View Full Version : Going out? Nervous

10-21-2005, 03:11 PM
Hi all. Just wanted to say, I'm a little nervous here. This weekend my wife and I are invited to a Halloween party, and a costume is required. Now, I would not have asked to do this, although I must say I am looking forward to it. My wife suggested that I go dressed as a French Maid! We had the costume for her from last year. So last night we went to the costume store and I got a petticoat (what a wonderful thing) and some other stuff to complete the outfit, while my wife picked up a new costume as well. Then we went to the shoe store and purchased a new pair of shoes for me to wear with the outfit. It was a great evening.

My question is, I am a little nervous about this whole thing. Although I really want to go out enfemme, I am worried about being too femme, ya know. Like people will see that< hey he is really good at looking and acting like a girl. So should I Drab it up a little, or really go for it and get all dolled up?

I don't really now anyone at this party as it is at one of my wifes new co-worker's house. I'm just nervous about handlinh myself appropriately, as to not let the cat out of the bag so to speak. Any advice on first outings? She says, "its just a costume", But I know better. This is a step I have been dreaming of for years. Being able to walk out the front door, fully dressed, and get in the car and go out in public. What do ya all say?

Shelly Preston
10-21-2005, 03:19 PM
I'm inclined to say go for it. How many opportunites will you get to be a french maid, but I can understand your reluctance.

I expect you can always say you wife insisted you made a real effort (so you did )

Be guided by your wife as she know the people attending

10-21-2005, 03:24 PM
drab it up a little if you start getting to feminine just put a unlit cigar in ur mouth and that will bring everyone back to their senses (make it a filtertip cause them things taste bad)

10-21-2005, 03:30 PM
Hi Tammy,

It sounds like the perfect opportunity to go out en femme but I know the what your thinking. You may consider making it a little humorous by not shaving your face. You could wear everything but still not be suspected by being funny. Just a thought.

Love, Jo

10-21-2005, 03:35 PM
Tammy..... RELAX and have fun. It's Halloween and no one will really care if you pass or don't pass.

Vivian Best
10-21-2005, 03:41 PM
I am worried about being too femme, ya know. Like people will see that< hey he is really good at looking and acting like a girl. So should I Drab it up a little, or really go for it and get all dolled up?

Tammy, I'd go for it in a New York minute as the old saying goes. To me, the prettier you are the better they should like it. And besides that, if they don't it's their loss. Have fun and tell us about it.


Odette30UK GG
10-21-2005, 03:51 PM
From a GG thats trying to convince SammyJoUK to go out on halloween,
Go you'll have so much fun.....
I can understand that if you look to convincing then people will think your a CDer but so what, you'll probably get some great reactions and some will say you look great..... You'll come back buzzing and if you feel like it didn't go well you can then look at what you think may need touching up a little.
IE: If you pass you know for next time you go out that you do pass..... very encouraging.... Plus your wife won't see a problem with going out with you again enfemme
If you don't then you'll know theres things that need changing - maybe its only how you waggle your bum or even how you drink.... Just ask your wife to keep and eye on your mannerisms and see what she says afterwoods.

If I were going out with Sammy to a halloween do, then I wouldn't introduce her as my husband, i'd say she's my other half..... and let them work it out for themselves ......

Ohh and watch out for those women eatters at this party.... you might get hit on..... (but thats a great boost to your ego)

Have one for me will ya ohh and we all want plenty of photo's plsssssssssssss

Hugs and GL


10-21-2005, 04:13 PM
Tammy... yes please please take pictures.

Sissy Jay.... great, now we need a picture. Did you get matching slippers too?

10-21-2005, 05:48 PM
I'd say go for it and have a great time...

Maybe, throw in a stumble here and there and just say 'new shoes'.
You would be telling the truth ;)

Phoebe Reece
10-21-2005, 05:49 PM
Tammy, just relax and enjoy the experience. Your wife is right: "It's just a costume."

If anyone asks, just tell them it was all your wife's idea (true). Since they mostly don't know you, they may just assume you are one of those perfectionists that just has to be the best at whatever they do - even dressing up as a woman. Quote the scout motto "Always do your best" for them.

I have many times gone to halloween parties while dressed as my femme best. I have always gotten compliments from my friends (who did not know about my crossdressing) on not only my skill of transformation, but on having the guts to do it ("It takes a real man to wear a dress in public...").

Have a great time, and be sure to post some pictures for us!

10-21-2005, 06:26 PM
Lucky you Tammy, to get such an opportunity, you can't let it go! You've got to go full on for this one. Let your wife do your make-up too, then if you really need an excuse, you can say not only that it was her idea, but she made a good job of you too. No one needs to know that you can do a good job for yourself!

Nearest thing I've done to this, is to wear a kilt (with sporran, jacket shoes etc.) on Burns night. and that got a lot of complements. I could just immagine the praise you'll get for having the b*lls to dress top to toe as a french maid! If you do bottle out, give me a call. I'd relish the opportunity myself. Sadly, with a disapproving wife, I'm never going to get the opportunity otherwise!


10-21-2005, 06:50 PM
I say go for it.:D , But you must tell us all about it.:p

Brittany R Male
10-21-2005, 07:11 PM
I say go for it.:D , But you must tell us all about it.:p
You only live once enjoy and have lots of fun . I think you will never regret it
unless you become too intoxicated and do something you may live to regret. In other words try to be the perfecrt lady. And everyone will show you respect. Thin later on you and you"rs can do anything at you'r home party later. Ps try to look you"r verry best as I always do . I HAVE MADE MANY FRIENDS as Brittany . And Brittany likes to show up the ladys. Lots of the ladys are always asking Brittany about make up ect. I never half :thumbsup: ass anything as a man or woman. Put you'r hart into it you look verry cute and
I know you will have an unregretable time.

10-21-2005, 07:18 PM
Go for it. Give it a nice try!

10-21-2005, 07:25 PM
Tammy, just go for it with everything you have! I did the maid thing a few years ago. It is one of my best memories. I won 2nd place in a contest, was hit on by a GG french maid :o , was asked to dance all night long. I know I wasn't fooling anyone, but EVERYONE was have a great time... especially me! So put on those pretty petti's, get glammed up to the nines, and have the time of your life! And yes, we do expect pictures!

Kaitlyn Michele
10-21-2005, 07:45 PM

it is sooo totally up to YOU!!!!! what do YOU want...

some guys might make fun, some gals may compliment you..some might think you're a girl? who knows... what do YOU want?

i would say if it were me i'd have a hard time doing it..i have alot of guy friends and i would not be comfortable..but if its people i didnt know and my wife was for it...you have a great excuse if you get there and feel uncomfortable...also if you get totally femme and feel uncomfy, you can drab it up on the spot...certainly alot easier than trying to get more femme after its too late...but its only my 2 cents...

what do YOU! want??

hope you are happy with your decision !!!!

Jodi Lynn
10-21-2005, 08:09 PM
I agree with most of the girls, GO FOR IT SIS and have fun while you do.

Hugs Jodi Lynn

Marlena Dahlstrom
10-21-2005, 08:56 PM
I say go for it. If anyone else, just tell them that if you're going to dress up, you're going to do it right. Since you're going with your wife, you can always say she helped you out.

10-21-2005, 09:47 PM
Tanks for the encouragement! I learned from my wife today that another co worker's boyfriend is dressing in an evening gown, so I knida went from nervous to - I guess I'd better show him up. I want to be the prettiest CD in the room! Funny though, his girlfriend made a comment to my wife "its wierd how guys will do anything to wear womens clothing". Could it possibly be? Guess I see. Anyway, we went out and even got me some new lipstick tonight and some other essentials. I don't know whats going on here lately, but I'm really not complaining. Oh ya, I'll try my best with some pics!

10-22-2005, 12:08 AM
Well, contrary to the other posts, wait, contrary isn't the right word, howabout, In agreement with the other posts, go for it.

Victoria Pink
10-22-2005, 12:23 AM
Yep, go for it! I know the nervous feeling, but once you are out you get over that and you will truly experience you femininity.

My wife is taking me shopping to a mall in a couple of weeks. I'm nervous, but I can hardly wait. I'm going to do it!


Franki Kate
10-22-2005, 07:55 AM
Tammy I did just what you are going to do, a few years ago. I went in femme and everyone there knew me as a guy. When I showed as Franki Kate, not a soul knew who I was. I played the role to the hilt. I thought that if I was going to do this "dress thing" do it right. I was standing right next to one of my best friends and he did not even know who I was at the time. One more elderly lady, than myself, asked me to dance and a I asked who she wanted to lead. She said. "I will, of course!" I had a great night at the Holloween party.

10-22-2005, 08:37 AM
Ooooo! What an oppurtunity ! Go for it !

Five years ago, my first public outing was at a costume party, where I went in "business tramp" (slightly too short skirt, nice tight sweater, etc) attire, and everyone loved it. After all, it is Halloween, where everyone dresses up, and has fun, right? That can always be your 'safety valve', if you need it, but my guess is that you'll be the hit of the party.

BTW, this year, I'm going to a party as a casino cocktail waitress (Thank you, eBay!) showing lots of skin, and hoping, maybe, I'll be put to work!:D

Short answer, "Be all that you can be".

Oh, yes, and pics, too!
:D :D :D


10-22-2005, 02:20 PM
Go for it gurl!

But be careful! It seems that you wife maybe more excited about you going out all dolled up than you do.

I did that once. The only time my wife really saw me as "Francine". And to top it off, it was a suggested "role reversal/transgender theme party". My wife went as a "biker dude" so I was her "biker babe", dressed in a leather mini, with a pair of strappy high heels, and fishnet stockings! I had got a lace mock neck top to wear with my leather jacket.

And I can't(won't) tell you what happened after the party, but it made it one of the more memorable times of my life!

10-23-2005, 09:57 AM
Hi all, Just wanted to say.........This Sucks, the party got cancelled due to bad weather, it rained all day. I was soooooo looking forward to this party. Was seriously bummed out last ngiht. Not to mention that we have spent over a hundred bucks in our costumes (I am pretty cheap). Anyway, thanks for all the encouragement and I will have to hope that another opportunity arrises.

10-23-2005, 11:31 AM
So find another party, honey! I'm sure there will be all kinds of them next weekend. If no friends or co-workers are doing anything, check out the action at some of the local clubs. Surely you don't want to see all that money spent on costumes go to waste... not to mention to get out of the closet!

10-23-2005, 06:34 PM
Thanks Holly, I mentioned to my wife that maybe we should have a party. But the only downside to that is that I wouldn't be out and about ya know?
Where we live, I don't expect to find many parties where I could dress Femme, kinda rural around here,

Marlena Dahlstrom
10-24-2005, 12:50 AM
Well there's always trick-or-treating... :D

10-26-2005, 01:52 AM
If you do anything but do it up right this time. You will hate yourself in the motning. LOL

Really I know all about it. Been there done that!


Oh this is my Halloween costume, did wear it out with the Wife last weekend to a party and again this coming weekend.

Daphne Renee
10-26-2005, 12:04 PM
Thats too bad.. However I say find another party to go to.. I am looking for a costume contest myself. There are a few around here and probably some around where you live as well. Just have fun thats the most important thing.