View Full Version : Got hit on at the club, Did I handle this alright?

10-28-2011, 09:37 PM
I met with a couple of cd friends at the club last night. Actually, one is in transition. Anyway, I was having a great time, had a couple of drinks, listening to music, and talking with friends. I had to go the the restroom, so headed there. I made it about halfway and a really big (Schwarzenegger), with better looks than him. He asked me what I wanted. I told him, "Right now I want to go pee!" He waited for me, then whispered in my ear "Anything you want honey, you got it".:eek: I was really flattered, but was not there for a date, and don't want one. Besides that, I didn't even know his name! :straightface::straightface: I just told him, "I like females a lot, got one?" Then I smiled and walked away. He just looked dumbfounded! I wondered if I handled it okay? Hope I wasn't too rude or anything? Hope I didn't hurt his feelings!

Christina Horton
10-28-2011, 09:48 PM
That is a good way to not out yourself and still save his ego. You did just fine Hun. Just think. If you hit on a burl and she said that what would you think?,

10-28-2011, 09:55 PM
I agree wih Christina.
Sounds like an evening of boozy fun. I bet the guy you ran into won't even rememebr what he said to you.

I'e had guys say all sorts of things to me when I'm out. I'm sure I've left a sea of dissapointment, but the reality for me is I have to go out and be me for a while......and that confuses some people since I'm boringly straight.

10-28-2011, 09:58 PM
It doesn't sound like it was too offensive. I'd be flattered if a guy hit on me, even though I only date women.

I think it would have been rude if he was a little less forward. He sounds like he was being a player, and just dismissing a player is part of the game that he created.

I went out to a gay bar (in fem) a few years ago and a really sweet man talked to me for about an hour. I'm not gay but he made me feel pretty and attractive, and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with him. I still feel bad for not giving him my number or ever calling him. I'm not gay but I was more attracted to him than half of the women I meet and have nothing in common with. He made me wish I was sexually attracted to him. Those are the tough ones. It taught me a lesson about sexuality (mostly that it is a very fluid thing, especially when male presenting as a female).

Congrats for being so attractive. You must make a pretty hot chick!

10-28-2011, 10:47 PM
It doesn't sound like it was too offensive. I'd be flattered if a guy hit on me, even though I only date women.

I think it would have been rude if he was a little less forward. He sounds like he was being a player, and just dismissing a player is part of the game that he created.

I went out to a gay bar (in fem) a few years ago and a really sweet man talked to me for about an hour. I'm not gay but he made me feel pretty and attractive, and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with him. I still feel bad for not giving him my number or ever calling him. I'm not gay but I was more attracted to him than half of the women I meet and have nothing in common with. He made me wish I was sexually attracted to him. Those are the tough ones. It taught me a lesson about sexuality (mostly that it is a very fluid thing, especially when male presenting as a female).

Congrats for being so attractive. You must make a pretty hot chick!

I am so sorry if I hurt your feelings, or brought up memories of lost things. I am not a "hot chick" at all, rather plain I think. On the other hand, I think you are very attractive. i am not gay, and was only looking for assurances that I did Not hurt his feelings, that's all. Again, I am sorry if I made you feel bad in any way.

Cynthia Anne
10-28-2011, 10:49 PM
Wow girl! I've got to remember that one! 'Schwarzeneggar' is a little dense anyhow! He's proberly still wondering where he went wrong!:heehee: Hugs!

10-28-2011, 11:31 PM
If he's "dense" what does that make the voters in California who elected him??......:D

10-29-2011, 08:41 AM
Pretty much the perfect answer. Can't think of a better one. If I go to clubs, I always wear a wedding ring as well and just flick the ring to them.

10-29-2011, 08:49 AM
Pretty much the perfect answer. Can't think of a better one. If I go to clubs, I always wear a wedding ring as well and just flick the ring to them.

That doesn't always work Jilleanne. Remember that pic I posted yesterday? I was wearing my wedding band at the club that night and still got 2 drinks bought for me and my rear end grabbed while standing at the bar getting a drink. Of course, being bi I really didn't have much of a problem with it. My wife thought it was funny as hell!

Cynthia Anne
10-29-2011, 08:59 AM
If he's "dense" what does that make the voters in California who elected him??......:D

Go figure!!!!!!!!:heehee::hugs:

Christina Horton
10-29-2011, 09:27 AM
I have guys hit on me on Facebook all the time but never in real life.... Kind of makes me think I look better in pic but not in real life lol.

10-29-2011, 10:33 AM
I have guys hit on me on Facebook all the time but never in real life.... Kind of makes me think I look better in pic but not in real life lol.

my male alter ego would see what you were getting into after school, Christina! :*

10-29-2011, 10:46 AM
I think it's flattering that u even have to even consider this issue, Jose!

Go figure!!!!!!!!:heehee::hugs:

Actually, Cynthia, only the folks in SoCal r all blond. In NoCal, they're all brunettes! Main reason we should be 2 states!

10-29-2011, 10:52 AM
i think you handled that excellently, especially the smile and walk-away at the end. the one time it happened to me, i just told the guy, "sorry, you're not my type - you're the wrong sex!" with a big smile on my face. he smiled back, said thanks, and walked off to find someone who was the right sex :)

10-29-2011, 11:33 AM
I don't think you hurt his feelings, Josephine. He probably wasn't used to being turned down (if he had the Schwarzenegger build and good looks) so he was probably just trying to figure out why.

It's a good thing that he didn't say, "I'll be back" just before you walked away. :heehee:

10-29-2011, 11:29 PM
That was outstanding. I'm going to use it the next time I get hit on!

10-29-2011, 11:45 PM
Depends on how you feel about beening with a guy? You do look great! and pass very easy....I did at one time feel like you....I did take the chance and had fun with a man. At first it was going out.dancing and as long as you are being up front with him things will work out.

10-29-2011, 11:59 PM
WOW! Great post. I was wondering what I would do or say to a guy in that situation.
Yesterday I got "Cat Called" awhile driving on the highway...I was shocked!
I would like to hear from more sister who get out more than I do!
What do you say if your boringly straight like some of us girls???

10-30-2011, 12:03 AM
You got away with your skin, and skinned him cleanly in the process, Cynthia, so that qualifies as an "Oscar Meyer" to me (that's a "weiner," girl) (Pun intended).