View Full Version : Ten Years From Now . . . .

11-08-2011, 01:49 PM
Until this year, I had been on cruise control for a depressingly long time in so far as my crossdressing was concerned. Although I did not realize it at the time, I had failed to recognize just how stagnant I had become, and how much I was missing out on in life. I was very much in denial about many things, and I was completely blind to this tragedy . . . .

Just over the past several months, however, I have really begun to open my eyes, view the surrounding world anew, and reevaluate my life. In this, I have changed much. I have evolved, learned, and opened up more than I ever previously thought possible in the past. The recent changes I view within myself are stark, profound, intense, overwhelming, scary, emotional, and necessary. The changes are also both magnificently glorious and frighteningly troublesome at the same time.

So what can I expect ten years down the road from now? I have absolutely no idea. I have changed so much of late, and in ways I simply could not have predicted even several months ago, that I am clueless as to what the future holds. Of course, it may be that thoughts of the future simply scare the complete crap out of me, and that I will end up as a jumbled, quivering, crying basket case mess laying on the floor holding on for dear life in the fetal position if I think too deeply about it right now, but I digress . . . .

Regardless, for those of you that may have a crystal ball - where do you see yourself as a crossdresser ten years from now?

Sweet Sabrina
11-08-2011, 02:01 PM
Hopefully I'll still be able to pull a somewhat sexy and pretty look. And hopefully I'll still have all my friends here I've made a lot of them here and your included. Heres too many many years of continued happiness and prettiness.
Not sure if that's an actual word but I'm using it anyway It's a Bush-ism. Making my own words

S. Lisa Smith
11-08-2011, 02:10 PM
I'll be 72 and hopefully a sexy grandma.

Nikki A.
11-08-2011, 02:31 PM
Hopefully retired and not giving a rat's ass what people think. Will I dress 24/7 I don't think so, but if you asked me 5 yrs ago, I never would have thought I would be where I am now.

11-08-2011, 02:33 PM
Still knocking back screwdrivers and looking sexy Anne.

But to be serious the pink fog can get in the way of common sense and get us into trouble as time goes on.
Just stay sensible and we will be enjoying posting P.M.s to each other in ten years from now girl.



Toni Citara
11-08-2011, 02:34 PM
Where will I be in ten years? Hard to say, but at the rate this job search is going, probably homeless. LOL

As far as crossdressing... probably about the same, just more heels in the closet to choose from.

Kate Simmons
11-08-2011, 02:39 PM
If you take a positive approach, full acceptance of yourself and your feelings and not being afraid to show them in either mode. I had previously always thought that the end result HAD to be transition but it's really not for everyone. Evolving into a full spectrum person is what it became for myself but everyone is different. In any case, knowing who you are definately puts you ahead of the "crowd" in more ways than one. That became my own priority. ;):)

11-08-2011, 02:41 PM
Ten years from now, I hope to still be able to enjoy dressing, I'll be 73. That's almost a hard number to type.
What the future is, who knows, we can only wish.

11-08-2011, 02:41 PM
Anne, in ten years I'll be retired and all wrinkly.lol. I took me decades to accept my CDing. Wish I had done it sooner. It's cool to be me, no more feeling bad about it!

11-08-2011, 02:45 PM
At my age today plus ten, I hope that I am still alive, healthy and have enough money to continue living my life as best possible, and that means life in all aspects, just not this TG side of me.

11-08-2011, 02:48 PM
Honestly, other than being 10 years older, approaching retirement age and I hope still happily married, my vision of the future is one where I can spend the majority of my life as a woman...well at least presenting as one. Over just the past few months, I've taken the first few tentative steps out of the house and into the community and I've discovered that I really do enjoy being out among the living. Its a little difficult to imagine being able to live my entire life this way, but I'm not greedy. Anything over 60% will be OK, 75% wonderful, and 90% spectacular.

Anna Lorree
11-08-2011, 02:50 PM
Ten years from now is when my kids will be moving out. That will open up chances for travel and time alone with my wife that I don't have now. That should allow me to go and do more dressing at events, and just around the house. By then my wife will have either gotten used to this, or have left me. Personally, I hope she stays and gets used to it.


11-08-2011, 02:53 PM
My guess is ten years from now I will still be the same as I am now, just dressing when I feel the need to. My hope is I will be more comfortable with myself for being like this though. I also hope to have a bigger and better wardrobe and better makeup skills by then too. :)

Kathi Lake
11-08-2011, 02:58 PM
I have no idea where I'll be in 10 minutes - much less 10 years!

I'm not exactly what you would call a 'planner.' I totally identify with Forrest Gump (and not just for the cool haircut!) - I tend to 'float' from one situation to another. It kinda goes with my philosophy of life; "It's all good."

So, where will I be? You know, with as many paths as life gives us, the possibilities are endless. As long as I'm challenged, interested, happy, and safe, I don't care where I'll be in 10 years. I just hope that the journey from here to there is fun.



11-08-2011, 03:13 PM
It's a very difficult question. I started crossdressing when I was but 12 years old. Yet, I didn't blossom into the ravishing total woman I am today until only about seven years ago. (Yeah, yeah....save it!) I owned no clothes of my own, and hid this side of myself away from every other person on earth. It was only when I began branching out and purchasing my own clothing, and buying a wig for the first time, that I found this forum, and had the opportunity to discuss things with others like myself. It was a true rebirth for me, as it often is for many of the ladies who come here.

So I can't really even calculate the changes I've made in the past ten years. It's like night and day. However, ten years from now, I'll be embarking on my years as a senior citizen. I'll likely have to make many changes again that are age-related. I doubt the gorgeous long hair I enjoy today will fly very well when I'm old and wrinkly. My wife may well have tossed in the towel by then, allowing me more liberty in my adventures in gender-land. Who knows? By then, pantyhose might even be back in style!

One thing is for sure, though. I'll likely still be crossdressing with as much taste and class as I can muster, still endeavoring to be every inch a lady. But it's unlikely that any greater change can happen for me than has happened in the past 7 years.

11-08-2011, 03:20 PM
I see myself dressing full time as a woman after my body has become shaped like one. However I definitely do NOT see myself as getting SRS.

I will probably not dress to stand out in everyday settings but to blend in.

I am hoping that my dear wife will be alive, in good health, and living by my side.


11-08-2011, 03:22 PM
I've already started hormones but I really don't have a schedule for SRS. I certinly want to be living fulltime as a woman by then.
Maybe if I could I wouldn't need SRS.

11-08-2011, 03:35 PM
I often wonder what I would have done if I could have seen a psychic who could see both paths for 10 years or 10 years ahead.

I finally came out about 22 years ago. If the psychic could see in the Crystal ball, she would have seen what would have happened if I had NOT transitioned. She would have seen that I would only see my children 20 times in 19 years. She would have seen that I would gain 150 lbs, that I would have a heart attack and a stroke. She would have also seen that I would play a significant role in making the Internet available to the general public, getting thousands of publishers to put content on the Web, and showing them how to do it very cheaply, making it possible for millions of content providers to get their content on the Web. She would have seen that I would also help expand the Internet globally by taking used computers, sending them to Asia, Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe, and teaching techs in those countries to put Linux on them. She would have seen that I would be a key player in E-Commerce, helping businesses buy and sell goods via the Internet. I would help improve the lives of thousands, then millions, then billions of people. But because I wanted the option of making the transition, I would have always been careful to make sure that I did NOT make the newspapers and national media. I would work behind the scenes, like the Phantom of the Opera. The "Phantom of the Internet", giving Bill Gates a run for his money, yet even HE would never meet me in person (I missed him by 2 hours because we both had tight schedules).

But what would she have seen if I had gone for the transition to Debbie? Perhaps I would have stayed much healthier. I would have worked more directly with people. I might have done more to help stop drug addition. Would I have helped thousands? Or Millions? Or Billions? And since I had already transitioned, would I have guarded my anonymity so much? Or would I have been more willing to be known as someone like Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman?

Because I'm an ex-addict, I would probably have resisted the temptation of large sums of cash and net worth. I would have opted instead for a more "residual" income, and at the same time, would have been to restless to just sit back and collect the money. I would continue to find ways to make a difference, but perhaps in different ways than I do today.

If I had transitioned back in 1990 or 1991, I would have continued to watch my weight, keep my figure, and exercise. My health would have been better. On the other hand, my children may not have wanted to see me at all anymore. I would probably still have moved to the NYC area, but I might have actually moved into the city. I might have been more interested in dealing with people, in sales, and in a more visible role. I might have still followed my interest in the Internet, since that was the first place I was ever able to openly discuss my cross-dressing, and it gave other people the ability to discuss their issues too. I probably wouldn't have had the stroke or the heart attack. Would I have found a different lover? Would I have stayed with a woman? Or would I have completed the SRS and started looking for men? Or would I have become a NYC Lipstick Lesbian? Would I have resisted the temptation of easy sex with men? Would I have had more partners? Would I have caught one of the many STDs I managed to avoid as a result of my monogamy?

And here I am, 20 years later, asking the same questions!

If I don't transition, will I let myself go again and have a fatal stroke or heart attack? Would I finally succumb to the temptation of reincarnation, realizing that the only chance I have of being a young and beautiful woman would be to die and start over? Or would I find new places to contribute to the world? Would I look for ways to introduce new technologies that would solve even more of the world's problems?

If I do transition, will I lose weight and get back to a sexy and healthy weight? Will I start dancing again? Will I get back the youth and exuberance I had in my twenties and thirties? Will I stop hiding out and start taking a more visible and public role in my leadership roles? Would I take on new problems? Would I take on new ways to transform the economy and the world? Would I be willing to be known even as woman who was once a man? Would I be pretty enough, sexy enough, and powerful enough that nobody would care that I was ever a man?

Or, would my age catch up with me? Would I grow breasts, only to have them sagging almost immediately. Would my knees hurt so bad that I couldn't wear heels on a regular basis no matter how much I love the way they look? Would I become even MORE recluse, trying to avoid the sniggers and rude comments of coworkers and clients who are homophobic and transphobic. Would I end up losing my current wife and never see my children and grandchildren anymore? Would I feel safe travelling, on the subway, on airplanes. Would I get hassled by airport security, even though I have all the right credentials?

Unfortunately, I don't have that Crystal ball that can see a perfect view of the results of either choice. Transitioning is a choice that can alter history, can alter the future, and could impact the lives of dozens of people, hundreds of people, thousands of people, even millions of people.

I could get hit by a bus, or have a fatal stroke tomorrow. Or I could spend the next 10-20 years taking on projects to help grow the global economy. All I can really do is take on what there is to do, one day at a time. If that includes taking some time to permanently remove the darkest of my facial hair, or go on a daily walk to help lose another 70-80 lbs and get back to a size 12 skirt. Maybe I'll take on some projects to help in other areas. Or maybe I'll just take on giving 3 units of platelets twice a month - see if I can donate 72 units in a year. Maybe I'll apply my transformation skills to drug addiction and poverty.

I'm really beginning to think that I'll just have to continue to ask for God's daily guidance. I don't have to be stopped by religious dogma, but I also don't have to be driven by a compulsion to rebel either.

Alice Torn
11-08-2011, 04:26 PM
I have trouble enough living a day at a time, in this cold, cruel world! Ten years? One thing is for sure. It won't be a world like it is now! A greater worldwide depression is likely, a world war is likely, the second coming is likely. Drossdressing may not be an issue, then. Human survival, food, water, shelter, warmth, will likely be the big issues then.

11-08-2011, 04:42 PM
I don't have a goal for my crossdressing, except to enjoy it to whatever extent I can, for as long as I can. I'm so vain, there's a good possibility that I will give it up when I can no longer be happy with what I see in the mirror. I just don't know at what age that will be.

11-08-2011, 05:51 PM
Ten years from now I'll be checking into that diaper fetish thing.

11-08-2011, 06:08 PM
I don't plan that far ahead anymore. Not that I ever made hard plans before. I had ideas of what would happen and I was wrong on everything. So my crystal ball is more lead glass.

For some reason I have always figured that in 10 years from now I would be at the end. 65 years old. Seems like a good round number. One thing is for sure I will still be trying to look as good as I can and hopefully enjoying the time I have

11-08-2011, 06:10 PM

stupid 20 word character.....

11-08-2011, 06:19 PM
If the next 10 years are anything like the last 10, then I probably wouldn't be on a crossdressers' forum in 10 years.

11-08-2011, 09:37 PM
In 10 years I see my retirement savings grow into the millions. I take early retirement and decide to use my time to advance the "T" cause. I become a political advocate in my state and push for more law changes and awareness.

Or..... My retirement sucks and I am looking at working well into my 70s. But it is good because I am still dressing regularly and am accepted by family and friends. And by some fluke, no one at work has found out yet. Life is good.

11-08-2011, 09:47 PM
10 years. Likely I will have just retired. Tina will have had a lot more time to understand who she is (only 6 years so far!) and I expect her to be pretty well ensconsed in life! I'm not sure what "ensconsed" will mean, but I'm pretty sure that she'll be pretty comfortable with herself and her life!

11-08-2011, 09:47 PM
I'll probably be wearing cougar clothes. I need to find somebody to help me stop aging!

11-08-2011, 09:51 PM
I'll be 72 and hopefully a sexy grandma.

And still with 10 on the nose I hope! :battingeyelashes:

(Longboards Rule)

11-08-2011, 09:52 PM
In ten years, I won't even qualify for social security yet . At thre going rate, that day will be in 12 years.
Luckily I'm working on a decent retirement package, which I can only get from my existing employer...so that means I have to stick it out.
I'm artistic and creative, and I plan on living out my golden years being an artist somewhere on a nice coastal spot. Key West, Savannah, Charleston, Martha's Vinyard. .....just make it include owning a nice big sailboat, that's all I care. :c9:
Nathalie will very much be a part of that situation.
As for any type of transition, I'm too on the fence with that issue, which leads me to believe that it might not be right for me.....who knows? The thought never seems to go away.

11-08-2011, 09:54 PM
Regardless, for those of you that may have a crystal ball - where do you see yourself as a crossdresser ten years from now?

Ten years?!?!?! Good lord, this has been one helluva year since I boarded the transgender express last December! I'm afraid to look. . .

Sarah Doepner
11-08-2011, 10:13 PM
If the last 10 years are anything like the next 10 years I will probably be more involved in the community and out to some friends and family. With a little luck I won't pick up the same weight that I have and will begin to move back toward smaller dress sizes. In the next 10 years I may be able to do a few more things to improve my presentation or make it easier to get ready. I'll probably still have clothes that I haven't worn out of the house.

11-08-2011, 10:19 PM
With the year I have had, thinking forward 10 years is difficult. I would hope I am doing the same as I am currently, only that the skirts or dresses would be a little longer and the heels shorter.

Rianna Humble
11-09-2011, 02:17 AM
I may be cheating a little by replying here, but in 10 years time, my days of having to cross-dress should be well and truly in my historical past. After all, I gave up dressing as the man I never was over 15 months ago.

Although they always tell you that past performance is no guarantee of future growth, the chances are that I will still be an advocate for trans rights and supporting as many of my cross-dressing friends and acquaintances as possible.

Sara Jessica
11-09-2011, 09:38 AM
10 years from now, let's see. My goal is actually fairly simple. To have survived being on my middle path with everything I love intact. To achieve happiness on all fronts. To be the best I can be no matter how I present myself to this wonderful world.

11-09-2011, 10:46 AM
10 years from now I will be in better shape than I am today since I have now made working out in some form part of my daily routine, which means a smaller dress size! LOL! I will have enough nerve to take a cruise totally en femme. I am excited about the future. I kinda look at it like some of my backpacking excursions, I can't wait to see what's around the next corner.

11-09-2011, 06:08 PM
…where do you see yourself as a crossdresser ten years from now?

I hope I make it. Right now, it’s impossible to tell…:eek:

If I make it, I’ll be crossdressing just like I am now. I’m very set in my ways, very comfortable with my “self,” and anxious to carry things through to their inevitable conclusion…

Maybe, in ten years time, I’ll be sitting on the front porch, taking digital photos of the autumn foliage AND my painted toenails…:daydreaming:

As far as this place is concerned, I HOPE I’m not going to be sitting here in ten years, with 10,000+ posts, “discussing” the definition of crossdresser vs. transvestite for the umpteenth time!

Alice B
11-09-2011, 06:18 PM
At my age I'll be happy to be alive 10 years from now.

11-09-2011, 11:25 PM
I'm not sure where I'll be next year this time, let alone in 10 years. But I must say the thoughts about becoming a woman have never gone away even in the years of suppression, now that I have accepted some things about myself....... In ten years who knows.


11-09-2011, 11:29 PM
I live day to day,the future will be what it shall be.

11-09-2011, 11:31 PM
In ten years I hope to have transitioned, and be living in las Vegas.

11-09-2011, 11:48 PM
Ten years from now? Technological advancement will allow us to recycle our soul and spawn on earth again then you can pick your race, sex, appearance!
But just keep it mind, time will just proceed forward and never goes back if you have something important other than cross dressing to do, don't be late or regret.

11-10-2011, 12:20 AM
Ten years from now? Hummmm.......

I will have been the Supreme World Leader for 10 years and will have given all my girlfriends at CD.com whatever they may have wished for. MUAHahahahahah

Applications are available at SupremeWorldLeader.com ;)

christina s
11-10-2011, 12:29 AM
Nothing too crazy . Hopefully find a SO who is cool with my dressing and find that zen state that i'm trying to achieve now of trying to balance my guy and fem side .

There is a part of me that is curious about going full time though if i look decent after the weight loss lol .

Phylis Nicole Schuyler
11-10-2011, 03:11 AM
In ten years from now I intend to the best CD watercolor artist in the world. Seriously! Also, I intend to be around just to p#ss people off. LOL

11-10-2011, 04:23 PM
Ten years? Since "the boys" will have likely fallen off by then due to overwork or under-use, I'll have more hair on my head than in my nose, a bigger butt, softer albeit more wrinkly skin, etc... I'll likely look like Sean Connery with man-boobs.

Where will I be? Here, with my family and getting ready to financially push the kids into university. Since my wife now knows of my *ahem* interests, I'll likely be given a chance to dress with her now and again but will likely have to remain in the closet. I'm guess I'm happy with that, so I won't need to go much further. Transitioning is not in the foreseeable future.

The only scary thing on the horizon are the teenage years of my kids! YIKES!
