View Full Version : Things you get away with in public if in closet

11-19-2011, 02:28 PM
Me, I get away with light mascara everyday, i always wear female boyshorts..., legs shaved, body shaved, armpits shaved, and shiny lip gloss everyday... things i've been caught for... tanning, my girly smells (lotions, bath items, body sprays) the way I sit, and my eyebrows... pretty soon im sure to get "called out" on the rest, but hey who cares huh..

11-19-2011, 11:07 PM
Let's see...

I shave my chest, armpits, and legs. I wear panties only (mostly thongs at that). My eyebrows are waxed. For a few months my finger nails were painted. My toes are always painted. Recently, I began wearing trouser socks instead of my male socks.

The only things I worry about outing me are the socks and my eyebrows. Ok, my panties too if someone looks at my butt and notices the panty line (or lack there of). When I paint my nails, I take a chance on getting outed quickest there. The only reason I stopped wearing the polish on my nails is because I ended up smashing my finger at work. When I reported it in case I something was really wrong with my finger, my boss spent 2 days trying to look at it for the report. I made sure to use polish remover before I would let it get examined. I'd hate to have to explain why I was wearing "treatment" for a smashed finger nail before I smashed it.



11-19-2011, 11:12 PM
I wore a bra to work today.


Diane Smith
11-20-2011, 02:28 AM
My hair is platinum blonde and down to my upper back now, I always wear long nails, I'm shaved all over, my eyebrows are shaped, and I have permanent eye makeup (shadow and liner). I couldn't look less butch and I'm sure some people I know talk about it -- but it causes no problems in my daily life, and I occasionally get compliments about my appearance. YMMV.

- Diane

11-20-2011, 03:24 AM
I always wear lacy panties, keep my legs shaved and my toe nails painted. I forgot all about the last two of those yesterday morning when I opened the door to the postman, whilst wearing a pair of shorts. I don't think he noticed - if he did, he was completely unphased by it. To my surprise, instead of feeling awkward or embarrassed I actually got a buzz from the whole experience.

11-20-2011, 07:08 AM
Toenails painted, trouser sock or tights, tight low rise junior stretch jeans, girls top, long arylic nails, thin arched eyebrows, light make-up ear rings, braclet,how more feminine can I get, of course a bra and panties

11-20-2011, 07:39 AM
Legs and armpits shaved, panties always (love satin!), yoga pants and a sports bra while riding my bike, toenails painted, light brown or clear mascara.

11-20-2011, 08:15 AM
Sometimes I get away with wearing a kilt in public- with panties, pantyhose and a slip underneath of course!

11-20-2011, 03:39 PM
My nails are just a little too long, and too perfectly shaped and filed, for an average straight guy. I'm VERY careful to remove every trace of polish before I go to work.

11-20-2011, 03:49 PM
I love wearing skinny jeans when i go to any shopping centre, no one seems to notice:D:heehee:

11-20-2011, 03:56 PM
legs and arm pits are always shaved and i wear sexy panties all the time and sometimes a wear stockings under my work clothes.

wendy xxx

11-20-2011, 04:31 PM
Legs shaved, thong panties, clear nail polish, tight girls jeans, and high heel boots/sandals.

Jenny Doolittle
11-20-2011, 04:41 PM
I dont think it is so much that maybe others don't notice. they either are too concerned with their own life to be concerned about others. I always enjoy a knowing smile, and really I think we as CDers are far more aware of how we present our fem-side then someone else is to recognize it. Anyway, enjoy your time out, I think to some degree we all are wanting someone to notice us as our fem-self.

Karren H
11-20-2011, 04:53 PM
Really depends on your definition of "getting away with"! No one noticing or no one caring or you didn't get tarred and feathered!

And I don't consider wearing women's jeans as getting away with anything but a crime against good fashion! Lol.

11-20-2011, 05:06 PM
Picking up on Karren's post... occasionally I make a gaff!

To be in line with others...

Shaved all over below the neck, most days pantyhose, hold ups or garter belt and stockings depending on mood and outer attire (what will peek through!), thongs or lacy shorts, bra depending on style of shirt and other tops, nails longish but not so long you get comments... sometimes with clear polish... no make-up yet but working on it!

Gaffs... forgetting to put socks on when I was wearing fishnet holdups... 1 day in my life. Nothing has changed for the worse... to my knowledge... Did I get away with it? No idea - I am not going to bring it up in conversation!

11-21-2011, 05:35 AM
Explain that one.....?
People don't notice tights?
Not if I'm wearing socks to my knees - and I wear a slightly longer kilt than is traditional to hide my fem clothing underneath. I real kilt fanatic would say I'm wearing a skirt, not a kilt - to the layman it's plainly a kilt.

Claire Cook
11-21-2011, 06:17 AM
Really depends on your definition of "getting away with"! No one noticing or no one caring or you didn't get tarred and feathered!

And I don't consider wearing women's jeans as getting away with anything but a crime against good fashion! Lol.

Jeez, Karren's reported me to the authorities again!

11-21-2011, 06:39 AM
I wear black nail varnish loads, nobody seems to care or bat an eyelid, and I wear eyeliner loads. Same.

Karren H
11-21-2011, 06:51 AM
Jeez, Karren's reported me to the authorities again!

I have a ton of feathers but lucky for you I ran out of tar! :)

11-21-2011, 07:48 AM
Why do they call it Commando .

Because apparently when the commandos were fighting in tropical areas they would go sans undies. The purpose behind this is to have as few layers that need to dry out when your sopping wet for days at a time. This helps to avoid crotch rot! Something no woman wants her hunky army dude to have! YUCK! Hey YOU asked.

As for "getting away with it" most of you are fooling yourselves! Your not getting away with anything. Lots of woman have noticed your shaped eyebrows lack of body hair and "light" make up but who is going to say something to you? And what would they say? Most people just don't give rip what YOU wear!

11-21-2011, 11:09 AM
Yeah. I did of few of these silly little things for years! Underdressing to work or to a theater. Even wore a tite laced corset one day and my ribs hurt for nearly 2 weeks!

But, it all became pointless after awhile! Because it only made me want MORE! Now, I normally dress ALL THE WAY or NOT AT ALL! And, the way Sherry "normally" dresses isn't mall friendly! Lol!

11-21-2011, 11:26 AM
I have found that the following women’s clothes are suitable in "male mode."

!) Pants: Women’s pull on pants are much easier to put on than men’s belted pants. They do not need a fake fly, as the absence of it is usually not apparent, but I prefer non-figured and solid color, non-pastel pants so they are not readily identified as women’s clothing.

2) Panties: Underwear with a fly is unnecessary with pull on pants. Although there are no-fly briefs in the men’s department, women’s full-cut briefs work just as well, and are often cheaper.

3) Slips: Shirttails tend to readily pull out of pull on pants. This can expose panty and pantyhose tops and a bare back is usually uncomfortable when seated. A “solution” is to wear a full slip that is short enough to be worn with slacks. A slip with adjustable straps, lace trim, and a bodice is even OK as it is covered and feminine features aren’t apparent. Also slips are usually made of material that makes it easier to pull on pants.

4) Bra: This is generally not considered an adrogynous item, but it can be useful in “boy mode” to keep non-adjustable straps on a slip from falling off the shoulders

5) Pantyhose: An MD suggested that I wear support pantyhose to avoid swelling of the legs and the indentation in my lower legs that mid-calf or knee-high socks make. Pantyhose do not require anything that is not also needed with pull on pants. Opaque ones are best, as they aren't readily identified as women's hosiery, but that isn't necessary and nude, suntan, or black sheer pantyhose are OK and are more available.

6) Purse: Keeping a wallet, comb, notepad, phone, and keys in pants pockets is awkward as it is hard to extract them when seated, and pockets in women’s pull on pants are often not very deep anyway. My “solution” is to use a small shoulder purse, which can either be worn or secured in a basket when that is available.

11-21-2011, 11:54 AM
I have shaved legs, shaved arm pits pretty much my whole body is shaved. Thong panties. Worn my skinny jeans but with sneakers would love to wear flats with them as they look better. Have my flare jeans with heels. Women's slacks with 4.5 " sandals. My eyebrows are cleaned up and a small arch. I am considering more fem attributes. I want to get my eyebrows done more fem with more of an arch. Any suggestions on which celebrity I should try and mimic? Also I want to get a french manicure.


11-21-2011, 01:18 PM
For me, I wear conceiler, light mascara, lip gloss and longer nails with a clear polish on them every day.

11-21-2011, 02:37 PM
With all these wonderful responses, I'm not sure where "in the closet" fits in!!!!!

11-21-2011, 04:37 PM
First it started out as a time saver. Do all the prep work so that when Renne time comes around, I can get into the 9 yards as fast as possible. So I'd shave everywhere the day before, now all the time. Wake up early to shave the mug so that when it's Renne time half the work's done.. Then I figured, why not wear the chic jeans every day. So I do. One of my biological replacements asked me from about 2 meters behind me, hey are you wearing girls jeans? I pretended to not hear and it didn't get repeated so I just let that one go. Then I picked up a pair of girl tennis shoes and that's about as far as I go... Now if I can only lose a few more lbs I wouldn't have to spend soo much time gettin into that darn laceup corset.... LOL.


11-22-2011, 08:08 AM
i know that some stuff gets noticed as there have been comments - usually about a purse or jewelry. comments about my hair have been complimentary. but otherwise, no one comments on the pants or the blouses or the coats or jackets or the shoes. still not good enough with make up to feel comfortable wearing it out although i have worn mascara. all in time.

11-22-2011, 08:17 AM
I don't know if I was getting away with anything, but I used to wear a bit of mascara and light lipstick on evenings out. I got a few puzzled looks but otherwise it was largely ignored. I went incrementally more femme for a while, adding womens tops, heels, and bra with forms...typically under a jacket. Then, at the suggestion of a friend, I considered that I presenting a fairly incongruous appearance and might just as well go full femme.

11-22-2011, 11:58 AM
Like most everyone else I am completely shaved below the collar bone. Mani & pedi, toe are painted China Glaze holly-day green and I leave my finger nails unpainted since it's pointless at work. I don't own a single pair of guys underwear so wearing women's underwear everyday is my only option. I'll typically wear a low 1-1/2" to 2" healed boot since I'm 5'10". No need to exaggerate my height any more than it already is, right?. My makeup is generally pretty light. Beard shadow concealer (self explanatory), I use a neutral eye shadow to hide my thin eyelids, brown mascara for the day to day and chap stick.

I don't know how well all that stuff is "Things you get away with in public" for me because I've gotten so comfortable doing it for so many years that it has just become a normal thing. I wanna believe that women don't pay as much attention if your not being overly self-aware. You just gotta let it go. So what if someone you don't know outs you. Chances are your never gonna see them again.
::. Side note: If you are outed, make that person REAAAALLLLYYY uncomfortable. They had the gaw to confront you in public, now make em pay.

11-22-2011, 12:10 PM
Me, I get away with light mascara everyday, i always wear female boyshorts..., legs shaved, body shaved, armpits shaved, and shiny lip gloss everyday... things i've been caught for... tanning, my girly smells (lotions, bath items, body sprays) the way I sit, and my eyebrows... pretty soon im sure to get "called out" on the rest, but hey who cares huh..

Jandsam, judging by your description, you are no longer in the closet, so just go ahead and be free! When people meet you they know you don't fit within their concept of the "average" male ... unless you move among certain cutting edge groups in NYC or LA. :)

11-24-2011, 06:34 PM
Sometimes I get away with wearing a kilt in public- with panties, pantyhose and a slip underneath of course!

"It's not a skirt, it's a kilt, if it were a skirt I'd be wearing underwear"

11-24-2011, 07:09 PM
Omg thanks for all the replies! So ya I decided I would do my eyes all way up mascara eyeliner and shadaw and made a decision to go in public, so I take off on a drive end up at a strip club in dallas... I got compliments all night from the girls a few free dances for sure more than I paid for... even had a guy buy me a drink all in all it was great night... oh and I'm pretty sure the girls at my work notice or atleaast one I know for sure she always bats her eyes at me and smiles... and btw I work at a tar and feather company lol I get hell all day when I wear a pink shirt lol but like I say I don't mind I think its fun!

CD Tammy
11-24-2011, 08:32 PM
I wear tights or pantyhose almost every day. If I wear two pair, you can't tell they aren't male socks. When on my commute I wear pumps. I love it. I often stop for gas while wearing pumps. I make sure that I park at a far fuel island.

11-25-2011, 12:50 PM
Not so much in public, but in my apartment building has free internet if I go to the elevator lobby. I usually am wearing a pair of MJ flats or a pair of black 3" chunky heels. I haven't quite worked up the courage to wear my red Baby Doll 5" pumps unless it was really early in the morning.

11-26-2011, 09:02 PM
Since the Summer I have been shaving my legs, had a couple of compliments on the legs when walking in wearing bike shorts. they seemed genuine so i said thanks for noticing. Have also been shaving my pits, not sure it has been noticed in the locker room, ditto the belly. Not quite sure why i haven't shaved the chest, or arms, but some time soon, I'm gonna get a waxing, and that will involve everything below the neck, except a neat triangle. Oh yes! i trim that area, but don't shave it. I wear panties, these have been seen, but given they are always simple briefs, not sure it was recognized.

11-26-2011, 10:42 PM
I agree, WHO CARES! After years of being told not to act feminine during my childhood, I'm finally starting to just forget about all that. Wether you're a CD or not, no man should be forced to supress his feminine side, it's simply not healthy. The world will wake up to this truth one day I believe.

Jennifer B
12-22-2011, 08:55 PM
Knickers, Shaved legs and panty hose all under drab.

Years ago I went out with stockings and suspenders under my trousers. They were thin expensive designer trousers but in the mirror the sussies didn't show. Little did I know. I walked to the shops and passed a very attractive Woman who was older than me. Her face broke into a grin as she passed me and she couldn't stop smiling. It was a very windy day and I looked down to see that the wind was blowing so hard that the outline of the stocking straps was clearly visible. I had no idea and had never expected that. I think my face was probably beet red for two days after that.

Also when out with my last Girlfriend, she would often sidle up behind me and whisper that she could see my panty line. So is it all ever really hidden? I suppose it depends who's, looking for what.

Jennifer in CO
12-23-2011, 10:36 AM
Womens-wear is pretty much all I wear. Always under-dressed usually with a cami (don't own any male underwear), tights, hose or trouser socks, ladies slacks (no-fly front, side zip, etc) usually in black, dark blue or dark brown although I do have a few pair of khaki tan slacks, ladies pull-over blouse of some kind but on occasion a button up, and ladies loafers (they have a men's Italian look to them). Its "drab" enough that no one notices. I have heard comments behind my back like "he is such a sharp dresser" or "I wish my man would take the time to look that nice" ....


12-23-2011, 11:05 AM
I wear panties in public, who's going to see them anyway? The only public risk I have with them is when I go to the gym. I have clear coat on my toes. The only person to notice and say anything is my daughter in law. She was sweet enough to call me out in front of my whole family.

12-25-2011, 01:11 AM
Much the same here except I have gone to color on my toenails 24/7. I just
keep my socks on around the family. Otherwise when just me and the wife
I never wear socks. Kansas City huh? I'm in Boonville, Mo. just west of

12-25-2011, 08:54 AM
I am hairless from the neck down. Wear panties/thongs on occasion. I wear womens shoes a lot because my feet are too small for most mens shoes although the shoes are not always very fem looking but I know they are womens shoes. When out of town I think nothing of wearing androgenous blouses with capris or girls shorts. Hugs Riki