View Full Version : Would like someone to no!!

11-24-2011, 06:25 PM
Hi all been dressing for years now. And been trying to find other tvs to dress with but with no joy. Anyway I normally under dress just in underwear normally a thong as I do a manually Job so have to be carefully. Have been thinking about coming out to a friend at work she is great, Great fun and a loyal person from what I have seen anyway. But dont no whether it is a good idea to come out to her or what to say. Today at work thought that a easy way to maybe brake the ice was to bend over infront of her and hope she might catch a glimpse of the thong. So squatted down infront of her facing away from her as she come in knowing that if she had looked down she would have seen it. She is married to so don't no if it's a good idea in that respect. Any suggestion to how? And is it a good idea.
Manu thanks Jordan. Xxx

11-24-2011, 06:49 PM
You can say only with hindsight if it was a good idea. I first came out to strangers in the i-net and meet 2 of them. Coming out to friends is still open. I only know, that people without any feelings for you are more neutral to this matter, than close family. But I don't know about the religion of your friend and the city your are living in, you know Germany is probably much more open thna US ...

Suzette Muguet de Mai
11-24-2011, 08:22 PM
I came out to a friend and he is ok, but I have known him for years. I came out to my mother but she has forgotten. Just be so careful because if they are not comfortable about the topic, especially at work, your position at work may become unworkable if she does not agree with your dressing.

11-24-2011, 10:10 PM
First I would ask if ‘coming out’ to a friend is absolutely necessary. Is it a kick for some laughs, or some support, or someone to prance around in front of ?

You also have a job on the line and your life can quickly be destroyed if your friend tells even one other, who may tell the world. I would re-evaluate my need to share that knowledge very carefully. I think one can often reveal themselves as a reformed axe-murderer, drug addict or urban terrorist, and receive more support, than tell someone that you wear women’s clothing.

It is still a societal time-bomb

11-25-2011, 12:17 AM
Unless it's ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, don't! I've told 2 lady friends because I felt the need to tell somebody! My results weren't good.

Telling someone is like squeezing all the toothpaste out of the tube. It can NEVER go back in again!

11-25-2011, 01:42 AM
Hindsight dont you mean behind sight?

11-25-2011, 02:09 AM
The last person I would tell is someone I work with. There are too many problems with coming out to someone there. You didn't mention where you live. There must be a transgender support group somewhere that you could access.

11-25-2011, 03:06 PM
Keep it out of the workplace, it is just a bad idea all around.

And don't bend over and expose your underwear to her, that is a harassment lawsuit just waiting to happen.

Presh GG
11-25-2011, 03:46 PM
REALLY BAD IDEA all around.

Married women tell their husbands everything . Now how would you feel if a guy co-worker of your wife did this ?

If you need someone to tell, see a counselor.
Presh GG

Cynthia Anne
11-25-2011, 04:16 PM
I agree with the others on this! Unless you are finding another job I wouldn't take the chance of screwing up the one you have! Hugs!

Kathi Lake
11-25-2011, 06:19 PM
You would like someone to no? OK, . . . NO!!

I understand the temptation to get the secret out. Really, I do. However, you say she's a great person, etc. " . . . from what I have seen anyway." That tells me that you really may not know this person and her reaction to you. Flashing a thong? Seriously? What kind of message do you think that sends - whether you're a man or a woman? To me, it would scream out, "Hey, I'm totally full of class!"

If you want to test the waters, mention seeing a movie with crossdressing or something, maybe saying something about always wondering how you'd look as a woman. See where it goes from there. You will either get interest, or a quick cold shoulder. Hopefully you'll know the difference.


11-25-2011, 06:39 PM
I agree with the others. The work place is not a good idea at all. Next, read the horror stories here about thos efoolish enough to expose their crossdressing to their wives instead of sitting them down and telling them about it. Frankly, it grosses me out to see a thong showing above pants even on a GG, let alone on a guy. Bad idea. I hope she did not have to see it.

Jennifer Soames
11-26-2011, 08:17 PM
I think telling someone at work is a huge risk and you should not do it and especially not the way you are heading. You will lose your job. If you must tell this person try seeing if she is open minded on a whole range of subject first and then tell her.

I come out to the SA I buy lingerie from. They know anyhow and they are great for 2 reasons. First, it is almost a guaranteed sale and next it makes thier day. It is true some are not interested ans some are right into flirting and all places in between. I always start with telling them that I am shopping for myself and ask if that is OK. I am chatty about the styles I am after. I have found that on my third visit they ask the questions and I share a little bit more information.

I shopped yesterday for the 4th time at this small independent lingerie boutique and the same SA asked me 2 or 3 questions and when i made my purchase she pointed out all the very fem aspects of the bra and panties I was buying. She said the colour "Angel Blue" and then said "blue for boys and I suppose pink too". I laughed and so did she.

I felt great and she said that she gets lots of men who try to hide thier real reason for buying. This make them (SA) uncomfortable. What I have found is that if talking to another female and CD comes up I am much more relaxed about talking about it, although not necessarily about me being a CD.

You must of course be tasteful and careful not to be sleazy or give too much info too soon. SA have no personal interest in yourr CD'ing and are not threatened by someone being honest.

If when you go into the store and say you are shopping for yourself and they say it is not OK then leave and no harm done.

All of this works well for me but may not for you. What I do say is don't do risky things out of desperation to share your secret. If you think things through you have a much better chance of a good outcome.

11-27-2011, 12:46 AM
I have told two ladies friends that I work with and have had no problems. Of course I don't broadcast to the heavens either. My wife and daughter and my best friend know all are good with me cding. Guess you never know.

Rachel Flowers
11-27-2011, 04:19 AM
It does make me very happy to be British to remember it's illegal here to fire someone for what they like to wear in their private life.

We still have the social issues to handle but it really does sound like our US sisters have that far tougher.