM
I have to say i love the black skirt and top. I am jealous of you figure!

Kathi Lake
10-31-2011, 06:13 PM
All right, let's see if I can finish this thing today:

I went home and looked at the time - 2:15. Phew! This is gonna be close! My son usually gets home from school around 2:35, and I wanted to be cleaned up and out of the house by then. I screamed inside, leaving my shopping bag, purse, and jacket by the stairs, so I would have less stuff to carry to and from my room.

I said a quick goodbye to myself in the mirror, and took off and boxed my wig. I then took some tissues and got as much makeup off as I could - mostly to not get it on my clothes as I took it off. I unzipped and left my boots outside the bathroom. I undressed to nothing but my bra and panties. I took off my bra and peeled off my breastforms. Sadly, I didn't have time to clean them. Hopefully I'll have time tonight. I then used my makeup-remover towelettes to get my face squeaky-clean. After a spritz of my male cologne (Burberry Weekend for Men) to hide my lovely feminine scent (well, a little, anyway), and getting dressed, I took all of my stuff down to my basement workshop and locked my pretty things away once again.

On my way out, I went back to my room where I noticed my boots still on the bedroom floor. Sigh. Back downstairs I went. I then got in my car and went on some errands. At 3:15 or so, I went to my daughter's school to get ready to pick her up at 3:30. From there, I was going to drop her off at her friend's house for a birthday party. As I said earlier, her mom is the one that caught me dressed once. While I was waiting, I was talking with another mom. This woman is just so incredibly beautiful, so incredibly trophy-wife-ish, so sweet that it just makes my heart hurt looking at her. Her body is one that a woman 20 years younger would kill to have. Her face is smooth and angelic. The only thing I find odd is her 'rocker chick' hairstyle. I would go a bit less puffy, but that's just me. :)

Anyway, She asked if my wife was traveling again (common topic with anyone that knows me). I said she was, and said that I had pretty much gotten used to it, and that being the mom was kind of fun - except for the whole makeup part. It was kicking my butt! She smiled and said, "Oh, come on over any time! I'll teach you. It's easy!" We laughed and chatted some more and she went to pick up her son, telling me to enjoy motherhood. Later, I found out why she kept glancing at my hands while we were chatting. School let out, my daughter changed, and I drove her to her friend's house.

I still haven't seen Candace in church since our last chat, so I never have had the chance to ask her about if she had recognized me. As our daughters were hugging, she and I chatted about what they were going to do, when she was going to drop my daughter off, and more. Her husband joined us and we talked a bit, and I noticed his eyes drifting towards my hands as well at times. Finally, it hit me - in my rush to get changed and out the door before my son got home, I had totally forgotten my hands. I was still wearing my ladies wedding set, and my nails were still long and polished a pale pink. The color wasn't too noticeable, but the gloss and the length and shape of my nails was pretty blatant. After a bit of frenzied thinking, I decided to let them draw their own conclusions, and didn't say a thing about why my hands were prettier than normal. As I said in my first post, I'm hoping that the proximity to Halloween let everyone think that I was in costume. Sigh. What a doofus.

I left there and drove home. My son was there, but upstairs so I hurriedly looked for the polish remover. My wife must have taken it on her trip. I went to my daughter's bathroom. Cool! There's a bottle! Empty. I went downstairs to look for some polish-remover pads. All I found in there and in my closet were empty boxes. Great.

While I was there, I heard a beeping. Puzzled, I realized it was my phone, which I had left in my purse, along with my driver's license, bank card and more. Geez! I have to start giving myself more time to regroup in the future. This quick change thing is kinda stressful - especially for a slow-witted, forgetful doofus like myself. I looked on the phone and retuned the missed call. It was my wife. She asked me why I didn't answer. I said, "I must've left my phone in my . . . car (Phew! I almost said purse!). We finished our call, and I was off on some more errands to prepare for the weekend.

So, the moral of the story? Hmmm. I don't know, honestly. How about, "Have fun, stay safe, and always give yourself enough time.



Oh! I almost forgot! The second part of the title!

I said "The boots win" because it seemed that everyone I chatted with either complimented me on my boots or my sweater. Well, after tallying everything up, the boots won, as they got more compliments. :)

11-01-2011, 11:58 AM
Clearly I need to start hanging out with you. It sounds like you are perfectly comfortable no matter what the setting is!

11-01-2011, 01:11 PM
I've got to say I loved this story...even with the commercial breaks!


I've got to say I loved this story...even with the commercial breaks!


And I loved some of those outfits...

Kathi Lake
11-01-2011, 05:31 PM
Clearly I need to start hanging out with you. It sounds like you are perfectly comfortable no matter what the setting is!Awwwww, thanks! How much of that is due to comfort and how much is due to being just this side of Forrest Gump on the 'ol intelligence meter, I can't say. I'm sure that if I thought of it, I'd suddenly realize, "Wait! I'm doing what?!" So, here's to believing in the "ignorance is bliss" theory.


I've got to say I loved this story...even with the commercial breaks! And I loved some of those outfits...Well, I type so much that without commercial breaks, even I would have problems - and I have a bladder of steel! And gee, you only loved some of my outfits? Gasp! You wound me, Liz! :)


11-01-2011, 07:21 PM
Well, I type so much that without commercial breaks, even I would have problems - and I have a bladder of steel! And gee, you only loved some of my outfits? Gasp! You wound me, Liz! :)


Ha well I should have said I loved some you may have not...Liked the skirt :)

It was cute. I loved how the skirt fell, and how it gave me some much-needed shape. Still, I wasn't in love with it

Im not much on the boots though, sorry Kath, just not my style...unless maybe they were worn with tights :)

But! I really likes the white top and the shrug outfit!


11-01-2011, 09:06 PM
I loved the story, but I have to kvetch about the photos. They're showing up on my monitor as backlit blobs. Were they taken with a proper camera with a flash or a phone? Who took them for you, the shop girls? Or is it my monitor?

Kathi Lake
11-01-2011, 09:10 PM
Backlit blobs, eh? Nope. That's just me!


They were taken by a proper camera (well, it's a 10 megapixel handheld) with the flash when it was too dark (my first three). I would check your monitor.

Ah, I went back and saw what you meant. In the dressing room, there is a light sconce opposite the mirror. I tried to keep my head in front of it, but that may be where you're getting the 'backlit' thing. Also, in order to post the pics here, they have to be pretty compressed. Still, try turning up the brightness on your monitor.


11-01-2011, 10:43 PM
All I can say is that I always remove my nail polish last and I ALWAYS leave just a little bit around the cuticles (except for the time I forgot to remove it at all and ran into a bunch of people I knew at a fair). I just want to remember that Christine exists and is seriously depressed about getting put away in the basement or attic. But what few people realize is just how hard it is to look good as a girl-- this is true for both CDs and GGs, but harder for CDs. So many details, so much effort and time. And, with that many details, it is inevitable that something on the transitioning or retransitioning side will slip by. (Oh gosh, honey, those Chantelle undergarments in my suitcase were really for you! Really! I just thought you were an M not an S. ((something you are NEVER allowed to think of a GG)). So fear not, and keep your supply of removers handy at all times.
Best, Christine

Christina Horton
11-02-2011, 08:57 AM
Wonderful story.... As always. But did I read right that,your not done????? If so MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!

11-02-2011, 02:09 PM
Kathi, I love reading your stories. Reading of your adventures bring a thrill to me, must be so good for you. Perhaps you should collect them in a book someday, you never know what might happen. Oh, by the way you look good in all those outfits.


I'll second this thought. Or maybe a television series on HBO or Showtime chronicling your adventures while trying to balance it all between being a married dad in suburbia between excursions.

Kathi Lake
11-02-2011, 04:42 PM
. . . chronicling your adventures while trying to balance it all between being a married dad in suburbia between excursions.Oh, good lord!! They'd have to get someone else to play the part of me. I barely have enough time to breathe, much less film a series. Heck, I got here at 7:45 for an 8 a.m. meeting, will work until 5:45, boogie to a meeting with some architects at church, pick up my daughter from ballet at 7:00, get home in time for a con call with my China team at 7:30, maybe eat a little something, say hello to the strange woman in my house. (Oh! It's my wife! :)), catch up on e-mails, and go to bed - and Wednesdays are my easy days! :)

By the way - who should play me on this series? Howard Stern in a dress might be a close approximation. :)

. . . did I read right that, you're not done?????Wellll, I'm done-ish. I could go over the aftermath a little bit:

Monday morning I went to my normal 7-11 for my morning Big Gulp and package of mini pound cakes (breakfast of champions!). I walked in and the girls were all smiles. They said they loved my costume. I looked puzzled and said, "Costume? What costume. Oh, you mean last Friday! Come on, it was casual Friday! Do I have to wear a skirt suit and pumps every day?! I thought my sweater dress and boots worked fine for the office. What? was I too casual?" They laughed and said looked great, and even had an admirer. I said, "Cool! Who is she?" They said that when I came in, some police were in the back (probably sucking up free coffee and donuts). I went back and filled up my mug, and when I left, they came up and asked about me. Pam (the manager) said to them, "You did realize that she was a guy, right?" Two of the police laughed at the third and said, "So, you'd do her in a heartbeat, huh Ted?" I said, "Ewwwww! I did not need to know that" and went to fill up my mug.

When I came back, they asked if I was going to dress up this 'casual Friday" as well. I told them that other than the pain of heels (I had to tell them something to make them think I was suffering), and how long makeup took to apply (and then you couldn't lick your lips or scratch your nose or anything), that I could dress as a woman any day. It was fun. They said they kinda thought I was hooked since this was my third year in a row dressing up, and I was just wayyyy too good at being a woman. I said, "Guilty" and left.

Later that day, I went to my afternoon soda place (Yes, I drink over 100 ounces of Coke a day. Is that so wrong?), where the woman who saw me last Friday said, "Wow, you look different!" I told them that I was mixing it up so I could keep them on their toes. I came up to the front to pay and she told me that the manager said she didn't recognize me last week. Odd, as I go in there a few times a day. I guess that goes to show that when we are dressed, we really do look different. That should help our confidence levels.

She continued, saying that when she told the manager who I was, that she didn't believe her. I jokingly said I barely believed it myself, as when I was dressed as a guy, I was pretty darn handsome, but as a woman . . . yuck! She said, "Oh, don't be such a butt! You were beautiful! You were definitely the hottest thing in the store last week - girl or guy. We were totally jealous!" I did a dramatic hair flip and said, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!" That got an interesting look from the guy at the next register. :)

So, no fallout so far from my event. And Christina, that's the end. For now, anyway.

