View Full Version : Disguising your voice...

11-20-2011, 06:04 PM
I have a deep voice, but have been told I am passable when dressed. When approached by men, not sure if they see me as a CD or as a regular woman. Am always afraid to say anything back(other then smile, and whisper a thank you). Am afraid if a guy may flip out if I answer in my man voice.
Any suggestions, or tips???

11-20-2011, 06:21 PM
I'd like to know as well. I was doing a funny voice when one of my buddies said to me 'you sounded like a girl!'. So I might have found mine by accident but any tips are welcome.

11-20-2011, 06:31 PM
I have been told on numerous occasions that there is no way that I could have a feminine voice. It is a good voice for radio or telephone work, but it sure does not sound "girly!" Long ago I gave up even trying to sound feminine!!

11-20-2011, 06:55 PM
I'm a newbie and am just started working on my voice. A woman once told me that speaking with an accent helps. I've been trying a Southern drawl and it seems to help.

S. Lisa Smith
11-20-2011, 07:59 PM
There are a lot of threads on the forum about this. I have used a voice teacher to great result. There are tons of videos on Youtube.

Suzette Muguet de Mai
11-20-2011, 08:04 PM
Try this for a start, http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?163570-Voice-Feminisation then search for voice in above search field or google voice feminization.

11-20-2011, 08:30 PM
Thanks for all of your input!

11-21-2011, 04:40 AM

Well i seem to be doing pretty good being in choirs, & sang a lot, & mones tho i spos thinking as well , so all put to gether & only one person ever told me some 4 years ago i need to work on my voice. well i never did as it was yet my voice is where it should be in sound ,

& Im to well known now not to even bother changeing , really im not a girle girl so no one looks at me sideways when im talking & yes done public speaking as well. so it must be okay, well im happy the way it is,tho i thought it may have been a problem,


11-21-2011, 10:08 PM
What I do is carry a very masculine hand puppet with me when out. When someone talks to me I let the puppet respond for me.

Maria Ann
11-21-2011, 10:27 PM
I recently came across this series of videos that I thought might help everyone.


11-21-2011, 11:26 PM
One of the suggestions I heard several years ago was to imitate a favorite female singer. Sing along with her music until you're satisfied with your own pitch. If you can go from baritone to tenor or alto, that should help considerably. Remember, some GGs have naturally deeper voices and still sound perfectly normal.

11-22-2011, 01:05 AM
I have been told on numerous occasions that there is no way that I could have a feminine voice. It is a good voice for radio or telephone work, but it sure does not sound "girly!" Long ago I gave up even trying to sound feminine!!

To OP and above poster:

There are THREE main differences between / characteristics of the MALE and FEMALE "voice".

1 - THE FREQUENCY ( PITCH ) RANGE in which each usually speaks
2 - THE WAY / STYLE each usually speaks
3 - THE WORDS / SENTENCES each uses

1 You can get to female frequency by singing and practicing singing one, then two octave higher
... then SAYING the words one then two octaves higher until you don't squeak ( see 2 )

2 You will regulate the POWER of your voice and learn to be more BREATHY than BOOMY
and FLOW with your words. Listent to men talk on youtube - the PAUSE - HESITATE
between each word more ( miliseconds ) whereas we FLOW words together - often
without thinking ( result - talking a lot and not saying much ) ( see 3 )

3 Ask a guy how his day went. He will say "Good ... or "don't ask"
Ask a female how her day went - she will say "Well first I ( blah blah blah )
and then ( blah blah blah ) ( feel free to jump in anytime and say
"oh that's awful - poor you" or "congratulations - that's great! lucky you!" )
Generally -
Women love to talk and express feelings about stuff ( the more drama, the better! )
If men talk, they are expressing FACTS about stuff .