View Full Version : Now Where Did That Come From?

11-19-2011, 06:30 AM
I was sitting here this morning reading various threads and it occurred to me I had completely forgotten an incident that happened to me a few years back. I had my home listed for sale and was still in the 'closet' at the time. After spending time en femme, I decided to wash out my bra by hand. It was a beautiful sunny day so rather than throw it in the dryer , I decided to hang it over the handrail on the rear deck of my home, in the sun to dry. Off I went doing whatever and completely forgot the darn thing on the deck. Next day the realtor stopped by with some clients, noticed the bra, grabbed it without the clients seeing him do it, and stuffed it under the cushion of the chair in the great room. Later that day he told me what happened and I just made up an excuse as to why my s/o left it there and promised to talk to her about it.

So, who else remembers a close call?.

11-19-2011, 07:15 AM
my close call---i wash my bras and then hang them in the laundry room to dry....well i had my best freind come over and we went thru the garage and laundry rom...luckily i remembered and went thru the door first and hurry up and grabbed the bras and just threw them i nteh dryer...as i live by myself and single and it would have been pretty hard ot think of an excuse really fast..


11-20-2011, 01:58 AM
I can't remember any close calls with clothing, but I've answered the door a couple of times having completely forgotten that my nails were painted. Once, I heard the garbage man pull up in the yard, and ran to hand him a bag that needed to go out. After I walked back into the house I realized that fingernails and toenails were both painted metallic blue-green. Same thing happened with a UPS delivery, except they were pink that time. Ah well.

Kimberly Long
11-20-2011, 05:37 AM
Over the years with my wife, I have failed to put some items away, "And they were found". I always gave the dumb answer,"I do not have any idea where it came from"
Years later after coming out, I still remember every item. We were talking one day and I brought the subject it. She told me it was no big deal and just let it pass.

Georgia Rose
11-20-2011, 06:12 AM
Nearly happened to me this weekend. Friday night dressed up and painted fingernails and toenails a light shade of pink. Completely forgot about it come Saturday as I always leave on overnight. I'm out in the yard and on the street doing things then about mid morning suddenly realise I had not taken my polish off. My wife said nothing so I'm assuming she is just used to it. The neighbours well who knows!

11-20-2011, 09:36 AM
Yes, the polish thing was a regular occurrence thing for me also. Thankfully we can chuckle about it now but at the time it wasn't funny. lol

11-20-2011, 09:48 AM
when I was stationed in Germany I answered the door for my neighbor and my toes nails were painted red and I know she saw them but she said nothing.

Cynthia Anne
11-20-2011, 10:20 AM
Years ago I had just got done with my makeup and was putting my dress on when I heard my motherinlaw in the front room! I dashed to the shower very quickly! I don't know if she saw me or not! Hugs!

11-20-2011, 11:17 AM
Well, my wife took my hand in church a few years ago. "Is this nail glue on you fingers?" she hissed in my ear. Whoops.

And Saturday, she said, "Have you been outside the house in the side yard again? Someone moved the trash can and didn't put it back!" She wants me to stay inside the house for my pictures. But I was in the side yard and of course, had to take the trash can out of the photo. Anybody can forget something.

And I was driving a TG friend home and she (he) suddenly wanted me to stop to pick up a quick pizza while she waited in my car. Although I was drab by then, I forgot I had my makeup on still. Whoops.

11-20-2011, 05:01 PM
Well, my wife took my hand in church a few years ago. "Is this nail glue on you fingers?" she hissed in my ear. Whoops.

And Saturday, she said, "Have you been outside the house in the side yard again? Someone moved the trash can and didn't put it back!" She wants me to stay inside the house for my pictures. But I was in the side yard and of course, had to take the trash can out of the photo. Anybody can forget something.

And I was driving a TG friend home and she (he) suddenly wanted me to stop to pick up a quick pizza while she waited in my car. Although I was drab by then, I forgot I had my makeup on still. Whoops.

It's just so easy to do. lol

11-20-2011, 08:03 PM
This is how I was outed. I got a new wig and decided to brush it alittle after putting it on. Well I used a brush of my wifes from her drawer. However I forgot to check it for hairs when done. It was a long bruntte wig and she has shorter blonde hair. The next morning she called me down stairs to ask if I had someone in the house?? I was terrified and lied thru my teeth. 2 days later I couldn't take it any more and told her everything. She suspected I was having an affair. Not this!!

11-20-2011, 08:17 PM
I'm confused, Jill? If your RE agent didn't know u were a CD, why would he care about a bra? And, why would his clients care?

As a former practicing RE broker for over 25 years, I've seen a LOT of embarrassing and/or ridiculous things left out during showings. A bra or panties left out? I wouldn't even notice!

Annie D
11-20-2011, 08:39 PM
My wife and I were checking out at Ross and I normally pay with my debit card. Upon opening my wallet I realized that my card along with my driver's license were not there. Without giving it a second thought, right in front of the cashier, I told my wife, "gosh darn it, I forgot to transfer all the cards out of my purse back into my wallet." I then asked the cashier if she could hold our items while I went home to get my cards. The cashier didn't bat an eye and my wife and I had a good chuckle from the experience. Nothing was said when I returned to pay for the items. Unfortunately, my wife would not allow me to return with my purse on my arm.

Maria 60
11-20-2011, 09:21 PM
Everyone came home from shopping and i was asleep on the couch. When i woke up about a hour later i went to the washroom and noticed that i forgot to take off my fem necklace and surprised no one noticed it.